1 May 2007 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
Present: Hughes, President, Fox, and Thompson
Also present: Pickens, Auditor, Ewbank, Attorney, and Messmore, Administrator
Dick Robertson, Vieste/Level 5 Engineering ,LLC – the so-called “extension of county staff” was also present tonight- and presented his claims for payment at the end of the meeting.
No uniformed officers were present.
Don Townsend- Bldg Dept- presented the facts of the case tabled from 4/17 meeting regarding a burned out structure on Winter St at the end of Conwell just outside Aurora city limits. Ewbank swore Townsend in- declaring his testimony to be the truth. [NOTE: Wonder what would happen if all presenters were sworn in at county meetings?]
Townsend said the building burned on 1/19/2005 per Aurora FD and was unsafe, had gang graffiti on it, and that the order to Bev Gabbard was sent 4/4 and effective 4/16 for 60 days notice to demolish and clean up the building debris. She’s about half way through demolition- neighbor complained of debris laying all over and flying into neighboring property and the creek. If Gabbard fails to clean it all up by mid June then the county will do it and a lien will be placed on her taxes to collect the fees for this. Ewbank then called Bev Gabbard’s name 3 times and she was not present. Commissioners voted to allow the order to demolish with a deadline of 60 days from 4/16.
GIS- Margaret Minzner introduced the Sidwell Company with a presentation for parcel building for our GIS system database. Neal Carpenter, CEO and Joyce West Account Manager presented a thorough overview of their services, their company, personnel, and services. They are based in St. Charles, IL but have 90+ counties throughout the Midwest- many in IA, IL and IN. They presented this also to the office holders recently and Pickens said “ I think it’s kinda’ nice and you know I don’t like anything!” [NOTE: Sidwell did one of the classiest presentations I’ve seen at the county. It was low key- informative- very open to questions- (several technical ones came from Thompson).] They gave key references to check- stated it is NOT proprietary software- it is compatible with ProVAL and Low and stated that we should map it once- map it right and it should easily last 100 years. The idea is that the technology can change, but if they stay compatible with certain systems, you can just upgrade and forward the data to the new format. As long as the basic data is accurate- the system will last if updated regularly. Carpenter noted that the topography and other issues in our county made it a challenge, but that they liked working on those kinds of challenging projects. Sidwell started in 1927 and is 100% employee owned. Average tenure of employees is 11 years. They have 6- IAAO CMS designees on staff. They are the leader in Cadastral Mapping. The cost is estimated to be about $800,000- certainly no more. Commissioners took this info under advisement.
Animal Control Ordinance – not ready yet.
Purchasing Agent Ordinance was briefly discussed but commissioners seem to want to leave this as is for now.
NEW Business:
Bill Black- EMA- gave an overview of the Homeland Security grant received and got commissioners to sign off on it. Total $517,000 which includes $50,ooo for district manager adm., $450,000 for mobile command unit for the region, $17,000 for more laptops for first responders at %1,000 each, and $150,000 for a regional exercise project at Muscatatuck.
They also signed a Greater Cincinnati agreement to assist each other in the tristate area. We still don’t have a Mutual Aid agreement with Ohio. Black is also going to a WEBEOC conference in San Antonio to tie the state together.
Gary Hensley- Assessor- gave an overview of his first 1/16 of a term and stated that his office is now complaint and property tax revenue will be released. He stressed that the contracts he’s working under were started prior to his tenure. He mentioned the $45,000 Homestead Credit and reminded commissioners that he doesn’t MAKE THE RULES- he has to work with them. There are problems in his current software and wants ASII that was created by a user to be purchased for sales disclosures for $12,500. It is compatible with ProVAL and LOW , but he’s not sure if it is with GIS. The trustees requested he seek bids for new construction assessor- because only one trustee is certified to do this. He was OK’d to select and hire from the 3 bids he has opened already. No Names were given at this meeting.
Robert Bissett- Property Tax questions- citizen moved here about 3 years ago. He mentioned that his wife has a degree in computer science from Mount St, Joe and he has a masters in Inf Tech from Ball State and that neither of them can figure out what their property taxes will be! The math doesn’t work. He talked to Hensley also about why the county was using out of state assessors to work here- rather than hiring locally. He wondered when we were getting through reassessment to get a bill that makes sense. Hensley noted we are going to go through another reassessment next year. Assessments go up, then the rates should go down. They are hoping to get a budget order with rates soon.
Bissett asked about getting an update on Ag Econ Dev Meetings- but said that could be at a later meeting- he saw a full agenda tonight. Hughes said they talked about farm products, biofuels, and wants to get a round table through the Chamber or the Extension Office.
Todd Listerman Transportation Dept- Gave a 15-minute summary (which is short for Listerman) of Council’s actions at their April meeting, presented a signatory page for the bridge inspections, which were performed for $96,831 and noted the cost 2 years from now on the 2nd part will be $86,325. The county also saved $300 on these contracts. These are 80/20 reimbursements with the state.
He told them Major Moves money was allotted for Wilson Creek 9$50,000) and Collier Ridge slips ($40,000 preliminary engineering by HC Nutting geotech) They will do a lot of work in house to save money.
Chip seal THRU Roads will be addressed at budget hearings. It would take $3 million to do all of these – would have to be phased.
Listerman asked permission to go to Council for $25,000 for steel and $75,000 concrete from cum bridge to do in house small structure rehabilitation. Fox said this was high payback- Commissioners OK’d to go to Council.
Three bridges need repair we cannot do- rockers, bearing pads, and expansion joints- on Johnson Fork, Salt Fork, and Sagamaw. OK’d to go to Council for $100,000 for preliminary engineering on these.
Commissioners also signed statements regarding land acquisitions for Bells Branch Bridge. One says we will comply- one says we did comply.
Fox asked Listerman to put notices in paper on Collier Ridge and Wilson Creek so citizens know they are working on them. Collier Ridge may not get finished this year yet. They are also doing a small structure replacement on Kuebel Road.
McCormack presented the overview of the Tucker/Schmidt/Bayer Becker development. [NOTE: John Watson attorney for St. Leon was there representing the developer- but did not speak publicly.]
McCormack spent a lot of time detailing how the concept development plan and written commitments would stand and that changes to these would require another PC hearing. He passed out IN Adm Code on this. He noted NO DENSITY changes were made as requested by the PC in their Feb meeting. If commissioners act tonight, then written commitments on the concept dev. Plan would have to be signed by the applicant and the PC. Also noted were $30,000 total to be donated to the school and the road fund.
Jeff Hughes asked why the advertising for Commissioner Meeting was done BEFORE the PC hearing. Applicant requested this and McCormack and Messmore and Ewbank discussed before they did that. [NOTE: HURRY HURRY HURRY]
Tucker presented for the development. He said they couldn’t go less dense- they changed many things to improve the development and he made a big issue of protecting an adjoining subdivision (Farmland Dr) from aesthetic issues. [NOTE: If these sub’ns are so compatible- why do they need to be shielded from each other?] Tucker noted this flat land with all the infrastructure is good for all types of development, but then hastened to say that it wasn’t good for INDUSTRY. [NOTE: Why not? If all the infrastructure is there- or is it?]
He said there would be NO detrimental effects on property values and used national figures to allot 0.62 kids per home. He also showed high school scores and grad rates for the 3 school districts (no year was shown for that data) saying that Sunman Dearborn is still best in almost all categories. Tucker compared miles of “visibility” of the sub’n to others in the area. He also showed how much economic impact the housing industry has on the county in wages and taxes, etc. He’s committed to 94 homes, and giving $10,000 to the ND Elementary to use as they wish and $20,000 for improvements to Gaynor Ridge. [ NOTE: It costs $50,000 to pave an already improved road. It costs more (like 2-3 times that) if the road needs to be widened etc. per Listerman after a previous Commissioner meeting.]
Public Comment:
Jeff Hughes presented emails received for the public record- they were not read aloud.
Glen Crocker- gave a timeline of this development proposal- June 2006 submitted 131 homes and July 2006 PC UNFAVORABLE at 5-1 for density issues.
Aug 2006- Commissioners Meeting- Tucker complained that there were only 6 PC members Fox thought this should go back to the PC and work something out.
Oct 2006 108 houses submitted. Nov 2006 PC UNFAVORABLE 7-1 for density issues again.
Jan 2007 submitted 94 homes and Feb 2007 – eight PC members were polled and all but one was ready to say no due to density. They also gave direction to Tucker on what they wanted to see- individually ranging from ¾ to 2-3 acre lots. Tabled at Tucker’s request for up to 90 days.
Then at April meeting applicant makes no changes and the PC gave no recommendation. He said he noticed Tucker is not complaining about only 6 PC members now.
Crocker noted the PC was working hard to give Tucker direction through all of this. They did their job and told the applicant how to get a FAVORABLE- he did not do it. [NOTE: Instead they bring a lawyer…]
He referred to suburban ugliness and doesn’t believe we should “put stuff where stuff’s at.” (referring to Tucker’s statement at a previous PC meeting) “We’re common folk and we wonder how much our voices are heard.” Crocker said his adrenaline was running like on Friday nights and hoped he wouldn’t slobber like they do when they are playing football and slapping on helmets. (Referring to his coaching at LHS) [LAUGHTER]
Pulling up PowerPoint slides he asked- what will this subdivision do FOR the surroundings? Not much. He suggested putting 23-56 homes in this as a transitional zone- no trees and bunkers would be needed – they’ll bring oohs and aahs – that’s what it’s all about.
Crocker showed the plats surrounding the development and Ag/ rural use with the exception of Harley Springs nestled down mostly out of eyesight. “If the comp plan says to DEFACE THE RURAL AREAS, this will do it. But I don’t believe that’s what it says.”
Fox- Would you have been here if the ¾ acres had been adhered to? Crocker: NO
Hughes- we’re pushing Ag here. Crocker- I wouldn’t mind if it stayed in hay.
Fox- If most people who lived on Ag ground asked a realtor to assess- they’d be shocked at the increased value. P/Z says to be sure you don’t do HARM to other people- balance. [ NOTE: Fox said to Crocker in this portion of the meeting that they would continue with the hearing but indicated he wanted to send this back to PC]
Terry Powell- Wife is lifelong resident- I’ve been here 26 years. Live on Farmland Drive. The primary issue is density and the density proposed is inconsistent with the area. Focus on Ag- R rezone- if you don’t rezone it- that forces the density to 1 per acre. Powell repeated used the term- “What is in the best interests of the county and its residents.” He said that there were an overwhelming number of residents in the area- and some outside the area who agree that this is too dense. You as commissioners should know where your constituents stand on rezones in Ag. Powell mentioned the community costs and negative impacts and also the standard of living of the current people who chose to invest in low-density rural areas and farms. The PC reviewed this 4 times and failed to give a favorable. The consistent message of the majority of the PC is that this is NOT in the best interests of the county and its residents.
Tom Gaynor- family lived here 147 years and he and sons operate livestock farm. Consider the current residents. A sewer line does NOT mean you have to have high density. If you can afford 1-2 acres you can afford to pay taxes to improve schools. 33 kids in primary classrooms now. Maps passed out showing existing condition of Gaynor Ridge Road with 4 sharp turns within ½ mile of this. Schools and road safety are not someone else’s problem- the commissioners should look at this.
Todd Schumate- North Dearborn and Gaynor are the only E-W roads in the area. Has 3 kids age 8 and under. Where will kids play. Works on volunteer fire dept.- biggest worry is to have to go on a run for a hurt child. Wants to develop an area safe to raise kids.
Steve Kuhn- Grew up and live on a farm here- density is way too high. This is not smart and doesn’t go with the county’s plan for development. PC members polled in Feb agree – ¾ to 2 acre lots. He feels the developers are not listening to the PC board. Development is judged on a case by case basis. Just because something got approved in the past doesn’t mean it was right for the community. Infrastructure cannot handle high-density housing. Will the $20,000 for roads go to fix the ruts and fences they run into on our farms? The N Dearborn Rd project is being put on hold. We plant corn in our fields and will continue- that affects visibility too. Farm vehicles need to use the roads.
Glen Richardson- our family lives all along the N side of this development on Gaynor Ridge. He went thru the 5 criteria for a zone change : 1. Comp plan says Ag. 2. Current conditions show mostly low density and character is rural. 3. Most desirable use- looking for a reasonable use of land as we move forward. The connecting roads are not that strong, there is no strong need for housing, and there will be a negative impact on the schools that are in debt now. 4. It will diminish property values when high-density smaller homes are put next to 80 acres with 5 homes. 5. It’s not responsible to require high density when there are no extenuating circumstances to require that.
He then made RECOMMENDATIONS: for 1-acre lots minimum, improving the roads, and strong housing covenants. Make it an eye catcher- not an eye sore. What’s the compelling reason to approve? Just because you can; doesn’t mean you should.
Bob Gaynor- This is rural farming low-density area with 7 livestock farms. There are already bad issues with farm equipment and traffic. Currently he has between 86-114 cars in the morning rush hour (7-8 AM)and 52-62 between 3-4 PM.
My brother Tom and I have given ENOUGH for development in this area- our farms still bear the scars of sewer lines from years ago. He passed out tax rates in surrounding areas- with ours being highest.
Diana Hay- I recently attended the Comp Plan meetings- they were well attended. Land Map A was the winner- with the least amount of development. I think people are saying we want low density. It takes time to feel the effects of overcrowded schools, traffic on roads, and litter scattered on the roadside. Children are feeling the effects with 32 in the classroom and so are their teachers. At a Christmas concert we had to sit on the floor of the gym- the bleachers were full. She asked – What is being done to promote Ag in Dearborn County? ( No answer)
Mike Gaynor- We raise cattle and hogs- hard to haul on roads with traffic now. What happens when we expand our business? We need to look out for OUR best interests- the developers won’t.
Fox motioned Thompson 2nd to Deny. Ewbank said they had to base it on the 5 criteria. Fox read through them and then stated especially they one on current conditions and character was not met. Thompson wanted to ad road condition. Fox stuck to #2 only. Thompson went with Fox.
Hughes said he hated to see him not be able to use his property. Thompson said BALANCE the rights of both sides. Fox agreed with Thompson on balance. Hughes agreed with Fox that it should go back to PC- be fair to every individual. He said zoning makes an artificial market- increases some people and decreases others. Fox asked Thompson to convey the commissioner’s thinking to the PC- and you’ll be in an awful position…
Vote: 2 ayes with Hughes Nay. Zone change DENIED.
[NOTE: Developer can reapply for another zone change in 90 days or can go for primary approval for an Ag zoned subdivision. Those have to demonstrate that they are compatible to the Ag purposes- which usually requires most lots being 5 acres to accomplish Ag use]
Claims and minutes approved with PSA Dewberry being denied again for incomplete substantiation. The check will be held until that comes in. Hughes said he talked to them and was comfortable- no specifics. Thompson insisted that we should be able to stand up and explain to people what we approved for payment.
[NOTE: In answering Thompson questions, there was a lot of variability in the back up that Messmore and Robertson were giving as to when and what PSA Dewberry was doing. They couldn’t seem to get dates or duties right and seemed to be grasping at straws to try to latch on to something that would please the commissioners. Robertson said PSA Dewberry was part of the TEAM along with Jungclaus Campbell and RBC. Then the team members seemed to disappear from the Vieste website) Vieste was to be paid and then they pay the team who works for them. Now it seems that the team wants to be paid directly. If they aren’t part of Vieste then perhaps this is just a ploy to get the job without having to bid it out competitively?]
London Witte and Vieste were approved. Vieste will be paid per the contract schedule EVEN THOUGH WORK IS CURRENTLY ON HOLD. [NOTE: Is anyone going to suggest we terminate or rewrite this contract to be FAIR to the county?]
School contract for state was signed- an annual process to get the interest on $29,000 distributed to 3 districts.
Lifetime Resources letter signed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
Hughes said he hated to see him not be able to use his property.
These developers buy Ag-land, at suburban prices, and Hughes wants the rest of us to bend over backwards to subsidize these developers! To save these developers from their own financial blunders!
Hughes has to be channeling the obtuse ghost of Vera Benning!
Hughes said he hated to see him not be able to use his property.
Raise your hands if you can live within the Comp Plan guidelines and the Planning Commission dictates?
Everyone else (leaving only the self-appointed/self-annoited movers and shakers of Dearborn County)...hire an attorney...schedule a series of serial meetings...and call a top secret meeting of the DCEDI and the Chamber of Commerce!
Throw your little DCEDI temper tantrum!
"Jeff Hughes asked why the advertising for Commissioner Meeting was done BEFORE the PC hearing. Applicant requested this "
Is Tucker that desperate? And why is the government helping his rush to get rich?
Thank goodness, this time they lost!
Well this is a prime example of people who did not attend the meeting getting their information crossed. The discussion on the reason for the rush to have Commissioners hear the case was not just because of the developer. If you would have been at the meeting and if it would have been noted correctly in the minutes on this blogspot you would know the main reason.
Mark McCormack had also stated that he was not going to be around for the next Commissioners meeting and this was the best option to get the project in front of the Commissioners within 30 days.
So the government was not rushing to help the developer.
Just another example of the public being misinformed and running with wrong information.
Just another example of the public being misinformed and running with wrong information.
Explain how secret, private and closed DCEDI meetings, serial meetings and a whole host of other tactics, used by some in this county, better informs the taxpaying public?
This blog is open to the "public."
You all cannot say the same regarding your side's tactics and methods of "doing business!"
But thanks for playing!!!
So the government was not rushing to help the developer.
But, the Planning Commission has done their level best to help this developer by giving him clear advice on what he needs to do if he wants approval...but Tucker, like many realtor/developers in this County, wants to make and be beholden to his own rules and profit margins.
The "Good Ole Boy" network is slowly reaching its nadir. Tucker just has not gotten the memo explaining the new ground-rules yet!
These developers are so "pro-property rights," until, of course, someone posts a sign on their own property in opposition to the developers' development.
Then, these "pro-property" folks are the first to try to shut down such property rights, and "speech rights," by complaining to the Zoning Authorities.
How rich is that?
Funny, funny, funny joke!
Here is the part of the joke that is reminiscent of how the DCEDI and the Chamber like to do the "Public's Business":
The Arkansas contractor doesn't measure or figure, just leans over to the White House official and whispers...
The DCEDI and the Chamber:
Well, I am glad to see that people have turned into grade school kids again. Lets just call each other names instead of working to find a solution for everyone.
The county needs Economic Development. I read a report that said the county's property taxes could raise up to 23% if the County does not establish a tax base.
And don't tell me it is due to all the residential units. People need places to live and so do their kids.
Grow up....There is change that needs to happen to keep everyone happy to live in this county.
"The county needs Economic Development. I read a report that said the county's property taxes could raise up to 23% if the County does not establish a tax base."
Has anyone asked the school superintendents and accountants what happens when TIFs and abatements are in the mix for economic development? They were very outspoken on taht subject at a planning focus session a year or so ago.
Ask Lawrenceburg how much PSEG's abatements are helping...
And the same will be true for TIF companies in St. Leon and Aurora and West Harrison. The schools will wait for their share of the money.
Buildings come primarily at state expense. Fancy building don't educate kids- teacher's do. And staffing is funded by property taxes.
Chris Mueller
Grow up....There is change that needs to happen to keep everyone happy to live in this county.
GROW-UP!!! If everyone truly wants your "kind" of change, then open up all the "private-public-related" meetings held around this County.
If the public is so gung-ho for development...why do you keep cutting them out of the "change" discussions and planning?
Your schemes have gone from alabaster to downright transparency!
Open up your private, RINO meetings…then we will all discuss the “change” you want to impose on the rest of us!
Fat chance…you all do not have the courage of your so-called convictions!
"Fat chance…you all do not have the courage of your so-called convictions! "
These folks' idea of consensus is any deal that arouses and stimulates the interests and profitability of a hand-full of “politically connected” realtors, developers and bankers.
Everyone else, be damned!!!
Buildings come primarily at state expense. Fancy building don't educate kids- teacher's do. And staffing is funded by property taxes.
Chris Mueller
BALANCE!!!!! for the DCEDI and Chamber types is:
They make the rules and the BALANCE!!!!! of their hand-picked and pocketed politicians follow in lock-step!
"Open up your private, RINO meetings…then we will all discuss the “change” you want to impose on the rest of us!"
This is always where the "development interests" go silent.
They will not even tangentially address the "open" government argument and questions.
Because, they know, that their schemes cannot withstand "public" scrutiny!
Their idea of "open" government is to vote in political hacks who are are against "open" government for anyone and everyone except the DCEDI and Chamber types!
They are true cowards!!!
Because, they know, that their schemes cannot withstand "public" scrutiny!
Can you say, NW Quadrant?
Sure you can!
"If the public is so gung-ho for development...why do you keep cutting them out of the "change" discussions and planning?"
The one bright spot was the public input regarding the County Comp Plan.
Of course the realtor/developer/banker interests never have a nice word to say about the Comp Plan...including their past pawn: Vera Benning...who wanted to do away with the Plan because it did not rubber stamp her handlers' perogatives.
Please someone talk to Vera Benning bring her back, she was
one of the best Commissioners
we have ever had.
Please someone talk to Vera Benning bring her back, she was
one of the best Commissioners
we have ever had.
Someone talk to Vera?
Like Vera chose to leave office?
Vera's days of "Holding Court" are long over!
Thank you voters of Dearborn County!!!
Although, now that Vera has more free time on her hands, that affords her more time to harass her neighbors and brow-beat the nearby farmers!
She seems to dislike farmers!
Must be all that land they refuse to sell her realtor friends!
What a piece of work Vera is!!!
She reminds me of the old lady in the opening scenes of the "Wizard of Oz," peddling furiously on her rickety old bike, wearing a long black pleated starched spinster dress and what appears to be combat boots, with ToTo in her front basket.
Though Vera lacks that character's charm!
Do you know what I think should happen in Dearborn County? I think we should knock down any building over 25 years old...all of them. Make nice metal pole barns to replace them and then I think if there is grass or hay or corn showing up out of the ground we should use as much poison as possible to eliminate it. Let's make Dearborn County the place that Hughes and Fox want. It will create jobs, jobs, jobs! Bulldozers, poison control and bland nasty buildings with no one occupying them. Has anyone looked at US 50? Buildings are empty everywhere but we need more empty buildings so we can have shovel ready sites so the inner circle can line their pockets. If you want that keep Hughes and Fox.
Be this Dan or maybe JAY HaHa
Shovel ready???
We already have a number of occupant ready sites on 50.
But, of course, there is more money to be made for the speculators by buying up farm land and getting their buddies in local government to offer up sweet deals to potential buyers...that way, everyone makes money...except the taxpayers!
"Be this Dan or maybe JAY HaHa"
Did some drunk get this blog confused with their "My Space" or "Bar Fly Buddies" chat room account?
Do you know what I think should happen in Dearborn County?
A favorite of Fox and Hughes is the bulldozing of all the hills to fill in all the valleys!
Witness Hwy 50!
That's called "PROGRESS!!!"
I wish I would have come up with something like this. It's funny yet makes some sense. I have to admit the wool was pulled over my eyes in the last election. I will be like a lot of people in the next election. I think I am more "in tune" to how this County operates. I was ignorant the first election, but I would have to call myself stupid to vote for the same people I did the last time.
Jay W.
"I think I am more "in tune" to how this County operates."
This is how this County operates:
There are a number of persons in County political office, or on appointed boards, who have no inner ethical compass.
They would pilfer the riches this County has to offer...as long as the citizen/taxpayer turns a blind eye.
Behind closed doors, in the back offices...this is where these folks want to run "YOUR" County!
We need to take "OUR" County back!!!
"The county needs Economic Development. I read a report that said the county's property taxes could raise up to 23% if the County does not establish a tax base."
Oh sure cite your reference,or publically withdraw your statement. Identify yourself. What part of this request doesn't the anonymous writer understand?
Alan S. Freemond, Sr.
"Oh sure cite your reference"
Maybe the ever elusive and indefinable EVERYONE authored or is at least aware of this study!
Possibly ghost-written by an empirical genius team collaborative including such authorities as Fox and Hughes.
Taxes could raise up to 23%
- only if we let rsidential development outpace our infrastructure capacity.
- only if we let residential development outpace our infrastructure capacity.
We need more development to support more development to have more development to support more development...and so on...and so on...and so on...and so on...................
Somehow, my farm, remaining a farm, is cutting into the profits of all the local realtors/developers!
I expect soon to be sued for all the opportunity loss costs borne by these realtors/developers caused by my stubbornness in not “parting out" my farm to their DCEDI brethren!
"I expect soon to be sued for all the opportunity loss costs borne by these realtors/developers caused by my stubbornness in not “parting out" my farm to their DCEDI brethren!"
At the very least! And next they'll be suing to have Vera Benning reinstalled to get the development issues back on track!
Great idea
Paid for by the "Bought And Paid For Political Hack Society!"
Paid for by the "Close-minded and Un-educated Society"
I guess it can go both ways. It would seem that things could work if everyone was willing to compromise between Economic Development (commercial, industrial and residental development) and the Community Character.
But from what I have seen those who are for Economic Development seem willing to compromise but those who only care about themselves only want what they want.
They only want what is their own to begin with.
Paid for by the "Close-minded and Un-educated Society"
Their are Un-educated folks on the commission...Thompson is not one of them.
Closed-minded? Funny! According to your characterization and categorization, those of us who want to open up government and give voice to all citizens are Closed-minded.
Your side, who have done their level pest to cut out the public from public discussions, are Open-minded.
Strange little world you inhabit!!!
You want development? Develop those areas where there is infrastructure already in place and like development already existing.
But...you want to buy up farm land...speculate, so to speak...then develop it…great profits for you…at the expense of those who surround your new “development.”
What happened to your TIFFs…cheap talk it was!
Those of us who have lived in the country all our lives, or have chosen to live in the county, are under no obligation to you and your compatriots’ bottom-lines!
There is a place for rural living and development…just no room for the speculators’ vision and tactics of buying up the first farm to come on market…and then immediately petitioning their in-pocket political hacks to rezone the farm land to fit the tastes and desires of the developers…with no regard of those who have lived along and within the zoning requisites for all these years!
See ya next election cycle.
"Your side, who have done their level best to cut out the public from public discussions, are Open-minded."
These folks so miss the good ole days of having rubber stamps such as Benning scampering to do their bidding!
"But from what I have seen those who are for Economic Development seem willing to compromise but those who only care about themselves only want what they want."
Like the "no-brainer" of planning an Industrial Park in the middle of a farming community without even including those who live in the self-same community in such plans?
You are not about compromise!
You are all about "steam-rolling" over others whenever it fits your profit margins!
What is the DCEDI all about? It certainly is not about "compromise."
Closed meetings,which is the DCEDI's usual practice, are not about "compromise!"
So please, save your "Snow-Job" for someone else!
We are all well aware of your past course of conduct!!!
But from what I have seen those who are for Economic Development seem willing to compromise but those who only care about themselves only want what they want.
Have you seen all the development on 50? How much more do we have to permit to still be "compromisors?"
If we do not fall into lock-step with each and every developers' plans we are not willing to "compromise?"
You all are acting like forever-spoiled children who must get "your" way each and every time or you go into tantrum mode!
Now, go behind your usual "closed doors" and bitch about all of us who refuse to bow at your feet and cater to your every wish!
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