Monday, April 30, 2012

Campaign Finance Reports for the Primary

Before you vote, take a peak into local candidate’s purses.

Three reports were filed late: Randy Lyness April 25, Michael Walterman April 23, and Art Little April 23.

Two were missing: Charles Keyes and Roger Woodfill. Bill Steiner picked up his forms to file as I was leaving the Clerks Office with this data on April 30.


Tom Orschell- Collected and spent $0  

Philip Darling- Contributed himself $1376.13 spent $2765.52 with balance owed of $1380.89 

Art Little- Contributed himself $5000 spent $2360.33 +$250.89 unitemized with balance of $2433.78 

Kevin Lynch- $797 unitemized contributions + $3051 itemized as below:

Robert Bucher- $500

Brian Lynch- $200

John Maxwell- $100

David Ertel- $100

Chip Perfect- $100

Ellen Perfect- $100

Mark Williams- $250

Brad Plummer- $200

Sheryl Haag- $200

William Schmarr- $100

David Lorey- $100

Richard Butler- $101

Jeff Hughes $100

Hrezo Engineering- $200

Perfect North Slopes- $500

DPBG Political Action Committee ( American  Structurepoint Engineering)- $500

Culbertson Property Management- $100

Lynch Imports- $100

Lynch spent $3311.56 itemized and $134.18 unitemized.  Balance was $402.26

His itemized expenditures included $100 to American Cancer Society and $200 to the Children’s Advocacy Center.


Randy Lyness- had $3227.82 cash on hand from a previous campaign??, spent $666 with a balance of $2561.82 

John Johnson-collected and spent $0 

Bill Ullrich- collected $750 unitemized , spent $694.69 with a balance of $55.31 

Maynard Barrett- contributed himself $2274.50, spent $2086.64 with a balance of $187.86 

Charles Keyes has not filed a report yet. 

Steve Callahan- Contributed $2500 himslef + jeff Hughes $100 for total of $2600. He spent $1632.26 with a balance of $467.74 

Sue Dudgeon- contributions include herself for $1900, Noel McHenry for $200 and $175 unitemized. She spent $1657.70 with a balance of $617.30 

Mike Walterman- contributed and spent $0

Bill Steiner is completing his form today.


Barb Kaffenberger- Donated $2500 herself, spent $1824.40 with a balance of $675.60 

Phil Weaver- Donated $1722.04 himself, spent $1686.50 itemized plus $35.54 unitemized with a balance of $0 


Richard Probst- Has $2400 from donors below:

Sharon Probst- $1000

Richard Probst- $1000

Patricia Probst- $200

Edward L Probst- $200

He spent $1720.10 itemized plus $227 unitemized with a balance of $452.90

Rudy Howard- Has $505 contributed from Martha Mettee, spent $72.76 with a balance of $432.34 


Dennis Kraus Jr.- Contributed $1067.29 himself + Cliff Bischoff $200. He spent $1267.29 with a balance of $0. 

Roger Woodfill has not filed a report. 


Sally Blankenship- Raised $4788.92 itemized below and unitemized $842

Jim Thatcher-$500

Jason and Jennifer Lyness- $500

Andrea Merkel- $575.42

Sally Blankenship $592 + $2621.50

She spent $3196.92 + $92 unitemized leaving a balance of $2434

Alan Miller- Raised $2268.08 + $516.80 itemized below + $495 + $305.99 unitemized:

Thomas w and Mary Jo Heintz- $200

Norman and Anna Miller- $400

Jackalope Printing- $168.08

Alan and Clarajohn Freemond- $500

Alan Miller- $500

Doug Garner-$500

Alan Miller- $516.80

He spent $1373.76 +$816.80 itemized + $159.41 unitemized, leaving a balance of $1235.90.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Meet County Democrat Candidates Before the Primary 

Final Meet and Greet for the county Democrat candidates is on May 2nd at the Dillsboro Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. Open to the public.

Thursday, April 26, 2012



May 1, 2012

6:00 p.m., Commissioners Room

County Administration Building

215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 

I.              CALL TO ORDER


III.            OLD BUSINESS

1.  Agreement with HVL Officers, Sheriff’s Office and HVL POA

2.  Payroll Schedule Change – Tabled Until June 5 Meeting

IV.           NEW BUSINESS

1.  Ratify Signatures on Grant for Prosecutor/SCU

2.  Signatures for Southeast Regional Community Corrections Grant

3.  Home Rule Ordinance

4.  Bridge #34 Discussions

5.  Joseph Williams – Kennels/Wiring at Old Animal Shelter for 4-H Project

6.  Gary Steinmetz – Wessler and Bittner Roads 


A.  Highway Superintendent – Tim Greive

            1.  Updates 

B.  Highway Engineer – Todd Listerman

            1.  Updates 

VI.           ADMINISTRATOR –  Teresa Randall

Construction Manager (Jail Project) – Selection Process                               

VII.          AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington

1.  Claims/Minutes 

VIII.         ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel 


X.            LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION            


XII.           ADJOURN


Rudy M. Howard, Jr. -Clerk of Courts

Philip Darling- Commissioner D-1

Tom Orschell- Commissioner D-2 (Incumbent )

John Johnson- Council –at- large ( vote for no more than 3)

N.Alan Miller,III- Judge of Superior 2


Rick Probst- Clerk of Courts

Kevin J. Lynch – Commissioner- D-1

Arthur Little – Commissioner D-2

CORONER- Vote for 1:

Steven P. Callahan
Sue Dudgeon
William (Bill) Steiner
Michael Walterman

COUNCIL –AT-LARGE – Vote for no more than 3:

Maynard Barrett (Incumbent)
Charles D Keyes
Randy Lyness
William (Bill) Ullrich (Incumbent)

SURVEYOR – Vote for 1:

Dennis Kraus, Jr. (Incumbent)
Roger Woodfill


Barbara J. Kaffenberger (Incumbent)
Philip D. Weaver

Sally A Blankenship- Judge of Superior 2 (Incumbent)

6th Congressional District Republican Convention Delegates – vote for no more than 17

Maynard Barrett
Craig E Beckley
Mary L Carrell
Tom Carrell
Allen W. Goodman
Martin W (Marty) Hon
Vickie L Hon
Judith (Judie) Howard
Jeff L. Hughes
Stephanie B Libbert
Arthur Little
Patricia Little
Ruth Ann Little
Bryan Messmore
Aaron Negangard
Matthew M Neuendorf
Alex Parniuk
Fred Schmits
Mark Siemers
Jay R Smith
Angela S Swomley

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Alan Miller's speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 21 April 2012

Alan Miller's speech at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 21 April 2012

Very early in my life, I realized that I wanted to be an attorney. Then and now, I believe an attorney’s primary job is to help people. It is this part of the job that first drew me to it and that is the most rewarding now. It did not take me long to find out that there is much more to an attorney’s job than this. One of the more important duties of the job is to ensure the quality of justice itself. It is with this duty in mind that I can unequivocally say: we can do better. My name is Alan Miller and I am running for Judge of the Dearborn Superior Court No. 2.

I am from here. I graduated from Lawrenceburg High School, went to IU, and returned home for law school over at Northern Kentucky. I married a local girl, Kyle Thayer. Our roots in this community and in this party are deep. My family has been here for generations. My great-grandmother, Charlotte Miller, was involved in the party in the 50's and 60's. My wife's family has also been here for generations. Her grandfather on one side is Charlie Thayer, the longest serving councilman in the state of Indiana. On the other side, her grandfather, Bob Wickizer, served this party as its chairman for many years.

For the past 7 years, I've been practicing law here. During that time, I've practiced family law, landlord/tenant law and small claims law, among other areas. In 2007, I was made a partner at Zerbe Garner Miller & Blondell and, since that time, I have focused my practice in the areas of criminal law and bankruptcy. It has been in my role as a criminal defense attorney that I have seen on a daily basis the inefficiency and uneven playing field on which our justice system is currently grounded. It was this inefficiency and lack of fair play that most influenced my decision to seek this office.

When I announced my candidacy for Judge, I asserted that there were substantial problems with the administration of justice in Dearborn County. Since my announcement, some encouraging changes have occurred. However, it has become apparent that some have no interest in looking inwardly to fix these problems. These individuals would rather compromise the future financial security of our county than acknowledge their role in creating these problems and working to implement solutions. In some instances, they would rather resort to the tired practice of name-calling and mud-slinging to make their arguments for maintaining the status quo, however invalid or without foundation in the real world as they may be. It is time to do things differently.

There are two specific areas where improvement is badly needed: efficiency and fairness. If you have some spare time, head down to the courthouse and watch Superior II in action. There will either be no one in the courtroom or people waiting outside for hearings, sometimes for 15, 20, as much as 30 minutes. It is not unusual to wait weeks and sometimes months for a decision from this court. These types of delays are not often seen in Judge Cleary or Judge Humphrey's courts. These delays cost all of us by way of increased staffing costs, supplies and other resources, not to mention the time wasted by those actually appearing before the court, who have taken time off of work and spent gas money to be there or to support someone who is. Such ineffiencies are not just disrespectful of those appearing before the court, they are disrespectful of the court itself. When elected, court will start on time. The docket will move along at a reasonable pace and decisions will be made in a prompt manner. The increasing role and size of the justice system, which has literally grown to the point that an additional building has been purchased to accompany it, must be slowed. Spending, which has gotten more and more out of control, year after year under the current judge, will be reined in. As a small business owner, I understand that an organized and efficient operation is instrumental to success. I will use this experience to review current spending and find places where things can be done less expensively and more efficiently.

If you're from Dearborn County, you've undoubtedly heard the stories of individuals being treated differently because of their last name, because they “know someone.” It is not uncommon to observe a party treated differently due to their name, financial history or inability to hire an attorney. Such inequality cannot be what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they laid the groundwork for our justice system.

When elected, I will treat those appearing before the court fairly and with respect. I will not place my thumb on the scales of justice to give any party an unfair advantage or impose my personal opinion upon a case. The law will be applied without regard for one's last name or lot in life. I will work to restore judicial independence and transparency, and most importantly, I will honor and support the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Indiana.

With your help I will restore our system of justice to one of which we can be proud; one that reflects the values of the people of this county: integrity, fairness, hard work, fiscal responsibility, personal accountability. Some of those currently in charge have lost sight of these values. Now is the time to elect someone who will work towards reestablishing the justice system we deserve. It is without reservation that I tell you: I am that candidate.

Alan Miller
Candidate for Judge of Dearborn Superior Court 2

Thursday, April 19, 2012


The local newspaper gives you FREE press for candidates facing opposition in the primary. DEADLINE!!!! April 23rd- next Monday.

Please fill out the following candidate profile.
Note: it does not have to be completed on this sheet, however, all information should be filled out and returned
to us no later than 5 p.m. Monday, April 23. E-mail is preferred,,
and if not e-mailed as a Word attachment, must be typed. Handwritten profiles will not be accepted. Register Publications: 126 West High Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

Political Party:
Office Sought:
Incumbent: Yes or No
Family Status:
Public Office Experience:
Public Service Experience:
1. Why are you running for office?
2. Why are you the best person for the office?
3. What are the most important issues facing the office you are seeking

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

17 April 2012 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

17 April 2012 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Jeff Hughes, President, Tom Orschell, and Shane McHenry
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.

An executive session preceded the meeting to discuss pending lawsuits. No decision for the public.


Agreement with HVL POA and Sheriff’s Dept on HVL Officers- Baudendistel has been working with Officer Prarat and Sheriff Kreinhop on this and this will formalize the verbal agreement that has existed for years per Kreinhop. This also lays out liability issues and workers comp etc. HVL will review and will bring it back to meeting next month. They will meet with Donna Lask ( sp?) head of POA regarding this.

Resolution- Tax Certificate Moores Hill Building- Baudendistel read the resolution that Moores Hill passed on 14542 Main Street property. This transfers the tax certificate to Moores Hill and allows them to demolish the building and improve the area. Moores Hill town clerk expressed her town’s thanks for helping resolve these long standing issues. The certificate will be official next meeting. The 120 days begins after the certificate is signed. Commissioners voted to sign this to transfer the property.

Bart Brown- Indiana Workforce 9 Board- Local Elected Officials Agreement- county attorney has been able to review this since the restructuring discussed several meetings ago. The Board is posting $15,000 instead of a bond. Hughes wanted to be sure there was enough representation on the board. Brown said they want to keep Jeff Hughes on the board as he’s leading this process. McHenry was concerned with the governor’s not being on board with this affecting further funding. Brown assured him that the funding comes from a formula- so no problem there. Commissioners signed the agreement. Hughes signed Marty Hon for being on the board.


Mark McCormack- Planning Director- Zone Change from Ag and General Business districts to Manufacturing 2 District on Old US 52 in Harrison Township Section 13- At the March 26th meeting PC forwarded a favorable recommendation for this change. This is 23 plus acres in the TIF area in West Harrison. This is a flood plain flood prone area with raised areas for business development. The M-2 zoning allows more than the applicant needs so they have put restrictions on their zone change to delete some of those more problematic or intensive uses. McCormack summarized the discussion and issues from the Plan Commission meeting which can be viewed in the notes on this blogsite from the March 26th Plan Commission meeting. A traffic light and/or turn lane may be necessary if a high impact user purchases part of the site. He also showed pictures from the site. Sewer will be the DCRSD new connection with the city of Harrison. A revised traffic study may be required depending upon the uses proposed. The one person who spoke at the PC meeting wanted to be sure it wasn’t going to be something to detract from his business. The borrow area for fill on this site has been approved by DNR per Mark Rosenberger. Orschell asked Listerman if he had any other concerns. Listerman said they had reviewed the original traffic study and plans and they will have an identified L turn lane. They won’t have other suggestions until they know what type of use is planned there by new owners. Commissioners opened for public comment and no one spoke. Commissioners then approved the zone change with the exceptions as noted by the applicant. Baudendistel read the zoning ordinance approving this into the public record. Commissioners noted the potential economic development and job prospects in their discussion. All ayes – passed.

Payroll Schedule Change- Baudendistel said this needs to go to Council first. He passed out copies for their review- tabled.

Lawrenceburg Township Trustee Advisory Board Vacancy- This was just notifying commissioners that the democrat party will be appointing that position (Jim Hamill)

Vehicle Sale to St. Leon- the 2008 Dodge Durango was given to St. Leon Fire dept. Commissioners vote to sign the document and the title.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Todd Listerman, Highway Engineer- Commissioners approved him going to Council to continue the annual striping program for roads of 1,000 vehicles per day and over. He needs $100,000 for this project. McHenry asked about Dutch Hollow road- but it doesn’t meet the criteria yet. McHenry resides in the area.

2011 annual highway report for the state was signed by commissioners.
Bid opening for North Dearborn on May 2nd.

SR 56 from Aurora to Ohio County is under contract to O’Mara. It probably will start in Sept and finished in October per what O’Mara reps told Listerman.

SR 62 is supposed to start next month out by Friendship.

Tim Grieve, Highway Superintendent- started mowing and spraying now.

ADMINISTRATOR: Teresa Randall – Fire and EMS study update- she met with McCormack who has done a lot to get this started. She saw the statistics and some units have incomplete stat info. She is getting a list of those departments. She will have afocus group meeting to help prepare for may 3rd meeting. She has scheduled a meeting May 3- public and advertised. There will be a fiscal analysis and some decisions made after that meeting.

Six RFQ’s were received and opened on Friday April 13. They were recorded and witnessed. They will decide whether to meet with all 6 construction managers and then have a public meeting to do that.

Hoosier Square is complete- move was done mostly over the weekend and more is coming. There are a few issues, but they are being rectified.

AUDITOR: Gayle Pennington- EMS and FD contracts approved for Miller North $20,000, Sunman area 2 squads $40,000, Dillsboro 2 units $40,000, and Lawrenceburg 2 units $40,000.

Ordinance adopting a supplemental for our code book to update it for all approved ordinances. Commissioners wanted to see if codes were in conflict and Pennington will check to see if there is someone to do this (attorney) Baudendistel is willing to work with that company.

Claims and minutes from April 3rd approved with minor spelling change on a name. Claims will be approved once Hughes reviews after the meeting. Only McHenry had reviewed them all.

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel- have been working with Listerman getting things together for Stateline and now there are only 3 parcels left to settle. There are standing offers on these properties. If they are not accepted – they will go to court.

Orschell spoke about Earl Dawson and Rodney Dennerline both passing this past week and the county will send letters to the families thanking them for their service to the county.

McHenry said he has had more input on wanting to get roads cleared of trash. He thinks they can get the road crew involved to close the road and the inmates will clear it also. Grieve said he will work on it. They are worried about volunteers on that strip of Jamison.



Meeting adjourned at 10:20 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Democrat Party Candidates Field Questions

The Democrat Party Candidates met Wednesday evening at the Lawrenceburg Firehouse on Tate Street to introduce themselves and answer questions from the voters in attendance.

DEMOCRAT Candidates present were:

Tom Cheek running for state rep D-67 against Frye (SW side of Dearborn County and other counties west of Dearborn)

Alan Miller running for Judge Superior Court 2 against Blankenship

Phil Darling running for D-1 Commissioner against Lynch

Tom Orschell running for D-2 Commissioner against Little

John Johnson running for Council at large running against Barrett, Keyes, Lyness, and Ullrich (top 3 vote getters win)

Rudy Howard running for Clerk of Courts against Probst

No local Democrat candidate is facing an opponent in the primary.

Candidates exhibited a good amount of work and life experience and qualifications for the offices they are seeking. Some had additional detailed ideas for more efficient ways to do business in those offices. In their answers and introductions fiscal conservatism was a theme. They are open to ideas (and have several of their own)to streamline the budget and make the system more effective. Several of the candidates have advanced technological skills and college and/or graduate degrees.

Questions from the audience included civil rights issues in workplace testing, revoking the law allowing straight ticket voting with a single stroke, council and commissioners communicating with each other, working with employees in the county to improve workplace operations and public service, referendum limits for the jail project and others, revising rules on spending riverboat savings account money, generally accepted accounting procedures and budget items that have other money sources not shown in the budget, using TIF districts for development of industry, and certain positions seem to require skills that are not required to hold that office- should they be appointed or elected?

A few interesting highlights that were put forth by candidates:

1. There are 9 entities that arrest people that end up in our jail. Dearborn County (non municipal area) only accounts for half the jail population.

2. Voting records on Council show that local Democrats are more fiscally conservative than the local Republicans.

3. County attorneys do not have access to the internet in the courtrooms, but the prosecutors do.

4. Government needs to be balanced. One-party monopolies are not good for our county citizens.

5. Fairness in budgets, in treating citizen issues, and in the courts is a primary goal.

And for a little humor:

6. Trying to get service in a poorly run government office is as close to purgatory as you can get.

Any candidate wishing to put forth a positive summary and/or website information on their campaign is welcome to send it to the Dearborn County Public Forum by clicking on the link at the top to submit to the blog administrator.

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Agenda for April 17th Commissioners Meeting

April 17, 2012
9:00 a.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

EXECUTIVE SESSION – 8:30 a.m. – Pending Litigation



1. Agreement with HVL Officers, Sheriff’s Office and HVL POA
2. Resolution – Tax Certificate, Moores Hill Building
3. Bart Brown - Indiana Region 9 Workforce Board
Local Elected Officials Agreement

1. Mark McCormack – Planning and Zoning
Zone Change from Agriculture and General Business Districts to a Manufacturing Two District (M-2) on Old U.S. 52 in Section 13 of Harrison Township
2. Payroll Schedule Change
3. Lawrenceburg Township Trustee Advisory Board Vacancy
4. Vehicle Sale to St. Leon

A. Highway Superintendent – Tim Greive
1. Updates

B. Highway Engineer – Todd Listerman
1. Updates

VI. ADMINISTRATOR – Teresa Randall
1. Fire and EMS Study Update

VII. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington
1. Claims/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel





Thursday, April 05, 2012

Meet and Question County Democrat Candidates April 11

The Dearborn County Democrats are going to have another question
and answer session with all their local candidates on April 11th at the Lawrenceburg firehouse on Tate Street at 7:00 p.m.
This is open to all interested people who would like to find out what the Democrats have to offer this November.


Steve Callahan 's info can also be found on Facebook at Callahan for Coroner. He is one of four Republican candidates running for coroner in the May primary.

Greetings to our listeners and subscribers --

>>>>> POLITICALLY CORRECT: STEVEN CALLAWAY -- Show host Gary Puckett interviews Steven Callahan, candidate for Dearborn County Coroner. To listen to this informative show, click on the following direct show-link:

We hope you enjoy listening to our programs. Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers about New-Media Network. Also, check out the OPEN FLY FORUM feature on our website -- you can create your own broadcast, immediately! We are quickly becoming a leading "local world" source of programming in the new digital-media age. Any person can sign up on our website to begin automatically receiving "New and Notable Show Alerts". It's 100% free and we will never, under any circumstances, share your email address with any person or organization.

To submit your ideas, questions, comments or complaints, email us directly in Studio 7 at anytime 24/7 -- -- or pick up your cell phone and call our national listener feedback line at 206.666-4780
Fly Paper Productions, LLC
Digital Media Group - National Operations Ctr
POB 324
Harrison, OH 45030

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


" Podcasts" to
Greetings to our listeners and subscribers --

>>>> DEARBORN COUNTY COMMISSIONER, TOM ORSCHELL (PROJECTS UPDATE): Show host Gary Puckett interviews Tom Orschell about the status of some of Dearborn County's Projects & Operations.To listen to this informative show, click on the following direct show-link:

We hope you enjoy listening to our programs. Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers about New-Media Network. Also, check out the OPEN FLY FORUM feature on our website -- you can create your own broadcast, immediately! We are quickly becoming a leading "local world" source of programming in the new digital-media age. Any person can sign up on our website to begin automatically receiving "New and Notable Show Alerts". It's 100% free and we will never, under any circumstances, share your email address with any person or organization.

To submit your ideas, questions, comments or complaints, email us directly in Studio 7 at anytime 24/7 -- -- or pick up your cell phone and call our national listener feedback line at 206.666-4780
Fly Paper Productions, LLC
Digital Media Group - National Operations Ctr
POB 324
Harrison, OH 45030

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

3 april 2012 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

3 April 2012 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Jeff Hughes, President, Tom Orschell, and Shane McHenry
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.


DCRSD Appointment- Dennis Folke, a local veterinarian, was appointed to the sewer board.


Voting Location Proposed changes for Miller 1, Logan 1, and Harrison 3- Phil weaver, County Clerk said 42 precincts stayed the same and 3 changed:.
Harrison 3 moved from The Heartland to the Dearborn Hills Methodist Church along with Harrison 2 that is already there.
Logan 1 moved from the Library to the Bright Fire Station.
Miller 1 moved from Miller York FD to Tanner Valley Methodist church on SR1.
They will get these changes posted in the local media per Weaver. On www.indiana by putting your name and birthdate, it will tell you where you vote and the candidates on the ballot.
Commissioners approved the voting changes. Tanner Valley Methodist user agreement was approved for using their premises for voting.

Policy on equipment for county employee use at home. Baudendistel prepared the resolution, as requested by Gayle Pennington at the last meeting , for judges and others that have faxes in their home for warrants etc. This establishes that the equipment will be returned to the county, unless otherwise agreed upon. Commissioners approved the resolution.

Irene Estes- Connie from Dearborn Hills Methodist Church requested National Day of Prayer- for about ½ hour on Thursday May 3rd. Hughes said he needs all the prayers he can get. The 61st annual prayer day was approved. No one said WHERE the prayer day will be held.

Bonnie Rhodes- Citizen concern regarding structure on Spangler Road- there is a dwelling at the end of her driveway- a shed from the 1960’s across the road. It’s an eyesore. She showed commissioners pictures of it and the doublewide without permits. Apparently someone is living there without any permits on the place. She has talked to a few neighbors about this and all are upset about it going on. There are $300-400,000 homes down there. She wants it removed and Bill Shelton has talked to them about it. They put a whole other side on a modular home without permits. She claims the house has black mold all along the side along the creek. She wants to know why they don’t have to abide by the law.
Bill Shelton said he and Ron (from Planning Dept) went there. His main issue was safety with the home and they took care of those issues. They are cleaning up from a fire 2 years ago and they are getting permits retroactively. Shelton asked for 2-3 months for them to see if they could get the improvements accomplished. They will make monthly inspections on this. They don’t want to kick them out of the house- first try to fix the issues. The Hopkins’s are working with the Building Dept. Rhodes claims there are no footers poured on the addition.
Baudendistel said there are no laws on eyesores. Rhodes said the shed (not the doublewide) is unsafe- the whole back is out. Shelton has not inspected the shed. The double wide has been there since the 1990s. She moved in knowing this was there. Her brother in law owned it before. Rhodes is concerned that commissioners are allowing people to break the county laws. She says they can fine them for doing things without a permit. These fines would be more than what the place is worth. She thinks this is unfair to the others who abide by the laws. McHenry said that she won’t be happy unless a bulldozer goes in and demolishes the whole place. We’re not saying this is fine- but we are trying to make the best of a bad situation. He said he understands her frustration. Rhodes will try another avenue- and she thanked them for her time. She really does not want to let this situation go. The property owner said the commissioners were welcome to come out and check their progress. She said they clean things up at their home at 15377 Spangler Road. They don’t have a junkyard there like some people… referring to tires in Rhodes backyard.

Signature of letter and title for sale of sheriff’s vehicle (2007 Dodge Durango) to Bright Fire Dept. McHenry said they need a 4-wheel drive in Bright at times. Commissioners approved and Hughes signed the paperwork.

Steve Walker-Park Board- board resignation (Shawn Simons) and new recommendation – Dave Mattlin, who has experience in construction with his own company. The board said this would enhance the board’s skill set. Commissioners approved Dave Mattlin’s appointment.
Walker discussed property on County Farm Road and asked that if the Animal Control is demolished or sold, that the Park Board could use some of the facilities there and rework it into a visitors center/restroom facility. Orschell said he thinks it would be a good idea for the Parks. Walker thought Dave Mattlin could help them decide the feasibility of t his. Commissioners are open to taking a look at the transfer possibly.
Walker passed out the 2011 annual Park’s report.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Tim Grieve- Highway Superintendent said he’s coming with his hands out again- highways are an expensive business. He wants to buy a new Mack tandem dump truck, and a mowing tractor, and a single axle. This would complete the items scheduled for 2012. The original schedule was set in 2005. They have modified it a bit to reflect more urgent needs. The total is $420,000. The dept maintains the trucks well. Commissioners gave permission to go to Council for an additional for this.
Baudendistel talked to Frank Kramer about the building at Lawrenceville and Miller Roads. They will draw up papers to transfer it like they did with the Votaw Building. They will pursue that.

ADMINISTRATOR: Teresa Randall- Tanner Valley Church agreement was passed out. It’s a standard agreement they use for receptions etc. They are waiving deposit and fee is only $50. This is for the voting precinct.
The deadline for Lawrenceburg’s traditional grant expired and she put a grant in for $130,000 to help with the parking lot issues at the Hoosier Square building. She hopes to hear from them in May. Hughes approved her doing this and commissioners ratified this tonight.
She put out construction managers RFQS and will bring the short list to them soon.
They are still working on the drainage issues at Hoosier Square. She and Orschell met with Mike Clark there. She will have quotes within a couple weeks on that also. That is beyond the budget. They are looking for a long term solution. Orschell said pumping to the street is a permanent fix and French drain repair is 10 years or so.
McHenry commended Terry for getting the grant on short notice.

AUDITOR: Gayle Pennington- Has an ordinance to amend the personnel policy to show we are an EOE. Equal Opportunity Employer. We fill out a form on every employee and all contractors have to show they have complied with the e-verify system. We have been following this federal rule- but need to amend the policy to reflect this. Baudendistel read the ordinance into the record. Commissioners approved this ordinance.
Commissioners approved March 20th minutes correcting Robert Howard to ROGER Howard. Commissioners approved all claims.

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel- For next meeting he will bring material on the HVL officers and sheriff’s office and HVL POA. Tabled until next meeting.
For next meeting there will be a resolution for tax certificate on the Moore’s Hill building.
McCormack will be here at next meeting for the rezoning of Harrison Township property.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township