It's Time to Wake Up, Sheeple!
Monday, August 29, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
3rd and FINAL Public Open House for Bright - I-74 Study
3rd and FINAL Public Open House for Bright - I-74 Study
**As noted below, this is the 3rd and FINAL Public Open House for this study…If you can make it to this event,
I am sure that your feedback would be much appreciated!
For more information about the study, including the Phase 2 public comment summary report, please go to the Study website at:

The third and final Public Open House is scheduled for:
Wednesday, September 14
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
East Central High School, Performing Arts Center
1 Trojan Place
St. Leon, Indiana 47012
This public event is the third and final open house meeting for the Bright 74 Study. The purpose of the event is to share the process used to develop, screen and refine concepts for possible transportation improvements and to gather public input on the Study's recommendations.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if anyone has a disability and requires assistance or, in accordance with the Limited English Proficiency Executive Order, requires translation services, please call Florence Parker at 513-619-7686 or 800-750-0750 (Ohio Relay Service).
Should you have questions about the Open House, please contact Robyn Bancroft, or 513-619-7662.
For more information about the study, including the Phase 2 public comment summary report, visit For a printable version of the Open House flyer, please click here.
We hope to see you there!
OKI Regional Council of Governments, 720 East Pete Rose Way Suite 420, Cincinnati, OH 45202
I am sure that your feedback would be much appreciated!
For more information about the study, including the Phase 2 public comment summary report, please go to the Study website at:
The third and final Public Open House is scheduled for:
Wednesday, September 14
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
East Central High School, Performing Arts Center
1 Trojan Place
St. Leon, Indiana 47012
This public event is the third and final open house meeting for the Bright 74 Study. The purpose of the event is to share the process used to develop, screen and refine concepts for possible transportation improvements and to gather public input on the Study's recommendations.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if anyone has a disability and requires assistance or, in accordance with the Limited English Proficiency Executive Order, requires translation services, please call Florence Parker at 513-619-7686 or 800-750-0750 (Ohio Relay Service).
Should you have questions about the Open House, please contact Robyn Bancroft, or 513-619-7662.
For more information about the study, including the Phase 2 public comment summary report, visit For a printable version of the Open House flyer, please click here.
We hope to see you there!
OKI Regional Council of Governments, 720 East Pete Rose Way Suite 420, Cincinnati, OH 45202
AGENDA and Reports for August 22nd Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting
AGENDA and Reports for August 22nd Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting
Friday, August 19, 2016
Petition Site for Bright- I-74 Road Project
Petition site for Bright- I-74 Road Project
The following link and opportunity to express your opinion was sent in courtesy of Tony Luers:
They are currently at 769 names, 341 comments.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Live Video When Bright - I-74 Connector Advisory Board Meets More of the Real Stakeholders August 17
Bright - I-74 Connector Advisory Board Meets More of the Real Stakeholders August 17th. Live Video of the Meeting:
Advisory meeting for I-74 Connector Road in Bright- live video of the 48 minute meeting presentation and the citizen's comments at the end for about 20 minutes. The last 5 of the 20 are on the second link. [NOTE: Commissioner Lynch says this was not a public meeting when speaking to the public in the 20 minute session after the presentation. It is hard to believe that a meeting discussing something like this would not be open to the public to at least view the proceedings. For example, Advisory meetings for the master plan were always advertised so that the public could view the sessions.]
For the last five minutes go to this link:
Advisory meeting for I-74 Connector Road in Bright- live video of the 48 minute meeting presentation and the citizen's comments at the end for about 20 minutes. The last 5 of the 20 are on the second link. [NOTE: Commissioner Lynch says this was not a public meeting when speaking to the public in the 20 minute session after the presentation. It is hard to believe that a meeting discussing something like this would not be open to the public to at least view the proceedings. For example, Advisory meetings for the master plan were always advertised so that the public could view the sessions.]
For the last five minutes go to this link:
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
16 August 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
16 August 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator
Application for Hogan Creek Watershed Grant- SWCD Heather Wirth-includes money for education and outreach also in this. This is 63,000 acres in Dearborn and 19,000 acres in Ripley. Funding starts in Feb 2018. This continues what we do now. $370,325- 40% in kind match ($246,000) = $617,208 total. No money form the county for match - it is covered by people in the programs etc. Approved to proceed with the grant as presented.
Manchester EMS Contract- Randall said it was for $20,000 for one squad and their financials are in order. Approved. The original was not available, so commissioners will have to approve outside the meeting.
Stimson Road Agreement- Baudendistel- Randy Wayne who lives there has offered the county to cut 3-4 ft needed there and needs to have an agreement to do the work on a county road. They are meeting with him Friday per Grieve- so they TABLED this.
HIGHWAY DEPT.- Award 2016 Road Paving Contract- Hwy Supt- Tim Grieve- Lawrenceville Rd from Five Points to SR 46, Gaynor Ridge from McCann to White’s Hill, Short Road- and elevating it by North Dearborn with about a foot of paving. Total is about 6 miles of paving.
$612,890.50 O’Mara
$ 549,954.90 Paul Rohe
Contract awarded to Paul Rohe Company as the low bidder.
ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall - obviously- construction is about to begin. [Note: Referring to the trees removed and fences up around the Annex site.] Meetings with employees for how to access the buildings thru the temporary access points. Parking has been discussed. Health dept and Hoosier Square employees were advised. Temp signage later this week.
AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Claims and Minutes of August 2nd Approved
ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- none- but he read the Title VI statement that he forgot to read at the beginning of the meeting.
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch- noticed in the national association of counties that the opioid and heroin epidemic was being addressed in Kentucky.
Congratulated everyone on the job fair- a bit smaller than previous years due to unemployment rate going down. Thanked everyone for help and attendance at the OKI luncheon. Overwhelmed with the number of individuals from all the area who attended.
Little- Thanked Kevin for running the OKI luncheon and the success of it.
McHenry- Also said it was a great event with OKI and hopefully most of those people remember where Lawrenceburg is. Smallest county has the largest attendance at the luncheon- per Lynch.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:20 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
Friday, August 12, 2016
AGENDA- August 16 Commissioners Meeting
August 16, 2016
5:00 p.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
1. Application for Hogan Creek Watershed Grant - SWCD, Heather Wirth
2. Manchester EMS Contract
3. Stimpson Road Agreement
4. Award 2016 Road Paving Contract – Hwy Superintendent, Tim Greive
V. ADMINISTRATOR – Terri Randall
VI. AUDITOR Gayle Pennington
1. Claims/Minutes
VII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
2 August 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
2 August 2016 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator
Baudendistel read the Title VI and ADA compliance statement as usual.
One Voice- a local non-profit- John- reported 199 overdoses with 15 death last year in Dearborn County. On August 31st want to do an awareness walk and release 500 balloons to remember those lost to addiction. They are also meeting with Lawrenceburg to close some streets for this. They want to use the Courthouse Lawn after the day is over at about 4:45 PM. John has been sober 19 months and the other gentleman is 7 years sober in response to Baudendistel- both were part of there drug court. Request to use Courthouse Lawn space approved.
Maxwell Construction: Notice to proceed & Award Contracts for Courthouse Annex Project- Randall addressed commissioners. She said they needed to Close the construction documents phase and move into the construction phase- approved. There are 8 total contracts for 10 bids and these are lowest bids per Baudendistel. Termination for convenience clauses are in there.
Bid 1 and 3- - Bruns Gutzwiller - $3,632,000 including alternate number 8 for bid staining for $17,000 that they accepted. They can deduct the $17,000 if they choose not to do it. They are testing materials for this process. Approved.
Bid 2 -Paul H Rohe Company- paving around annex.- $ 597,000. Approved.
Bid 4- Structural steel- JL Walter and Associates - $996,500. Approved
Bid 5- OK Interior Corp $1,258,590- Drywall and ceiling tiles etc. Approved.
Bid 6- Access Interior Systems LLC for flooring. $391,126. Approved.
Bid 7- Sprinkler systems- Concord Fire Protection Inc- $ 88,964. Approved.
Bid 8 and 9 -Koch Mechanical- Heating and HVAC $1,494,000. Approved.
Bid 10- Electrical - Banta Electrical - $1,267,600. Approved.
Chris and Ryan will move into basement of Courthouse this week and they will see a lot of them and they will have employee meetings to work with them over construction issues.
Monday will have pre construction meeting in the commissioners room to kick project off. There will be a lot of infrastructure relocating before a shovel gets in the ground. Baudendistel said that Humphrey will be holding court in Ohio County over the times of construction. McHenry said temp courtroom will have a sound system set up too. Construction noise will be an issue.
Amend Zoning Ordinance- Plan Commission- Mark McCormack: unanimous favorable recommendations from 8 members present from June 27th public hearing:
Article 24 Section 2410- Minimum Sight Distance these came from county engineer and standardized numbers to state numbers on intersections. Article 24 Section 2448 - Traffic Studies. McHenry read the ordinance into the record. Commissioners opened and closed public comment with no one speaking and approved the ordinance change.
Health Dept Grant- Mary Calhoun- presented by Pennington as Health Dept had a meeting this morning. These were for free drug overdose kits for the public. This was discussed at Council. The requesting public has to go thru counselor and watch a video etc. Approved.
Also Health Dept. annual grants for $26,000 and $48,000 for 30 years that promotes shot clinics with no county match. Approved.
Giving another $75,000 to make it for calendar years now for shot clinics- Approved.
HIGHWAY DEPT. Todd, Listerman, County Engineer- 2016 Line Striping Contract- Striping ADT of 1000 vehicles per day roads. 3 bids- A and A safety -87,934.30, Oglesby by 87,671.98, and
Indiana Sign and Barricade -84,416.93- Approved Indiana Sign and Barricade as the lowest bidder.
Listerman said the Bright Festival went OK even with the road construction up there.
Tim Grieve Hwy Supt- 2016 Chip Seal Contract Award- Omara $149,500 Paul H Rohe $116,700 (low bidder.) This is for chip seal on Chesterville Road- 9 miles to hope to get another 7 years on it. Cracks have already been sealed by county so far. This will be kind of messy but it fits the budget. Paving would have been close to $1million. This is like what the state is doing on SR 48. Approved for Paul H Rohe Company
McHenry- Heavy Rains yesterday in Market Street area in Aurora- Water coming off hill from county into the city. McHenry, Tim and Todd will take a look at it- to see if they can help. It was a freak heavy storm that came up. They will look at the storm water drainage. Reworking curbs, gutters area with Aurora perhaps. The old system is apparently not adequate for the heavier catastrophic rains lately. Hours after the rain the rushing water was still heard under the stones in the old drainage system per Listerman. It moved cars on the road also. Apparently there were comments on social media regarding the county in this per McHenry’s comment. Videos of the water from Aurora’s officers will be used to show the state what the issues are.
SEIOC Board Appt- Sonya Kaffenberger was approved for another term.
Sheriff Patrol Boat- grant a long time ago for this. they say it is no longer feasible to use that boat. Mollaun is wanting to acquire it for Lawrenceburg City. Baudendistel said they have to have terms that are identical for both entities to exchange this as Lawrenceburg gave it ti them thru grant funds in the first place anyway. This will be done after the resolutions are prepared.
OKI 2017 contract- From July 1 2016 thru June 30, 2017 $16,321- the same as last year. Kevin Lynch noted he will abstain form the vote as he is president of OKI. McHenry read thru it. Randall said that OKI covers our MSA and we collaborate with them as funding for other sources. (No one seems to be mentioning the I-74 Bright Connector and OKI.)Little said that the event is sold out for the OKI regional luncheon down here in Lawrenceburg and thanked Lynch for serving. Approved.
CAC- Children’s Advocacy Center- Grant Report and agreement from Sarah Brichto.- numbers down a little this past year- due to more drug abuse investigations than sexual abuse ones. Commissioners thanked her for the report and she thanked them for the support. The annual Mardi Gras is Feb 25th as their fundraiser. Approved the report with McHenry’s signature.
ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall- Report on auction- Many vehicles were pretty well used up. 15 cars sold. $300-$1700. From $14,000 plus,she said $12,780.60 came back into the county after expenses paid for ad and auctioneer.
35 or more employers coming to Job Fair this Thursday August 4th.
AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Minutes form July 19 approved. Claims approved.
ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- each bid included a FORM 96 from the state on Annex bid packages, Approved for McHenry to sign all.
Lynch- As Randall said- the job fair is tremendous- this is comparable to Muncie’s and ours is a newer one. We just have to get out of the way and let people do this- it is the most satisfying to see people go in and come out with a job. Last year 12 had it that day and about 2 dozens more in a couple weeks after. First portion is for Veteran’s only again this year. Luke Messer helps also with this 4th annual job fair.
The OKI Regional Luncheon here is bigger and better than last year. As pres of OKI- we have had 2 sellouts of the luncheon and more revenue. Big deal as we are the smallest member of OKI.
Bright Beacon and Hrezo Engineering stepped up to a Platinum Level sponsor. Eric Holcomb- Lt Gov and Messer will attend. Pence has had to decline. Todd Rokita may be there also.
LHS Band will serenade as people come in.
Attendants are noticing all our potential here. Thanks again to everyone on their support of job fair and luncheon Aig 5 Thursday.
Little- Bright CommunityFestival had great turnout. Good turnout for parade even hough roadwork was there.
McHenry- thanked people and Bright Fire and EMS who work for the festival and still make all their runs during it. Congratulated JR Todd from Lawrenceburg for his win at Sonoma. Baudendistel said it was his 9th win overall.
LATE ARRIVAL- Randall thanked Drew from Environmental Dept in Health Dept. who helped Sue Hayden with all the auction stuff. He stepped up with her to do this unasked.
Meeting Adjourned at 9: 55 AM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
Monday, August 01, 2016
Bright - I-74 OKI Study Phase 2 Public Comment Summary Report
Bright - I-74 OKI Study Phase 2 Public Comment Summary Report
see page 11 on for the survey results in charts
see page 11 on for the survey results in charts
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