Tuesday, October 15, 2024



For those of you that have an interest in the Plan Commission meetings, there will be no October Plan Commission meeting.


There will however be a November meeting.  Once the agenda has been finalized after the submittal deadline, I will email out the agenda.




Nicole Daily

Director of Planning and Zoning

Floodplain Administrator


T:  812-537-8821  |   F:  812-532-2029

Dearborn County Government Center

Dearborn County Planning and Zoning Department

165 Mary Street

Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

Website: www.dearborncounty.org/planning





Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Updates, Soil & Water Conservation District Erin Huber, Environmental Tech/Educator and Ken Gunkel, Chair of DCSWCD- Ken introduced Erin Huber is the new hire replacing Vicki Riggs. Thanked Connie for helping with 13 applicants- she is a local girl from Aurora.Also wishing Connie happy birthday- early Friday is it. Filled supervisor position with Joe Wolf from Dillsboro when Tom Klump stepped down (not the Excavator) Had FFA students from South Dearborn HS to attend meeting due to Fall break. OKI tour - Had interesting stops in Hamilton County- Rumple dump is 1000ft tall and has been there for 100 years on 900 acres.They got to go to the top and look into the hole.  Liberty Theater is the site of their annual meeting March 13th at 6 pm so they are excited about that.Its a new venue. 

Erin Huber- she graduated South Dearborn grad in spring from UC with Bachelors Degree in Environmental Studies.Grateful that she had internship in summer and was available when this job was posted. Grateful that she got the job. Also worked at Newport Aquarium and Cincinnati Nature Center. Big role to fill from Vicki. She talked about soil samples and reading those, getting used to farm equipment and renting that out to local farmers, attending local things meeting local people and attending local workshops. Went to Michaela Farms to see their projects. Today she is going to Henryville to watch a prescribed burn to help wildlife and native pollinators as well. Nice to meet you all. 

Resolution Authorizing & Approving the Entry into an Interlocal Agreement Between Dearborn County and Ohio County and Interlocal Agreement regarding Courthouse employees in Ohio County Pay. -Baudendistel referred this to last year trying to get all the employees of both Courthouses on same pay scale as Dearborn County. Ohio County sent $180,000 which is a raise over last year and drug tester for $16,718 is for 1/3 pay of this position is in this also. Resolution 2024-007was approved and signed. Then Interlocal Agreement for $180,000 and $16,718 for Community Correction employees was approved and signed.

2025 Holiday Calendar- Connie Fromhold presented it and only change was day after Christmas instead of the day before. Approved

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and October 1st Minutes- Approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- 





Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Friday, October 11, 2024

AGENDA- NOTE- MORNING MEETING at 9 AM for October 15th Commissioners



October 15, 2024 

9:00 a.m. Henry Dearborn Room

Dearborn County Government Center

165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana






  • Updates, Soil & Water Conservation District – Erin Huber, Environmental Tech/Educator and Ken Gunkel, Chair of DCSWCD

  • Resolution Authorizing & Approving the Entry into an Interlocal Agreement Between Dearborn County and Ohio County
  • Interlocal

  • 2025 Holiday Calendar


VII. AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold

  • Claims/Payroll/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel





Tuesday, October 08, 2024

8 October 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

 8 October 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

See notes in red below for Bright TIF public involvement opportunity

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, Jim Mansfield, Mark Dole.

ABSENT: Daryl Cutter (non- voting school board member)

Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker,  Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer, Mike Perleberg One Dearborn was present via telephone.

Attorney Anthony Smart was not present.

Title VI statement read as legally required.


IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties;

IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4) (A) to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision

Memorandum  stating that no other matters were discussed except those advertised was certified by board.

Action on Executive Session- Both items below were approved 

1.Have attorney Anthony Smart draw up agreement for  Moore Lane Improvement in  West Harrison TIF-  Approved

2.Have Mark Rosenberger from Bayer Becker work on billboard permits and landscape/tree clearing. Approved

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Sept 10th approved with minor corrections.


Claims: $840.00 to Drake Lawn for mowing Aurora 3 times, Bright 3 times, W. Harrison 3 times and W. Harrison ditch area 3 times.   One Dearborn 3rd quarter billing $12,500 and CherryRoad Media $132.29 Legal Ad running twice for public hearing   Total: $13,472.29  Approved to pay all.

Financials- none passed out.

OLD BUSINESS: Mike Perleberg and Anthony Smart were to be working on this for November meeting to have done by end of the year per Hayden. Perleberg via telephone affirmed this. Also approved Sue Hayden’s pay increase. 

Cushman Wakefield Listing Contract- present for the meeting and gave short update on market conditions. Tom McCormack and Lindsey Hartman presented for Cushman Wakefield. 2021 was the peak of the demand for space. It has continued to slide since then. Economy slowed down a bit too. They are in a low supply on the demand side of space. 8% vacancy rates now. It’s balanced. But Manufacturing and industrial is at 2-3% vacancy though and this is low. Mid size and large manufacturing companies need space. We think this will bode well for industrial landowners like DCRC. Lindsey- continuing to keep the press on with direct marketing. They get over 20% of opening of their emails when marketing DCRC properties. 

Deddens asked about Hillwood out of Texas - McCormick said Hillwood had the building for 6 months now and it is not full yet. Cushman Wakefield is under contract with them out there. 

Contract will be settled at 2nd meeting in October for Cushman Wakefield. 

Billboard Management- covered for Rosenberger to handle see above notes from Executive Session.

Potential Donation for Stellar Pathway Projects- Deaton said this is a big item and Greendale and Bright are going to be requiring a match. Every dollar is matched by Stellar Pathways. We will have to make our decision by the next meeting- so this gives you time to consider this. Bright Meadows  50/50 for $2 million with IDNR and Infill housing Greendale Indiana Development Corp. is $3 plus million.  80/20 match and OCRA and Community Block grants. This is not decided yet as to the types of housing. These will be decided at the November meeting so think about it until then.

Perleberg said that they are particularly interested in getting the match on the Bright Meadows Park. They need to get a number that the DCRC would be comfortable with. DNR land Water Conservation funds. Even if they do not win Stellar they could still get this funding with a 50/50 match. If you have the matching why not contribute what you have? (Perleberg asked- even is Stellar does not go thru) Also school property is not eligible for that DNR funding. 

Deaton said they got approval for the Bright TIF from Commissioners. 

Perleberg- DCRC got this approval from PC Sept 23 and Oct 1 Commissioners passed it. Now they are to advertise this in paper this week and next. And notifying taxing units. November 12 meeting is the public hearing and then they can consider the confirming resolution. 

And here is where something that HAS NOT BEEN DONE WITH BRIGHT TIF PROCESS gets brought up by Deaton.

Jim Deaton said that if they have this TIF meeting on Nov 12th at 9AM then the public in Bright cannot be there. They need an evening meeting. The public needs to know about the TIF plans. Sue Hayden suggested possibly 2 meetings- the open house and the regular morning meeting  Mansfield said they could get Bright Christian Church and have it in paper etc. He’s a member of the church. [NOTE: After the meeting but before I left the room Jim Mansfield called Deaton as he found out Bright Christian has services on Wed nights so Nov 6 is out. Deaton noted they have option 2 which is Bright Elementary.]

Plan is to have 2 meetings- Evening open house in Bright at Bright Christian Church or Bright Elementary at 7 PM on Wednesday Nov 6 and will check both locations. Then the DCRC will decide the TIF at 9 AM meeting after that on November 12.

RFP for Bright TIF Master Plan- Deaton said already done. 



OTHER BUSINESS- Helms said that their support people for DCRC who help them do a good job- applause. 


Jim Mansfield announced he had gotten married last week at the end after adjournment. 

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Thursday, October 03, 2024

3 October 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

 3 October 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger.

ABSENT: Steward Cline and Russell Beiersdorfer 

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Bob and Mike Hrezo and Christy of Hrezo Engineering, Jim Thatcher, Commissioner and Sue Hayden, County Administrator, Tamara Taylor, The Beacon.

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: September 19th minutes- Approved

Public Comment: none

Project Updates: Christy from Hrezo reported:

Guilford and Lake Dilldear have been approved by all parties and the contract needs to be signed. After that the checks will be processed and can be picked up. The numbers are the same as were submitted to ARPA. IDEM has filed for summary judgement on the one complaint of Guilford project per Kramer. Kramer has reviewed the contracts and they are acceptable. Board approved and signed the 2 ARPA contracts. (Board members are listed as trustees on the contracts)

Board approved moving forward with the projects. The Guilford Project will get an invoice from Chaffee on the tanks in October. 

Hrezo gave Renihan contract to sign in triplicate with Earth Tek for Guilford and Kramer has reviewed them. Approved and signed by Renihan. 

Hrezo gave Board the contracts and form 96 for C/H &M excavator to sign for Guilford and also for Lake Dilldear. Reviewed by Kramer already. Approved by Board and signed in triplicate.

They have the Earth Tek pump for Mr Lloyd and will install it and keep the Liberty pump for Mr Ashcraft. If Ashcraft wants the pump, he will get a letter from Kramer to sign to pay for the pump and labor after the 90 day time period. The DCRSD wants to be able to assess the pump to see if it is working within 90 days of install. If it works, he will then have to pay for it and labor. Approved by board. The board will pay for a run time meter on the pump to see how it is operating.

Pear Tree Lane has passed and replaced the line. The son is taking care of the estate management now, as his father has passed. Paperwork at next meeting.  

New Business: Fehrman asked about Moores Hill issues. Stenger said when we did the West Harrison project it was his understanding that the money would be reimbursed when they had TIF money there. Citizens are losing their houses in Moores Hill- and we could fix this with that TIF money being paid back. Baer said that this is being researched by someone and he cannot say anything more yet as he doesn’t know what the answer is. 

Office Update: none

Claims: Approved billing adjustment for Mr Lloyd and Mr Ashcraft. Claims approved. Claims will have to be separated by project and approved separately. They will be paid out of separate accounts for Connie Fromhold per Doug Baer. 

Discretion of the Board: Renihan said his term ends 12/31/2024. They are going to get Sue Hayden to check on each board member’s term. He does not want to take on new project till they get the RFP, etc. There are quite a few things on the plate now. Fehrman wants to keep this Moores Hill in mind. 

Insurance has a proposal that is less than the current one. Cincinnati Insurance and Great American Insurance are the new proposal. They have higher limits of liability. There’s a $2,500 Railroad ROW insurance required annually for utilities. Current insurer does not provide this. Board approved the change to Cincinnati and Great American Insurance Companies.

Renihan thanked the commissioners and Sue Hayden for all their help with ARPA and projects. Thanked engineers, the board and Frank Kramer too.      

Adjourn: 6:05 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Tuesday, October 01, 2024



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Pioneer Cemetery - Alan Cornelius- Aaron Hayes- presented - as a descendent of one of the first pioneers who settled here.Hayes Family Association has met annually for 120 years. Been here since 1790s. The natural deterioration of the headstones makes it hard to see who is buried there. There are active burials happening there and it is difficult to tell if they are encroaching on existing graves. They have done research on what can be done and tell who is where etc. The cemetery is over 100 year sold, It has never looked better- they have done good work there. This will help the township and need help funding the professional surveying etc. It has been discussed with the township.  Open to it but lack funding in township who is helping maintain the cemetery. 

Dennis Kraus Jr. President of DC Cemetery Association. Cornelius said township owns it since 1920s. They have interred new people there in 1990s - not sure since then. Baudendistel said that there are several avenues to research. There are 4 revolutionary officers and 2 civil war officers, etc. buried there. It depends on who is buried there- whether or not the county gets involved instead of township, perhaps. It is also in Greendale city limits. If the cemetery is deteriorated the county can step ion and also with the war veterans. Cemetery Commission meets tonight at Vance Tousey House per Kraus Jr. - if they want to attend.   

Appointment to Lawrenceburg Library Board of Trustees- Jake Moore, Director LPLD- Susan Ketcham is the recommended replacement, for Gary Gellert who resigned recently. Her resume shows a background with library work too. Approved. 

Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission- Jim Deaton- President DCRC and Mike Perleberg, One Dearborn- Establishing a Bright TIF Economic Development Area and Allocation Area and Resolution-  Deaton presented the proposed TIF in the Bright area. There are no questions from the commissioners and so they voted immediately to APPROVE the resolution.

This now goes immediately back to the DCRC for their final hearing. October 8th 9 AM is their next regular meeting.

Vehicle Discussion - Bill Shelton Building Commissioner- 3 vehicles in their dept - 2 from Special Crimes are OK. One that he purchased in 2018 and it has had motor issues twice. He wants to replace with used and priced 2 locally. Then he priced a new one. Asking for their input. Connie Fromhold said Assessor got a new escape that they are sharing with the Veterans Office. Need all wheel drive due to where they have to get to. Escape or Equinox will work. Looked local for a transmission shop and ended up in Madison for work on one of his 2 that are in good shape. Health Dept will loan him their brown truck till he gets a another vehicle per Connie Fromhold. Suggested he add maintenance in his budget now too when he goes to Council. Approved to go to Council and also talk with Sue Hayden to see about sources, 

Baudendistel also told them the Stateline Rd House is demolished- Nicole and Bill helped with all that. There is another property one on SR 350 that is in line next. It went on tax sale and the owner passed away and his son is in charge. They will discuss that after the meeting.     

DCRSD- Dearborn County Sewer District- ARPA Agreements for Guilford and Lake Dilldear - Baudendistel said Council approved ARPA for this. The total is $8,1147,37.49- this was reviewed and this agreement has been reviewed by me, Baker Tilly,  and Barnes and Thornburg and he thinks even the Lord God Jesus Christ even approved it….

It is better to execute the agreement and transfer the funds to them to handle it. The $96,000 plus remainder can be reclassified to the Transportation Dept. for equipment they have targeted. They cannot use the $96,000 if somehow these DCRSD projects goes over budget.The DCRSD will have to cover those over-runs if they happen, because by the time they know that the deadline for changes will have already occurred. Commissioners Approved the ARPA agreement.

Looking over their minutes and notes from the blog that Chris does, Baudendistel said Commissioners need to approve a favorable recommendation for Lake Dilldear also.

Approved. And Also approved Lake Dilldear ARPA agreement. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden-Sue Hayden said she will attend DCRSD to get these signed ARPA agreements back from them too. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and September 17th Minutes- Approved

Need permission for Connie to sign Anthem insurance renewal and stop loss- Approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- Absentee voting (500 ballots so far) mailed out and absentee in person voting starts at Admin Bldg here too. 

He lost home phone and cell phone out. His text ability stayed up however and he wanted them to know that emergency texts get thru.

Goodman- attended Dillsboro Hog Roast with Firemen and Dillsboro citizens last weekend.

Thatcher-  Thanked Commissioners for covering him last meeting.  He celebrated Jim Scott Day and got a nice letter from Mrs Scott after he read their proclamation on Jim Scott that event. Commented on Jim Scott being a fine man who will be missed by all. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Nicole Daily- working with OKI on - application IU Urban Green Infrastructure color. They will assess the urbanized and city areas of the county. If we are selected with this application - we will be able to have a fellowship college student from May to August or best location for the trees- with 4000 hours of their work. Lawrenceburg Township and a small portion of Aurora. There is a 3 year after maintenance.  They will water and prune. Estimated cost- $140,000. We have to put $3700 forward and OKI is doing that also for us. She will work with Kyla on Soil and Water on this.  Community outreach on this too. No letters of support needed. 

Daily is doing education etc with GIS and will discuss later on this. This is also the way to locate building that has not been permitted and not taxed. There are some assessed values that increased from $50k to $350k, for example. 

Jason Sullivan- Emergency Management- had remnants of Hurricane Helene on Friday - need ratify the change in conditions of roads declared on Friday to Saturday last week. Approved.

PUBLIC COMMENT- Mike Perleberg- Amnnounced and invited them to Stellar Pathways- Greendale Middle School Thursday Open House. 


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township