Wednesday, March 04, 2009

3 March 2009 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes

Present: Thompson, President, Hughes, and Orschell
Also present: Pickens, Auditor, and Witte, Attorney


Land Use Element of Comp Plan remained tabled from 20 Nov 2007 [NOTE: The PUBLIC HEARING on this will be at the next Commissioners Meeting on March 17th]

Bright Fire District remains tabled from 20 Jan 2009 [NOTE: There is a public hearing on this at the Bright Christian Church on Stateline Road on Monday March 9 at 7 PM]


GIS- Margaret Minzner- is working on a grant for document management.

She also introduced John (no last name given) from Laserfiche to give a demonstration on the Morning Star Document Management System. The software he demonstrated can store scanned or printed documents or documents within the computer system. They service the IRS, the CDC, Los Angeles, Mexico City, etc. Documents can be easily emailed and tagged in the system. They are stored as TIF files and the changes to the files are in layers so that the originals are intact. This works on PC networks or internet. The system can search among all the files for words or phrases. They can set it up to match your typical file system. OCR is included (optical character recognition) Security rights can be set for different employees. All redactions are printed in white instead of black to save ink and toner. Each folder on the computer can store up to 32,000 pages. Mexico City stored 12 million documents. Costs vary- but some basic packages run around $12-15,000. Public access to documents will be enhanced with this system.
Commissioners took it under advisement.

SE IN Regional Plan Commission- Mary McCarty- re-presented the grant application they have redone from last year to be signed and considered in the March round of grants for the Child Advocacy Center in Dillsboro. Negangard also spoke in support and noted this is for the region and several other counties participate. The state pays about 70% of costs, but they raise the other 30% in these counties. They are a 501c3 – so it is a charitable deduction for private donors too. Negangard says child sex abuse cases are being dealt with on a weekly and often daily basis. They anticipate a small staff and using remote teleconferencing for prosecutors unable to make the trip to Dillsboro. Costs include $250,000 for the Schmaltz Building, $3000 remodel, and $120,000 from 5 other county communities. Commissioners signed the grant application knowing that they will be asked for money in the future to help support this.

Commissioners ratified letter signature for 4 rehab properties for Lifetime Housing at 13265 Bank St Dillsboro, 16510 S Broadway in Moores Hill, 151 Pinhook and 4920 SR 46 both in W Harrison.

Bill Black – EMA_ noted their radio grant came through and also that March 15-21 is Severe Weather Awareness Week. Commissioners signed off on that. Sirens will test twice on March 18th. Sirens are for those outside- people are to go inside and turn on weather alert radios or TVs. Dearborn County sets alarms off for WARNINGS only- not Watches. All 33 sirens go off at once- so if a tornado is in the north- the whole county hears alarms.

Todd Listerman- Transportation Director- gave a 35-minute report:

1. Lead based paint removal – change order of $58,799.99 for the Triple Whipple will cost us just under $12,000 for our 20% share. Commissioners approved it for a Regulated Materials Disposal A for $58,799.99. It goes to Illinois for abatement and removal. There may be one more additional on that of up to $15,000 per INDOT with drainage issues. Commissioners and INDOT want the contractor to share in that cost as it is due to their work. Triple Whipple will be finished in April with ribbon cutting in May.

2. Collier Ridge slip- commissioners signed Barth and Associates Plans and also those for the slip by the RR tracks. Council already assigned funds. Bids to go out.

3. Commissioners will sign the 3 Mylars for Sagamaw, Johnson Fork, and Salt Fork bridges when they arrive.

4. Bells Branch Bridge is having preconstruction conference- Force Constructions and DLZ are on this project.

5. March 19- Listerman will preset Collier Ridge, Bonnell, and Cold Springs as possible options to INDOT for federal dollars.

6. Collier Ridge- holes in bridge deck- he will replace with steel deck to lower weight and increase longevity. Will check with Council on funds and coordinate with Emergency services etc. Has to happen before winter.

7. Friday morning – meeting on stimulus money- we have submitted 5 projects totaling $4.3 million. There is $9.3 million for the entire Seymour District. ( Also $150,000 from OKI MPO) We are ahead as we have plans and are submitted.

8. IT contract for Artemis approved consultant. Still not sure about message boards, but cameras are OK.

9. Orschell brought up the summertime 4 day work week ( 10 hours per day) He said it saves on paid lunch money, one less day of vehicles on the road, and will cut down on sick time. [NOTE: Not sure how sick time fits into the short workweek.] Listerman will look into it- maybe do a MT (off W) Th F week. Orschell wants it to be 4 days in a row. [NOTE: Perhaps divide it into 2 crews and one works M-Th and the other T –F. That way the public sees 5 days of work happening. Other concern might be 10-hour days in the heat- how productive is that?] Listerman will calculate pros and cons for the first meeting in April at Commissioners’ request.

Pickens- Auditor- Claims and minutes signed.

Witte- Attorney- still investigating the Administrator pay and equipment issues. Will have by next meeting.

Witte is not giving any advice on the open door violation that Hughes filed against Thompson and Orschell unless he is asked to by two of the commissioners. He said they were allowed to respond to it on their own without his advice and noted they have until March 9th to do so.

Witte gave his input on the Contract for Work Force 1- a late arrival on the agenda. They selected Hughes at Hughes’ request to serve on the board. Agreement signed.

Witte requested a temporary leave of absence from mid March on to serve for up to 60 days on the IN Supreme Court to fill a vacancy there. He doesn’t anticipate duties of this duration in the future. He has found a substitute lawyer for his absence and will let commissioners know tomorrow if that person agrees.

Orschell- talked to Larry Smith and the hwy dept is approved to work on his land to fix the N Dearborn safety issues there.

Thompson said he has had requests to have one day and one night meeting a month. The day meeting would be for administrative, vendors, and discussions, as well as signing off claims. The evening meeting would be for more public issues- and Public Hearings. Commissioners are to consider this for the next meeting to decide.

Thompson also said they need to schedule a working meeting for the adm. position to decide if they will fill it or change duties etc. Sue will contact each of them to set the date and advertise it.


Brian Beamer registered a complaint about Dennis Road at Sagamaw in District 3- regarding quad runners in the road, on private property without permissions, and without mufflers. They have 6-11 of them on weekends and when 911 is called they disappear. (perhaps using police scanners) Safety issues with then on the roads as well. Pickens privately told Beamer of a possible solution to their trespassing. Witte will research the legalities on quad runners on roads.
Mrs. Beamer
also told them of a safety issue with the one lane bridge and curve there and no one stops- and many just speed through. Listerman will check that.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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