Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Agenda for January 4th Commissioners Meeting

January 4, 2011
7:00 p.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana



1. Maximus Consulting Services
2. Vacate portion of Happy Hollow Road
3. Vacate portion of Willoughby Road
4. HiTech contract renewal

Reorganization meeting / Appointments


VI. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington




X. COMMISSIONER – Tom Orschell





Tuesday, December 21, 2010

21 December 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

21 December 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.
ABSENT: Ralph Thompson. Jeff Hughes was acting chairman in Thompson’s absence.


Tucker Development- Seldom Seen and Old Orchard – Ewbank reported that Tucker proposed a $10,000 payment and patching repair on deteriorated roads, 60 ton of blacktop, plus giving the ROW needed on Stateline and Jameson, and Salt Fork Roads. The properties were verified by the county as being owned by Tucker. Todd Listerman also recommended that this course be followed. Commissioners accepted this negotiated agreement for Seldom Seen. They will accept those roads once all this has been conveyed to the county. This does not affect Old Orchard.

Maximus Consulting Services- tabled again

Seig Associates- Vacate a portion of Happy Hollow Road for Dave Lykins. This was tabled until it could go through Planning and Zoning.


Sheriff Lusby- Food bids were awarded. All three food bids were accepted so that they could competitively shop all three: Gordon foods, Ellenbee Leggett, and US Foods.
Lusby made it known that they have mattresses, sheets, and blankets from the jail are available to any organization that needs them. Otherwise they will go to a dumpster.

Nate Peterman, Hylant and Rich Laffoon, and Travelers- Property Insurance- Nate Peterson said this is the first renewal of the 3 year agreement that began last year. $416,000 last year was reduced to $380,000 plus for an 8% decrease. They increased property values 3% and also have the maritime endorsement for when EMA gets on the river. Travelers was not able to do all the endorsements needed. They also have to deny terrorism insurance as a formality. Commissioners renewed the insurance with the Hylant group. (without terrorism insurance)

Brett Dodd- RQAW – Update along with Mark Van Allen of RQAW. Mark went over stats on Community Corrections Analysis- Appendix D. total over the last 5 years went from 62 to 110. Primary participants are Class D felons and Class A misdemeanants. 15-20 in work release- limited by bed space. In home detention- shows steady growth- from 60 to 140 in last 5 years. Community service has remained somewhat flat- with 80-100 a year. Total number of Jail Work programs- 1 to 5 participants. The county is exercising potential alternatives to keep people out of jail. [NOTE: How long do people wait for trial? Is that population large?]

50-75 work release beds needed. Mark Van Allen thinks the county is taking advantage of the diversionary programs available. Hughes asked about sentencing guidelines changes from the state and also the ability to send prisoners back to the counties for incarceration.

Brett Dodd went over Appendix E on Staffing. This is a projection for 20 years from now to 2030. It suggests fairly steady growth. There are some ways to become staff neutral on this. Staffing is even more expensive than building perhaps in the long run. Put in housing pod for cameras etc rather than more staff for example. Cooks and patrol officers will increase as population of jail increases. Existing space is 65,000 sq feet and needed 90,000sq ft to fix deficiencies NOW. They came up with 110,085 sq ft total for 2030 needs. It suggests 224 beds in dorm style and 64 beds for work release. Work release is pretty much cost neutral. Those beds are paid for by the people in there. Sometimes old hotels are taken over as work release centers for a fraction of the cost of building a jail.

These drafts will change as we get to the design phase. We’re where we can get to a conceptual plan. He wants to meet with their advisory group again in January. Commissioners agreed to let them get together on this. Tom Orschell will be the Commissioner rep on this advisory committee. 28 jailers manage 216 inmates per Dodd. Updating the technology will help reduce staff. Patrol officers don’t have office – but does have some shared space for locker and training room. Both commissioners desire keeping staff and costs low. Ewbank will set up the advisory committee meeting.

Dennis Kraus, Jr. for Planning and Zoning Dept. - Proposed amendments to the Dearborn County Zoning Maps- Kraus explained how these new maps were made- condensing 8 parcel maps to digitized and colorized maps. Commissioners adopted and accepted the new maps. Hughes noted that there was a lot of green on there.
[NOTE: green is ag land and it currently also holds flood plain, steep hillsides, and wooded areas. This map consolidated all previous zone changes and annexations.]

Vacate ROW at the end of Willoughby Road
– neighbors were there to be sure their easement was protected. It was as it was not on their section of the road. This is a section between Willoughys and Donaldsons and Goodpasters. They will also build a cul de sac for school bus turnaround. All the property owners on this 50 ft ROW have signed off on the plat. This is being done to settle a nearly 10 year old lawsuit with the county. This was advertised for a public hearing at this meeting. Commissioners tabled it for January 18th meeting. There will not be readvertised. Cerified letters have already been sent out.

Rob Seig- Snow mobile club- North Dearborn Ridgerunners- 25 year old club. They have been allowed in the past to cross SR 46 to access area by I-74. A conservation officer has been giving them some trouble. On State highways you can travel adjacent to them or cross at 90 degrees, but not ride on them as if you are traffic. You can operate on the shoulder or berm. Previously under Commissioner Mark Dole – this was allowed. He gave the commissioners a list of members. They also help during snow emergencies. Hughes thought this was a good idea and Bill Black of EMA will get an updated lest also. These snowmobiles can get basics and medications to people in snow emergencies. Commissioners can adopt an ordinance to allow this. Jack Gay will look at the state laws to see what might be needed. Ewbank said there were local roads that were restricted access and our ordinance also defers to state law on state highways. In declared emergencies, rules can be suspended if needed.

Frank Kramer- DCRSD- requested commissioners’ approval for the amendment to OKI Regional Water Quality Management Plan- wants commissioners to amend the 208 plan. The existing 208 plan deals with the municipalities and also High Ridge estates. It does not address the rural areas. OKI is working on this but it won’t be ready till summer to fall of 2011. Problem is the deal with West Harrison TIF area and the sewer deal with Harrison. There is a deal pending there for business. He has prepared a resolution and a letter for OKI to address this matter. This area is not in conflict with St. Leon. They want to have OKI be able to amend the 208 plan to have this area assigned to the DCRSD at their March 2011 meeting. Kramer read the resolution into the record. Kramer said no one else has this area assigned to them. Commissioners approved this and signed the resolution.

HIGHWAY DEPT- Todd Listerman gave a 5 -minute report:

He spoke with Mark McCormack regarding Hillsprings Court – a sub’n off Hillcrest off SR 48 and Rollander’s bond is expiring. They will no longer be able to complete it or renew the bond per Rollander Enterprises. Union Savings bank is involved. He is asking permission to draw on $24,670 bond so that the roads can be finished to county specs and accepted. Commissioners approved pulling the bond. Any funds not spent will be sent back to Union savings Bank.

INDOT has sent agreement in relation to the bridge inspections- United Consulting engineers will perform the work. INDOT asked to go ahead and sign the contracts and get them sent to them so that they can get started the dollar amount is unknown at this time. This agreement is for 2011 and 2013. This is required by federal mandate. We get reimbursed at 80/20. Commissioners signed the INDOT contract on bridge inspections.

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington – Claims and minutes approved. There were 3 boxes of claims to go through. Gayle also presented the payroll and claims schedule for their review. McHenry was consulted and they will still use 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. They will keep day and night meetings as they currently have them. Hughes commented that he liked the streamlined way they do minutes now.

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay- Hoosier Square Contract for $669,000 executed by Mr. Crouch and also Dennis Kraus, Sr. (Council President) certifying that funds are available. Commissioners approved and signed the contract.

Votaw Building Contract for $350,000 owned by JJ Malcam Inc- they shifted some of the costs to the buyer (the county) but this is below appraised value. Commissioners approved and signed the contract. They also initialed all changes.

There will still be the Shumway building deal with Lawrenceburg for $1.00 at a future date.

Jack Gay relayed that Listerman has asked for condemnation proceedings on North Dearborn project. Knue and Reinhardt are the owners that have not been able to come to agreement with the county. Gay said these 2 very small parcels are needed. One is a postage stamp sized piece that lies in a creek bottom. The other claims his access is being affected. This is designed to protect the taxpayer- not paying too much- and the property owner by not paying too little. Condemnation proceedings will not delay this project of done appropriately. Early in the process the county gains the right to use the land- even if the lawsuit proceeds. Once the owners see they have to hire a lawyer, they usually accept the appraised value.
Listerman was asked if they’d exhausted every possible opportunity. Listerman said: 25x25 ft is one piece- or 1/12,000 of an acre. ( Reinhardt)
2nd owner wants the county to buy an additional 4-5 acres that they think they will not get their FUTURE use out of it for development. ( Knue)

Commissioners tabled this to go out and exhaust every opportunity. They will talk to the owners. They can’t pay more that appraised values. Orschell is going out to talk to one of them, as he knows them already. They don’t want to miss the timeline on this. Commissioners are adamant that they don’t want to do any condemnation.

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- Hi-Tech Contract renewal for administration building. Price is same as last year for $1105.00 Hughes wanted to have a task force to look at all IT firms to see who to accept. He put Pennington and Minzner on this task force.

Web mapping proposal- GIS- got down to 2 companies and each had presentations. They chose the Schneider Company out of INDY to host the project. They want to interrelate that with all depts. That get involved in property. Goal is to have a platform to have everyone access all property information in one place. They want permission to enter into contract negotiations. $49,665 for a 3 year period. The GIS has funds for the first year of that project. We will also see some licensing savings using them. We can also provide subscription based fees for heavy users. He is confident that this will be revenue neutral for the county. It will also open up more opportunity for county users. Commissioners gave permission to Ewbank to negotiate the contract with Schneider Corp.

Persons seeking deed and mortgage records can see that also- as a pay for download process. Ewbank and Glenn Wright discussed this. Docspop is the company that would do this. A lot of companies are doing this. They also have a fraud alert as a free service. People can get an email if someone accesses their property, if they sign up for this alert. Commissioners approved Ewbank negotiating with Docspop.


Jeff Hughes- nothing

Tom Orschell- said that with all the discussion at the end of the last meeting he hadn’t been able to address Thompson’s last meeting. He appreciated Thompson’s service and wished him well in his new life. Also wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Hughes concurred with these statements.


Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Agenda for Dec 21st Commissioners Meeting

December 21, 2010
9:00 a.m.
City of Lawrenceburg
Administration Building
230 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana



1. Tucker Development – Seldom Seen I, II & III/ Old Orchard (continued tabled)
2. Maximus Consulting Services
3. Seig Associates - Vacate portion of Happy Hollow Road

1. Sheriff Lusby - Award of food bids
2. Nate Peterman/Hylant & Rich Laffoon/Travelers
Property Insurance
3. Brett Dodd, RQAW - Update
4. Dennis Kraus, Jr. - (for) Planning/Zoning
Vacate right-of-way at end of Willoughby Rd.
Proposed amendments to DC Zoning Maps
5. Rob Seig - Snow Mobile Club
6. Frank Kramer - DCRSD
Request Commissioner’s approval for amendment to OKI Regional Water Quality Management Plan


VI. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington

1. Hoosier Square Contract
2. Votaw Contract

1. HiTech Contract renewal
2. Web mapping proposal


X. COMMISSIONER – Tom Orschell

XI. COMMISSIONER – Ralph Thompson, Jr.




Wednesday, December 08, 2010

7 December 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

7 December 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes
Present: Ralph Thompson, President, Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.

Commissioners began with a moment of silence commemorating Pearl Harbor day.

Tucker Development- Seldom Seen and Old Orchard- continued tabled

Maximus Consulting Services- continued tabled at Hughes’s request

Langley Heights-Jack Gay said ordinance should have included all those streets that were included in Tom Orschell’s motion- Chambers, Gibson, and Cobb. He rechecked the minutes and the ordinance vacating the streets can be signed as is. Hughes said there were people who wanted to speak to that. Commissioners agreed to allow it.

John Hoskins spoke and asked about York Avenue- especially the western part of York. There has been an issue with garbage not being picked up for a month- due to a person claiming he owns the property. Thompson said Bill Ewbank sent a letter to the garbage companies advising them of the ROW still being in county hands and the garbage can be picked up. Gay concurred.

Traffic Control Device Ordinance- public notice has been given regarding all the signage and traffic signals per IC 9-21 so this ordinance can be signed now. Thompson read the ordinance into the record. Manual of uniform traffic control devices was included as part of this. Effective upon posting of any sign or signal. Violations are a class C infraction. Commissioners approved and signed the ordinance.


Brett Dodd RQAW- Jail statistical data appendix C presentation- This affects sentencing and length of stay. Inmate capacity determination was analyzed. Found some anomalies and trends that are not typically seen. They spent some time talking with jail personnel to clarify. Mark- his “jail expert” spoke about general demographics of community. 94% of people are still in house they own. This is a stable community. 2010 population is a little over 50,000. Kelley Business School of IU gave projections of population that shows a plateau around 2035 to about 8.4% growth. This would change if perhaps a large industry came in.

Dearborn County arrest trends show 600 felony arrests in 2005 and by 2010 had a 150% increase in felony arrests. These felonies take longer to prosecute. Misdemeanors are decreasing in the county. 2000 misdemeanors in 2005 and down to 1350 in 2010. Annual jail bookings show a drop of about 200 from 2005-2010.

Average length of stay from 2005 (40 days) to over 50 days in 2009, but dropped back a bit in 2010. The second district court added in 2006 did not shorten this length of stay number.
Average daily population can fluctuate significantly even in a day. Average daily population tracked along with the capacity until 2009-2010. People are considered innocent until proven guilty- and some in there are technically innocent and are protected under 8th amendment. Try to separate the populations based on security risks etc. Want about 15% of jail empty so that the sheriff can do this without shifting entire housing blocks. “If you don’t have any empty beds you are crowded.”

Inmate composition- 60%- now 50% misdemeanants. Felons went from 20% to about 32%. Felons get moved and there are other diversions for road crews and work release etc. Male to female ratios pretty much constant over time.

Projected needs were done using a logarithmic progression. Need to add about 175 beds to current capacity. Today we actually need 85 beds to meet current needs. 250 beds is the upper limit of beds possibly needed for the future. [NOTE: It was unclear how they got from 175 to 250 bed estimate.] Current facility is in compliance with state in every way except for capacity and the discontinuation of the GED program due to finances. [NOTE: If we want to prevent reincarceration, why would we discontinue GED program? High school diplomas are needed for most jobs!]

Projections are based only on what is occurring in the jail itself and not population trends. Rumors are out there that say C and D felonies ( lower grade ones) may be coming back to the county. Sentencing guidelines could affect this too.

Commissioners took the information under advisement. RQAW will be back at the next meeting with more information.

Bill Black- EMA- ratify lifting burn ban and grant signatures- Burn Ban was cancelled on Nov 24th and commissioners ratified this and signed it.
Black also presented 2010 Grant for $3750 for equipment for a damage assessment team- computers, cameras, and GPS. Money cannot be spent until signed and back to the state. “Management Performance Grant subgrant agreement” was signed.
Black turned in his resignation from district as manager and $1.7 milliion has gone thru when the county was the agent,. Another county will be selected now.

Seig Associates- vacate portion of Happy Hollow Road- not addressed because the proper notice and procedures haven’t been followed per Jack Gay.

Employee Policy Manual Acceptance- Committee has forwarded this for approval. Thompson read the statement accepting it into the record. Commissioner Thompson, Maynard Barrett from Council and several office holders and staff served on the community. Commissioners approved and accepted the policy manual.

HIGHWAY DEPT- Todd Listerman gave a 15-minute report:
Supplemental inspection agreement for Bridge 15- Bells Branch with DLZ Engineers. Project took longer and so the inspections took longer. Contract extended to cost $95,799.04 as the not to exceed amount which is approx. $24K increase. Commissioners approved.

Holt road Bridge 219 contract bids opened last week. Lowest of 6 bids- McAllister Excavating out of Patriot for 196,838.25. Hope to have this open by early summer 2011.

Bridge 24 Cold Springs Road to Howard Barth and Associates Greensburg was approved last meeting and the contract was signed tonight.

Ordinance discussed restricting vehicular traffic on Kaiser road due to sharp curves by bridge #61 on it. They have an ordinance saying the max 40 ft for single and 45 ft combination vehicle. Infractions to cost $1000 max. Approved and signed.

Materials bids all came in on fuel, asphalt, aggregates, etc. he asked to accept any and all bids to find suitable sources and trucking locations.. Approved.

School warning flashers FUNDING for Sunman Dearborn schools on county roads were approved. They will now select a design consultant.

Last week lost 2 highway workers. He wants to approach Council to fill these. He also needs to fill the lower classified staff spot to get the data for signage etc done by 2013. Hughes has no problem filling two laborers but no new office staff. Orschell said he wants to give permission to go to Council to fill all 3 positions. Approved with Hughes voting Nay.

AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington- minutes and claims approved.

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay- prepared the agreement for Hoosier Square purchase
and there are time constraints for the seller. To address this in a special meeting very shortly after Council meets on the 14th to approve funding.

Gay also presented the bonding and financial guarantees ordinance for Article 4 and 7 of the Subdivision ordinance. Commissioners approved and signed it.

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- nothing


Jeff Hughes- Collier Ridge Bridge Alternative- talked to American Structurepoint and wanted the commissioners to look at all options. Hughes wants them to take a road trip and look at bridges that E&H have designed in other counties. They and American Structurepoint are both here tonight.

Chris Ott with American Structurepoint -who submitted the winning proposal for the bridge said that if you want to use federal funding there are procedures you have to go thru. He detailed the permits needed as well. You also have to have an open bid process and you will have to have engineer stamped plans even if you don’t use federal money. Hughes wanted to have Ott evaluate leaving the bridge where it is at. Ott said the footprint of the bridge gets longer when you replace it where it is. If commissioners want to accept liability of doing something that is not according to accepted bridge standards, the state might allow that. He seemed concerned with the geometry of the bridge as is. Try to stay out of RR ROW to keep from having a long project. 18 months to design with fed dollars and local money- 8-10 months design. In the fed project land can be bought after environmental documentation is approved. There is also another bridge out there that is deficient that will need to be replaced. [NOTE: The current abutments are apparently not wide enough to accommodate a redone bridge structure there.]

Orschell willing to take road trip but is VERY uncomfortable with the liability of using local money and by-passing state bridge standards. Orschell and Thompson favored the federal money as it is less of local money used than the local option that estimates $738,000.

Marty Hon spoke trying to pitch their E&H bridge option. [NOTE: Hon is the local sales rep for E&H- he is also a TWICE former county highway superintendent and former local Republican party chairman.] Thompson and Orschell said an engineer has to study it first. [NOTE: This would increase costs again- there have been several engineers looking at this situation- both formally and informally at the repeated requests of the residents there.] The Public can speak under public comment.

Ralph Thompson signed Lifetime Housing documents for Cochran St and Dietrich Crescent Dr in Greendale with Commissioners approval.

PUBLIC COMMENT- Cathy Albert- Collier Ridge- said Commissioners are to make best decisions for the county- but they are also to listen to the wishes of the residents. She stressed that Orschell is their commissioner but does not agree with the residents. No one is talking about eminent domain. And she says that will take a long time. Why is there no interest in looking in to E&H’s version? Also have a letter from Jim Barker saying that he thought the piers looked good. Barker is an expert on historic bridges. She mentioned taking 8 years to get the project done federally. The current bridge functioned beautifully for 90 years. Why are we not considering keeping it where it is. She accused Tom Orschell of being closed minded. Orschell told her that Barker told her he wouldn’t recommend doing it. She said that we didn’t bring him up again after that. ( and yet she just did) She said- listen to the residents- it’s our money, our road, and you should listen to us. She asked the people in the room who do not want the bridge to be moved to raise their hands. Most hands went up.

Orshell said he wants to listen to what the engineers recommend. Cathy Albert left the podium stating that Hughes is the only one who agrees and is trying to help them. [Note: Hughes wants to look at options- he said he was willing to check out E&H’s other bridges. It might have been more expedient for him to have done that PRIOR to bringing this to the meeting.]

Gary Collins- no one yet has thanked the residents for their work on this. SD Schools is costing $21,000 for extra bus gas on detour of this road. If it takes 5 years, that’s over $100,000. [NOTE: Commissioners estimated 3 years.] He also said their detour on Kaiser has a sharp bend by a bridge there and they are eliminating trucks form that road. Why spend all this money on Collier Ridge Bridge when Kaiser needs one too. [NOTE: Why not fix Collier Ridge so it is NOT like Kaiser? He objects to Kaiser’s sharp bridge access, and yet wants to keep one on Collier Ridge?] Using county money for this bridge can circumvent a 3-5 year delay. Bridge 54 does not have to be replaced now. Not as critical. Is there any way to have an engineering firm see if those bridge abutments will hold the load as needed? [NOTE: Commissioners informed me after the meeting that these abutments are too small for a redone bridge. I’m not sure why they did not state that at the meeting itself, other than that the presentation got contentious in tone and perhaps they chose to say nothing rather than reargue their decision.] If they won’t- well then we are off the books on this. He said these are Indiana limestone- they have stood the test of time- same as the ones under the suspension bridge in Cincinnati. Take a look at this and see if this is even a possibility. No one is complaining about the alignment. We could straighten out the approach a little bit. If you want us to go away- then take the steps to investigate this. This would save magnificent trees and also not have to take property.

Commissioners did not comment other than to thank them for their comments.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Agenda for Dec 7th Commissioners Meeting

December 7, 2010
7:00 p.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana



1. Tucker Development – Seldom Seen I, II & III/ Old Orchard (continued tabled)
2. Maximus Consulting Services
3. Langley Heights
4. Traffic Control Device Ordinance

1. Brett Dodd, RQAW - Jail Statistical Data Appendix C Presentation
2. Bill Black, EMA
a.) Ratify Burn Ban Lift
b.) Grant Signatures
3. Seig Associates - Vacate portion of Happy Hollow Road
4. Employee Policy Manual Acceptance


VI. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington



Collier Ridge Bridge Alternative

X. COMMISSIONER – Tom Orschell

XI. COMMISSIONER – Ralph Thompson, Jr.




Monday, November 29, 2010

29 November 2010 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

29 November 2010 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present: Mike Hall, Chairman, Dennis Kraus Jr., Russell Beiersdorfer, Mark Lehman, Mike Hornbach, Ralph Thompson, Jake Hoog, Dan Lansing, and Ken Nelson
Also Present: Mark McCormack, Plan Director, and Arnie McGill, Attorney.


Appeal of the decision of the Technical Review Committee to grant primary approval for an 8-lot subdivision, St. Joseph’s Field Subdivision by James Hough, Jerome Hough, and Nina Campbell. The owner of the Ag zoned 21 acres on Chesterville Road in Sparta Township is Joseph Tuechert.

Current proposal involves the retention of the airstrip granted as a conditional use by BZA from 1997 with prospective owners potentially being able to use the one airplane allowed on the site. Hours of operation limited to 2 hours after official sunrise and 0.5 hours before sunset. The use is to be terminated if a residence is built on the southern adjoining property per 1997 agreement. Tech review tabled it this summer and then it was brought back in October 2010. Lot 7 was possibly an unbuildable lot as one of the tech review concerns. There may be only 6-7 lots when it gets to secondary approval phase. Septic placement and setbacks could eliminate one or two lots. Neighbors are appealing the decision. The area is all Ag zoned around this. With current uses though, there are mixtures of uses, the main other use is residential. This site is the flattest in the area around it. The airstrip runs right next to the proposed road.

Issues named by appellants to oppose this decision are: use and density is inappropriate, increased noise, loss of wildlife, and increased fire hazard.

Only one airplane is allowed on site per FAA. No more planes can be added to this. The use of the airstrip is not in question. It has been operated in accord with FAA and County stipulations.
10 letters were mailed out. Chesterville Acres 2005, Long Branch Ridge 2000, and McGuires 2003 were subdivisions from 2000 on in the area- on Ag land.

The appeal was made within the 30 day time limit as stated in the ordinance.
Keep in mind that this is a minor subdivision on two parent tracts. One tract probably wouldn’t have to be a minor division. The whole area has been Ag since 1965.

[NOTE: How did this get decided by Tech Review with something as SIGNIFICANT as an airstrip in it? That would seem to be something that should be decided by the Plan Commission. How is this supportive of the intent of the Agricultural district?]

James E Hough- retired PE and licensed geologist. Speaking on behalf of 3 appellants. There is an issue of 300 ft ROW on the airstrip that goes beyond this property. In reviewing Ag zone code. The purpose of Ag zone doesn’t list this. This does not seem to fit with or support the Ag use. Non-compliance with FAA document. This is a commercial activity and not agriculturally related. Noise from landings. Wildlife issues. Increased risk of pilot error that could damage adjacent property. Contradictory information on plat. The FAA does not approve or disapprove private airstrip development.
Property value issue.
Subject to be reviewed by the board if neighbors complain of noise etc. was listed in the original BZA stipulations.
There are issues with not having enough land to accommodate the airstrip length required. It goes across Chesterville Rd to the Lanvermeyer property.

Nina Campbell- primary concern is value of the property, and the runway length issues.

Rob Sieg- surveyor for Joe Tuechert- want to work with the county- if we need to add a covenant, we’ll look at that. FAA out of Chicago has no issues with this. Joe has all the proper documentation for this to be a private airstrip. They will add that if a house to the south is built, the airstrip goes away if the board wants that.
Sieg said the use is same as the land to the west- a small subdivision. The density is similar. Increased noise is not an issue- same as before. Loss of wildlife- he doesn’t understand. The classified nature preserve next door is the neighbor’s issue. The wildlife can still exist and move freely. There is no airplane fuel stored on the property- so no fire hazard. Not changing anything- other than 6 new potential homes to approve around this airstrip. Joe has discretion as to who is allowed to use or buy an interest in his airplane. He is currently farming the land. He acknowledged that a clear zone does exist on the south adjoining property. That is why the airstrip ceases to exist if someone builds there. He went on to disagree with the apppellants’s statements. He even thought it could increase the value of the property. Driveway surface issues with the runway include grass airstrip. Melanie of the FAA saw all these plans.

Thompson asked questions – 1450 ft for runway from S property line. He showed some issue with the pole barn and alley on other property and the 125 ft setbacks.

Arnie McGill- attorney for PC- said that they can only address if the tech review decision was correct.

Joe Teuchert- owner- reiterated the airstrip rules. He said it’s only 1220 ft. and it starts further into the property. He said there will be no rental- they will have to be part owners. He may not need to sell part of the plane now that he has this other business venture. He said- this is just about the subdivision- not the airstrip. Airport is open to medi-copters. No one else. Costs $200 to fly it- so he doesn’t do it much.

James Hough- reiterated the FAA requirements- 3 of which he says are not met by this airstrip. He was advised to take that complaint up with the FAA.

Chris Mueller- asked what rules allow tech review to approve something without BZA or PC being consulted particularly if there is something significant in the middle of it.

McCormack cited the state law that allows this. There was some discussion that clarification may be needed in our ordinance.

Thompson- said that putting subdivisions next to wildlife or farm does affect them. But because McGill said they have to stick to just the subdivision concept, Thomspon said he’d have to deny the appeal. Nelson motioned and Beiersdorfer 2nded to deny the appeal. All ayes. Appeal denied.
Proposed amendments to the Dearborn County Zoning Maps. Mark McCormack passed out digital maps and insets along with disclaimer to be posted with it, saying that the official determination of a zone comes from the planning dept. They would also list a month date and year that it was effective to. This would replace the 8 panel maps. Nelson thought this is start in the right direction to see the whole community too. This format will be easier to use. This corrects mistakes too. This will also help suggest correcting some areas in the future. All three commissioners know what this is about. Nelson and Kraus Jr. motioned to send it with notes to commissioners for approval. All ayes.

1. Passed out performance guarantee list and noted expirations pending early next year.
2. Passed out the schedule for meetings next year. Approved.
3. Printer was approved by Council.
4. St. Leon has adopted new subdivision ordinance effective on Nov 1st and are posted on their website:
5. Thompson said this was his last meeting as a Plan Commissioner and expressed how he enjoyed it. Protect rights of all property owners as well as developers. Have to look at some of the precedents and not repeat any bad ones. Mike Hall said they appreciated working with him also.
6. Dec 20th meeting only has a street vacation on the agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tom Cheek's Farewell Address to Council

Fellow Council members:

First I want to publicly thank the people of Dearborn County for putting their faith and trust in me for the past twelve years to serve as their Council Representative. I would also like to extend a special thanks to some of the office holders and employees who have treated me with the respect and professionalism that anyone could ever hope for. I started this position with a clear and open mind hoping I could make a difference in our community. Unfortunately it didn’t take long for me to figure out the amount of politics that are involved. Not that I was naïve, but I didn’t imagine it was as wide spread as it is. I distinctly remember my first round of budget hearings. I looked out in the hallway and saw three people changing a light bulb! I thought to myself, what a waste of tax dollars!

On a more serious note, I know that everyone here knows what has to be done to make a more affordable and efficient County government. I know you are all familiar with your Governor’s opinions on streamlining local government. A lot of it is spelled out in the Kernan-Shepard Report of 2008. Although I do not agree with all the recommendations in this report, I do agree with most. For instance, establishing a single more unified legislative body for county government and expand legislative membership to insure representation to all areas of the county. Another would be to create one body to oversee all county public safety services. This would break up all the little kingdoms around the county. We should expand coordination and consolidation of services. This would strengthen the power of voters to compel consolidation. And lastly Prohibit employees of a local government unit from serving as elected officials within the same local unit. I quote directly out of the Kernan-Shepard report. “Allowing the employees of a unit of local government to serve as elected policymakers for that unit is an unacceptable practice for a number of reasons. First, it is a clear conflict of interest for public employees to benefit from their actions as elected officials. Second, it undermines the chain of command and procedures for discipline that are critical to effective public services, particularly public safety. And perhaps most important, it diminishes the faith that citizens have that local governments act in the public interest. End quote. This is part of your Governor’s platform and agenda for Indiana. I would think that this is the direction our county would want to go. With the amount of political power and the number of majority votes in this county and having control of both houses of the Indiana General Assembly in January along with the Governor’s office I am confident that some of these changes will occur. I charge both bodies of our local government to listen to your Governor and step up to the plate and be a leader in some of these reforms that he is advocating. Thanks you for this opportunity to address Council and good luck on your future council agendas. Thank you.


Tom Cheek

23 November 2010 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

23 November 2010 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

Present: Dennis Kraus Sr., President, Tom Cheek, Dan Lansing, Liz Morris, Maynard Barrett, Bill Ullrich, and Bryan Messmore
Also present: Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator and Gayle Pennington, Auditor

Superior Court II – Sally Blankenship- Additional request for Public Defenders-Bill Ullrisch said he saw this coming as they are very busy there. This was advertised out of County General- for $25,000. She said they can do it for $20,000. Passed with Cheek as only Nay.

DCRSD- Steve Renihan- transfer of funds for sewer district budget- Gayle Pennington asked permission to move DCRSD budget to where it belongs.

Wages- $ 1,450 for Secretary (Vera Benning) get one more day per week when they were working on High Ridge project. All ayes passed.

West Harrison TIF District- $1,382,000 to serve this area to help promote industry there. This will take it to Harrison. They are NOT going to force people on. They expect to have a payback over a 40 year period. They have an interlocal agreement with Harrison and they will charge the same rate that they charge to West Harrison. There are several businesses in the area that will look up.

Dennis Kraus Sr asked if the taxpayers should be paying so that others will do better financially.

Mike Rozow for Redevelopment Commission- Rozow said they have a company with 140 jobs lined up already that is relocating to Indiana from out of state. This will cause a domino effect if we move forward this evening. Rozow said he wasn’t sure he’d answered Kraus’s question. He did say that he thought that in years to come perhaps people will say that we did this right.

Council members discussed that they’d set the wheels in motion on this to get more jobs to see it through.

Messmore tried several times to make a motion during this interchange.

Kraus asked what’s to stop someone from putting a huge residential development up there.

McCormack said there is almost nor residential zoning up there. All ayes passed.

Guilford preliminary engineering study- $17,500 approved by Commissioners to go to Council for this. 43 homes identified by Health Dept. Options to take it to Greendale or run it to PNS to take it thru their lift station to Pribble to be treated by that. Both municipalities are willing to take this. All ayes passed.

Rozow also said he wanted to thank Tom Cheek for his service. (Cheek is leaving Council at the end of his term)

Planning and Zoning- Mark McCormack- copier, fax, printer machine- he’s trying to save money because of the increased maintenance costs due to being past 5 years. He got quotes and the cheapest was actually an upgrade of current one. Asking to have permission to lease with option to buy the next machine. Also needed direction to either auction the machine or to give to some other dept that has low volume needs. Already have money in the budget to do it. They will get maybe $1,000-1,500 for it. They’ve done 300-400,000 copies on it. All ayes approved.

McCormack said that the money that will be generated in tax revenue will probably pay for this sewer project for the TIF. He thought the Council might want to know that regarding DCRSD’s previous request.

Elks Youth program- Sue Dausch- thanks for supporting them last year. She gave Council a handout. Asking for $1,000 for 2011. All ayes approved.

Coroner-Wesley Holt- day to day operations- was taken care of the last meeting.

Surveyor Dennis Kraus Jr., - Stateline monument- information only. Rough drawing handed out. He will come back for this at a future meeting. There is a monument there on the corner. It has been hit by semi-trucks many times. He met with Ohio in Cleves. It’s been replaced several times. Israel Ludlow, surveyor, originally placed it in 1838. Can’t move the monument as it is historical. They decided to put a turn lane around it. This will improve safety for semi-trucks that swing wide to make that turn. Ohio will pay for most of this. Greendale is probably not wanting to put money into this. $10,000 would be our share. Hoping that the guy that owns the land there will donate it. Only about 10 ft that we have to acquire. He will advertise this out of riverboat revenue for next meeting. Greendale BOW will be kept in the loop and they have no problem with us doing it.

Highway Dept- Todd Listerman absent so Dennis Kraus Jr- read his request for permission to encumber funds for Short Ridge Bridge- $600,000 needed and only has one last parcel to acquire for it. Approved.

Park Board- Steve Walker- getting a Bright parcel for $53,900 for 3.811 acres. Kraus said this needs to be approved by Planning- and Kraus Jr.- said that it will go thru as a certified survey- minor land division. All ayes approved. Funds are already in their budget. Walker thanked council for their help with capital improvements. He apologized for confusion- it is their first time they have purchased any land.

Auditor- Gayle Pennington- Minutes and EMS Training claims- In the commissioners budget and signed off by Council- there are 23 awards from Dearborn County Hospital for EMS training- needing signatures. Signed. Minutes were tabled till next meeting.

Cheek asked about plans for next year- and resolution on new hires for vacated positions. It has not been drawn up yet.

Tom Cheek asked for a few minutes to make some comments per Dennis Kraus Sr. Cheek later provided the text of his comments reprinted verbatim below:

Fellow Council members:

First I want to publicly thank the people of Dearborn County for putting their faith and trust in me for the past twelve years to serve as their Council Representative. I would also like to extend a special thanks to some of the office holders and employees who have treated me with the respect and professionalism that anyone could ever hope for. I started this position with a clear and open mind hoping I could make a difference in our community. Unfortunately it didn’t take long for me to figure out the amount of politics that are involved. Not that I was naïve, but I didn’t imagine it was as wide spread as it is. I distinctly remember my first round of budget hearings. I looked out in the hallway and saw three people changing a light bulb! I thought to myself, what a waste of tax dollars!

On a more serious note, I know that everyone here knows what has to be done to make a more affordable and efficient County government. I know you are all familiar with your Governor’s opinions on streamlining local government. A lot of it is spelled out in the Kernan-Shepard Report of 2008. Although I do not agree with all the recommendations in this report, I do agree with most. For instance, establishing a single more unified legislative body for county government and expand legislative membership to insure representation to all areas of the county. Another would be to create one body to oversee all county public safety services. This would break up all the little kingdoms around the county. We should expand coordination and consolidation of services. This would strengthen the power of voters to compel consolidation. And lastly Prohibit employees of a local government unit from serving as elected officials within the same local unit. I quote directly out of the Kernan-Shepard report. “Allowing the employees of a unit of local government to serve as elected policymakers for that unit is an unacceptable practice for a number of reasons. First, it is a clear conflict of interest for public employees to benefit from their actions as elected officials. Second, it undermines the chain of command and procedures for discipline that are critical to effective public services, particularly public safety. And perhaps most important, it diminishes the faith that citizens have that local governments act in the public interest. End quote. This is part of your Governor’s platform and agenda for Indiana. I would think that this is the direction our county would want to go. With the amount of political power and the number of majority votes in this county and having control of both houses of the Indiana General Assembly in January along with the Governor’s office I am confident that some of these changes will occur. I charge both bodies of our local government to listen to your Governor and step up to the plate and be a leader in some of these reforms that he is advocating. Thanks you for this opportunity to address Council and good luck on your future council agendas. Thank you.


Tom Cheek

Ullrich moved to give him a round of applause for his service. {APPLAUSE}

NEXT meeting will be a short one on Dec 14 – 6 PM to transfer money for Votaw building and Shumway along with Hoosier Square. The county will advertise for $1,250,000 to cover this.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Friday, November 19, 2010

Plan Commission to hear appeal Nov 29th to permit subdivision around an existing private airstrip

Monday, November 29, 2010
7:00 P.M.


1. Request: Appeal the decision of the Technical Review Committee to
grant primary approval for an 8-lot subdivision, Joseph’s
Field Subdivision.
Appellants: James Hough, Jerome Hough, Nina Campbell
Owner: Joseph Tuechert
Site Location: Chesterville Road
Legal: Sec. 31, T5, R2, Map #08-31, Parcel #009.001 & 001.300
Township: Sparta Size: 21 Acres
Zoning: Agricultural (A)

2. Request: Proposed amendments to the Dearborn County Zoning Maps.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

16 November 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

16 November 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Ralph Thompson, President, Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.


Tucker Development- continued tabled- Listerman spoke saying hey were presently working on the ROW along Stateline Rd for part of the resolution of part of the Seldom Seen Sub’n issues. They will then meet with commissioners and attorney to do the resolution regarding that. [NOTE: Apparently, Tucker owns ROW needed for Stateline and they are negotiating acquisition of ROW in trade for fixing roadway in the subdivision.]


Sheriff Lusby- bid openings for inmate food- a female staff member opened the 3 bids as Lusby was not present. Gordon Food and Ellenbee Leggett and US Food service were taken over for analysis for lowest and best. No decision.

Mark McCormack, Planning Director- Proposed changes to articles 4 & 7 of Subdivision Control Ordinance- These were revisions that the commissioners had requested. The PC had given a favorable recommendation to accept the commissioners’ changes. These were regarding financial guarantees on subdivisions. No public wanted to speak and the commissioners passed the ordinance. They will sign it later after Jack Gay modifies the changes into the ordinance.

Maximus Consulting Services- Hughes got hold of them at an AIC ( Association of Indiana Counties) conference. He liked the idea of an independent consultant- they are not a construction or engineering design firm. He wanted to table this to consider more. He wanted to know if inmates were county residents or if they were an influx from outside. Another state study on sentencing guidelines. He said there is a difference if they are a danger to society or just someone who needs to make amends to society. Orschell said he was talking to jail commander and sheriff and at least 50 inmates need to be removed to another facility. Hughes said there is a privately owned facility in Owen Illinois to check out. Hughes said rather than spend the $15,000 we could get the data ourselves with sweat equity. Thompson said sweat equity had a different definition and that we would be paying county employees to get this data still. Tabled for further review.

Signatures for Charity Road Block Ordinance – paperwork was presented and signed by Commissioners.

HIGHWAY DEPT- Todd Listerman gave a 20- minute report:

Traffic Control Sign and Signal Ordinance, which puts the county in compliance with state laws regarding speed limits and signage, was tabled until it can be properly advertised for public hearing.

Drew Barth from Barth and associates was contracted to look at a small structure on Lower Dillsboro Road. It was not sufficient for size and width. They recommend putting in a bridge structure at that location. This road has been closed. This will also require a geotech study for $3560. This is a reduced cost as they are doing another study here. There are issues with back flow that is affecting a hydraulic lift station near it as well. Road stays in the same alignment but the stream will straighten out and remove two 90 degree turns in it. This should remove the occurrences of water over the roadway. Trying to use the Collier Ridge decking for this structure. This will save money. Funding is available. Approved to proceed with geotech survey.
Council had allocated Bridge 24 Cold Springs Road. It qualifies for federal funding and INDOT has a DES number. They will proceed with study to get this started and will allow us to ask for the federal funding for 80/20 split.

Four cost proposals for this Cold Springs bridge design work– the low price was $90,000 Barth and Associates- one of their sub consultants is Land Consultants out of Lawrenceburg to do survey work. $176,000 was the next lowest bid. Barth assured then that their number was correct. Approved Barth.

Got changes in the federal manual regarding MUTCD on street signs sizes and lettering in both upper and lower case lettering. Red is no longer a background color allowed in the new manual. If you meet reflectivity and size than you don’t have to replace signs until the end of their service life. (normally 14 years) This will cost $15-20,000 to change all our signs. Allowing the time now spreads that number out past 2015 when the law is in effect. This is an unfunded mandate. This could affect stimulus funds- you have to be in compliance. Hughes said- if they didn’t take this money and run it thru the bureaucracy we might have the money to do this!

Message boards on US 50 and SR 1 are still on target.

Still haven’t heard back from Collier Ridge Bridge consultant selection on project design.

Bridge inspection starts its 2-year cycle again in March 2011

Randall Avenue building work is being completed and move is planned by end of December from County Farm to Randall.

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- made changes to minutes and Nov 3 was approved. Claims were approved and signed.

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay- has not heard back regarding the real estate ( Hoosier Square) He will follow up on that.

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- nothing to add.

Jeff Hughes- Langley Heights?- will be on next agenda


Meeting adjourned at 9:43 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Friday, November 12, 2010

Agenda for Nov 16th Commissioners Meeting

November 16, 2010
9:00 a.m.
City of Lawrenceburg
Administration Building
230 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana



1. Tucker Development – Seldom Seen I, II & III/ Old Orchard (continued tabled)

1. Sheriff Dave Lusby
Bid Openings for Inmate Food

2. Mark McCormack, Planning & Zoning
Proposed changes to the DC Subdivision Control Ordinance, Article 4 & 7

3. Maximus Consulting Services

4. Signatures for Charity Road Block Ordinance


VI. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington




X. COMMISSIONER – Tom Orschell

XI. COMMISSIONER – Ralph Thompson, Jr.




Wednesday, November 03, 2010

3 November 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

3 November 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Ralph Thompson, President, Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.

An Executive Session preceded this meeting with a discussion of real estate property. Tabled this issue pending questions.


Tucker Development- tabled

DCRSD appointments- address Steve Renihan’s term and reappointment- Renihan should have been reappointed in January of 2010. Commissioners agreed to reappoint him now.
Hughes wanted to appoint Robert Liske ( sp?). Boundary issue rules were changed so others can be appointed. No one seconded that motion. There was a concern over a possible conflict of interest.
Orschell wanted to appoint Todd Listerman to DCRSD board. Hughes thought Listerman had his hands full with highway dept. Thompson seconded and Listerman was appointed with Hughes voting Nay.


Charity Road Block Ordinance-

Sheriff Lusby was concerned because whenever road blocks occur in the county they get calls and complaints about it. Complaints range from annoyance to safety issues. The safety issues are the biggest concerns.

Peggy Waltz from Bright Lions- they have been doing road blocks for 35 years. They use these funds for charitable purposes and for scholarships. People can drive by if they don’t want to contribute.

Tom Wayne- safety issues with adults and YOUNG KIDS out in the street. Wants these organizations to be able to raise funds.

Thompson said in Mason – they put up signs ahead of the event. He asked Sheriff Lusby for suggestions. Lusby liked the signs and agreed that kids under 16 or so shouldn’t be doing this. Adult supervision is necessary. Definitely use stricter guidelines. Traffic back-up is an issue. Safety vests maybe. Maybe county should require a permit, with a clause that says the county is not liable for accidents.

Mike Kreinhop- giving indication of the charity collected for, people may be more tolerant. Times should be restricted to less busy times. Locations may need to be changed to something less busy. [NOTE: That might defeat the purpose as the busy intersection means more cars to collect money from.]

Jack Gay- County attorney- said that he has considered this since June. Many of these ideas were put into the ordinance. Problem with permitting is who will issue the permit and inspect it. You also would have a liability issue. If someone came to me with a claim as a lawyer- I’d look for who is responsible. That would be the county. He has prepared an ordinance prohibiting it. It is up to commissioners to decide whether to enact it.

Orschell- told the Lions Club that this is not to pick on them. He said there are a lot more groups taking advantage of that intersection. Can’t see who to put in charge of the permits and inspections.

Hughes said it comes to the kids out there and the safety issues are a concern. Said when the road is redone- this will probably prohibit it anyway. Terrifies people to see someone get hurt.
Orschell thinks they need to pass the ordinance. He would hate to see people get hurt. It’s only a matter of time before that will happen. [NOTE: There are other high volume areas that are safer to collect charitable funds- Walmart, Krogers, and other businesses that allow it in their parking lot, and even putting cans in banks or other business establishments.]

Thompson read the ordinance into the record. Fines are $100 for first offense and more.
Orschell motioned to approve the Road Block ban ordinance. Hughes seconded all ayes approved. Ordinance will be redrafted and d brought to next meeting for signatures.

RQAW- Brett Dodd Pre-design update on jail- he presented materials showing the existing space and evaluated the space. This states we are about 20,000 sq ft shy of what is needed. There are some other significant operational issues as well. 12,000 sq ft of this 20,000 sq ft is in one area- housing of inmates. It is nearly impossible to do separation of different classes of inmates. The second issue is with kitchen space and laundry. Intake and processing is significantly undersized. Patrol issues and training area have been taken over by 911 dispatch etc. Summary page states 62,000 sq ft. we need 90,000 sq ft today. That is not projected into the future needs.
Some spaces actually have more space than needed. This helped improve the overall rating of the facility. The arrangement of these spaces may be part of the problem with trying to borrow space. Wants to come back in December with more data.
Orschell said they are having contraband issues because of some of these space issues and mixing up different populations. Dodd said they are trying to keep felons away from someone who ran thru a stop sign for example.

DCRSD –Dearborn County Regional sewer District- Request to go to Council for Guilford Study- for an engineering study. Health Dept has listed this as having major potential septic health issues. Commissioners approved DCRSD to seek Council funding for this study.
Hoosier Square Purchase- see note above- Tabled after executive session.

HIGHWAY DEPT- Todd Listerman- gave a17 minute report:

Has been working to assure that all our signs and markings are meeting reflectivity standards by Indiana Code. By next meeting he will have this ordinance prepared to be adopted. Asking permission for Jack Gay to look over the draft ordinance and modify as necessary. Ok’d for Gay to review.

Working with OKI- MPO to get funding for George Street Bridge. 80/20 federal funding. Commissioners signed supplemental 2 as it relates to state and federal INDOT TE and OKI TE funds.

Orschell asked about portable flashing speed limit signs a couple meetings ago. Wants to see if he can get a grant to get 1 or 2 of those signs. They cost about $10,000 apiece. Hughes said this may be a good place to cut. Too expensive. He could see if he could rent Lawrenceburg’s. That’s why he’s looking for grants.

Holt Road may be able to be awarded in early December.

Annual material bids for stone, asphalt etc. will be ready for December approval.

Bridge 102- North Dearborn Road east of Creekside- got $69440American Consulting, $86,000 Structurepoint and $37,400 for Barth and associates. Barth and Associates was approved. $350-400,000 possible cost of structure.

Bridge 24 – Cold Springs Road by Chipman road- will be a federal aid project- as it will cost about $900,000. Has 4 consultants submitting proposals for this.

Salt structures- has been working with Hrezo Engineering for these buildings and also they will ALSO look at total property at Randall Avenue topography, utilities etc, and help the county come up with a master plan so that we can have a cleaning facility and capture the waste appropriately before it goes to Aurora sewer. $20,400 to do this and funds are allocated for this. Approved.

Has been speaking with county attorney. Since 2000 the county has been in a lawsuit over Willoughby Road. They have come to a consensus. Surveyor has produced a new plat. This means we will have to vacate the 1999 plat of ROW, so that we can approve the new ROW as approved by property owners.

No news from OKI and state on flashing lights for schools.

Still working on the message boards for US 50 from INDOT and OKI.

INDOT also getting on the new status of classification for Collier Ridge Road. He will follow up on that.

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- minutes and claims approved. Orschell abstained from claims approval as he had not had time to review them.

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay- nothing to add.

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- Harrison OH Fire protection/EMS Renewal for 3 years for administration of services in northeastern Dearborn County. Annual possibilities to renegotiate. Thirty days notice to terminate. Thus the county is not obligated beyond a year. We do not have a dept to provide coverage in this area. Harrison Chief was present in case questions arose- none did. Approved the agreement. Chief presented the map of the service area.

Thompson asked if Ewbank had done any work on surveying needs in the county- for county wide coverage with EMS. Ewbank said he has not found someone to do the survey work yet.

Tornado spotted and the courthouse evacuated properly last week.


Jeff Hughes- issue with Langley Heights.

Tom Orschell- any problem with a county employee blood drive? No problem. Listerman said it has been done at least once in the past. Hoxworth set up here for a 3 hour period here in the Commissioners room. Bill Ewbank will check on this.

Ralph Thompson- still some issues with sound system.

Thompson also had residents of Langley Heights with issues – confused with what was vacated. He re-read the description into the record. Gay said some of the pieces are necessary to get to the Aurora property up there. Thompson said we need to look at these again and perhaps write a letter to let them know what parts of York were vacated. ( By John Moore and Pat Kern) Sheriff wanted some clarification also, as did Bestway and Rumpke for garbage removal. County attorney to write a letter to let these entities know and the residents what is vacated. They will investigate what happened to pieces of Gibson and Chambers.

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Bill Black wants to cease being the agent for Homeland security IDHS (Ind Dept of Homeland Security) and have the District 9 administrator takeover these duties. Black said that the grants management people will find a replacement- once we send them his letter. There are a lot more requirements and paperwork and it’s not affecting our grants. We’ve done it for several years now and it’s time for others to take it over. This was just informational to commissioners. They have no action to take. This will eliminate the county being the pass through agent for these grants.

PUBLIC COMMENT-Cathy Albert- Collier Ridge. Wanted to know how much money is going to be spent on the preliminary costs of the 3 bridges he talked about tonight. Todd said still in process of getting proposals on Bridge 24 ( 100% local dollars), Bridge 138 will have preliminary design with 100% local dollars so that we can be ready when INDOT has some money. There are 17 bridges in this county needing to be ready. Albert noted this money will be spent HOPING we get money. She is still dissatisfied with Collier Ridge Bridge plans. Orschell said that these bridges have to be fixed- and if we can’t get the funding, then we will have to do it ourselves. The plans are useful- it just depends on how and when we get funding. She thinks it’s ridiculous – for the amount of money for the jail project and these bridges…. She asked what they’d do with the old bridge. Thompson said the county coordinator is trying to see if we can sell the bridge. she will look over the 13 alternates with Art Wenzel, deputy surveyor after the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8: 55PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Republicans Nearly Sweep Dearborn County Local Elections

Republicans Nearly Sweep Dearborn County Local Elections

COMMISSIONER - Shane McHenry – 10,603 over Jim Schuler- 4,358

COUNCIL District 1- Liz Morris- 3,460

COUNCIL District 2- Dan Lansing- 2,236 (The lone Democrat on County Council)

COUNCIL District 3- Dennis Kraus – 2,915 over Jake Hoog- 1,280

COUNCIL District 4- Jim Hughes 2,021 over Tom Cheek 1,378

ASSESSOR- Gary Hensley – 10,004 over Joan Seitz- 4,899

RECORDER- Glenn Wright- 10,494 over Mary Booker- 4,469

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- 12,200

PROSECUTOR- Aaron Negangard- 12,081

CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE- James Humphrey- 12,639

SHERIFF- Mike Kreinhop 10,489 over Charles Combs- 4,715

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lack of Integrity Never in Short Supply...

Many of you, especially if you're a registered Republican, may have received a 8-1/2 by 14 inch glossy political ad promoting Libertarian candidate Greg Knott who is competing(?) for the 9th U.S. Congressional seat currently held by Baron P. Hill. It is a slick ad highlighting Greg's conservative values.

It is sham. It is not from the Libertarian Party nor is it from their candidate Greg Knott. It is from the INDIANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY!

The intent is obvious. Greg Knott has absolutely no chance of garnering even a fraction of the votes cast for this seat. The Democrat's realize that if they can persuade someone to vote for Knott, they will not vote for Baron P. Hill's only real viable opponent, Republican Todd Young.

The ad was strategically delivered on the Friday before a two day weekend, leaving only Monday before the election for word to spread of their chicanery.

Any mixed feelings I had about the choice between candidates for the Indiana 9th Congressional District position are now erased. I will vote for Todd Young if this is the respect the Indiana Democratic Party has for Indiana citizens.

Think about this before voting. A vote for Libertarian, Greg Knott is a vote for Democrat Baron P. Hill


There Should Be A Law Against It...

Come election time it is often difficult to know which candidate is the right one to pick. Voters are faced with candidates they either know little about or about whom the reliability of what they know, either from word of mouth, the media, or the candidate himself, is questionable. Occasionally, however, a situation arises that speaks for itself. The voters of Dearborn County are experiencing just such a moment in the current election.

There has been much attention focused in the recent past on the likelihood that several individuals seeking public office have violated the Hatch Act, which might be enough in and of itself to inform your decision as a voter. Similarly, one might be swayed by the knowledge that a candidate is spending extraordinarily large sums of their own money to secure positions of power. Of course, those with an interest in these candidates will dispute the issue with discussion of events fortuitous to their circumstances so lets consider another aspect of this election. Sometimes the right decision is clear simply by examining the logic of the situation.

Before I lay out the case, let me first say, that I do not know either of the candidates for Commissioner in District 3 and have no reason for any personal reaction to one or the other. That being said, I have to believe that no right thinking person could possibly vote for Shane McHenry under the current circumstances and expect a happy outcome, and here's why:

It is astonishing to me that the Sheriff's Office would permit one of their officers to be diverted from their official duties by a political campaign and the potential loss of productivity it, and subsequent hours spent actually filling the office should that be the outcome, would mean. It is possible that this is simply evidence of negligence in the Sheriff's duty to the citizens of Dearborn County. If not, I can see only one reason why this would be permitted, namely, as the primary source of income for this individual, the Sheriff becomes the defacto controller of one third of the county executive. For my own part, I wouldn't want Mr. Listerman in control of a commissioner swing vote by having one of his road crew serving in that spot, nor would it be acceptable for any other county agency to have a similarly incestuous relationship to the county executive. How much less acceptable should it be when that agency's employees are armed and have arrest powers? Would it be unfair to question the wisdom of this arrangement, given that millions in bonds are being considered for jail facilities?

Now, I don't know what Mr. Combs' position on this might be but voting for him would not necessarily resolve the conflict. Assuming he does the ethical thing and does not pressure his employee to act on behalf of his organization he is at best handcuffed in personnel matters regarding Shane's service as an officer, and risks a role reversal with his employee, as commissioner, telling HIM what to do. On the other hand, contemplate the consequences if he were to do what any other employer would likely do, make Shane choose between employment as an officer and serving as commissioner. I am guessing, but I think it rather unlikely that Mr. McHenry would impose the financial hardship on his family that abandoning his position as an officer would bring, given the part-time, no benefits conditions under which a commissioner serves. Under this scenario, your vote for Mr. McHenry is not only invalidated, but usurped by the Republican Party apparatus who would be free to appoint a commissioner of their choosing.

Considering all of this, the only vote that represents a vote for the person who will actually, ultimately wield the power of the office of Commissioner, District 3, would be a vote for Mr. Schuler. Anything else is a gamble on an illusion.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Agenda for WEDNESDAY Nov 3rd Commissioners Meeting

This is a Wednesday meeting due to election

WEDNESDAY November 3, 2010
7:00 p.m., Commissioners Room
County Administration Building
215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

EXECUTIVE SESSION - 6:30 / Discussion regarding real estate property



1. Tucker Development – Seldom Seen I, II & III/ Old Orchard (continued tabled)

2. DCRSD appointments (continued tabled) - Need to address Steve Renihan’s term and re-appointment

1. Charity Road block Ordinance
Sheriff Lusby comments

2. RQAW, Brett Dodd - Pre-Design Update

3. DCRSD - Request to go to Council for Guilford study

4. Hoosier Square Purchase


VI. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington


Harrison, OH Fire Protection/EMS Renewal


X. COMMISSIONER – Tom Orschell

XI. COMMISSIONER – Ralph Thompson, Jr.




Tuesday, October 26, 2010

26 October 2010 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

26 October 2010 Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes

Present: Dennis Kraus. Sr., President, Maynard Barrett, Liz Morris, Bill Ullrich, Bryan Messmore, Dan Lansing, and Tom Cheek.

Bill Ewbank- Financing presentation from Umbaugh and associates. She (could not catch her name) has been associated with the County for the years, she is talking about the financing regarding the jail etc. She was a confidant of Cary Pickens and Bill said he was more than willing to listen to anyone Cary talked to. This will also affect any other capital project the county undertakes.
Put together a few schedules to talk about. Debt limit at 2% of the tax base- or about $15.6 million. There is also a building lease option. All the numbers we will talk about are maximums or worse case scenarios.
If we assume the bonds are at 5% repaid over 20 years- $16.9 million bonds could occur.
$1.445,000 is our annual payment on current bonds (courthouse and jail rental payments total this.) The last jail payment in 2011 and $339,000 set aside for this project.
$18million in bonds could be supported.
In 2011 you could issue general obligation bonds to pay for preliminary costs for the jail. Bonds cannot pay for roads and bridges.
If lease financing were approved- those payment would go for another 18 years.
Approached this to not raise property taxes.
RQAW has done preliminary study. Our role is to present different financing options for your consideration. We can then help this thru the referral project.
Construction manager supervises the project . County attorney will work in conjunction with bond counsel.
Underwriter is the bank.
May or Nov election to do the referendum. Timetable is driven by the county. Jan or July determines the May or Nov election.
This assumes there will be property taxes pledged to the jail project.
DLGF will tell them to give the maximum annual financing on the ballot. Courthouse came out of RR and jail came out of property taxes.
Bill Ullrich said the tax RATE will stay the same- but if the assessed value goes up- you will pay extra taxes. Council took this as information.

Art Wenzel- SDRSD- presented Jeff Stenger needs to be legally reappointed retroactive to last January., He was actually appointed to fill out an old term. Council approved his reappointment.

Reassessment- per Kraus- needs to be decided. Council decided to keep the reassessment rate where it is. Tom Cheek and Messmore voted against that. Vote was 5-2. Passed.

Park Board and 911 were not present for their request. ( see end of meeting notes)

Wesley Holt asked for more money ($6,000) to make payroll for coroner- his office has been hit hard. Approved out of Riverboat revenue. Holt also passed out an update to show what the coroner’s office has been working on. Coroner has to review hospice cases- considered deaths at home. 69 out- of- hospital deaths and 59 in the hospital. Already 50 more than last year. Out of 127- only had 37 autopsies. He has issues with getting doctor records for these cases. Often requires a subpoena.

Steve Renihan- DCRSD- needed to get something ratified regarding their budget. Gayle Pennington said they needed to do this- Council didn’t know about it. They tabled this till November. Guilford study will also be discussed then.

No Veteran’s Service officer present- but Bill Ewbank presented the $4,000 needed to get to the end of the year for vehicles and drivers. This will come out of Riverboat- approved.

Tom Cheek asked about mowing costs for August for Park Board. They will wait till the park board shows up. Capital projects to non-reverting fund for Parks was approved.

$32,000 requested for 911 to get to end of the year, and he’s collecting $40,000. Charley Ashley was not here to discuss. Messmore said that it appears 911 collection is shrinking. Liz Morris said the cell phones need to raise 911 fees- on prepaid ones. Only the state can do that- not locals. Council talked to Ashley on the phone. This is the trunk line contract. This covers to the end of 2010. This will come out of Riverboat revenue. Messmore said we have to find out what other depts. are doing as we are dipping into riverboat a lot. The council said that they will give him $32,000 with the understanding that when he gets his funds they will reimburse Riverboat revenue. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Greetings to our listeners and subscribers -- Here are some shows of local interest.

POLITICALLY CORRECT: JAKE HOOG -- Show host Gary Puckett interviews Jake Hoog, the Democratic Party candidate for Dearborn County Council (District 4), running against Republican Party candidate Dennis Kraus, Sr.. To listen to this interview, click on the following direct show-link:

25 October 2010 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

25 October 2010 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present:, Dennis Kraus Jr., Acting Chairman, Russell Beiersdorfer, Mark Lehman, Mike Hornbach, Ralph Thompson, Dan Lansing, and Ken Nelson

ABSENT: Mike Hall, Chairman and Jake Hoog

Also Present: Mark McCormack, Plan Director, and Arnie McGill, Attorney.


Primary Plat Approval for 19-lot subdivision called Havencrest on 11.53 Acres on Georgetown Road in Miller Township. Applicant is Bayer Becker for Owner Larry Rutenschroer. The property is zoned residential. This was previously presented on December 2009 and some more material from Sept 2010. This property backs up onto HVL on the back.

Two major issues were the water issue and the sidewalks waiver request. Regarding the issues, there are letters from VRUC, Greendale, and the Journal Press article from 2009, and Rosenberger, and Rutenschroer. Ogden from VRUC letters indicate that Greendale has final say on capacity thru VRUC. They think there is a 2” line from North Dearborn Water Company (Mr. Gaynor) on Georgetown. There is a question regarding the capacity of this line. There is also Tri-Township Water (Mr. Blasdel) in this area. there are no current water service letters.

There are 2 lots with slopes exceeding 20% on portions.
The applicant did not want to install sidewalks as there are none in the area to connect with ( HVL and Georgetown have none.)
Letters were sent out to adjoiners. Approximately a dozen public members were in the audience.
Mark Rosenberger presented for Mr. Rutenschroer. Lisa Sullivan, daughter of Larry Rutenschroer, read a statement from him. This letter stated that VRUC is the provider. Not Greendale. He said that Greendale cannot be considered the water provider. He said this simple correction of the PC’s mistake would avoid costly litigation. This area is included in the sewer availability, but not the water service per Rosenberger.

Rosenberger agreed with staff report on #8 and on #9 want the waiver for sidewalk as this is not really appropriate here. IDEM and other agencies besides Greendale and VRUC say that Greendale has final say on water. Lansing said it’s about capacity and Greendale is saving it for further development on US 50. North Dearborn is not sufficient capacity and Tri-Township is apparently too expensive.

Lisa Sullivan, Rutenschroer’s daughter (and attorney?), showed a color coded map on the August 2007 agreement area shows a green shaded area for their current (2007)water and sewer service from Greendale and the Rutenschroer property is in that area. It’s not like Greendale is opening up capacity for a large area by doing this.


Larry Monnig- 20 year resident of the county. He’s lived on Georgetown for a year. He thinks 1/3 acre lots are NOT rural. They moved there to get away from buildup on Stateline. Against the project.

Ron Noth- He said Rutenschroer told him that the trees behind him were dedicated greenspace. He’s there and the selling point was that no one could build a house behind his house. He thinks 19 more houses are too much.

Randy Anderson- owns 5 acres south of the subdivision proposed. He has a pond and lots 1-6 will runoff to it. He is concerned for his horses that use the pond. He’s against the project.

Galen Barga- bought property that was originally built by Rutenschroer. Many are disappointed with this. There is a 2-family home here- cheap home. Unfortunately a 16-year old girl died here of an overdose. He thinks the type of home will attract low-income. Many of these homes are on leach fields. It drains to this area. He thinks it is not the proper place for this.

End PUBLIC discussion.

Thompson- said he thinks Greendale’s approval is necessary as there is no possibility from the other 2 water companies. He asked McGill if there was any change in his advice on this. McGill said unless there is another letter- his opinion stands. Sidewalk waiver- not a big issues. None of the others had anything to add.

Thompson moved to deny the request due to lack of complying with the requirements to provide a letter of water service in the area and thus the application is incomplete. Lansing 2nded. All ayes to DENY.

Rosenberger asked about the VRUC letter that says they can provide. The board said- they said they can if Greendale agrees and Greendale says they cannot.


Proposed changes to the Subdivision Control Ordinance on Article 4 Financial Guarantees and Article 7 Certificates. This was in response to the commissioners proposed changes to this request. McCormack went over the proposed changes for the board. Staff did not have any objections to these changes. The PC can make a new recommendation to the commissioners. Nelson motioned and Beiersdorfer 2nded to accept the commissioners suggestions and forward it back with a favorable recommendation. All ayes. Passed to go back to Commissioners.


Performance Guarantee report- Maxwell is updating his performance guarantees on Morgan’s Ridge and Hidden Acres. Still working on Tucker’s subdivisions.

Updates for the Dearborn County Zone Maps- hoping to get some preliminary feedback on this color coded map. Found mistakes on the Mylar map and some annexations to update. Zoning corrections are shown on this color coded map. They will also do some insets for Guilford and other areas that are small. He’s hoping to digitize this so that people can print off the section questioned whenever someone asks. Feedback requested on whether you want 8 panel maps like we have or a single digitized map like this. Colors are better than the hatching used in the current panels. OKI wanted an accurate update of ours also. Next year with GIS getting up- citizens can zoom in and get detailed versions for themselves. This is NOT changing anyone’s zoning- just updating the maps to reflect the zone changes that were made. Commissioners will then get it to approve this corrected new version.

Printer faxer scanner is 7 years old and after the 5th year it’s a 10% increase every year. That adds about $40 per month. PC approved McCormack to go to Council to LEASE a copier to level out their monthly payments with favorable terms and save money. Highway and GIS are sharing this machine!

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bob Bischoff -State Rep Candidate- on

Greetings to our listeners and subscribers -- Here are some shows of local interest.

Show #1 - POLITICALLY CORRECT: BOB BISCHOFF -- Show host Gary Puckett interviews Bob Bischoff, the Democratic Party candidate for Indiana State Representative in District 68. He is running against Republican Party candidate, Jud McMillin. To listen to this interview, click on the following direct show-link:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Podcast on WSCH for Candidates Night Oct 19

Click on podcasts in the middle area of the page to get to the live broadcast of candidates night from Oct 19.

There are several segments to this so you can break up the 90 + minutes of audio.
It starts with the state reps and moves thru the locals starting with sheriff and commissioners and ending with the recorder's candidates.

Listen and learn BEFORE you vote.

News articles and interviews are coming in the next couple weeks from Register Publications as well.



Morton J Marcus is an economist formerly with the Kelley School of Business at IU

-----Original message-----

From: Morton J Marcus
To: Morton J Marcus
Sent: Mon, Oct 18, 2010 22:36:31 GMT+00:00
Subject: Letter to the editor


On Nov. 2nd Hoosiers will vote on making property tax caps a part of our state constitution. The Governor and most state-level politicians support the caps. I will vote NO.

First, the state legislature understood that property tax caps would reduce local government revenues. Some think this will force localities to become more efficient. Instead we are more likely to face deteriorating public services.

To meet the potential catastrophe, localities have been given toxic remedies. The local option income tax has been forced upon our communities by the General Assembly. This tax is levied on households only. The state did not give localities the power to tax local corporations. Therefore, a reduction in property taxes is enjoyed by all property owners, but paid for exclusively by households.

In addition, there are now referendum opportunities for local initiatives. These are expensive options that deny the benefits of representative government in favor of emotional campaigns in opposition to progress.

Second, I believe in the potential of local representative government. A constitutional amendment for property caps puts concrete shoes on a struggling institution already in deep water.

Local governments struggle to support police, fire, parks, and sanitation services. Winter weather can devastate local budgets. Local schools are the essential tools for economic development; they attract responsible citizens and send forth well-prepared students. Local libraries serve persons of all ages with information, connections to the internet world, and inexpensive entertainment.

As far back as the property tax reforms of 1973, Indiana degraded local government and shifted power to state government. The legislature has increased its control of our schools. Cities and towns have become prisoners of the state in the tax wars. Libraries have been forced to defend their very existence.

Yes, some local governments have built attractive city halls and some schools corporations have modernized their facilities while beset by local opposition. In retrospect, those objections often prove to be ill-informed attempts to prevent our communities from moving into modern times.

Third, home-owners think they are going to realize benefits from the caps, but that is not likely for the vast majority. A study by the Legislative Services Agency (LSA) showed that only four percent of the tax reductions from the existing caps went to home-owners. Farmers got virtually nothing from the caps. Nearly 60 percent of the caps benefitted the owners of small rental housing units, commercial apartments, and second homes, with about 36 percent going to commercial and industrial properties.

If you believe in making local decisions locally, then vote against the tax caps.

If you believe that all property ought to be treated alike and taxes should not be shifted to households from businesses, vote NO on caps.

If you believe that local government services are the foundation of your community’s well-being, defeat the property tax caps proposition on the ballot.


Morton J. Marcus is an economist formerly with the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

October 17, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meet the Candidate Night WSCH TONIGHT

TONIGHT Tues 7 PM Meet the candidates at the Tate Street Adult Center. This will be broadcast also on WSCH.
Public is welcome to attend.
Get some information - BEFORE YOU VOTE!

19 October 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

19 October 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Ralph Thompson, President, Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.

ABSENT: Gayle Pennington, Auditor - (Connie Fromhold covered for her)

[NOTE: Cliff Eibeck-who faithfully attended county meetings as a community watchdog for over 15 years passed away last week.]


Tucker Development Seldom Seen and Old Orchard- continued tabled
DCRSD Appointments- continued tabled


Mark McCormack- Planning Director- Zone change from Sept 28 2010 PC- Harrison Township- rezoning a portion from Ag to B-1 on 1.263 acres to match existing B-1 on the remainder and in the area. It received a unanimous favorable decision from the PC. Planned for mini-warehouse storage uses. This requires a trip to BZA should the rezone be granted. No significant concerns from the public. Jeff Stenger of JDJ Surveying was present to answer questions for the applicant. He detailed the plans for the front lot and potential user for the other lot. The will fit in with the adjoining area. There are also B-2 uses in the area there. No public spoke. (none present) Commissioners approved the zone change in accordance with the five principles and in accordance with the draft ordinance from Planning and Zoning.

Burn Ban Ordinance- Jack Gay presented the ordinance but it won’t be effective until two weeks have passed from publishing date. They can also put into effect a burn ban via proclamation- with no real teeth until this is in effect. Commissioners adopted the Burn Ban proclamation because of ongoing drought and fire dangers using their emergency authority and then adopted the ordinance. Charcoal grills are OK- if they keep the charcoal in the grill until completely extinguished. Outdoor fireplaces are OK- not an open burn.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- Todd Listerman gave a 20-minute report:

Agreement signed with Howard Barth Associates for inspection of construction work on George Street Bridge.

Change order signed for Yorkridge Road for $0 – just transfer wede money to patching on that stimulus project.

Pictures for memorial plaque on Thurs Oct 28th 10 AM to dedicate it to John Graf who had worked pro bono often to get the Triple Whipple rehabbed.

Kaiser Road vehicle restrictions for semi- trucks due to the angle and narrowness of the bridge (#61) Jack Gay will write the appropriate ordinance for this for next meeting.

Had a request for deaf child sign on county road. They set a deaf child area sign policy. This establishes a process for putting signs of that nature up. Commissioners approved this policy.

Design replacement of Bridge #102 on N Dearborn road east of Happy Hollow. Howard Barth agreement to do all engineering and design and prep of bid documents, etc for $37,400, which is under 10% of proposed contract construction which is a good price. There will hopefully be limited ROW to acquire. Hope to start in summer of 2011. One other was near 15%. Hughes wants documentation that others are higher- tabled until that occurs.

Listerman is working to install school warning flashers on county roads. Should hear something by end of Oct. INDOT did look at Manchester school on SR 48 and did approve those. INDOT will pay for and install those probably by December.

Collier Ridge has been reclassified as a major collector. That means Pribble and Collier Ridge to connect SR1 and SR48. This helps secure additional funding for the bridge etc on that road. Trying to get the additional $2 million to realign the road for that bridge.

Submitted the paperwork for the design consultant for the work on Collier ridge.

Holt Road and wage rate hearing are set and hope to get contract soon
Waiting on one last appraisal for Shortridge road and will acquire last ROW to finish that up so it can be let soon too.

Working to get flashing speed sign to let people know their speed. This will help educate the public to appropriate speed.

AUDITOR- Connie Fromhold covering for Gayle got the minutes and claims approved.

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay- nothing to add.

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- Jail security cameras- proposal from sheriff’s dept to upgrade the campus security recording system. They need to get additional memory and storage for up to 2 years. Cost $78,000 for 2010. The memory storage was $70,000. Too costly- so they got a new proposal. They dropped the 2 years of storage as it has not been mandated by IN. Total cost is $68,000 on the newer proposal. Commissioners approved this. This will cover all existing cameras and will cover additional cameras for the system.

Tom Orschell-
wanted to know if 2 weeks after publication required to get animal control ordinances in effect. He wanted to get these published. Commissioners decided to publish the Animal Control Ordinance now.

Asked about Hoosier Square negotiations. They are about $1000 apart per Jack Gay.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township