Sunday, September 30, 2018

Agenda October 2nd Commissioners Meeting

October 2, 2018  
9:00 a.m., Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana




1.  Donated Flag Flown in Afghanistan on 9/11/17 – Veteran’s Officer, Michael Burgess

2,  EMS Contract w/City of Harrison, OH – Chief, Rob Hursong

3.  Highway Engineer, Todd Listerman
1.  INDOT LPA Contract for 80% Funding for Bridge Inspections
2.  Landwater Group Agreement for Bridge #64, Sneakville Road
3.  INDOT LPA Contract for Lower Dillsboro Slide Correction

4.  Ordinance Amending Personnel Policies Handbook

VII.AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold
1.  Claims/Payroll/Minutes

VIII.ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel




Wednesday, September 26, 2018

26 September 2018 Dearborn County Council Local Income Tax Increase Meeting Notes

26 September 2018 Dearborn County Council Local Income Tax Increase Meeting Notes
Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Dan Lansing, Charlie Keyes, Ryan Brandt, Alan Goodman, and Bill Ullrich. 
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor and Leah Bailey, Comptroller
The meeting room was full with about 50 seats filled and about 10 standing.
Baudendistel read the Title VI statement as legally required.
2 minutes per person to speak. 
Liz Morris read a prepared statement regarding the way Council operates and their respect for each other even if they disagree. 
Baudendistel read the resolution into the record. Public safety is proposed at 0.4% and Corrections and Rehabilitative Services at 0.2%. DLGF reviewed it and they incorporated their comments. 
Patrick Holland- disagrees with this as it’s too high and it seems to be financial mismanagement 
Richard Johnston- Asked if it stays in the county. Yes. And What it is spent on. Jail and also the Public Safety for EMS , police etc. We give off million dollar piece of property on US 52. You have to be conservative and I’m from the old school. Thanked them for their time.
Craig E Beckley- asked why they can raise it at the rate they did. Morris explained. And they could raise it only to a max of 2.5%. Back when he was Commissioner he implored Council to only spend it on the extras and not the basics. He wants them to reduce the exoenditure of gaming money from anything that would not benefit our children.
Jamie Fowler- Recognizes that they are citizens like her and wanted to know how they decided to double the tax we have now. Sh’ed like to know what their discussions were like. I’m getting federal income tax relief and now it’s going from one pot to another. This was a huge surprise- and it’s not because I wasn’t paying attention. Morris replied that the county has used Riverboat Revenue to supplement their budget. Umbaugh has told them that they need to do this even though they have cut the budget. The county will be 72/92 counties instead of 88/92 that we are now. Fowler said- Some of you didn’t agree.Keyes said- he didn’t agree. And he is not for this tax increase. Lansing said It would take 7 votes to send the savings account and a few years ago it changed to 4 votes. Fowler asked- Will this increase balance our budget? Close to doing that they said. Growth and Development and Rainy Day Fund and things like that is what Riverboat will be used for. Ullrich talked about our roads and what that expense came from. 20 plus bridges need to be replaced and the first 10 would take 8.3 million.
Joey Lynch- Clerk Treasurer from Greendale- commends the board and knows it was a hard hard decision. Greendale will benefit from this income share of this. LIT Local income tax is also charged to other people coming in to work here. In order to get infrastructure they go for matching grants to leverage what they have. She commends them for thinking of it. 
Lansing- asked how is the Public Safety Tax broken down for the cities and towns. 
Carl Stockman sp?- how did the health insurance get unfunded by a 1 million. Now that there are so many casinos did you not see this coming? The lack of foresight- your income is going to continue to decrease. Have you shopped your benefits? Do they have high deductibles and copays like we pay? My home assessment went up 25%, now this is coming in. It’s time to start thinking about the hard cuts. 
Donna Thacker- totally against this. You saw this years ago and yet you still went ahead and built this. She thanked Dan Lansing and Dennis Kraus- you voted against this building. This will continue to increase. You are going to pass this because you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. 
Glenn Wright- recorder for last 8 years. Gave the history of how he got into govt- Phil Weaver filled him out on how it runs. With County Council in charge of purse strings. Casino said if they came in they’d take care of the kids and the roads and bridges. Phil said- Once we bite the casino apple the taxes would keep going up. He said someone came to him- a single mom with 2 babies and pays $400. How will she get it? Liz Morris said- that person would be making about $70,000. Wright responded- Look at all the things they have as expenses. 
Jason Semla ( sp?) from Umbaugh and Associates, the consultant for this tax. The Public safety Tax shares with cities and towns and the Corrections and Rehabilitative Services stays in the county with the jail. The .4% on Public Safety - the county gets $3.3million of the total. The rest is shared with the cities and towns. Jail and criminal element costing a lot per Morris. Keyes asked if cities were merging police. Not yet. 
Ryan Brandt- Council member- addressed Johnston- that property taxes go up when assessments go up. Agrees with Beckley that children are important to spend money for them. Agrees with Fowler but that 1.2% will get them closer to where they want to be. Can’t speak for 20 years ago when this was voted into the county. We should have seen the shortfall. Only so much money. Am a big supporter of Public Safety. Look at Bright. It’s not incorporated- the county covers it. Appreciates Joey Lynch that they are $511,000 short in Greendale. Looking for other sites and towns and what they are needed. He noted that the benefits  for the county are offset by their lower salaries. Addressing Donna Thacker- he believes the courthouse was needed. There will be no more capital improvements needed. The 3rd court was mandated by the state. This is not a Taj Mahal. It represents the public and the courts- it should be nice. Glenn Wright- this is different than it was 20 years ago- It takes money to run this county. Bonding the buildings would have cost more. We paid for it- we owe nothing on these buildings. 
Bill Ullrich- jumped in to agree with Brandt and thanked him for his service to this county. We kept kicking the can down the road. Now we have kicked it as far as we can. I wont vote for any increase beyond that. 
 AlanGoodman- been a small businessman all my life. The last thing I wanted to do was raise taxes. When I see bridges not being repaired, 911 needing repairs or sirens not working. When I have to choose which bridge to fix- thats a problem when so many need it. I abhor taxes. I have to fix these things. We are here to keep the citizens safe. 
Dan Lansing- I think we all knew this was coming. And I voted against this buildings. We spent our savings on them. I knew this was coming as a result. We spent 27 million in 6 years. We drained our savings. 
$5,390,539 is projected total from  the .4% for Public Safety
$2,695,269 is projected total from the .2% for Corrections and Rehabilitation 
Brandt motioned and Ullrich 2nd. Passed with 2 nays from Keyes and Lansing.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32 Pm 
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

26 September 2018 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

26 September 2018 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes
Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Alan Goodman, and Bill Ullrich. 
ABSENT: Dan Lansing, Charlie Keyes, Ryan Brandt
Also present:Connie Fromhold, Auditor
Title VI statement read as required by law by Liz Morris
Budget adoption - passed by the 4 council members present.
Maintenance- Eric Hartman- Building Maintenance $20,000 and Janitorial Supplies $25,000 from Cum Courthouse- has not been back for an additional for years. But they have more buildings, lightning strikes etc. Council approved both requests.
The following are from Riverboat General unless noted otherwise:
Sheriff- Gasoline- $50,000- Leah Bailey presented. Has spent $120 from budget so far. Council reduced the amount to $40,000 which some felt was more reasonable giving the amount of time left for the year.
Jail- Inmate Meals- $130,000- out of COUNTY GENERAL- Legislature has been talking about per diem raising to $55/day versus the $35 now. Approved.
Purdue County Extension- Liz Beiersdorfer- Mileage - $3200. She’s the new County Extensions Director. Gave out info on what they do. They hired a new educator this year. She is reducing the request to $1600 now as she has been able to offer a frugal budget. This is to cover their next two payments.  Council failed to motion on this and so request failed.
Surveyor- Dennis Kraus, Jr. -Fill an open position when Art retired. He had a vacation etc due also- 11 weeks pay. He was very important to the office and performed a lot of the duties. The auditor and planning and zoning used him a lot.  $6894- The PAC committee approved the replacement of the position. This paid $30,000 a year and the ones applying are paid about twice that or more. He can use some money from section corner perpetuation for next year. Approved out of Riverboat Revenue.
Gayle Pennington- Clerk- Resolution on Vote Centers- that Council needed to approve as well as Commissioners etc have approved. This allows them to move forward with their process. Town Hall Meetings will be after the elections in November. She read the resolution into the record. Benefits are that voters can vote at any poll in the county. It also saves about $100,000 per election by combining voting locations and decreasing the number of poll workers. Council approved and signed.  
Emergency Management- Jason Sullivan- (presented by Auditor) 8 grants below: All 8 grants were approved
Commodity Flood Study- $10,000 match available in LEPC (Local Emergency Plan Commission)
Drone package for search and rescue- $14,650
Campus repeater system- radio communication across campus- $41,250
24 radios with accessories for sheriff office-  $99,778.32
Repeater for outdoor warning system- $8219
All hazard incident management class to be hosted in Dearborn County- $25,000
National Homeland Security Conference- $3000
Salary reimbursement for 2018- $39053
Health Dept Grant- presented by Auditor- $20,000 one year only to implement the Overdose tool kit from Indiana. Improve local overdose response is the goal and media.  Approved to apply.
Connie Fromhold- Auditor- Minutes from Sept 5 meeting were approved.
Public Comment: Chris Mueller- presented data from County budget and claims to help the Council get more accurate estimates of actual inmate costs in Dearborn County with hard copies for all Council members. Data shows the state payment is definitely too low.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:54 AM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Friday, September 21, 2018

AGENDA- DC Plan Commission- Sept 24, 2018

Dearborn County Plan Commission Agenda
Monday, September 24th, 2018
 7:00 P.M. 
*Location: Henry Dearborn Meeting Room, 1st floor of new building addition (on the left) in the Dearborn County Government Center





 Request: Requesting a Waiver to create an access point which does not meet the minimum driveway spacing requirements. Applicant: JDJ Surveying & Engineering, LLC Owners: Charles Schmolt & Charlotte Rouse Site Location: Kaiser Drive Legal: Sec. 29, T 6N, R1W, Parcel # 15-06-29-200-006.000-020 Township: Miller Zoning: Agricultural (A) Size: 10 Acres (Parent Tract) 


  Financial Guarantee Update

 To review and discuss proposed changes to the Dearborn County Subdivision Control Ordinance

 To review and discuss the Comprehensive Plan Update

Tuesday, September 18, 2018



Present:  Art Little, and Jim Thatcher, Acting Chairman
ABSENT: Shane McHenry and Connie Fromhold, Auditor
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

Commissioner candidate Rick Probst also attended.

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Grant Application Request- Health Dept Leader- Mary Calhoun- This is related to drug awareness and response and campaign awareness and stigma reduction. No county match. Accepted and McHenry will sign the request tomorrow. 

Grant Application Requests- EMA Director Jason Sullivan:
Emergency Management Performance Grant EMPG- covers salary reimbursement. $39,053- for Jason and Sherry. Approved and McHenry will sign at a later date.
State Homeland Security Program Grant- SHSP- $3000 to attend a conference in Phoenix AZ. Approved and all the grants for McHenry will sign at a future date.
$25,000 grant also approved
Repeater for warning system- $8219 approved.
24 new radios for sheriff- $99,778.32 approved to go to council
Campus repeater system $41,250 approved
$14650- Drone to use for search and rescue approved
Hazmat preparedness program $2000 match and the grant is $10000 approved
Flooding in Aurora $4368 for the truck they had on site for 8 days- reimbursement. Approved. 

Mayor Donnie Hastings and Geneviere Emery presented a plaque and will be commissioned in Fort Canaveral for the USS Indiana in about a week. Plaque from a fallen walnut tree in Dearborn County. Taking it to Florida to present.   

Resolution Approving DC as a Vote Center County- Clerk of Courts- Gayle Pennington- positive recommendation from the diverse committee and the election board. Indiana Code allows county’s to adapt the vote center model. The Commissioners signed the resolution that becomes effective with the May 2019 election. Next steps will be town halls throughout the county. This gives her permission to move forward. Locations need to be large enough, convenient and spread out enough. Plus have enough voting machines and staffing. Good planning will eliminate many issues, they hope. 
Pennington got an email that they will get the grant in full to reimburse all their money spent to secure the voting machines. Video cameras keep the feed two years at sheriff’s dept.   

Vacation of Portions of Elm, Reardon(Main) and unnamed alley in Hardinsburgh aka Hardintown and Ordinance for the Vacation-  Mark McCormack- Planning Director. Owner was Nanz Properties. Surveyed by DA Kraus Land Survey Company. It involves 0.847 acres. Zoning is I-3- heavy industrial. He showed pictures and noted that there is an enforcement issue in court regarding part of the land that is coming to court soon. Greendale sent comments regarding utilities there. Two neighbors called and had no problem with the vacation itself. 
Steve Lampert wants to be sure Greendale’s utilities are protected per Baudendistel. 
Dennis Kraus Jr presented for Nanz Properties. They want to have an easement to be sure people know where the buried utilities are located. Page 3 of the survey has the 15 ft wide easements dedicated to the city of Greendale. Nana agrees to the easements but cannot grant them until he owns the property. Public Comment closed. 
Baudendistel read the ordinance for the vacation of these streets and alley. The Plan Commission voted with 8 in favor and one absent (Kraus Jr couldn’t vote on this due to conflict of interest) The ordinance stated the reasons this was a good idea. Commissioners approved the Vacation as recommended by the Plan Commission. 

Signature for Heart House Annual Certification of Local Approval- Sue Hayden presented it and Commissioners approved it with McHenry to sign at a later date. 

Appointment for DC Redevelopment Board - (Diane C Bender)- Due to the resignation of John Rahe, the position needed to be filled. Diane Bender was the only candidate brought up. Art Little said he knows her and she is intelligent and will be a good choice. Thatcher concurred. Approved.

2019 Employee Holiday Calendar- Approved all the holidays- about 16 of them.
2019 Board of Commissioners Schedule - Same as last year for times. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Approved. 

AUDITOR – Sue Hayden covering for Connie Fromhold  -Claims and Sept 4th Minutes approved

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more

McHenry had to take his son for X-rays after football practice- so absent tonight per Thatcher

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Mark Shaffeld, Dennie Mercurio, Rich Martin- all on Augusta Drive. Speed limit in HVL is 25mph because no sidewalks. Augusta Drive has no sidewalks. It’s not safe to have the speed limit at 30 mph. The golf course also has golf carts crossing the street in 2 places. Commissioners will discuss this with Todd Listerman, the highway engineer. They will see what he says and get back to them. 

Denise Klump- Presented more information and pictures regarding the home situation that has been in process for 3 plus years. She wants to know what progress has been made in permits being more stringent on who can get permits. Little said Indiana has what they call a LOG CABIN LAW. It allows a person to build his own house. Little said he understands. And he knows the law moves slow. She knows they are tired of hearing about it. She wants to protect anyone else who may end up enduring this type of thing. Baudendistel - Bill Shelton went up to look at it. There are driveway issues. They want Jennifer Hughes to go out again to talk to JD to let him know what has to happen by Dec1. 
She wants them to look at the building codes and see if they can sure they have the capability to do this type of work. 



Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Sunday, September 16, 2018

AGENDA- Sept 18 Commissioners Meeting

 September 18, 2018 
5:00 p.m., Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana




1.  2019 Grant Application approval request – Health Dept. Leader, Mary Calhoun

2.  Grant Application Approval Requests – EMA Director, Jason Sullivan
1.  Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
2.  State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP)

3.  Resolution Approving DC as a Vote Center County – Clerk of Courts, Gayle Pennington

4.  Planning & Zoning Director, Mark McCormack 
1.  Vacation of portions of Elm, Reardon (Main) and unnamed alley
2.  Ordinance Vacating Certain Unmaintained roads in Hardinsburgh

5.  Signature for Heart House Annual Certification of Local Approval

6.  Appointment for Dearborn County Redevelopment Board – Diane C. Bender

1.  2019 Employee Holiday Calendar
2.  2019 BOC Meeting Schedule
VII. AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold
1.  Claims/Payroll/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel




Thursday, September 13, 2018

13 September 2018 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

13 September 2018 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, Alan Goodman, and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member)
No fifth board member to replace John Rahe has been appointed yet.

Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 8:00 a.m. IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4): to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision.

Title VI statement read as legally required.
Action from Executive Session- The board certified that they only discussed appropriate matters at the executive session (see statement above)
Board voted to proceed with the incentive offer of $10,000 for equipment for Brighton Mills. 
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- August 9th Minutes approved
TIF Claim- Umbaugh and Associates- approved $1600 - for TIF neutralizations and report they file annually.It was taken equally from the 4 TIF districts. 
Financials- report received and approved. 
Cushman Wakefield Contract- Randall said they wanted to include in the contract a clause eliminating a commission for the adjoining property owner to the 55 acres. The commission percent is 5-6% depending on acreage. Commission is 3% if buyers contact Randall first. Tabled this until they get everything in the contract that they want, at Dedden’s request. Then they will call a special meeting to approve it.
Randall said they want to market this as a Business Park. Banning did some concepts for Duke Site Readiness grant. Bayer Becker does work for Cushman Wakefield also and they want to redo the concept plan. They don’t like all the roads in the plan. What do you want to bring in as the name of the Park? Suggested West Harrison Business Park or Commerce so it could go Business or Industrial. Will decide this later officially.  
Randall Avenue Business Park Sign- Quote and design from Signarama - probably 4 that want to be on the sign itself. Revised quote is higher than the original $30,000 NTE amount. It’s now close to $36,000. If you want to add a second panel it will cost more. It would require another footer now and make sure the steel would support the additional height. Three more would be about $10,000. Monthly electric would be about $40 as they are using LEDs for lighting. This sign meets the Planning and Zoning standards. They still have to apply for the permit. Costs to businesses will be $2000 per panel for their sign if they sign on within 6 months. If they come in later after the sign is installed, it will be $5,000. The board rescinded the former concept plan and approved the new concept plan with lighting inside. 
Randall will contact all the businesses to see who wants on the sign now. Signarama will bring in color options at the next meeting to finalize the sign.  
Hirlinger Chevrolet- interested in acquiring land in West Harrison TIF and Deddens will contact them. 
Schools- Letter from SDCSC (SOUTH DEARBORN) Attorney- Larry Eaton- per Jamie Graf this letter surprised him as their letter is not here yet.
Randall said that for a long time there has been a discussion between schools and Econ Dev organizations. State school superintendent association met with Econ Dev groups such as IEDA. They have scheduled one here at IVY Tech for these groups in our area and the schools. It’s a day with $10 for lunch. Some of the DCRC will be there. Frank Kramer is the attorney for Sunman Dearborn and they will communicate with him also. TABLED this response to Larry Eaton until next meeting. 
Board Appointment Suggestions- (Diane Bender)- Alan Goodman suggested her and they have her resume. She bought Goodman’s old store and took it up a couple notches. She greatly involved in community projects. Has an HR background. They will submit her name to the County Commissioners for consideration. 
ONE DEARBORN REPORT: First visioning funds created at Lawrenceburg way back then. Her board (One Dearborn) hired a company ( HWC) to do a regional plan. This will let the citizens know what our priorities are. Commissioners Thatcher and Mark McCormack went thru it. Also the cities and towns. Then she wants to have a larger PRIVATE group and have one or two of them join them on Sept 27th at 5:30. They are categorizing the projects going on in the county into Tiers. The ones affecting all the county will be in Tier 1. There are 8 plans- One is Housing. Infrastructure. US 50 congestion. Now One Dearborn has been out to OKI and Port Authority etc. Business Attraction and Tourism. Pretty excited about where that might take us. It will be the first ever Regional Development Plan per Randall. 
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

AGENDA Sept 13 DC Redevelopment Commission

September 13, 2018
8:30 a.m., 1st Floor Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 8:00 a.m. IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4): to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision.

  1. Call to order

  1. Title VI Statement for Compliance

  1. Action from Executive Session

  1. Approval of Minutes
August 9, 2018 Meeting

  1. Claims & Financials
    1. TIF Claim - Umbaugh
    2. Financials 

  1. Unfinished Business 
1.  Cushman Wakefield Contract
2.  Randall Ave. Business Park Sign – Quote & Design from Signarama
3.  Hirlinger Chevrolet 
4.  Schools – Letter from SDCSC Attorney, Larry Eaton
5.  Board Appointment Suggestions (Diane Bender) 

  1. New Business

  1. One Dearborn Report 
  1. Attorney’s Report

  1. Other Business

  1. Adjournment

Monday, September 10, 2018




A public hearing will be held by the Dearborn County Council, on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at the Dearborn County Courthouse, Henry Dearborn Room, 165 Mary St., Lawrenceburg, IN  47025 concerning local income tax adoption.

Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of DEARBORN COUNTY, Dearborn County, Indiana, that on September 26, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. public hearing will be held at the Dearborn County Courthouse, Henry Dearborn Room, 165 Mary St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. At that time, the County Council of Dearborn County will consider a resolution in substantially the following form concerning a proposed ordinance modifying the local income tax rates imposed in Dearborn County:

BE IT ORDAINED by the Local Income Tax Council of Dearborn County, Indiana that a need now exists to modify the local income tax rates imposed in the following way:

Allocation Rate Category
Existing LIT Rate
Proposed LIT Rate
Certified Shares (IC 6-3.6-6)
Public Safety (IC 6-3.6-6)

Economic Development (IC 6-3.6-6)

Property Tax Relief Rate1 (IC 6-3.6-5)

Special Purpose Rate2 (IC 6-3.6-7-__)

Correctional or 
Rehabilitation Facilities3 (IC 6-3.6-6-2.7)


The local income tax rates proposed above will become effective on January 1, 2019.

Note 1: Units are encouraged to consider both the county property tax relief LIT rate and the application of property tax relief between the allocation categories. 
Note 2: If a unit is adopting a Special Purpose Rate, the unit must provide the IC Code for the rate.
Note 3:    This is new option for 2018 passed under HEA 1263. The tax rate must be in increments of one-hundredth of one percent (0.01%) and may not exceed two-tenths of one percent (0.2%). This tax rate may only be imposed by a county fiscal body.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a public hearing was held on the proposed local income tax rate modifications on September 26, 2018.  Proper notice of the public hearing was provided pursuant to IC 5-3-1. 

Duly adopted by the following vote of the members of said Dearborn County Local Income Tax Council this _____ day of __________, 2018.

After the public hearing on September 26, 2018, the County Council may take action on the proposed resolution. There is no remonstrance opportunity on any action taken on the proposed resolution. 

The public hearing identified above is the taxpayer’s opportunity to express concerns and ask questions on the proposed resolution.

Dated this ____ day of _______, 2018.

Dearborn County Council

Tuesday, September 04, 2018



Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Jim Thatcher

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator
Also present- Rick Probs, candidate for D-3 Commissioner

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Grant Application Approval Request Heath Dept- Mary Calhoun- Health Dept Leader- annual that they have had since mid 1980’s. Part time help, supplies, mileage, meeting expenses, some maintenance, etc. Approved to move forward with the grant. 
Next grant is on community projects like drug user issues. That will be next meeting. 

Highway Engineer- Todd Listerman:

Consulting Contract for Bridge Inspections- These have to be done every two years and some have to be every 12 months. United Consulting has done it the past 12 years and now American StructurePoint has been selected. They were the inspectors prior to United Consulting. This contract is April  1 2019 to March 31 2023. Contract is for $ 248,162.08. It is 80/20 cost to county. Approved. 

Agreement for Inspection of Bridge 95 (Triple Whipple Pedestrian) - This is on old SR 56. It is presently a pedestrian bridge. INDOT does not allow federal highway funds for inspecting pedestrian bridges any more. This gets inspected once every 4 years. It is a fracture critical bridge because of the length and construction type. American Structure Point will do this also for $3,634.82. Approved for them to inspect at this price. Major maintenance gets shared with Ohio County under a very old 80/20 agreement. But bridges on borders have different rules. In our case we do east and south bridges. Luckily we have no east bridges on the Ohio state line. This is one of our south bridges. Approved Triple Whipple. 

Community Crossing priority will be: Resurfacing road in Dearborn County and one for Bridge 76 on Jamison Road and Losekamp. Still waiting to see what happens with those to applications .

Lawrenceburg Library Appointment- Gary Gellert expires 9/30/28- Approved to reappointment of Gellert. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden-none

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Minutes from August 21st approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Donaldson Case on Turkey Point Bridge 44 and 30 days has passed for objections. Appraisers will be appointed  to get .053 permanent ROW and .02 acres temporary ROW appraised. 

Little-  Labor Day has passed but temp indicates summer is not over.  Have neighbors looked out for if they are older. And Yes I have someone to look after me. 

McHenry- Baylor Trucking has the Vietnam Wall down at the Fairgrounds. This is about 8 ft tall- taller than the original mobile wall. It’d be a good thing to take family to.




Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township