Friday, April 22, 2005

20 April 2005 Dearborn County Plan Commission Working Meeting Roadway Standards

20 April 2005 Dearborn County Plan Commission Working Meeting Roadway Standards

Present: Mark Mitter, Chairman, Jeff Hughes, Patrick deMaynadier, Robert Laws, Nick
Held, Jane Ohlmansiek, Mike Hall, and Tarry Feiss.
Also Present: Travis Miller, Planning Director, and Mark McCormack, Enforcement Officer
Public present: Kathy Scott, Mark Neff, Archie Crouch, Nicole Daily, Kim Elam, Tom Kent, Jim Kinnett, Chris Mueller.

The Plan Commission reviewed the current street classifications and
design guidelines. An updated map of collector and arterial street classifications was presented for possible future adoption to become the basis for a County
Thoroughfare Plan.

Travis Miller presented a flow chart and timeline for adoption of a future land use map to be appended to the Master Plan. He emphasized that future land use designation decisions must be coordinated with roadway improvement planning. This process will continue across the summer with a draft plan to be presented to the public for their input in the fall of 2005.
[NOTE: This Future Land Use Map and the above Thoroughfare Plan are an important part of the future plans for the county- public involvement is crucial to this being appropriately adopted to reflect the desires of the entire county. Watch the papers and check with the plan commission site at for meetings on these topics.]

Subdivision Control Ordinance Appendix C – Geometric Design Guidelinesfor all roadway classifications and categories were reviewed and the criteria
used to determine the classification of roadways were discussed. (see also Section 24 of Zoning Ordinance)
Staff will prepare a text amendment of the Subdivision Control Ordinance Appendix C including a second design guideline without parking for Curb and Gutter streets for public hearing and final recommendation.

Concerns regarding a conflict between the required driveway spacing
requirements for arterial and collector roads being greater than the required lot
frontage within the Agriculture zone district. This will be addressed by potential text amendment(s) to remedy the lot frontage vs. driveway spacing conflict and present to Plan Commission for further review and discussion.
Eventually these recommend amendments will be added to the Comprehensive Plan so it will have an official Roadway Classification and Thoroughfare Plan.

Cul-de-sac Street
Staff proposed changes to Subdivision Control Ordinance Section 305-N and
Article 6 for review. Clarification suggested by Plan Commission. Staff will modify the definition text and the graphic diagram present revised recommendation to Plan
Commission for final recommendation.

Traffic Impact Study for Zone Changes and Development Proposals
Applicants were concerned with possible time delays in the review process if county approved firms were busy. Funding mechanisms will be defined – e.g. cash, bonding, letter of credit, escrow accounts, etc. Ownership of interest needs to be addressed. Applicant issues were discussed regarding the weight given to the consultants report. Issues regarding the conflict of interest when the applicant hires the consultant and expects it to be accepted without question were also discussed.
Staff will present revised recommendation to Plan Commission for final recommendation.

Possible Fiscal Impact Study and workshop was proposed to be scheduled for the plan commission. This will be of interest to the DCEDI as well. Two companies are being considered so far for this work.

Meeting adjourned at 9 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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