Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ronald Reagan once said to his opponent “There you go again.” Here, the incumbent had to make just one more negative personal attack. He now states he “would never accept an $8,000 campaign contribution from an attorney who would practice before him.” And neither would I.

Numerous local attorneys have told me that they strongly support me and will vote for me, but they were very concerned about possible retribution to them and their clients if they made a campaign contribution. However, one local defense attorney did make a $5000 contribution to my treasurer and my treasurer accepted and deposited the donation. I had my treasurer return the full $5000. The attorney then gave a lesser total contribution of $3000, not $8000 as my opponent states. All of this occurred in 2007 and was accurately and openly reported in my campaign finance documents, which were publicly filed four months ago.

It is amazing my opponent claims contributions to me buys influence while he defends the multiple contributions he accepted from at least five local attorneys who currently practice before him. I hope and pray that no contribution, from anyone, in any amount, would ever influence any decision in the administration of justice. It certainly will not with me.

Jonathan N. Cleary
Republican Candidate for Judge

Kathy Scott Listens to Concerns at Women of Dearborn County Social

Kathy Scott and the Women of Dearborn County - April 20, 2008 Meeting/Social Notes
provided by Helen Kremer, Logan Township

Kathy Scott introduced herself to the women at the Tate Center. Kathy stated that she has lived in the county for 15 years, and came here because of the rural area. She also explained that when she attended meetings before the Plan Commission and Board of Commissioners, she witnessed, or was subject to, bad experiences. Kathy informed the women that she investigates issues, knows the codes and ordinances, and decided to step-up to be a candidate. She told the women that this meeting was for all of them, and she wanted to hear about their concerns.

The concerns of the women at the meeting are as follows:

1. Problems with density. Overcrowding in the schools, roads are too busy, there is a drain on emergency services.

2. Sewer issues and their ramifications, especially for the rural areas of the county. The 300 feet from property line for hook-ups was discussed, and the fact that grinder pumps are a poor choice. One woman shared that a friend of hers had to install a new grinder pump and it cost her $1,200.

A discussion followed regarding LMH, and some believed, in the beginning, the lines were not adequate. Those who use that sewage system believe rates are set, and all this hooks into water bills. Many women did not think that IDEM inspects as thoroughly as they should.

3. The fact was discussed that Jeff Hughes believes in the rights of the property owner. But the opinion of those involved with issues before the Board of Commissioners was that Jeff Hughes supports seller's rights, not owner's rights. The consensus was that public officials should know that neighbors of the sellers have rights too.

Kathy explained that she believes too often zoning, and other issues are voted upon too fast. People on these boards can agree to disagree, and they should let some of these issues sit for awhile. She believes in a good process. She works three nights a week, and will have the time to study the issues.

The women continued with their concerns:

4. The issue of Vieste was discussed and the fact that the entire issue was known by realtors and economic development people before the land owners. The plan for the Northwest Quadrant was decided behind closed doors. There was a lot of money paid out to Vieste, and for what?

5. A brief discussion was held regarding the hiring of Kinnett to take over the position from West. The women noted that Kinnett and Rozow of the Chamber of Commerce, inferred in one of the local newspapers, that they had a more realistic vision (map?) for the County.

6. The issue was brought up regarding Rick Fox and Jeff Hughes not signing-off on the Land Use Plan stating it wasn’t representative of the people in the County.

Mark McCormack and the Planning and Zoning Office worked very hard to make the entire process public with mailings and announcements. But there was a group who did not want the Land Use map which was voted upon and chosen by the Advisory Group.

Kathy said that is an example of manipulative behavior.

Discussion continued regarding the concerns of the group.

7. The general consensus was that the entire process for zoning changes, Tech Review meetings, and Plan Commission presentations, need to “tighten up”. The fact is that developers work on a project for months before a new project, or a proposed zoning change comes before the Plan Commission, after being reviewed by the Technical Review Committee. People living next door to these projects, or the neighbors in the area, are not aware of what is being planned. If you live right next to the property, you receive a certified letter about three weeks before the project goes to the Plan Commission. But others are affected too! Should there not be a process where neighbors, and those living next to the area, are informed earlier than three weeks?

8. Many people are not aware they can attend Technical Review Meetings. At these meetings, very often not all the members attend. The suggestion was that all members of this committee should attend all meetings. Also, it has been noted that the developer, or whoever is there at the meeting with a project, sometimes does not have all the information together, or it is not complete. Often the Tech Review members table the issue. The women at the meeting today believe that in all cases, if all the information is not there, the members of the Technical Review Committee should end the meeting, tabling the issue, and inform the applicant that everything needs to be in order.

The women believe that a “no-nonsense” attitude would reinforce and demonstrate the professionalism of the Tech Review Committee. That would put to rest the fear of many people in the county, who believe that because developers and public officials work with the same issues and are often together at the Administration building, the “playing field” is not equal.

9. Bringing information to the Plan Commission – often citizens have information that is pertinent to the application, and they bring the information the night the Plan Commission is going to vote on the issue. Often, time is given to read the information, but not all members read it thoroughly, and they honestly do not have the time to think of all the consequences. When meaningful information is brought before the Commission, the suggestion is they should table the issue and give it the thought it deserves.

10. Also, there are often many conditions placed upon an approval. The Planning and Zoning office has this responsibility. But this is a monumental job—most approvals have a list, and it is important that these lists be kept and all conditions met. Discussion was made that perhaps a citizen group could be formed to make sure all the conditions and issues are solved as intended by the Plan Commission.

11. One of the women attending has property with serious drainage problems from a development, and so does one of her neighbors. Soil Conservation was called but the problems continue. Her question was, what happens when they discharge water into Tanners Creek?

12. Issues of no sidewalks, or no shoulders on roadways, as well as roads without room for two cars were of great concern to many at the meeting.

13. Variances are another issue. Many times a developer can’t get what he/she wants, or plans poorly--then a variance is given. Variances are to be given only in special circumstances.

14. When the Tech Review Committee gives an unfavorable recommendation to The Plan Commission, each member of the Plan Commission should give their individual explanation of why they are approving a zone change, ignoring the recommendation of the Tech Review Committee.

The same should be with the Board of Commissioners. If the Plan Commission recommends or does not recommend a change, each Commissioner should give an explanation based on ordinances, and facts stating why they did not follow the recommendations.

Kathy Scott interrupted to say that the process should be followed, and exceptions not made. An example is the road issue. There is a list of road repairs which has been recommended by the County Engineer, but Rick Fox has changed the list, and placed other road issues ahead of the roads that Todd Listerman wanted to repair first.

Discussion followed regarding public officials responsibility to all of the people.

15. One member of the group lives in Lawrenceburg, and has contacted numerous city officials concerning homes next to her. The issues are slum lords, drugs, and vandalism. She has contacted the police, one policeman did help her. But she has been threatened by neighbors, and has had no response from city officials regarding her issues. She has been contacted by the slum lord to sell her property, at a very low price, but she does not want to move. She has invested money into her property and has made her home here.

The suggestion was made that she schedule an appointment with the Mayor of Lawrenceburg at one of the “see the Mayor sessions”, and also go to the Lawrenceburg Council. Many in the group offered to attend any meeting with her.

The allotted time ran out, and Kathy Scott thanked all of the women who attended. The women shared their personal contact information. Kathy gave everyone extra handouts to pass along to those who couldn’t attend, and business cards.

Everyone thanked Kathy Scott for running for Commissioner, and for the opportunity to share their concerns and issues of importance.

Helen Kremer
Logan Township



An editor’s mistake in the April 29 Journal Press article titled “GOP primary hot for commish, judge” contained the following misquote:

“Witte said, unlike his opponent, he would not accept a campaign contribution from an attorney who would practice before him.”

The actual quote submitted in writing to the Journal Press was:

“I would never accept an $8,000 campaign contribution from an attorney who would practice before me. My opponent has. Again, this highlights the inexperience of my opponent.”

By editing the phrase “$8,000”, the entire context of my statement incorrectly changed. I have accepted contributions from 5 local attorneys – none exceeding more than $250. Lesser contributions like these are not going to compromise any judge.

The newspaper has the original submission. You may contact the newspaper to verify their mistake.

Judge G. Michael Witte
Dearborn Superior Court No. 1

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

28 April 2008 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

28 April 2008 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present: Hall, Chairman, Kraus, Jr., Laws, Lehman, Nelson, Lansing, Thompson, and Beiersdorfer.

Also present: McGill, Attorney and McCormack, Planning Director, and Listerman, County Transportation Director.

Kathy Scott- Candidate for D-1 Commissioner was present in the audience

The agenda was rearranged to accommodate the citizens present for 2 of the items.

1. Corrections to Sheet 1 of the Zoning Maps- Washington, Hogan, and Center Townships.

All errors were in Washington Township. Two corrections were made as supported by the records of meetings and files: One was to parcels 16 and 17 of Section 3 Washington to Ag grandfathered in a Residential zone. The other was to Section 10 of Fairmeadows Subdivision, which stays as B-2 with footnote on the map.

Section 12- the Legge property is tabled for more research to bring back in May.

Nine citizens from the area were present for the meeting and had all been notified.

2. TBS Development addressed the Plan Commission to discuss the motion from July 23, 2007 meeting. TBS owns Lot 156 of Sugar Ridge and UCB Bank (Bill Ritzmann and EG McLaughlin) were also present as holding the mortgage for lot 157 which is currently in foreclosure. Lot 157 depends upon an easement thru 156 for access to Augusta Drive.

Restrictions placed on them are impossible to accomplish due to Macke bankruptcy. Macke’s lands are going to banks and insurance companies. Bonding is not in place. There are 3-4 HOAs and 20-30 sections of the Sugar Ridge PUD. Two roads are public- Augusta Drive and Oakmont.

UCB- Ritzmann- stated that they were holders of the Lot 157 mortgage and viewed TBS as “innocent victims” in all this.

McGill’s personal and not legal opinion was that the county let the bonds lapse and will end up with paying for top surface on the public roads and also the stoplight.

TBS and their attorney, Pat Mobves of Ft. Wright, argued to end the moratorium on building as their losses are accumulating at $15,000/month and they will end up in foreclosure if this keeps getting tabled.

Hall said: Your client knew this was a problem area.

TBS: Not until we got to the Plan Commission- after we’d bought it.

Nelson: There is a tier of people who come after TBS- the condo owners- we have to protect also. What if they get more problems as this is NOT fixed? What about UCB trying to get their road?

There is no moratorium on development- but the variance is dependent on conditions that have not been met. The Plan Office is issuing permits on single family homes.

Nelson motioned and ?? seconded to let the TBS condos proceed conditioned upon:
1. Posting a $20,000 bond toward the overall development cost of finishing part of Augusta Drive (Total cost to finish approx $ 150,000 per Listerman)
2. Provide acceptable agreements with Lot 157 owners for acceptable access.
3. Statement that you will not resist being part of a TIF if they get one to finish the PUD.
4. Agree to become part of a single master HOA for the PUD.
(Delete the HOA on paper now and use this condo HOA as a “master template” for the rest.)
All ayes. Passed.

Thompson and Nelson also stated they wanted all the property owners etc. listed for the next meeting. McCormack to get that.

3. Proposed amendments to DC Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance.
Both items were tabled for more research after 1.5 hours of discussion.

Items were on sectionalizing and phasing major subdivisions- tabled for more research on condo subdivisions, and dead end streets, turnarounds and emergency accesses. The discussion on cul de sacs went on at length.

Listerman told the board that every road we accept is a loss because of low road funding. He said Hidden Acres off Sneakville had 92 homes off a single access point. If 2 cul de sacs were joined that would have dropped to 40 and if a couple houses were moved it would drop to 20. Harley Springs and Dogridge had similar issues. Listerman urged them to make it work with more accesses and NOT base it on a market strategy. Morgan’s Ridge is better and they are working on accesses there.

McCormack said research shows we have the HIGHEST HOUSE COUNT and LONGEST LENGTH for any cul de sac ordinance. Typically lengths are less than 1000 ft. Ours in 1200. Our ordinance was taken from Boone County’s ad they never intended theirs to be 1000 ft per branch- it was to be total number of feet from the main road – including branches.

Emergency accesses were discussed with respect to EMS finding them even and also 15% grades being difficult for fire trucks. Maintenance will be from HOAs preferably.
Tabled till May.


1. Bond report passed out. Park Place and Eden Gardens finishing up. Tucker’s subdivisions will get no more permits if he doesn’t get his bonds in. Villages of Sugar Ridge in bankruptcy.

2. Copies of new Zoning books passed out.

3. Records are being digitized and stored in two locations. Bought a good scanner and doing this in-house to avoid excess costs. [NOTE: Also a good productive use of employee time with the lack of development projects now.]

4. Doing inspections thru 2004 and found about ½ with problems. Subdivision inspections are next.

5. Fiscal Impact study with OKI – met May 23 and told them what they expect and we will get data to them for the model. We hope to be done by Nov- Dec.

6. US 50 Collaborative met and will meet in June again. They will try to work with some businesses using info from the Gateway Study and Strand Study to get ROW access and preliminary design work so as not to wait until 2016 when INDOT money is available to start.

7. The Building Dept has suspended all commercial inspections because of the state. Greendale is OK as they do their own inspections, but all other cities and towns depend on us for this and have to wait for a stat inspector now per Thompson.

8. Trying to set up a working session in June for working on redoing the Ag districts and Residential per the comp plan. McCormack urged PC members to contact commissioners to get the Comp plan approved so this can proceed.

9. May meeting moved back a week due to Memorial Day.

Meeting adjourned 11:25 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Monday, April 28, 2008


REMINDER: DCRSD Creates Ordinance to Enforce Hook-ups

The Dearborn County Regional Sewer District will conduct a hearing on Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to consider adoption of the following ordinance:DEARBORN COUNTY REGIONAL SEWER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 2008-2

An Ordinance regulating connection to and the use of public sewers and drains, the installation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewers in the Dearborn County Regional Sewer District, and providing penalties for violations thereof.


1. Discharge of Sewage. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the District, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said District, any human excrement, garbage or other objectionable waste.

2. Discharge within the District. Within the District, where public sewers are available and located within 300 feet of a property owner’s property line, it shall be unlawful to construct, use or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage, unless specifically permitted by the District.

3. Discharge of Water to the Sewer. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any sanitary sewer, either directly or indirectly, storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, water from downspouts, water from footing drains, water from garage drains, geothermal water, heating or cooling water, unpolluted water, unpolluted industrial water, or water from basement or crawl spaces.

4. Wastewater Disposal. No person shall place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the jurisdiction of the District, any wastewater or other polluted water.

5. Discharge to Natural Outlet. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any natural outlet any wastewater or other polluted water except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance.

6. Required Connection to Public Sewer. The owner of any house, building or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes requiring wastewater disposal, situated within the District is hereby required to cause said property to be connected with the public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, within ninety (90) days after the date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within three hundred (300) feet of the property line. Such notice shall be provided in accordance with I.C. § 13-26-5-2(8).7. Civil Penalties/Civil Infraction Fines. A User who has violated or continues to violate any provision of this Ordinance will be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per violation. Each day during which the violation occurred or continues to occur shall be deemed a separate, distinct violation. The penalties will be collectible in the same manner as monthly sewer charges. The District may seek enforcement of such penalties in the same manner as for all other charges.C-4-15-JP-2t

Sunday, April 27, 2008



All candidates for county offices in the May 6 primary election are invited along with the public:

Each candidate should plan to speak for 5-10 minutes on the issues
Each candidate will be expected to answer a few questions from the public
Come Meet The Candidates, hear their views, & ask questions

When - Wednesday, April 30 - 6 –8 PM
Where -North Dearborn Library
North Dearborn Road – Logan Township

Refreshments will be provided (soda, chips, coffee)
For more information contact Robert Bissett
Email -
812.212.2901 (cell phone)


Robert Bissett

Saturday, April 26, 2008


The following editorial appeared in the Thurs edition of Register Publications:

In the 2006 election year, the citizens of Dearborn County proclaimed their dissatisfaction with our county government by soundly rejecting the only incumbent commissioner up for election and electing Ralph Thompson. This was a good first step toward re-establishing a bond of trust between the citizens and the courthouse, but only a first step.

For the past 15 months, Commissioners Jeff Hughes and Rick Fox, with their 2/3 majority, have stymied reform efforts and continued the “business as usual” practices that are at the heart of most citizen’s disillusionment. There is a golden opportunity to resolve this unfortunate situation on Primary Election day, Tuesday, May 6.

I offer 5 excellent reasons why we cannot afford to re-elect incumbent candidates Jeff Hughes or Rick Fox.

Reason 1: The Dearborn County Regional Sewer District (DCRSD).

On November 15, 2005, they expanded the powers of DCRSD to county-wide jurisdiction without advance notice or public discussion, in apparent violation of Indiana’s Open Door Law.

They recently appointed an Ohio resident insurance salesman with absolutely no sewer credentials to the DCRSD board without advertising the opening and potentially attracting local candidates with credentials. The appointee cannot vote in Dearborn County but he will decide if you get sewers.

The DCRSD monster they have created and empowered is at this moment in the act of jamming ordinances down our throats to force sewer hook-ups, mandate availability fees for those who escape hook-ups, require $25 per day fines for those who do not cooperate and finally, sue you if you don’t comply. All the while Jeff Hughes and Rick Fox continue to profess “we don’t like forced sewer hook-ups”.

And with a DCRSD board including developers and a real estate salesman, any decision on sewer expansion is automatically suspect as to whose benefit those proposed sewers will serve. The Dearborn County Council has already chastised DCRSD once for ignoring the existing health issues they were conceived to correct while requesting taxpayer funds for sewers to aid development.

Reason 2: The Dearborn County proposed Land Use Map.

Jeff Hughes and Rick Fox tabled (killed) the proposed Land Use Map, bowing to special interests and ignoring the majority will of the people. With the lame excuses, they discredited and insulted the Department of Planning and Zoning, the Planning Commission, the scores of civic-minded citizens who labored for hundred’s of hours over a two year period and the large numbers of the public who sacrificed their time to attend the many public reviews and offer their comments and suggestions. As a detached and objective local newspaper editor eloquently published, “what a load of crap”.

Reason 3: Vieste

For their direct involvement in the Vieste debacle and the resultant “Northwest Quadrant” nightmare.

Reason 4: Fiscally irresponsible high density development.

For their continuing record of approving zone changes to allow almost exclusively high density urban development. These congested developments continue to choke the rural life from the county. Their decisions increase our property taxes to expand the county services these developments require but their low tax base cannot support.

They shift the responsibility for their decisions to the Planning Commission which recommends the zone changes while the majority votes on that commission are their own appointees.

Reason 5: The poor general operation of the county government process and disdain for the public.

Mandating citizens sign up to speak on issues of the upcoming commissioners meetings before the issues are ever made public is ludicrous. So is publishing final agenda for the meetings virtually at meeting time, barely passing the legal requirements of the Indiana Open Door Law and mocking its intent. These actions guarantee limited opportunity for the public to exercise their legal right to involvement in the process.

They invite an armed deputy to the commissioners meetings which creates an atmosphere of intimidation and inhibits public involvement. And I must correct County Administrator Brian Messmore for stating in his recent guest column that Indiana law requires a deputy at commissioners meetings. IC 36-2-2-15 clearly states a “county sheriff or county police officer shall attend the meetings of the executive, if requested by the executive” (commissioners). The deputy is only there because Jeff Hughes and Rick Fox have reason to believe they require one, a sorry comment on the relationship between themselves and the public.

Rick Fox is running unopposed in the upcoming primary election. Jeff Hughes, however, is opposed by Kathy Scott, who has professed three campaign themes, honesty, fairness and persistence. She also has an excellent philosophy concerning sewers for our health rather than others’ wealth. Scott stands for open government.

I recommend we take this opportunity to add the second voice that will bring about real reforms in county government and place our trust in Kathy Scott on May 6.

Chet Wolgamot
Manchester Township




Phillip Weaver Filed April 17, 2008 Republican

No Contributions, Cash or Expenditures


Gayle Pennington Filed N/A Republican

No Contributions, Cash or Expenditures


Dennis Kraus, Jr. Filed April 18, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1
Dennis Kraus, Jr. 994.25
Arthur Wenzel 842.91
Total 1837.16 1837.16

Register Publications 276.26 Ads
Bright Beacon 410.00 Ads
My Campaign Store 842.91
Wagon Wheel 308.00
Total 1837.17 1995.50

Cash on Hand 0

Roger Woodfill Filed No Report ?


Donald Wesley Holt Filed April 16, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Donald Wesley Holt 200
Unitemized 50
Total 250 250

Expenditures 0

Cash on Hand 250

Debts Owed (Donald Wesley Holt) 200




Thomas Blondell Filed April 18, 2008 Democrat

Cash at January 1 0

Lori & Doug Garner 1000
Frank & Linda Cardis 200
Thomas & Julie Blondell 581.89
Martin Dejulia 100
Scotty & Krista Ricketts 250
Ilene Blondell 100
Peter Brogan 500
Maureen Feeney 100
Roger & Mary Nunlist 100
Jerome Charls 150
Ted & Sherry Trautman 100
Unitemized 100
Direct Path Analytical 150
Total 3431.89 3431.89 3281.89 in report(?)

Steven Snelling 137.50 Banner
Design Pro 980.00 Signs
Donahue 780.90 Balloons & Stickers
Thomas & Julie Blondell 340.52 Attorney & OT
Unitemized 0.00
Total 2238.92 2238.92

Cash on Hand 1192.97 1042.97 in report(?)

Debts Owed ( Thomas & Julie Blondell) 581.89 241.37 in report(?)

Jon Cleary Filed April 18, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 5652.77

Harry Wilhelm 200
Gene & Toni Cleary 5000
Bertie Ungerbuehler 200
Roe Jean Hollenbach 700
Bertie & Jim Kelley 5000
Glenn Cleary 125
Rick Perry 500
Vernon Hensley 500
Terry Livingston 250
Joe Herbert 500
Unitemized 1579
Total 14554 20206.77

A-Aero Adv. 7836.54 Merchandise
Jon Cleary 642.37 Printer Ad/Beacon Postcards Loan
Carey Digital 988.40 Printer
UPS 156.00 Postage
Register Publications 1700.65 Ads
Bright Beacon 430.00 Ads
The Fly Pod 240.00 Radio
WSCH Radio 1783.60 Radio
Joe Herbert 500.00 Website
Total 14275.56 14275.56 14277.56 in report(?)

Cash on Hand 5931.21 5929.21 in report(?)

Michael Witte Filed April 17, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 476.97

M/M Doug Martin 1475
M/M Michael Witte 10000
Bill Yelton 250
M/M William Backman 500
M/M John Probst 200
Tina Cheek 250
M/M Kenneth Witte 300
M/M Frank Cardis 250
Hon. Jane Craney 200
Jerry Backman 500
M/M Fred Schmidts 150
Whisky's Inc. 300 Facility Use In Kind Contribution
Dearborn Bldg Trades Coun. 250
Unitemized 4479
Total 19104.00 19580.97

Krider Photography 127.20 Photo
General Graphics 103.35 Printing
Register Publications 3797.10 Printing
US Postal Service 172.00 Postage & Rental
Bright Beacon 935.00 Ads
Harcourt Industries 2326.70 Printing
WSCH Radio 1500.00 Radio
Insight Media 2035.10 Cable TV
The Sign Store 620.52 Signs
Rolling Pin Catering 300.00 Food Service
Doug Martin 359.52 CEO, Optometry Group
Unitemized 53.61
Total 12330.10 12330.10

Cash on Hand 7250.87

Debts Owed
Michael & Dawn Witte 6000

Barbara Wyly Filed No Report Democrat

Candidate indicates finance report filed at deadline. Register Publications reported on 24 April p1 that Wyly raised $2590 with $2500 from James Wyly and spent $651, all on adverstising.




Maynard Barrett Filed April 18, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Maynard Barrett 2000
Donald McIntosh 100
Unitemized 455
Total 2555 2555

Harcourt Ind. 1510.50 Signs
Bright Beacon 410.00 Ads
Unitemized 75.00
Total 1995.50 1995.50

Cash on Hand 559.50

Phil Darling Filed No Report ? Democrat

Charles Fehrman Filed N/A Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Contributions 0

Expenditures 0

Cash on Hand 0

Casey Finnegan Filed N/A Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Contributions 0

Expenditures 0

Cash on Hand 0

Thom Hammond Filed April 25, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Thom Hammond 141.11
Total 141.11 141.11

Office Supply 141.11 141.11

Cash on Hand 0

Pat Holland Filed No Report ? Republican

Bill Ullrich Filed April 17, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Unitemized 325
Total 325 325

Capitol Promotions 644.26
Unitemized 65.00
Total 709.26 709.26

Cash on Hand -384.26

Debts Owed (Bill Ullrich) 384.26





Jeff Hughes Filed April 18, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 186.54

Jeff Hughes 13500
Fred & Sandy Schmits 200
Art & Ruth Little 200
Bill Backman 20
Bob Dunavant 50
Dave Sunderman 30
Necessary Solutions 50
Total 14050 14236.54

After Hours Embrodiery 1272.03 T-Shirts
Harcourt Ind. 1144.90 Signs
Bright Beacon 420.00 Ads 520 in report(?)
Echos 216.25 Ads
Total 3053.18 3053.18 3052.25 in report(?)

Cash on Hand 11183.32 11183.75 in report(?)

Rick Pope Filed April 11, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Rick Pope 2500
Total 2050 2500

Expenditures 0

Cash on Hand 2500

Kathy Scott Filed April 17, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Alan Freemond 1000
Charles & Helen Kramer 250
Kathy Scott 1754.50
Unitemized 337
Total 3341.50 3341.50

Expenditures 0 0

Cash on Hand 3341.50


Rick Fox Filed April 18, 2008 Republican

Cash at January 1 0

Rick Fox 500
Unitemized 50
Total 550 550

Register Publications 75 Ads
Total 75 75

Cash on Hand 475 75 in report (?)

Jerome Hoog Filed April 17, 2008 Democrat

Cash at January 1 0

Jerome Hoog 150
Alan Freemond 500
Arthur Hoog 250
Unitemized 99
Total 999 999

First Impressions 333.13 Promotional Consultants
Total 333.13 333.13 333.30 in report(?)

Cash on Hand 665.87 665.70 in report(?)

Tom Orschell Filed April 16, 2008 Democrat

Cash at January 1 2500

Contributions 0
Total 0 2500 1300 as year to date

The Sign Store 1216.40 Signs & Banners
Keystone Printing 450 Brochures
Total 1666.40 1666.40

Cash on Hand 833.60

Friday, April 25, 2008


Greetings Dearborn County Listeners & Subscribers --

We encourage you to listen to the following local political candidate interview. Of course you can subscribe to all of our shows absolutely FREE -- for loading onto your iPod or MP3 player, just visit our website. It's very simple. However, for the moment, if you have a high-speed internet connection and working speakers connected, simply click on the following direct show-links to listen. If you would like to download your own free copy of this show (for personal use), it is available on our website along with nearly 500 other show selections --

Show #1 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: Candidate for Dearborn County Council - Interview with THOM HAMMOND (R). To listen to this show, click on the following direct show-link:

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Brian Messmore is an employee of Dearborn County. As such his pay from the county comes from the taxpayers of the County. It is unseemly that he would author a silly screed against one of his employers, Christine Mueller.

Mr. Messmore referred to Indiana Code 36-2-2-15 as mandating the presence of a uniformed officer at executive sessions such as the county commissioners’ meetings.

The following is the exact wording in regard to the presence of an officer at a meeting such as the County Commissioner Meeting. This is Indiana Code 36-2-2-15 (d) It seems very simple, simple enough that my 8 year old granddaughters could easily read and comprehend it.

(d) The county sheriff or a county police officer shall attend the meetings of the executive, if requested by the executive, and shall execute its orders.

Nowhere does the code demand a uniformed officer to be present. This bogus use of Indiana Code is serious business in that the county administrator has either misread the code or perhaps has a problem comprehending what he read in the code. A more egregious possibility, in my opinion is that the code was intentionally misstated. Either of these possible explanations would indicate that the man is unsuited for the job. It is wrong for citizens not to be able to trust the word of a county employee, an employee whose job carries serious responsibilities.

It is time for the county commissioners who appointed Mr. Messmore to stand tall and demand the man’s resignation. Dearborn County deserves better than this.

Alan S. Freemond, Sr.
Tanners Creek Farm
Jackson Township
Dearborn County

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Barrott and Orschell Interviews on

Greetings Dearborn County Listeners & Subscribers --

We encourage you to listen to the following local political candidate interviews. Of course you can subscribe to all of our shows absolutely FREE -- for loading onto your iPod or MP3 player, just visit our website. It's very simple. However, for the moment, if you have a high-speed internet connection and working speakers connected, simply click on the following direct show-links to listen. If you would like to download your own free copy of any of these shows (for personal use), they are available on our website along with nearly 500 other show selections --

Show #1 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: Candidate for Dearborn County Council - Interview with MAYNARD BARRETT (R). To listen to this show, click on the following direct show-link:

Show #2 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: Candidate for Dearborn County Commissioner - Interview with TOM ORSCHELL (D). To listen to this show, click on the following direct show-link:

We hope you benefit from listening to these shows. Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers about New-Media Network. Also, check out the OPEN FLY FORUM feature on our website -- you can create your own broadcast, immediately! We are quickly becoming a leading national source of programming in the new digital-media age. Any person can sign up on our website to begin automatically receiving "New and Notable Show Alerts". It is 100% free and we will never, under any circumstances, share your email address with any person or organization.

Thank you for your support, ideas, questions, comments and even complaints. You may email us anytime -- -- or pick up your cell phone and call our listener comment line at 206.337.1716

To our thousands of loyal listeners -- we say Thank You!

Fly Paper Productions, LLC
Digital Media Group - National Operations Ctr POB 324 Harrison, OH 45030 USA

206-337-1716 Listener Comment Line
TheFlyPod New-Media Network

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thom Hammond Candidate for County Council-at-large

Thom Hammond Republican Candidate for County Council-at-large

Spokesperson for Citizens Against Sewer Enforcement (CASE)
Succeeding in a 3 year struggle for 70 families to legally challenge the ST. Leon forced hookups

Preservation of Rural Bucolic Landscape and the Natural Endowment of Dearborn County
Uphold the value of our precious farmland and the pastoral greenspaces of this county

Open Door Policy for County Government
Keep the politics in front of the people; everyone has a right to know who will benefit from proposed policies

Transparent Meetings Based upon Listening to the People
Public meetings should encourage involvement of the people. Citizens should be heard, they own the government

Balanced Tax Base with Property Tax Accountability
Entice suitable industry to DC to balance the residential growth. Keep property taxes locked into 5-year cycles

Road Improvements Based on Established Priorities
A structured list of priorities such as traffic loads and infrastructure dominance needs to exist, not political favoritism

Planned Residential Development and Smart Growth
Maintain development at a level that the county’s infrastructure can absorb without additional tax burdens

Implement a Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Work with other County Officials to coordinate a plan for infrastructure, utilities & schools paced for sustainable growth

Eliminate Eminent Domain as an Option for Development
Private development must never be granted the power of “taking” from one to “give” to another

Approved by the Thom Hammond Campaign for County Council of Dearborn County, Indiana.


Friday, April 18, 2008

REMINDER- Women of Dearborn County Social



Your host

Kathy Scott for Commissioner

This is an invitation to come together to share your feelings, concerns, and needs as citizens of this county. Your input is needed to provide good leadership and future direction.

Sunday April 20th from 2-4 PM

Dearborn Adult Center311

Tate Street, Lawrenceburg

Hoog, Witte, and Blondell Interviews Online

The Flypod- has 3 more county interviews:

We encourage you to listen to the following local political candidate interviews. Of course you can subscribe to all of our shows absolutely FREE -- for loading onto your iPod or MP3 player, just visit our website. It's very simple. However, for the moment, if you have a high-speed internet connection and working speakers connected, simply click on the following direct show-links to listen. If you would like to download your own free copy of any of these shows (for personal use), they are available on our website along with nearly 500 other show selections --

Show #1 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: Candidate for Dearborn County Commissioner - Interview with JEROME "JAKE" HOOG (D). To listen to this show, click on the following direct show-link:

Show #2 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: (second interview) Candidate for Judge of Dearborn County Superior Court #1 - Interview with G. MICHAEL WITTE (R). To listen to this show, click on the following direct show-link:

Show #3 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: Candidate for Judge of Dearborn County Superior Court #1 - Interview with TOM BLONDELL (D). To listen to this show, click on the following direct show-link:

We hope you enjoy these shows. Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers about New-Media Network. Also, check out the OPEN FLY FORUM feature on our website -- you can create your own broadcast, immediately! We are quickly becoming a leading national source of programming in the new digital-media age. Any person can sign up on our website to begin automatically receiving "New and Notable Show Alerts". It is 100% free and we will never, under any circumstances, share your email address with any person or organization.

Thank you for your support, ideas, questions, comments and even complaints. You may email us anytime -- -- or pick up your cell phone and call our listener comment line at 206.337.1716

Thank you for listening!

Fly Paper Productions, LLC
Digital Media Group - National Operations Ctr POB 324 Harrison, OH 45030 USA

206-337-1716 Listener Comment Line
TheFlyPod New-Media Network



All candidates for county offices in the May 6 primary election are invited along with the public:

Each candidate should plan to speak for 5-10 minutes on the issues.
Each candidate will be expected to answer a few questions from the public.

Come Meet The Candidates, hear their views, & ask questions.

When - Wednesday, April 30 at 6:00 –8:00 PM
Where -North Dearborn Library
North Dearborn Road – Logan Township

Refreshments will be provided (soda, chips, coffee)
For more information contact Robert Bissett
Email -
812.212.2901 (cell phone)


Robert Bissett

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

County Council meeting is cancelled

Per notice to County Council members:
The April 22 mtg is cancelled.
The study we were waiting to hear is not complete.

DCRSD Creates Ordinance to Enforce Hook-ups

DCRSD Creates Ordinance to Enforce Hook-ups


The Dearborn County Regional Sewer District will conduct a hearing on Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to consider adoption of the following ordinance:DEARBORN COUNTY REGIONAL SEWER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 2008-2


An Ordinance regulating connection to and the use of public sewers and drains, the installation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewers in the Dearborn County Regional Sewer District, and providing penalties for violations thereof.


1. Discharge of Sewage. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the District, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said District, any human excrement, garbage or other objectionable waste.

2. Discharge within the District. Within the District, where public sewers are available and located within 300 feet of a property owner’s property line, it shall be unlawful to construct, use or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage, unless specifically permitted by the District.

3. Discharge of Water to the Sewer. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any sanitary sewer, either directly or indirectly, storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, water from downspouts, water from footing drains, water from garage drains, geothermal water, heating or cooling water, unpolluted water, unpolluted industrial water, or water from basement or crawl spaces.

4. Wastewater Disposal. No person shall place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the jurisdiction of the District, any wastewater or other polluted water.

5. Discharge to Natural Outlet. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any natural outlet any wastewater or other polluted water except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with provisions of this Ordinance.

6. Required Connection to Public Sewer. The owner of any house, building or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes requiring wastewater disposal, situated within the District is hereby required to cause said property to be connected with the public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, within ninety (90) days after the date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within three hundred (300) feet of the property line. Such notice shall be provided in accordance with I.C. § 13-26-5-2(8).

7. Civil Penalties/Civil Infraction Fines. A User who has violated or continues to violate any provision of this Ordinance will be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per violation. Each day during which the violation occurred or continues to occur shall be deemed a separate, distinct violation. The penalties will be collectible in the same manner as monthly sewer charges. The District may seek enforcement of such penalties in the same manner as for all other charges.C-4-15-JP-2t

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

15 April 2008 (TAX DAY) Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

15 April 2008 (TAX DAY) Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

Present: Hughes, Chairman, Fox, and Thompson (10 minutes late)
Also Present: Messmore, Administrator, Ewbank, Attorney, and Pickens, Auditor

Also in the audience were candidates for county offices: Tom Orschel- D-2 Commissioner, Chet Wolgamot- precinct committeeman for Manchester, Phil Darling- Council at-large, and Kathy Scott- D-1 Commissioner.

Old Business:

Dave Bartholomew of Bright Fire Dept asked how they could get the 2007 EMS contract paid as their paperwork slipped through the cracks somehow. Commissioners voted to allow him to approach Council to get the money reappropriated. Then he could come to Commissioners for payment. Bright was paid for 2008 contract.

Steve Renihan (supported by Vera Benning and Brett Fehrman of DCRSD in the audience) addressed commissioners. Fox was concerned that Thompson was not present yet. He came in part way through this presentation. [NOTE: It was apparent that Renihan wanted to address Thompson’s issues with him being appointed to DCRSD board. See last meeting’s notes for Thompson’s reasons for voting Nay.]

Renihan thanked commissioners for appointing him and said he would help the fellow property owners of the county with sewer issues. He said he did not have a criminal record and that he’d gotten a couple calls about that. He said he was a property owner and met the requirements to be a member of DCRSD. Renihan stated that property owners pulled together to pay for their own sewer. All the property owners in his section of the development wanted sewers (10). They raised $79,000 to get it.

Fox: You went through all these steps before you got on the board?

Renihan: The official awarding of the contract was at my first meeting. He was grateful that DCRSD helped them with interlocal agreements and IDEM. The other lots in the back on septic won’t be forced on
Hughes: The only one who could help out was DCRSD?

Renihan: Actually, we were in St. Leon’s district and LMH was across the street. [NOTE: And the process would have been less cumbersome, except DCRSD became county-wide and created another layer for the lot owners to go through.] Renihan said it was no cost to the taxpayers.

Fox: Others will have access if they need it?

Renihan: IDEM made us sewer all the front lots, so we raised the money for that. The others can hook on.

Fox: Tonight’s the first time I seen you- if you raised it all yourself… No conflict.

Thompson: When you held the vote at the last meeting, what happened?

Renihan: I abstained.

Thompson indicated – that’s the conflict of interest. He recused himself.[Note: Kramer, of Ewbank and Kramer, advised Renihan to recuse himself at that point in the DCRSD meeting.] I was concerned about that and didn’t see how insurance experience was related to the sewer board. [NOTE: Plus Renihan is a property owner but not a resident of the county; hence, he lacks knowledge of county issues. He can’t vote here yet either.]

Fox: Comments were borderline character assassination in my opinion. There are lots of people, who aren't engineers who do a tremendous amount od good on these boards. When you went after him and cited all those codes, it sounded a lot different than it does now. [NOTE: It seems like someone got all worked up here. Was this entire presentation "orchestrated?"]

Renihan: People who want sewers for High Ridge, and live there, sit on the board. Anyone who wants can turn in a resume and get on that board. [NOTE: WHAT?!]

New Business:

Margaret Minzner- GIS Coordinator- Ewbank is reviewing an agreement to allow data sharing with WTH (Isn’t this the company that has a former auditor working for them?) in Ripley County. This is public information data -not sensitive.

Fox and Hughes wouldn’t second the motion to allow commissioners to sign the GIS contract with Sidwell for $394,000 and instead the company will redraw the last page to have the auditor sign it. We are one of a handful of county’s that has the auditor able to do this.

Mark McCormack gave detailed explanation of the two unanimously favorable recommendations of Subdivision ordinance changes for Article 24 Section2408 on driveway clearances and collector roads and Article 3 Section 315 C flag lot arrangements. Commissioners approved both. Now that the ordinance books are easily revised in 3- ring binders, they will go into effect.

McCormack noted that revising our codes is far cheaper with staff than consultant. He also told commissioners he’d be bringing up the master plan again soon- to get on the agenda.

Fox said- someone must be a consensus builder- all these are unanimous- it’s tremendously easy on us. I don’t get complaint calls on them – that’s good word.

McCormack said he’d pass that along to PC and staff.

McCormack said INDOT did finally invite them to the SR 1 bridge meeting.

Todd Listerman- Transportation Dept.- gave a 10-minute report.

1. Holt Road Bridge pictures were passed out. Gates are up to keep people off it- the repair will be expensive as the creek is 42 ft wide and the road is skewed 60 degrees.

2. SR 48 being redone from Lawrenceburg to 101 and prepped by INDOT. The county is working to fix the angled intersections with Norkus and Schaffer Roads. INDOT will pave them as they go through.

3. Wilson Creek cores done last week- waiting on results.

4. Collier Ridge slip cores are done- waiting on report to see if cutting into the hillside is OK. Preliminary work makes him think cutting will be more expensive than caissons.

5. Documents prepared for mid May or so to go to awarding contracts for resurfacing. No one will bid without an escalator in contract as asphalt has gone up $4 per ton this week.

6. Trucks will be parked at night now saving on fuel and wear and tear.

7. Bridge 20 at Chesterville- finalizing documents and getting with Hughes on wage rate for that. Hope to be under contract in May-June.

8. Still no answers from INDOT on ITS system – Thompson called Bob Williams and he’s researching the hold-up.

9. Slips are being repaired and patched from the last rains.

10. Hwy workers hit hard with flu last week- 6 out at a time.

Pickens- Claims and minutes approved.

Messmore- NOTHING to report

Ewbank- claim from highway being submitted to insurance company and Kramer is working in the lawsuit from the light at HVL entrance and Macke’s non-payment. It is now going to mediation and he thinks a commissioner and councilman should be on that team.

Fox- there was no answer from the state yet on SR 1 signage.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Transportation Improvement Projects in Dearborn County 2008-2011

Transportation Improvement Projects in Dearborn County 2008-2011

For a listing of projects and map click on the following link from news article posted on The County Planning and Zoning website. If the link is not clickable, copy and paste in your browser.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008



Your host

Kathy Scott for Commissioner

This is an invitation to come together to share your feelings, concerns, and needs as citizens of this county. Your input is needed to provide good leadership and future direction.

Sunday April 20th from 2-4 PM

Dearborn Adult Center

311 Tate Street, Lawrenceburg

I am your neighbor and will work very hard to care for our community. In this world of uncertainty, we all need a safe place to come home to. Our children need a healthy place to play; they need education, careers, and jobs that will sustain them through all times. We want a community that grows while keeping its values and integrity as a model for our children.

With this invitation, I am asking you to tell me what is important to you as mothers, career women, and grandmothers so I can represent you in our county government.

Kathy Scott
Candidate for D-1 Commissioner

Monday, April 07, 2008

Barbara Wyly- Judge Candidate on

Dearborn County: The POLITICALLY CORRECT Show (Barb Wyly - Candidate for Judge)

For your personal listening, we would like to bring you the following show. Feel free to copy and paste this link into your own emails to interested friends. Please support all of our show sponsors!

If you have high-speed internet service, to listen to this show - simply turn up your speakers and click on the following link:

We hope you enjoy this show. Tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers about New-Media Network. We are quickly becoming THE media source for quality and content variety. Anyone can sign up to on our website and begin automatically receiving "New or Notable Show Alerts". It is 100% free and we will never, under any circumstances, share your email address with any person or organization.

We appreciate and thank you for your support, ideas, questions, comments and even complaints. Pick up your cell phone and call our national listener comment line at 206.337.1716


Fly Paper Productions, LLC
Digital Media Group - National Operations Ctr POB 324 Harrison, OH 45030 USA

206-337-1716 Listener Comment Line
TheFlyPod New-Media Network

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Who is Kathy Scott?

1. Republican commissioner candidate for district # 1

2. 14- year citizen of Dearborn County who enjoys and wants to protect the county’s rural lifestyle.

3. RN Graduate of Miami University and practicing emergency room nursing at Deaconess Hospital.

4. Financial experience: Worked with federal and state line item budgets and cost reports to obtain high reimbursement for a long-term care rehab center.

Why is Kathy Scott Running for office?

From past experience with the Dearborn County Commissioners, I found condescending disrespect and disregard for the needs and opinions of the citizens.

What does Kathy Scott stand for?

As a commissioner, I will require and study the necessary information in order to decide issues affecting the citizens of this county in a fair and equitable way.

I will give equal standing to all by abiding by the zoning and subdivision ordinances with clarity and conciseness.

I will bring back to the business of county government the respect for each citizen by keeping the rural and family values and integrity of our community.

For more information, please continue to read this blog site and the register newspaper for my campaign platform and planned activities.

For inquiries, contributions, and letters of support please contact me at:

Kathy Scott for Commissioner
P.O. Box 173
Aurora, IN 47001


3 April 2008 DCRSD Meeting Notes

The following notes are provided in an effort to provide a summary record the transactions of the meeting without editorial comment, except clarification of events or issues.

3 April 2008
DCRSD Meeting Notes

Present: Chairman, Enzweiler, Fehrman, Maxwell, Pruss, Dennerline and Renihan (new appointee)

Also Present: Benning, Secretary; Robert Hrezo, Hrezo Engineering sitting in for Tom Quinn, Quinn Engineering (reportedly fell and injured his ankle); Frank Kramer, Board Attorney; Ralph Meierjohan, Ameritech Homes; Sarah(?) Siekman(?), a potential future resident of Serenity Ridge; Jerry Jacobsen; and Ralph Thompson.

Meeting started at approximately 7:00 PM in the Commissioner's Meeting Room.

New Appointee
Steve Renihan was welcomed as the new Board member.

Public Comment
Sarah(?) Siekman(?), a potential future resident of Serenity Ridge asked about the status at Serenity Ridge. She and her fiancee were looking to buy a lot in Serenity Ridge. The Board explained that costs were shared and they would have to pay approximately $7,000 to buy in and part of that would be reimbursed to the other owners on a pro rata basis. Once the contract for the sewer line is signed, they can go to the Health Department and get a permit.

Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes for March 20, 2007 approved (Moved by Fehrman and seconded by Pruss).

Treasurer's Report

Regional Sewer District Savings Account $78,251.78
High Ridge Account $109,628.50
RSD Project Fund $255,849.63
Aurora Debt Service Account $ 2,236.00
Sewer District Savings $2,381.34
Serenity Ridge Account $78,834.78
Serenity Ridge

Hrezo, standing in for Quinn to read the Summary of Quotes:
CH&M Construction $49,792
Likens $54,795
UCC $49,000

The Engineers estimate was $55,000. The recommendation was to proceed with UCC's bid. Fehrman moved to accept the UCC bid with Pruss(?) seconding. Kramer commented to Renihan, who recused himself. The motion was modified to allow Enzweiler to sign all the necessary documents to proceed.

West Aurora Project

Fehrman indicated he was in an Executive Session (note no Statutory Code designations were listed as required for an Executive Session) to discuss the GRW costs ($2.8 million) to take sewage to the Aurora system. GRW indicated the 6" inch was at capacity.

There was a discussion about proceeding with a variance with IDEM, though some of the members felt it wasn't likely to be granted. They felt Aurora would soon have their problems fixed and it wouldn't be necessary. There was a discussion of the flows and whether the line was at capacity.

The line to Dillsboro was discussed. It seems most of the potential customers on US 50 do not want to connect. Pruss discussed the high costs and the subsequent high user cost and inability of the District to recover the cost or the resident to pay the exorbitant costs.

Dennerline; Commented with all the projects DCRSD would need $9.8M. He indicated that the costs to go to Dillsboro and to Aurora are about the same in the $2.8M range. He said it would be cheaper to buy the houses in Highridge and demolish them. The lot size is not large enough to use a Presser system (a manufactured septic system). He has talked to Fortner and Smalz and the nearest lift station at Dillsboro cannot handle the flow and they would have to 2 miles further.

Then the option of installing a package treatment plant as an immediate solution, to be converted to a lift station when sewers are eventually extended out US 50 was discussed. They suggested that Norbert Draper, Construction, should donate the land for the package plant to solve the problem John Draper had met with Quinn and was cooperative; but, would have to talk to his father about the land. The issue of John Ziedan and Starlight Reception was raised and it was suggested to pipe from Starlight to the Highridge. It would have to be determined if it was legal and feasible.

Enzweiler was going to talk to Dillsboro again and Fehrman to Aurora.

Dennerline indicated about 24 homes in Highridge would need to be served and about 40 on Hueseman Road, which they could probably send to Aurora. The area is not growing and the costs are too high for the homeowners to be able to payback. He thought they could put in a package plant for $75,000 to $100,000. IDEM pulled the permit for Draper and they would have to reapply. The matter had been referred to the Health Department to resolve and they had been dragging their feet. They felt IDEM could do anything they wanted.

Maxwell: He found the fragmented information discouraging. They have been discussing this for three years and because of the conflicting and fragmented information, they haven't accomplished anything. He read the GRW information and was impressed. He joined to solve Highridge and it hasn't happened.

A discussion of the fragmented information and lack of success ensued, including the issues with Dillsboro and Aurora and the accuracy of the GRW information and the lack of answers from GRW. Maxwell had cost guesstimate from Larry Smith and Dennerline contended his estimates were inaccurate.

The discussion ended back at the economic feasibility of the options and the package plant being the best option.

The discussion also touched Hueseman Road and the 30 to 40 homes there. There is a question of district OKI or Aurora. They needed definitive information and numbers. Enzweiler and Fehrman are going to check one more time.

Maxwell then asked about Ameitech homes and Gabbard Estates.

Meierjohan: He asked to be released from the DCRSD and he would go to Aurora for sewers and negotiate a deal. He has $1M invested and has waited 3 years due to the layers of bureaucracy, he couldn't wait 3 more, he has got to move forward. He has had discussions with Randy Turner.

There followed a discussion about releasing that subdivision to Aurora, whether they could do it or wanted to do it. Meierjohan commented that the Engineers say how to design things; but, they ought to go to the Contractors who know how to get it done right and cheap. He felt DCRSD should talk to contractors. There were discussions of GRW's escalating cost estimates

Meierjohan adamantly avowed for the record that Gabbard Estates LLC. is a 100% owned subsidiary of Ameritech Homes.

Kramer indicated they would need an inter-local agreement to be taken to Aurora.
Dennerline mover to write a letter to retain the area in the District; but, release Meierjohan to negotiate with Aurora for sewage. Fehrman seconded it. Approved.

(Note: Fehrman has already been working within Aurora Utilities Board for Aurora to run sewers out US 50 toward Gabbard Estates. An Executive Session was held to discuss the issue prior to this meeting.)

Loan Grant Letters

The 504 loan grant letters will be signed and sent out to the residents of Cole Lane and Stewart Road. These are to help people who cannot afford the cost of the hook-up or the needed modifications to their homes to hook-up, where they can obtain low interest loans or grants for the costs. The forms will need to go to the Versailles Rural Development. Dennerline hoped the process was as easy as described.


One claim for Del Business for $16.99 for a printer cartridge was on the docket.
Fehrman moved, Dennerline seconded to pay claims. Approved.

Discretion of the Chairman
Petition from Valley Rural Utilities

Maxwell explained that he and Fehrman had talked with Jeff Bittner of VRUC regarding VRUC becoming the Central (or Hidden Valley Lake) Regional Sewer District. They wanted to do that to be able to apply for loans at an advantageous rate. VRUC is currently a public/private utility and they wanted to become a regional district. They wanted to raise money to be able to fix their I&I problems. They cannot afford to borrow at the commercial rates. To become sewer district, they needed DCRSD to sponsor them.

Dennerline asked Jerry Jacobsen if he had an opinion and Mr. Jacobsen responded not that he would give in a public meeting.

Parvin Price had produced the petition and it was suggested that Kramer review it.
Dennerline raised concerns about creating another sewer district he would hate to take it over. Dennerline considered offering them a seat on DCRSD and making VRUC a satellite. Fehrman would like to see them fix their problems.

Jacobsen indicated they (VRUC) have been charging enough for years; but, hadn't fixed their problems.

Meierjohan suggested a Capital project, where they would add the cost to the tax duplicate for the properties. Thompson indicated that has been discussed several months ago and cannot be legally accomplished. Benning indicated as a taxpayer, she wouldn't want to hamper DCRSD down the road, for example with the State Revolving Fund (as in erode the loan capacity available to DCRSD).

Fehrman indicated they need a sponsor and they came to the "sewer people". Dennerline suggested Kramer review it.

Meierjohan said it is like every other discussion that gets caught up in the political matrix and nothing gets done. He wonders if DCRSD could be the vehicle to get this done. It should be the mission of this board to assist. DCRSD shouldn't reject their request. Should solve I&I. "Telling them to get lost is not right."
Kramer indicated he looked at the statute and they would need to go to Council for approval. Dearborn would become the guarantor for them just like they are for DCRSD. If VRUC failed the Citizens of Dearborn County would pay the cost.
They decided to have Kramer research the issue.

(Note: A telephone call after the meeting indicated Bittner went to Parvin Price without the knowledge and approval of the VRUC Board.)

(Note: The issue of a Central Regional Sewer District was brought to several Commissioners and Council members and was rejected. The County officials, while wanting to see VRUC solve their problems, would not encumber the County and its Citizens with the responsibility and cost for VRUC and the risk of the District being created and then defaulting to the County to solve their logistical and financial problems.)

It was decided the third week meeting was unneeded.

Adjourned at approximately 8:08 PM.

Ralph Thompson
Washington Township

VRUC Petition for Creation of Regional Sewer District


CENTRAL DEARBORN (alternatively )
Hidden Valley Lake) REGIONAL )


The Board of Trustees of the Dearborn County Regional Sewer District ("DCRSD" or •Petitioner"), pursuant to Ind. Code § 13-26-1-1 et seq., hereby petitions the Indiana Department of Environmental Management ("IDEM") for the creation of a regional sewage district for the purpose of providing sewage service to an area in and around Hidden Valley lake in Dearborn County, indiana. In support of its petition, the Petitioner states:

1. Petitioning Entity. For purposes of IC. § 13-26-2-2, DCRSD is an
"eligible entity' as defined by I.C. § 13-11.2-82. The Board ofTrustees is both the executive body and fiscal body for DCRSD, and In such capacity, has authorized the filing of this Petition. DCRSD currently is authorized to provide sewer service in Dearborn County.

2. Proposed Name. The proposed name of the regional district is Central
Dearborn [alternatively, "Hidden Valley Lake"] Regional District (the "District").

3. Principal Office. The initial office for the District will be located at 19435
Alpine Drive, HVL, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025.

4. District Purpose. The purpose to be accomplished by the proposed
regional district is the purchase, improvement and operation of the sewer service
provided by the not-for-profit corporation known as Valley Rural Utility Company
(hereinafter "VRUC") and expansion of that service to those residences or businesses needing sewer service within the proposed District in central Dearborn County,
excluding existing municipalities or areas currently provided sewer service by a

5. Status of Current Service and Need for Additional Service. Currently,
sewage collection service within the proposed District is provided by VRUC, a regulated not-for-profit rural sewage and water utility serving approximately 1,850 customers inside and outside of a development commonly known as Hidden Valley Lake.
Treatment of all sewage from this area along with other areas is provided by South Dearborn Regional Sewer District (hereinafter "South. Dearborn"), a regional district whose sole function is the treatment of sewage. Such treatment for VRUC's collected
sewage is currently provided pursuant to a contract between VRUC and the City of
Greendale (hereinafter the "Greendale Contract"). Sewage is transported pursuant to
the Greendale Contract to South Dearborn through faciiities owned and operated by
Greendale. The proposed regional district would continue to honor the Greendale Contract, The proposed regional district is needed to assist in the funding for upgrades to VRUC's current sewage facilities for purposes of serving both existing and new

6. Outstandinq Indebtedness. The proposed regional district does not currently have any outstanding indebtedness. However, the proposed regional district
will assume the outstanding indebtedness and obligations of VRUC, including its
wastewater contract with Greendale. The cost of any future construction of sewage
facilities, and any administrative, legal, engineering, and accounting expenses associated with creating the District, will be paid out of future grants or loans, along with rates and charges obtained or established by the proposed regional district. It is anticipated that the District will initially obtain tax exempt funds shortly after IDEM
issues the order creating this new District. The initial rates and charges of the District
will be those currently charged collected by VRUC,

7. Description of Service Territory. The area to be served by the
proposed regional district includes those portions of Central Dearborn County currently certified to VRUC by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for the provision of sewer service. This certified area generally includes the development known as Hidden Valley Lake and certain contiguous areas. The Petitioner has attached as Exhibit A a map that outlines the location of the proposed District within Dearborn County.
The proposed District's service territory would Include portions of Miller and
Lawrenceburg Townships only, but would not include any areas within the corporate
boundaries of any neighboring municipality.

8. Board of Trustees. The proposed District shall be governed by a seven
(7) member Board of Trustees. The initial Board will be appointed by the Board of the petitioning eligible entity - DCRSD, and shall consist of the existing VRUC Board of
Directors for a period not to exceed four (4) years. Should a vacancy occur in the initial Board, the Board of the DCRSD will appoint an individual being served by the District to
fill the vacant Board seat tor the remaining term relevant to that seat. Upon expiration
of the initial terms of the Board of the District, the District will hold an election for the
purpose of selecting subsequent directors, as provided by I.C. § 13-26-4.2. The terms
of the Board members will always be staggered so as to ensure continuity of the management of the District.

As of the filing of the Petition the initial Board and their initial term of office is as follows:

Board Member Term of Office
_________________________ _______________

9. Plan for Financing Costs. Other than organizational expenses. the
District will not incur any costs prior to obtaining funds.

10. Estimated Costs. In the attached accounting [or engineering] report
(Exhibit B), the [financial advisor or engineer] provides an estimate as to the costs related to the initial acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance of those facifities that will be the District's initial facilities. The attached reports also reflect the source of funds to be used to cover these expected costs and the initial rates and charges.

11. Estimated Cost of Operatlng and Maintaining District. The estimate
as to the cost of operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer collection system is approximately $. __ ._ per year. [should be based on VRUC's expenses]

12. Source of Funding to Pay Cost of Operating and Maintaining District
Rates and Charges to be Imposed by District. The proposed District intends to fund the costs associated with acquiring the obligations of VRUC, acquiring VRUC's current sewage related faciiities and obligations of VRUC along with the construction of
necessary Improvements by issuing tax-exempt revenue bonds. receiving grant monies,
and collecting VRUC's existing rates and charges. Once debt and grant funds are
received and the improvements are constructed, the District will establish District rates
and charges pursuant to the criteria set forth in I.C. § 13•26-11-1 et seq.

WHEREFORE, the Board of Dearborn County Regional Sewer District, pursuant
to I.C. § 13-26-1-1 at seq .. respectfully request that IDEM review this Petition; set a hearing and issue an order as soon as practicable so that Central Dearborn [Hidden Valley Lake] Regional District may address the needs of the citizens within the
proposed district; and for all other appropriate relief.

Date: ____________ Respectfully submitted.

Parvin Price
Attorney No. 5827-49

Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
2700 First Indiana Plaza
135 North Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis. Indiana 46204
(317) 684-5000

Counsel for Central Dearbom (Hidden Velley Lake) Regional District

Friday, April 04, 2008



Allow me to introduce myself...

I’m your neighbor over on Whites Hill Road. The one trying to make some positive changes in our community for the past several years. Some already know me, for those who don’t, here’s my resume:

I’m an artist. As a member of the Portrait Society of America, I practice my craft and serve clients locally, nationally and in Europe. My formal education began with a BFA from the Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, OH. I also attended SMU in Dallas, Texas. My education opened the doors to 30-years of diversified experience in the corporate world of advertising art. I gained experience in practical matters such as sales projections, profit and loss statements, financial reports, and management of human resources in order to run a successful business.

My career path started in Columbus, OH for Cummings Inc. as an Art Director. I spent 5 years in Texas managing a design studio/sales office with Federal Sign & Signal. I worked with Walt Disney Design and Engineering, Orlando, FL, which taught me the delicate balance needed for producing marketable art concepts while dealing with a wide variety of egos and temperaments, all the while meeting very aggressive deadlines for projects. ImagePoint, based in Knoxville, TN brought me to this area as VP of their Branding/Fulfillment division. I’ve traveled some and seen a lot, yet the most rewarding part has been the satisfaction of achievement and being of service. Now, the greatest thrill at the end of each day is coming home to my small farm here in Dearborn County.

My wife Kris has lived here all her life, her father bought some beautiful land out here to provide a horse farm and arena for his wife and little girl. Kristy went on to become a championship rider for show horses and Hackney ponies. Helen Crabtree immortalized those days in a book called “Hold Your Horses.” We sit out here on 5 acres of land. Evening brings laughter, dining and storytelling with our neighbors. My son and 2 grandsons sit on the dock and fish in our little pond overlooking the valley. For us it’s a relaxing time to discuss the boy’s future. This place absorbs all our affections, all our loyalty, and all our dreams. Away from here we lose our identity; we return each day to satisfy our need to be energized by nature.

Everyone who knows me realizes exactly who I am; I’m my own man. No one owns me. My goal is for you to get to know me and together we can achieve some common objectives for our county. I am asking for your vote as your Dearborn County Council at-large representative. I am certain we can attain favorable results for our county’s progress and growth in the next 4 years. I will guide my political path by these simple principles:
• Elected officials must be dedicated to all of its citizens and be willing to listen to all of their needs and wants.
• Elected officials must be committed to the idea that the citizens dictate the direction that must be taken in all matters concerning their county.

If you need broader insights or more background, visit my website and click on “Biography” at Hopefully during the course of this election we can meet, shake hands, and listen to each other as we develop solutions for our future.

Thomas P Hammond
Republican Candidate for County Council at-large

Democrat Candidates State Their Positions on Issues

Democrat Candidates State Their Positions on Issues

Approximately 40 people turned out April 3rd to meet 5 Democrat candidates running for 3 county offices. Amanda Orschell introduced the candidates after a brief “infomercial” from Gary Puckett of offering free 20-30 minute interviews for candidates to give a more in-depth view than the regular news media.

Tom Orschell and Jake Hoog are both running for D-2 commissioner.

Tom Orschel stated that he has lived in Dearborn County his entire life, attending school at St, Johns and then NDHS. He had 3 years active duty in the military and then married his high school sweetheart 35 years ago. He has 3 children and 2 grandkids. Tom comes from a hard working blue-collar family. He sold his business in 2001 and works for the county highway dept. He will resign his highway position if elected. Tom stated the 4 main issues are planning and zoning, sewers, economic development, and highway dept. He wants a planning board that has no personal agendas. He is in favor of Alternate AA for the master plan map and says it is not restrictive and it is a living document that can be changed as needed. He said the efforts of those who helped develop it should not be ignored. He is not against development but thinks that all developers should have to follow the same rules.

Orschel said that sewers which separate wastewater from drinking water are important- they are what separate us from third world nations. Sewer lines should NOT be run all over the county- they belong in areas of dense population. He is against forced hook-ups and believes that septic systems should be used until they fail. Commissioners should NOT say that they have no control over it. They should get involved in helping to settle the St, Leon lawsuits.

Orschel noted that 33% of the county income is form property taxes and that economic development will help relieve this. He thinks we should focus on the TIF areas and run sewers to those sites. Commissioners should be proactive and get citizens involved in their areas. He believes that we have to establish trust between government and the public again. Orschel thinks we need a comprehensive and strategic plan for economic development.

Orschel said that his years with the highway dept have given him an in-depth knowledge of all areas in the county. He said we have to protect the roads paved in years past and maintain them by investing in a chip seal program to protect and prolong the pavement. He said 40 miles of gravel roads could be converted to chip seal and save money on gravel costs. He does not believe in a central location for highway- he likes having the 3 districts. He also said a 4 day 10 hour each workweek would save money.

Orschel respects the current commissioners even if he disagrees on some issues. We need to work to benefit the county as a whole, not just a few individuals. Orcshel is optimistic about the future of the county and wants to earn our respect, trust, and support.

Jake Hoog- wanted the citizens to know that he was listed as Jerome (Jake) Hoog on the ballot- but that most people know him as Jake. Jake has been a resident for 34 years total, but lived in Batesville for about 20 years. He has been chairman of the BZA for the past 2 years and has served as a member for 5 years. He is married to Cathy for 30 years and has 3 children, one in college, one at EC, and one at Sunman Elementary.

Hoog is against forced hook-ups, if there is a functional septic system. Sewers go outward from existing development.

Property taxes are going up due to the number of subdivisions being built. Hoog thinks we have enough subdivisions, but is not against subdivisions in the proper place. Infrastructure needs to go where subdivisions are.

Hoog thinks that property rights are to be protected by commissioners. He said citizens have a right to be heard and that is not happening as it should right now.
Hoog said economic development should focus on the TIF areas first. People should be able to stand up and voice their opinion- it doesn’t pay to keep everything inside as it just builds up anger. Hoog closed by saying that we’ve had a saying for 150 years or so (paraphrasing from the Gettysburg Address) that government is for the people, by the people and of the people. Hoog said- don’t lose that thought- it is very important. It reminds us to be sure the county grows and is governed in the proper way.

Barbara Wyly and Thomas Blondell are running for Superior Court 1 Judge.

Barbara Wyly- began her presentation with a lawyer joke about a doctor, engineer and lawyer arguing over who was in the oldest profession. The doctor cited Adam’s rib being turned into Eve, the engineer cited the earth itself, and the lawyer ended by quoting the bible that the earth was created out of chaos- and lawyers create chaos.

Wyly segued from that into the idea that a judge has to make order out of chaos. She wanted citizens to avoid just checking re-elect on a ballot. Most people haven’t been in a courtroom, so they don’t know what all happens there. Wyly gave top 10 reasons that she should be elected:

1. 28 years experience as a prosecutor and defense attorney as well as judge advocate in US Air Force and deputy US attorney.

2. Experience in family and personal injury law.

3. American Bar Ass’n honored her as the best legal assistance office in the entire military- being service-oriented. She feels a judge should serve people not be a stepping-stone in a career. Judges should make the community better. The local bar ass’n honored her services to the poor.

4. Proactively use community corrections to save money. Right now they only get 6 month, but community corrections can use up to 18 months.

5. Family law cases shouldn’t be tried in criminal courts- many domestic cases end up in jail time. There are grants available to set up a visitation center so that warring parents don’t see each other as kids are transferred for visitation. Wyly says custody cases are often so stressful that they constitute abuse for the kids.

6. Background in social services both paid and as volunteer.

7. For 11.5 years found homes for abused and neglected kids.

8. All people should be treated with respect.

9. Establish a drug court program in jail and AA meetings. Judge Blankenship has set this up in Superior Court 2. DUIs get rehab and drug addicts should too.

10. I have a judicial temperament, patience, and am people oriented. I am a local person (except for military time), born in Cambridge, IN. We moved here in 1994 when Fidelity transferred my husband.

Wyly thanked the people for coming and asked for their vote.

Thomas Blondell- introduced himself and said that his wife, Julie, and he moved here and now have two children 8 and 5 years of age at St. Lawrence School. He grew up in Chicago is a lifelong Democrat and was part of the “Daily Machine.” He and his wife chose a small town to live and raise a family. He attended the University of Chicago, he was a football player, and worked for Dun and Bradstreet, then decided to go back to law school. Blondell always wanted to be a judge so he chose John Marshall Law School as 90% of the judges went there. Blondell has been practicing law for 19 years. He put himself through school and learned to appreciate all different backgrounds growing up in the Chicago suburbs.

Blondell thinks integrity, honesty, and decency are important.

He got to see issues in the county while working for his previous law firm (Woods, Lamping, and Lehner) He recently joined Zerbe’s law office. His forte is real estate law. Blondell likes to be able to explain complex legal issues without overwhelming people. People are generally intimidated in court. They may be innocent and the judge is there to assure them of justice. Blondell also feels that some lessons can be learned outside of jail.

Blondell was a guardian ad litem in Cook County, (IL) and he represented kids. He saw many horrible things that happened to them and guardian ad litem duty allowed him to help provide protection for those who can’t protect themselves.

Blondell stated that the last Witte election got down and dirty- and he wants the public to know that judge candidates are limited in what they can say as they might be a future judge. He has handled real estate disputes. He knows that people here have a strong commitment to property here. He is very aware of the volatile issues that happened here in St. Leon.

Blondell said he likes Jon, Witte, and Barb, and he is not going to have an aggressive campaign.

He believes in leading by example. He is involved in the community with Boy Scouts, School Commission and Habitat for Humanity. He enjoys the support you get in a small community- it’s a good place to raise a family. His door is always open and wants to be considered as the Democrat candidate for judge. People who are concerned about the impact of government need to make a difference and contribute to the process.

Phil Darling- is running for one of 3 seats for County Council –at-large. He said he is a lifelong resident of York Township. His mom was postmaster at Guilford and he and his dad worked in the construction industry. He is the oldest of 6 kids and attended St. Martins and NDHS. He married a St. Leon girl and has 3 daughters- 1 in college and 2 married. He has worked at Cincinnati, Inc, and apprenticed in heat/frost insulators. He retired this November so now he has the opportunity to devote time to more things he’d like to do.

Someone wrote in the paper that the people are the ones who need to go to meetings to keep your government in order. He has been doing that now. He decided to run after he retired as he has enough time to devote to it.

Attending Council meetings, he found that people spend your money and don’t know what they are spending it on. They don’t know where the projects are even- they just rubber-stamp it. With a county budget of $17 million, they should be aware. I wasn’t happy with what I saw.

I worked construction for 34 years and only missed 6 months total when I was injured in a fall while on vacation.

County officials don’t often take your opinion into account. I am not subject to anyone – I am just a concerned citizen. I may not be perfect, but I will try and listen to the people. I thank Tom, and Amanda for putting this on and letting us all come out tonight.

Amanda then said people could go to each candidate and ask questions. There were refreshments and desserts provided. People were reminded that April 7 was last day to register and there are only TWO DEMOCRATS holding office in Dearborn County.

Wyly announced the Jefferson and Jackson Dinner is April 12th at 7 PM. Baron Hill is speaking and this is the annual Democrat fundraiser. So far there are 38 registered to attend. Wyly said she lived in the county 10 years before she FOUND the Democrat party. All were encouraged to attend.

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township