Thursday, February 26, 2015

Solutions for Dobell House , Old UDF and US 50 Connector

Solutions for Dobell House , Old UDF and US 50 Connector
OpEd page Register Publications - click on link below

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

23 February 2015 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

23 February 2015 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present: Mike Hall, Chairman, Dennis Kraus Jr., Russell Beiersdorfer, Mark Lehman, Mike Hornbach, Art Little, Jake Hoog, Dan Lansing, and Jim Thatcher

Also Present: Mark McCormack, Plan Director, Nicole Dailey, Assistant Planner, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.

ACTION ON MINUTES- tabled until next month

This was the first meeting for 2015. Officers will remain the same as last year. Mike Hall continues as Chairman. Dennis Kraus Jr. as Vice Chairman. 


NEW BUSINESS: moved the vacation item to the top of agenda due to it being first on the Powerpoint.

Request: Vacate a portion of public road-right-of-way(s) in the platted Town of Morgantown ( also known as Lawrenceville per Russell Beiersdorfer)
 Applicant: Dennis Kraus / The Hountz Family
 Site Location: LaFayette Street
 Legal: Section 7, Map #02-07, T-7, R-3
 Township: Jackson Size: 0.227 Acres
 Zoning: Agricultural (A)- 

This is in the area of St Peters and SR 46. No one was present for this request and Dennis Kraus Jr stepped down from the board and left the room. Mark McCormack gave the presentation and showed the area and plats surrounding this. There is only one neighbor affected by this and this neighbor has had some vacated already. He showed pictures of the site. There were no objections from neighbors notified. 

Dennis Kraus, Jr. presented that the family has inherited the property and wants to be able to transfer the property for the heirs. He then left again to go outside. 

No Public spoke. 

The Plan Commission made a Favorable Recommendation to the Commissioners to Vacate the portion of ROW that was requested.

Review of the Preliminary Plat for a 92-lot Major Subdivision, Woodridge Estates Subdivision
 Applicant: Bayer Becker; Owner: Landhill Development Company
 Site Location: Stateline Road (Between Lakeview Dr. & Georgetown Rd.)
 Legal: Sec. 13 & 14, T6, R1, Map #06-13, & 06-14, Parcel # 004.000,
 008.000 & 002.000
 Township: Miller Size: 126.749 Acres
 Zoning: Residential (R)

Mark McCormack presented the site maps showing the terrain the locations and the slopes. This is the first of the three major steps as the zoning has already been established as R.  0.76 units per acre is the density proposed. This is located just above Sugar Ridge. There are still a couple buildings near the entrance that need to be identified on the plat. The entire perimeter is steep slope and is intended to be a conservation area and not to be built. There are some rough storm water areas detailed. An adjoiner sent a letter concerning their pond near the entrance area. 

Waiver requested for the street being longer than 1200 feet with more than 30 homes on it. This is a dead-end street. So they need 62 extra units in the waiver  and 2078 extra ft of dead end road.Using and emergency access of 12 ft width is an option if it holds 40,000 lbs. The applicant is requesting 9 ft wide to a 3 ft waiver on this also. Mailed out 17 letters. Have had a few phone calls and 2 sets of written comments received. Eugene Hester- sent  letter saying nothing has really changed since the last refusal so he wants a no vote now.  Gary Blade requested fencing specified and also screening along his pond.

Items to consider per McCormack- You have to address the 3 waivers or else the primary plat may not be able to proceed as planned.

Lehman asked about sewage and Greendale is ultimately handling it.- and McCormack checked that with Lampert to be sure the plans were the same. Mark Rosenberger of Bayer Becker presented as they have been involved since 1999. Mike Perleberg is the developer and Landhill Development is the owner. They have a 9 ft wide walking path that'll be the emergency access. It will run along the south side of the road. The actual lay of the land has a gentle slope- about 3% along the roadway. One street will have some grade change at 8% on one of the side streets. They also have to get IDEM and Corps of engineers on this property if they get approval. Traffic analysis was done and tehy plan to put a deceleration and acceleration lane as part of the project. Most of this will be gravity fed and some will be low pressure. There are letters form VRUC and Greendale o the sewer agreement. They have Tri-Township water REMC electric is most of it and Duke energy is a smaller part. As part of the secondary plat will have a Homeowners Association and details will be on each plat. This will help maintain the Conservation Easement. They will be required to maintain the detention facilities and the entrance features. This proposal is significantly less that the 1999 or the 2006 proposals. Some of the lots are 5 acres. The 3 ft waiver request was covered in letters from the fire dept in the packet also. 

Questions from PC- Hall asked about drainage areas and specs- Rosenberger said it would be per county standards. Kraus, Jr. said the REMC letter was in tech review but was missing from tonight’s packet. Hall asked why the conservation easement didn’t go behind a few of the lots. Rosenberger said they could make it do that so it was all accessible continuously as conservation easement. Hall asked about 80, 4, and 5 being tight for building. More questions about drainage easements. Residents own the pressure sewer pumps. Questions about the pathway crossing over the cul-de sac side streets. Easements will be provided to the detention ponds for maintenance. 

Mark Lehman asked about tree line and Rosenberger said that line is not firm yet.The walking path will be kept on the general profile of the street so they are not bottoming out. Lehman asked about a stub street to the north to connect to other property lines like Sugar Ridge. This was not feasible per Rosenberger. He said the other neighbors wanted fences- not connections the last time they were in. 


Linda Moser Mitchell- family adjoins with 90 acres This was an extremely contentious process back in 1999 on. It was given no recommendation and then an unfavorable. Two commissioners overturned the recommendation. As property owners they want to know who will maintain the fences between their family and this and also the Merks and this. Will they be dealing with POA or individuals? This is by HVL entrance. Very high traffic. The developer said certain things were appropriate for this property. They are asking for one variance 3 times the ordinance and one is 2 times it and the third is reducing the ordinance by 25%. The ordinances were put in place for the public safety. This should be done in accordance with the safety measures we have in place for the public safety. 

Debbie  Moser McQueen-  Adjoins this also. She wanted to know about the trouble spots in the plans- asked them to be specific. There are lift stations required due to some slopes. The north side. and the lift station is on lot 62. She is concerned with increased runoff and also possibly sewer failure into their family’s creek. She wants a buffer between her and that first cul de sac street.There is no conservation easement on part of her border so she will have individuals to deal with. She thinks the first cul-de-sac has to go. 
END Public discussion.

The PC asked more questions of Rosenberger. Hall asked if they could extend conservation easement across the back of lot 6 and 7. Beiersdorfer asked about the maintenance of farm fences. Discussion was that they wanted the POA to take care of their half of the fence. It was clear that the developer and Rosenberger were NOT familiar with the farm fence laws. Hornbach will send the the laws. Rosenberger said this was the most efficient way to develop the land. Hoog asked about the pond the front. They will make sure the drainage will be directed away from this area. Lehman- asked if they will be doing any more silt fences and straw bales to protect that pond adjoining it. Rosenberger said yes. Rosenberger said that in reference to the sewage concern it will be inspected by IDEM. the scrutiny is at a higher level than it used to be even 10 years ago. There will be no sewage going into the creeks. 

PC Board Discussion:

Lehman said he didn’t see any way to get interconnectivity to other properties. There would be a lot of damage to try to satisfy that recommendation. Beiersdorfer said we call this a razorback ridge. They didn’t want to excavate and destroy creek to achieve that. Lehman motioned to approve the waiver for the 92 lots with Beiersdorfer 2nd OK’d. Lehman and Beirsdorfer motioned and ended to approve the waiver for the increased cul de sac street length. Approved. And they also motioned to approve the waiver for the decreased ft length for the emergency access width. Approved. 

Then Lehman motioned to approve the the preliminary plat for the 92 lot major subdivision with the conditions that lots 89-92 drain to the east swale, that fencing between adjoins follow state law with the HOA, and addressed drainage and silt fence against the joiners pond with Blake and Niemeyer. Beiersdorfer 2nd . Approved. All ayes for all of these motions


Proposed changes to the Dearborn County Zoning Ordinance - McCormack reviewed the changes in Article 22- on Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening Fences. There are 4 types of buffer yards depending on the amount of conflicting and the degree of conflicting uses.

 They also have list of unacceptable trees for reasons of fruit mess, diseases, or weak wood. There are color pictures showing the bufferyard options. Highway interchange is like B-2 for bufferyards so it was not in the chart in the revision. McCormack advises them that the Highway interchange should be eliminated and called B-2. Beiersdorfer recommended forwarding the bufferyard article as revised with a favorable recommendation to Commissioners. Hoog 2nded. All ayes. 

Article 17 was reviewed on Plot Plan Review. Location Improvement will be called Improvement Location Permits. That is because it matches our state law language. Other changes were made for ease of reading and reducing redundancy. The Plan Commission with Beiersdorfer motioning and Lehman 2nding sent the changes to Article 17 to the commissioners with a favorable recommendation. All ayes. 

Comp Plan meeting on March 23 instead of the regular meeting as there were no applicants for the March meeting. He is hoping to get it finished by summer. He has been busy on the Blight Elimination Program with Bill Shelton. The Land Use Plan will be presented as what we have so far. Hoping to have a joint meeting with Commissioners sometime this year. We want to be sure we are working together and communicating. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Monday, February 23, 2015

Plan Commission Agenda for Feb 23 meeting includes Landhill Development on 126 acres in Bright

Agenda for Feb 23 Plan Commission - and all packet documents on the proposed subdivision for 92 lots iin Miller township on 126 acres off Stateline Road between Lakeview and Georgetown Rd and the vacation in Jackson Township can be accessed below:

Thursday, February 19, 2015


There will be a Courthouse Annex committee meeting held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 10 a.m. in the Commissioners Room, 3rd floor, County Administration building.  This committee is made up of internal county staff and elected officials with the specific purpose of discussing questions that have been raised about the proposed courthouse annex project, possible alternatives, and funding options.

Terri Randall
Dearborn County Administrator
215B West High Street
Lawrenceburg, IN  47025
Office:  (812) 532-2085

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

17 February 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

17 February 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch
Also present:  Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney. 

ABSENT- Gayle Pennington- Auditor- covered by Connie Fromhold  
Juvenile Doctor and Nurse agreements- Baudendistel reviewed this and made sure the language was as strong as the one with Advanced Healthcare. They reviewed it with the doctor and nurse Ron Phillips. Tabled to get the correct doctor’s name in this one though.

Request to approach Council for Summer Art Program- Ruth Ann Batta

Road name change- Lake Dilldear- Nicole Daily- This is to help 911 access as there are several ways to get around there. Lake Dilldear will have sections with two other names. Letters were sent to the residents. McHenry agreed that it is very confusing out there and especially with the closing of the road out there. Jared Teaney agreed from 911. Oliver and Edmondson did not claim there letters per Daily. Road names change but house numbers will not. After letters go out they have 2 weeks to get their changes in effect. Approved. 
Jeb drive will be back in March 17 meeting and so will another set in Professional Park Drive. These are privately maintained roads- so changing them to Lanes. Discussion on certified mail costs and they are going to put out signs on the roads with these changes now possibly also. Commissioners were OK with sign plus letters by regular mail. They will see how it works on a small item next. [NOTE: Perhaps regular mail with a prepaid postcard enclosed to drop back would be cheaper. Most people aren’t home to sign for mail.]

Support of Spillman Software to approach Council- Sheriff Mike Kreinhop- Andy Doyle was present from Spillman and John Lee The sheriff’s IT person. Kreinhop talked about the letter with costs etc of purchasing the Spillman system. The 3 cities councils have approved the system. This cannot work unless all agree to use the same system. Thus the county has to be on the same system. He is requesting to go to Council for the money. McHenry said the old Spillman system was Unix based and the new one is Windows. He did not find the current system the county is on as being user friendly and also had some support issues. He asked Jared Teaney from 911 to weigh in. Teaney agreed it is a better system. He had been to Bloomington to see their Spillman system in action. Upgrades are part of the maintenance agreement and not extras as in the current system. Teaney said the reporting and search functions of the system is better too. Baudendistel said that they need to check the Emergitech contract for notice. Randall said that they need to get on the phone with Emergitech and transition this. It will take about a year to get this all together with Spillman anyway. Lyness was present to discuss Council meeting time. There is a March deadline date for their pricing. Randall said the sheriff has brought her in very early on the Commissioner’s behalf. One agency is the host ( the county) and they get reimbursed by the cities portions. Baudendistel said they can handle that. Lynch wanted to be sure we were not on the hook for anyone dropping out. Approved for the sheriff to seek Council funding.

Cincinnati Bell Contract- 911 Director- Jared Teaney- Century link will help with the transition to this an they will be flexible with the cutoff date to be sure all Cinti Bell tech was up. They also gave a new rate and it is not as significant a savings as they thought. Some of Century link equipment is still needed even after the transition as they are the local service provider. TABLED.
GIS Reporting to Commissioners- Jan 18, 2011- voice vote for Margaret Minzer to the Auditor’s office. there are still some internal discussions over where that person sits and works with. Lynch said he wants more input. Randall said she has met with auditor, planning, surveyors on this. She thinks he should be upstairs here with the commissioners and put him with Oren Turner who is working for DCRC. She said he’s pretty much ready to move.  Approved for GIS to report to Commissioners from this time forward. Randall will send the letter to advise of this move to council for budgets etc. 

Highway Engineer- Todd Listerman- 
Signatures for LPA Consultant Design Agreement Stateline @ Georgetown realignment for $254,390 some of which is 90/10 and some is 80/20 due to two different kinds of funding. Project set for 2019.This is with GRW and the county. Approved and signed.

Roads are still being snow plowed and treated- as best they can with the weather and temps.

ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall- Belleview interchange is moving ahead. She said it is 4-5 years out and they will get a public meeting on this.  Also trying to get something at the I-275 entrance to the county so CVTB funded $36,000 to get some design and weed removal etc. This is with Context Design and CVTB. 

She is meeting with EMS providers to start talking about recruitment.

Park Board Annual report came out- very nice and they will put on county website.

She is weekly following lobbyists and the Association of Indiana Commissioners to stay updated.

Lynch said he wants to see GREENDALE to be involved in the SR 1 Belleview intersection. He does not want Greendale to feel like we are swooping in on this. She said she would be in touch with CVTB as they funded it. Lynch stressed supporting Greendale- not taking over.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold for Pennington- Claims and Minutes from Jan 20 and Feb 3 approved.
EMS contracts for Aurora two squads- signed for $20,000 each.
EMS for 1 unit at St Leon for $20,000 - signed. 

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel:
Resolution to enter into the interlocal agreement for EMS with Lawrenceburg for 2 squads at $20,000 each. Approved. Interlocal agreement itself was also approved.

Ordinance transferring personal property to Milan Schools for a vehicle from the sheriff’s dept. valued at less than $1,000. Approved. No dept in the county wanted this vehicle due to the mileage and repairs needed per McHenry.
Agreement to transfer personal property of the above vehicle was approved. There is no warranty and is transferred in as is condition. We have no liability on this transfer. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch attended a program by McMillin and Frye for first responders in Dillsboro. It was very well attended. He appreciates Randy and Jud continuing to put on programs. He also wanted to thank McMillin for the Sagamore of the Wabash for Lauren Hill. 
Lynch was in Washington DC also and there was a lot of good interaction for roadway funding. Hopes for some meaningful legislation on that and some tax reform. This evening he is invited to see Rand Paul in Clermont County. 
Also watch for each other and animals in this frigid weather.

Little- said that he was sitting at a table on Augusta Drive with Al Goodman and Rich __ and they placed the call to Jud to get that Sagamore of the Wabash for Lauren Hill started with Jud McMillin. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Bill Black- EMA- we are under a yellow travel advisory and will keep it that way as more weather may be coming in. Tim Grieve agreed
he said. He said working with Jared Teaney has been going well- he is stepping in and doing really well. McHenry said - no doubt that we hit a home run with that hire. McHenry said the county highway does a great  job. 


Meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

Monday, February 16, 2015

Bright Beacon Interviews Bright Area Council members and Commissioners on Bright- I-74 Connector

Bright-Interstate 74 connector study?: Some elected officials from the Bright area are taking a wait-and-see view of a proposal for a connector road from the Bright area to Interstate 74.

Bright Beacon Courthouse Q&A with County Administrator Terri Randall

Courthouse Q&A: The Beacon conducts a Q&A with Dearborn County Administrator Terri Randall on the possible expansion of the Dearborn County Courthouse, which could cost up to nearly $12 million.

The following link will take you to the article.

Sunday Liquor Debate Is Textbook Economics

Sunday Liquor Debate Is Textbook Economics

Reprinted with permission of IPR

by Cecil Bohanon

There are at least two theories of regulation, both applying to the ongoing debate over the sale of liquor on Sundays.

One is the public-interest theory of regulation. In its story, legislators strive to craft just and beneficent regulations that balance legitimate concerns. Legislators are like a good parent: They divvy up responsibilities and benefits among the children to so that the family works well.

A second is the capture theory of regulation. In its story, legislators use regulation to promote the interests of some at the expense of the many — and then use rhetoric from the public-interest theory to provide a fig leaf for their action. Legislators are like oriental potentates — using their power to lavish favors on their friends.

My nature, academic training and lifetime of observation, argue that the second view is a better explanation of regulation. But I have come to recognize that few legislators, interest groups or political activists ever think they are using the power of the state to redistribute wealth to their political allies: Rather, that is what their opponents on the other side are doing.

The current machinations of the Indiana Legislature are a case in point. Indiana is one of the few states that prohibit Sunday alcohol sales in retail stores. This is a remnant of a time where Sabbath-breaking was considered a more serious violation than it is today, and if the bluenoses could not make ‘em go to church, they could at least keep ‘em from buying booze.

Most everyone recognizes that package-liquor stores benefit from the current arrangement as lack of Sunday access keeps alcohol prices somewhat higher than otherwise. Package stores are quite predictably in favor of keeping the Sunday ban. Grocery stores, drug stores and convenience stores, all open on Sunday anyway, are on the other side of the issue. They favor a repeal of the Sunday restriction.

True to form, the arguments are rarely couched as package-store profits versus grocery-store profits. The grocery store lobby argues it is a matter of free markets and giving consumers a better deal. They also argue that repeal makes Indiana appear more modern and business friendly — though I’m not quite sure where being able to by alcohol on Sunday ranks on the list of factors that drive business location decisions.

Package stores argue it is about protecting small local businesses from out-of-state corporate behemoths. They also argue it is about protecting the public from alcohol being too available which is a strange argument coming from those who make a living selling alcohol.

Nevertheless, the package-store lobby is now supporting a bill that allows Sunday sales but also imposes a requirement that grocery stores construct separate in-store locations to sell alcohol — to, of course, protect children from seeing evil beer, wine and demon rum. (You can’t make this stuff up.)

Economist Bruce Yandle of Clemson University calls this the Baptist-bootlegger coalition. In Oklahoma, alcohol prohibition was not repealed until 1959. Small-town Baptists saw liquor as evil. Bootleggers and folks who transported liquor in from Arkansas saw illegal Okie liquor as profitable — and the coalition prevailed nearly a quarter of a century after repeal of the 18th Amendment.

My libertarian and "wet" instincts say abolish the ban on Sunday sales — and without the tomfoolery of imposing costs on grocery stores. I don’t really care that much, though, being neither a bootlegger nor a Baptist and having reached the stage in life where I buy alcoholic beverages faster than I drink the stuff.

Cecil Bohanon, an adjunct scholar of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, is a professor of economics at Ball State University.
The Indiana Policy Review Foundation is a non-profit education foundation focused on state and municipal issues. It is free of outside control by any individual, organization or group. It exists solely to conduct and distribute research on Indiana issues. Nothing written here is to be construed as reflecting the views of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill before the legislature or to further any political campaign.

The foundation's white papers are intended to make scholarly research on Indiana issues more widely available to policy analysts and researchers. White Papers represent research in progress and are published to invite comment and discussion as preparation for their submission to academic journals and other professional publications. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their research and analysis.

Friday, February 13, 2015

AGENDA- Feb 17th MORNING Commissioners Meeting

February 17, 2015
8:30 a.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana



1.  Juvenile Dr. & Nurse Agreements

1.  Request to Approach Council for Summer Art Program - Ruth Ann Batta

2.  Road Name Change, Lake Dilldear – Nicole Daily

3.  Support of Spillman Software to Approach Council – Sheriff Mike Kreinhop

4.  Cincinnati Bell Contract – 911 Director, Jared Teaney

5.  GIS Reporting to Commissioners

6.  Highway Engineer – Todd Listerman
Signatures for LPA Consultant Design Agreement Stateline @ Georgetown


VII. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington
1.  Claims/Minutes
1.  Agreement to Transfer Personal Property
2.  Ordinance Transferring Personal Property to Milan Schools
3.  Interlocal Agreement for Lawrenceburg EMS
4.  Resolution to Enter into the Interlocal Agreement.





Thursday, February 12, 2015

12 February 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

12 February 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Dave Deddens, Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe,  and Randy Lyness.

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker, Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

Jim Deaton absent
Randy Maxwell Absent
Dusty Burress Absent

The January 9 minutes were approved.

Terri Randall welcomed Randy Lyness to the board as Kraus’s replacement.

Property on Randall Avenue- The widow is still interested and Doug Denmure has not returned Terri’s call yet. She will continue to pursue that. Again.

Oren Turner 2 payments approved
$3783.87 for Seitz for bond renewal
Maxwell Epop studio etcTypical expenditures approved.
TIF balances were also read into the record by Deddens. Also the other funds balances were read. 

1099 for Stone Property- the farm revenue from that is about $3000 for the rent comes to the county as the county owns it now.

Support letter for Gennessee and Wyoming IRSF application- this is a grant that the railroad is pursuing. She drew up the letter and sent it out as it was time sensitive. She wrote it from herself and said she was speaking on the DCRC’s behalf. She apologized for not going thru a more formal process. [NOTE:Letters sent on behalf of any county board should have the approval of that board.] 

REDI Cincinnati’s visit and Lunch and Learn- She said there was a man there Mr Singer who will come out to view our properties and RFQs and how to respond to those. She has already received our first lead though we have no property suitable for it. They are going to do a lunch here and getting others in the county here for that. Lunch is 11:30-1 Meeting is 10. She will have Randy Maxwell there. Date is Feb 26th.

Siemer Mills- we had sponsored a grant for $100,000 to the state for a railroad spur. They are pulling together their receipts and because we are administrating the grant we will handle those.
Commissioners approved the highway engineer to go to Council to get matching funds for Bright -I-74 connector. There will be nothing happening until the proposal goes  out later this year. It will be about a year to get results.

Randall and Lynch went to a Cincinnati conference for all leaders and administrators in the region. She said it was really neat to network with all these people. It was good to get all the information and see what every one else is doing. They are going to do 4 of these across the year.

Randall went to the REDI meeting and she will send the board their Powerpoint presentation of all their successes. They welcomed Dearborn County to the group. It was incredibly warm welcome for us.They were so glad Indiana was finally present. [NOTE: Perhaps the $10,000 fee to sit at the table helped spread the warm response.] Mary Stegeman was leading Agenda 360 the group that brought the World Choir to Cincinnati. She said that Indiana was not mentioned in their work before and now she is coming out to visit and help us. A lot of this is due to Commissioner Lynch now that he is the president of OKI. For whatever reason we are now being included.

Green Umbrella- a grass roots effort to bring trails all over the area. Margaret Minzner (former county GIS) and Jack Sutton (head of Hamilton County Parks)- were in this also and they are also residents of the county. We are included in the maps. Pretty exciting what they are thinking about doing per Randall. There are a lot of great monies for these programs. Drees and other developers know that people want these walking trails. Greendale has applied for a grant thru the state Health Dept. to fund a study around walking trails for $20,000.

Terri has an email she received this morning from Randy Maxwell. He is terminating his consulting contract with DCRC effective Feb 28. He wants to concentrate on the private sector now. He will be available for services if the board needs him though. He will stay involved in Project Platform. She thinks that everything down in West Harrison appears to be in the flood plain and will require significant work. The project that is still out there- we are still in the running for it. Deddens wanted to know what McGraw said. Terri said she pushed back and had to draw a line in the sand- and she wanted an update on where they were in the process. The incentives cannot be held indefinitely. The DCRC Board accepted Randy Maxwell’s resignation. 

From: Randy Maxwell
Date: February 11, 2015 at 7:32:21 PM EST
To: Terri Randall
Subject: Consulting Agreement Termination

Per our recent conversation, I would like for this email to serve as official notice of termination of our consulting agreement with the county. I would like to finish out the month of February with the upcoming REDI Cincinnati visit and a few loose ends we are working on. I would also like to stay engaged as needed to assist in responding to leads and to continue our work as needed for project Platform.
I am proud of what we have accomplished over the past 14 months. At this point I have decided to continue to focus on the private side of real estate development in and around our County.
Randy Maxwell

John Rahe wanted to know if they should have the REDI lunch and learn across the street from IVY Tech. Randall said it is up to you since you all (?? the individuals or the DCRC?) are paying for the lunch. They said they could have the meeting and then have a smaller lunch with the smaller group. Do we want to impress them a little bit. We could do the Country Club. Randall said they had contacted a caterer that IVY Tech uses- trying to keep it low cost. Lawrenceburg is very interested in coming.Some thoughts on using event center. Deddens and Helms have a conflict that day so they won’t be there. [NOTE: Is the DCRC allowed to spend money on lunches and guests? the State Board of Accounts generally frowns on this type of expenditure.]


OTHER BUSINESS- Rahe asked about the connector road and wondered if the congestion on US 50 isn’t a higher priority. Randall said that she’d have Commissioner Lynch call him about that. This connector is more a local Dearborn project with some help from the state. This is using dollars that can only be used for these type of projects. The US 50 project is more like something a Blue Ribbon panel works on- big road projects. To get those projects we have to have plans down in advance. This is why McCormack is working on the Master Plan- and it will have an economic development component. That will help complete for these monies. She encouraged Rahe to talk with Lynch again. Rahe went on about the outer loop area again and how we don’t have a lot of land for development. She said McCormack’s group will be a big asset to this development and she has been working very closely with him. 

April 17th- Friday- Whitewater Mill Grand Opening ribbon Cutting ceremony. Ted McKinney state director of Ag and Lt Governor will be coming so far. Pence’s schedule can’t be locked in- so they won’t commit. Randall thought it was better to go with a sure thing. The Lt Gov gets around a lot so they are planning it around her schedule. 


Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township


Tuesday, February 03, 2015

3 February 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

3 February 2015 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney. 

SE Indiana Workforce Investment Board- Kurt Kegerreis - Director now- Overview- Fed gov’t gives the money to a board of local business leaders to make sure the money is invested in something meaningful for the community. His goal is to help employers find workers and workers find employers. This is a 10 county area. They have reduced arm costs by 28% and increased money getting out to 83%. His purpose was to introduce himself and familiarize them with their purpose. Lynch congratulated him on the impact he is having. One program Kegerreis talked about was to improve the graduation rate for kids who are at risk for dropping out. They have  mentor program in the schools. They only have enough money for 4 schools. They want to get it to every high school in the 10 county area. Lawrence burg is their focus in Dearborn as they express the most interest in their help. There is a new Work Force Investment Law. It keeps the regional control of these dollars intact. He would like them to sign off on that support letter after they get a chance to read it. Little said from 2 years ago to now the work force has increased by leaps and bounds. This has improved with new leadership. Commissioners signed the letter for Region 9. Baudendistel had no issues with the letter. 

Juvenile Center Doctor and Nurse Agreements - Baudendistel asked to TABLE this again for further info.


Lifetime Resources 7 Property Lien Releases- Carla Burkhart- This is for occupational rehab done in 2011 and Baudendistel researched the properties to be sure there were no outstanding taxes. Properties were- 
Steigerwald -$19,322 in Greendale
George Ross- owns the property previously William Hoffman $19,446 in Lawrenceburg
Raymond Lucci- $19,990 Dillsboro
Neil Kaufmann- $19.993.93 L-bg
Scott Perry- $16,224.72-Aurora
Nikki Kauffman-$14,700.66- Bright-Lawrenceburg
George Kaun  $19,986- Brookville
All liens were released and signed by commissioners.

Collier Ridge Change Order- $26,120.72 for additional rock to set pilings and core holes. Approved by Commissioners. 
QCQA asphalt $14,927.50- for tie ins on both ends of the bridge project. Approved by commissioners.
Supplemental agreement for Stateliness Road project is on its way and he will present it under Late Arrivals

Cincinnati Bell Right of Entry Agreement -Baudendistel said Cinti Bell provided this agreement as they will be providing the wire and it is staying there. He has no issues with this. This is effective Jan 3, 2015 for 330 West High Street. Approved and signed by commissioners.

ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall-County has been with Centurylink for 911 for a number of years. That contract expires April 12, 2015. She wants to write a letter to them to advise  $82,000 vs $37,000 per year. This savings is due to the Cinti Bell using the cloud not a server we have to maintain. The Cinti Bell agreement is for 5 years. Then automatically renewable annually. The rate is locked in for 5 years. Jared Teaney- new 911 director- said there might be interface issues so they abled this for him to get chance to review for 911. [NOTE: There may also be an issue with the county rule- not to do contracts that extend beyond a year or their term to bind future officeholders.] 

AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington - Claims/Minutes - Approved
Certificate fee amount approval- minimum bid of $150 to cover advertising costs etc. Pennington wants to be sure they are aware of this. Approved. 
Sunman 2 units for Emergency Services- approved for $20,000 each. Their financial reports were attached. 

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel- small discussion with Gayle and Todd Listerman- with a parcel on Sugar Ridge Development that has gone up for sale multiple times that has their drain on it. They want to use Ewbank Land Title since they were involved originally with this. Approved to use Ewbank to move forward. Jared Ewbank will contact Todd Listerman.

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch- raised the issue of organizational chart for the county. Had asked County Adm to review and see Indiana Association of County Commissioners to review how to do this. Also asking County Engineer to be here a few days each week. Also GIS and HR to see them moved under Commissioners purview. GIS works more with P and Z. HR through Obamacare with regulatory issues increasing. They often see them as a separate function. Counsel to look at rewriting this chart. Art Little agrees. McHenry asked when HR came in- Pennington said 2010. He said most policies reside with the Commissioners. Auditor’s office seems to get all the extras added to it. He wants all the offices to start working together. Appreciated Lynch’s comments. We have a great team. He applauds Gayle for all she has taken on. As we look for changes that are on the horizon for us and we look at financial impacts with the treasurer, she needs to have less that she has to oversee. We have dumped a lot on her in the past. This will put us more on track with what other groups are doing. HR and GIS do not have  separate budget. Until we get to the next budget session with Council we will have to do something about that. [NOTE: If this falls under commissioners, then WHO will supervise these entities? Now that the county administrator job is now split from the Redevelopment duties as Econ. Dev Director, this is probably a way of justifying keeping the administrators's increased pay, when they drop the other job at some point. Seems like the same people will still be doing all the daily work though.]

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Todd Listerman- Stateline Bright project began in 1999 and Duke is the first utility ready to move on that. There was a considerable effort to keep utilities and drainage workable in the area. $42,300 design ROW cost and bidding services $11,200- NTE number is $198,000. Little said if you look at Bright and see all the mess overhead- he was amazed when he saw how much worse it was underground. Listerman said Duke energy will take 90-120 days, the water company relocates. then phone lines. They will put phone and electric on one side of the road now. It will clean it up a bit.They may end up with build in 2016- depending on the time for all this. Approved. 

Randall- Jeff Stratman from Aurora sent an email to Randall and they are not participating with the Lewes and Kappes lobbyist agreement. She doesn’t know if Lewes and Kappes will reduce their fee or if it affects our fees. Pennington said these are long standing agreements. Randall said Lawrenceburg has an additional lobbyist and Jewel DeBonis was ill and John Vaughn ( sp ?) took over. Baudendistel said that they should contact Lewis and Kappes needs to be contacted and see what they will do. Pennington said that the contract comes to the county. She will approach the subject with John as she has to meet with him anyway. Baudendistel will check the contract for termination terms. [NOTE: Aurora is probably not the only entity choosing to forego the lobbyist agreement. Lawrenceburg has tabled that item also.]

Randall said - Jim RedElk sent an email out with county highway praise for their help with a leak in the Park dam and Grieve helped. It was a thanks to them. McHenry said that it should be common sense that depts help each other. It was still nice to get that. He said Shelton and McCormack are always quick to jump in and help also. 

McHenry said Wanda Green passed away- who helped out a lot thru RSVP with the front desk. They paused for a moment of silence for Wanda. [NOTE: Wanda Green was the quintessential volunteer. I have been running into her at the county ADM building for the past 20 years. She was always helpful and cheerful when covering the front desk. Her volunteer efforts extended well beyond the county adm. bldg coverage to St. Lawrence parish and other organizations. Wanda will be missed by many.] 


Meeting adjourned at 9:40 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township