18 September 2012
Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
Present: Jeff Hughes, President, Tom Orschell, and Shane
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Teresa Randall, County
Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.
Meeting was preceded by an executive session and started at
9:20 AM. Commissioners gaveBaudendistel and Randall permission to negotiate in
county’s best interests. No more details.
OKI Funding Contract Agreement- Teri Randall said there was
no other MPO in the area and they need to be in this to get federal dollars.
She tried to get OKI to modify the contract to fit our fiscal year. Options:
Continue to operate without a contract or go to an 18 month contract. She said
that her professional analysis leads her to recommend that we sign the contract
as is. She thinks we need to work on our relationship with OKI more
aggressively. We need to hold them accountable for things we think they did not
handle appropriately and communicate more. Hughes said it’s unfortunate we have
to pay to play. Hughes is having trouble with the water quality report. She and
McHenry met with Hedrick about this issue and she thinks we need to work with
our municipalities also. She thinks we need to move forward and fix the
problem. Commissioners mostly agreed to keep the OKI agreement. Hughes seems to
be against it still. Contract will come back at the next meeting. [ NOTE: Does our MPO include the entire
county or just the populated sections?]
Lifetime Housing-
Carla Burkhart- Signatures for Lien Releases- 5 lien releases were
presented for signature. Commissioners agreed to have Hughes sign the releases.
Planning and Zoning-
Mark McCormack- proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinance:
Article 17 Section
1720- Plot Plan Requirements – they changed the requirements so that 3
copies are no longer required. The scale is not specified but they want it in
8.5x11 or 11x17 and legible. They are putting these in digital format. They
also eliminated some square footage etc. Proposing to eliminate driveway specs
as it is on the driveway permit anyway. Mostly eliminated some minor
requirements. Commercial developments require bigger plan sets still.
Commissioners passed
these changes to Article 17 section 1720 with no public desiring to speak on
Article 25 Section
2516- Location of Accessory Structures or Uses- reworded on places where
these poles barns and garages can be located. If a barn or garage is the first
structure on a piece of land it is not accessory- as there is no other
structure as primary. They are to be in the side and back yards of the primary
structure. Variances are also an option for owners to request.
Commissioners passed
these changes to Article 25 section 2516 with no public desiring to speak on
Article 21 nearly all
sections affected- parking
requirements. Changed minimum loading spaces. Changed the authority to the
technical review committee from the planning director on this section.
Conflicting statements were removed. Commercial parking requirements changed
with more items listed to give more direction. A few have one less space
required. Nursing homes have half spaces previously required. Churches were
increased. [NOTE: Is the Planning
Director part of the technical review committee?]
Commissioners passed
these changes to Article 21 with no public desiring to speak on it.
Proposed Changes to
the Subdivision Control Ordinance
Article 2 Section
200- Subdivision Types (Exemptions)- this acknowledges a new type of
subdivision. Divisions for federal street ROW, utilities ROWs, retracements
of a parcel to correct error etc.
Commissioners passed
these changes to Article 2 section 200 with no public desiring to speak on it.
Todd Listerman, Highway Engineer- Bid openings:
Paving- $158,365-
Rowe- won the bid. O’Mara was higher at $159,533.30.
Striping bids were opened and all roads carrying 1000 vpd
will be striped. 5 bidders. Ind Sign and
Barricade out of Indy $94,589.72 was lowest and was approved by commissioners.
Designs for 4 bridges approved at previous meetings:
Replacement Plans Bridge 9 designed by Fuel Pettit Bender Berger- $35,700-
approved. Barth and Associates for the other 3:
Bridge 5 Laughery Creek - $54,450- approved.
Bridge 29 Old North Hogan $56,050- approved
Bridge 44 – Turkey
Point -$56,500 approved.
Tim Grieve, Highway
Superintendent- installing electric and need to grant REMC easement to put
the box on their property. Baudendistel
reviewed at the meeting and said it was OK to sign. Commissioners approved the easement papers and membership in REMC and
signed it.
Council decided to buy a new tractor to replace the old one
that went out. $110,605.05 for new John Deere. Cab tractor- bigger boom. Better
built mower. It will operate the brush cutter. Smith out of Greensburg low bidder. Zimmer was $20,000 higher. Commissioners
approved the purchase from Smith Tractors in Greensburg.
Paul Rowe won the chip seal contract and they are working on
Mt Pleasant now. McHenry wanted to be sure emergency vehicles can get thru if
needed. Grieve said they could – but prefer they use other routes.
Teresa Randall- had Mark McCormack to join her on this. $58,500 form DCF grant
to study EMS issues. Fire and EMS was lagging when she came on board. Fire is
trustees responsibility and EMS is Commissioners responsibilities. She said
that the data they are recording on run times is not based the same. They are
not comparing apples to apples. Two pieces that she wants to bring up to get
guidance on this. She has gotten a grant extension to October 31st. $22,000 approx is the cost of phase 1 and 2
and is done. She said that she can’t get consensus on this next step. She said
that this project is to large for her to handle. She wants to modify the scope
and get the consultant to help with this. She said once they modify they scope
she will come back and ask for guidance. The information is telling a different
story and they may need to go in a different direction. She thinks she
understands this problem better than before. She wants to form a new board to
work on this. It needs people from all factions. 911 and EMA board have a gap between them on
this problem. They will want an attorney on that board for the legal issues.
Baudendistel said a committee first and then see if they need a board. Probably
have a group of 9. Randall will try to get an idea of areas and people to
Kendall from Hrezo
Engineering- the water line in Hardintown has been installed and now
hooking up services to properties there. Hope to have it all done by this week
to next. McHenry said feedback is positive there.
Kendall gave an
update on Votaw Building saying they
are ready to go to advertise for bids. They plan to bid the demo and then bid
the fill and excavation work. They are bidding Shumway as an alternate. There
may be some savings in doing it now.
Commissioners approved going to bids for demolition of 230 West High
Street. Cleary plans on not having court the day of the demo.
Hoosier Square stairs look fantastic- much safer. Fiberoptic is moving along with CSX fixing
Randall wants to have Planning and Zoning in the same area
as Environmental and Building Inspection. She thinks they can do this without
having a lot of renovations in the building. By next meeting she will have a
plan on where folks would move.
Pennington- minutes approved for Aug 21 and Sept 4. Pennington apologized for
getting behind while they did budget.
Claims approved with Orschell abstaining on some as he hadn’t had a
chance to review some of them.
Baudendistel- nothing
McHenry had a concern about moving voting into the courthouse and all going
thru the metal detector. They may be able to limit access to one room and
eliminate the detector. This starts in early October.
Wessler read a thank you for the grindings they received on her road. No sealer
was put on the road. They did not ditch the road. She said she fears they will
lose the grindings. She pushed hard for sealing. She asked about Lutz rd
compared to hers. Grieve and Listerman explained that Lutz had other
surfaces applied to it in years past. New milled roads have loose millings
until they set up. They plow the road light with a pick-up truck and they do not
use as much salt as the road cannot take it. Wessler said her taxes are the
same as others and she wants it to be sealed. Mr Steinmetz brought in large
soft ball size balls of chip seal and said these are not rolled in. Wessler is
about ½ mile. He agrees that if it’s done right they won’t have to come back
for a long time. He asked about the paving contracts- and was told that was for
thru roads. He restated that it needs to be chip and seal to hold it. Listerman
asked if commissioners wanted him to go back to Council for money to chip seal
Wessler. Listerman said council did not fund any of their capital projects for
2013. Council gave them operating budget only. They cut all capital
improvements out and they will have to go back and ask in the spring. Wessler
said she’s a taxpayer and she wants to see that the grindings are not wasted.
Listerman said they have a pavement preservation program. They get to look at
thru roads as priorities. Repeated discussion- but Council said they are BROKE
and they have to wait. McHenry said to go to Council and ask for Wessler Road. Orschell
asked- are we going to stick to priorities or not? Hughes said he will send his
brother on Council out to look at the road. November is the next Council
meeting. October 9 is just for budget adoption- no additional money requests
per Pennington. Have to advertize by Nov 1.
Bill Black- EMA- letter from the state requiring signatures
for salary reimbursements from the state for Elwood, Mary and himself. They did
do the training and got all the certifications. Commissioners signed it. Black signed his own name for Elwood and
noted that he passed away Sept 1.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township