Friday, April 21, 2006

20 April 2006 Dearborn County Sewer District Meeting Notes

20 April 2006 Dearborn County Sewer District Meeting Notes

Present: Hankins, Chairman, Holland, Enzweiler, Pruss, Fehrman, Maxwell, and Dennerline
Also present: Quinn, Engineer, Baer, Health Dept., Lehner, Att’y and Messmore- liaison with Woolpert and County Adm.

Hankins declared this a working session and all members sat at the side table. It should be noted that decisions were made and votes were taken, so this meeting more properly should not be called a “working session.”

Special Request:
Tom Kent SR 1 Development- NO Show

Lou Anevski, Chateau Pomije Sewer Extension. Presentation was made by Eric Anevski (son) and Peter Ellis, Engineer. The Chateau has been on a pump and haul set up for about 4 years. The property is for sale and Anevski is purchasing it. They have two options to obtain sewers from a 2001 design. 1 is back down N.Dearborn Rd to Dover. The other is down Jacobs Road thru the old road bed to Dog Ridge to the development up there (Maxwell’s) The option to Dog Ridge is probably less challenging, though presents issues with a long line and possible septic issues with times there is no flow. Ellis thinks a 4” line would be adequate to handle the winery. They might be able to serve the church and New Alsace also. St. Leon has been ambivalent about extensions. Hankins noted they expect an agreement with St. Leon soon. Asked about septic issues in the line. Ellis acknowledged this and thought they might have to aerate the line. Winery uses 1500-3000 gal per day and they are designing for 2500 gal per day.
At this point Lehner disclosed that she had done legal work for the winery in the past.
Baer stated that IDEM gave them till the end of June to address the pump and haul or the winery would shut down.
Hankins stated the county fully intends to use ROW for sewer extensions. Sunman won’t go past Jackson Township- this is outside that area.
St. Leon needs to be contacted. The HEALTH DEPT. is in 100% support of this project. Baer also stated the line would revert to the county, once built. [NOTE: Doesn’t that mean it would have to meet cty design standards?]
Dennerline and Holland motioned and seconded to provide the necessary support for them. All ayes.
Anevski asked about Maxwell/Fischer development on Dog Ridge. Maxwell acknowledged that it was his. Monday Anevski and Ellis should meet with Baer to get the design to him and ready to send to IDEM so that they can extend the pump and haul permit until the line is built.
[NOTE: If this line is built down North Dearborn or back through Dog Ridge, does that mean that the properties within 300 ft. of the line will be forced to hook on? Will they have the $4,000 St. Leon tap fee, or is there a different county fee? If they construct a line big enough to take in New Alsace, will they extend that down Yorkridge and force those properties on also? Has Woolpert covered this area in their study to be released on May 4?]


Stewart St. and Cole Lane- Quinn talked about inserting a clause in the contract as an incentive to finish on time. May 1, Fehrman is meeting with Hastings and Turner in aurora to talk numbers and decide whose customers these residents will be. State sets the rates- so they know what those are. $101,000 is the Stewart construction cost. Tap ins are $500 (last meeting they were $1500). It was said that homeowners don’t need an easement now because they own the pumps and maintain them not the DCRSD. They are sending letters to citizens and skipping the meeting. Annexation thoughts were discussed with Dennerline repeatedly saying the DCRSD has no control over that. [NOTE: Aurora could have the no remonstrance form letter, if they wanted to, as a condition for taking the sewage.]
Hwy engineer is requiring directional boring along Stewart St. That will have to be hired out- Aurora can’t do that. Board again decided to send this out for bids (same as last meeting)
Baer will write the letter to citizens to tell them bids are going out with construction this summer.

SDRSD Membership – Board members are in the process of answering the 11 questions for SDRSD for the next meeting on May 2 with SDRSD. Hankins said there is general agreement to approve our request for membership plus escrowing funds for buildout. Jacobsen of SDRSD Board informed them that the repair on the sludge pipe break was fixed when it was questioned.
Funding requirements for SDRSD and St. Leon- were over $4M and $1.5-2.5M respectively.
Hankins said Council set aside money last time in the budget for this. On Apr 28th they will turn in their formal request for the money to be considered at Council’s May 23 meeting. They also need Aurora by-pass pipe funds. Hankins noted they needed to be specifically general. Fehrman and Dennerline motioned and 2nded for the paperwork authorizing the money to be signed by Hankins who would work with Lehner to determine the amounts to request and funds to request them from. All approved.

Dennerline said he hoped Sodrel’s office comes through with money. Messmore said all reps received the same map and letter with our requests.

Messmore said David Terrill of the Office of Rural Affairs is meeting here May 1 to try and build a model from what we are trying to accomplish.

Lehner, Messmore, Hankins, and Woolpert going to meet June 14 with Daniel’s chief of staff to see if they can open a few doors for us.

Hankins wants DCRSD board to lobby council members to get the funding.

Messmore said Woolpert would be at the May 4th meeting to give a formal update on their results so far.

Claims paid included $904 liability ins. With Seitz and there is $2000 bonding due in June. Lehner was paid for her Stewart St and Cole Lane work.

Baer asked what to do with individuals who need sewers but are in county territory. Can they attach to other providers? He was told to bring them individually to DCRSD to make their requests. Big discussion on whether they’d be mains or lateral extensions. State would be involved with main extensions. They were also concerned about getting too many little lines all over the place.

Teresa Brady (sp?) taken over at rural development- says we do not meet income level requirements for the grant. They need to get something from Susan Craig to send to her. Lehner to draft letter to GRW to get info. GRW was supposed to get this done on their original contract. Comments about suing GRW…

Letter from John Watson was the attorney from Sunman representing Classic Properties on Blossom Hill. (He called it SR 1 but meant Stateline Road) CTA overlaps with VRUC. Watson believes both have the right to sewer it. Lehner said Watson thinks we are set up with a CTA- we are a “different animal” as a regional sewer district. VRUC’s CTA has not been revoked yet. So we have no obligation to provide service. If that CTA is revoked, the commissioners can acquire it by condemnation or purchase. If the health dept. can prove serious problems, they can also condemn.
Board said Parvin Price (VRUC att’y in INDY) would sue us. Messmore said VRUC had a new attorney. (Ewbank) Answer was- no they have TWO attorneys!

Per Steve Lampert- Greendale- Tom Kent came to the city to see about sewer access. We’ll need a contract with Greendale for transmitting sewage. County has to give a collection letter, Greendale has to give a transport letter, and SDRSD has to give a capacity letter. Lehner to draft DCRSD letter. Holland and Dennerline motioned and 2nded to provide a conditional letter. Kent to lay a mile of line and county will charge a “head tax.” They anticipate 100-150 in development.

Hankins, Quinn, and Fehrman looked at sewer flows around Aurora. Think they understand the patterns. They think they may be able to help County and Aurora at the same time. Discussion of line sizes, siphons, Conwell St, Trestor Hill, Moore Street, and Quinn to design and have some hydraulics engineers double check to see if feasible. Have to be careful not to flood the houses along it…
Fehrman said Aurora is fearful of the fines IDEM is threatening. GRW’s proposals do not help the county- they are strictly for Aurora (who hired them!)
Maxwell was concerned with 2 engineers working on the same things.
Quinn to do the feasibility for $16,000.

Maxwell asked about High Ridge Estates and where the sewage was going. [NOTE: FINALLY, someone sees the PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE!] He was told it’s going over the hill into Hogan Creek and has been for about 20 years!
Hrezo Engineering talked to Hankins about using temporary package plants. [NOTE: An added expense- better to talk to Dillsboro- they are closer.]

Meeting adjourned 9 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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