Tuesday, October 19, 2010

19 October 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

19 October 2010 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Ralph Thompson, President, Tom Orschell, and Jeff Hughes
Also present: Bill Ewbank, County Coordinator, and Jack Gay, Attorney.

ABSENT: Gayle Pennington, Auditor - (Connie Fromhold covered for her)

[NOTE: Cliff Eibeck-who faithfully attended county meetings as a community watchdog for over 15 years passed away last week.]


Tucker Development Seldom Seen and Old Orchard- continued tabled
DCRSD Appointments- continued tabled


Mark McCormack- Planning Director- Zone change from Sept 28 2010 PC- Harrison Township- rezoning a portion from Ag to B-1 on 1.263 acres to match existing B-1 on the remainder and in the area. It received a unanimous favorable decision from the PC. Planned for mini-warehouse storage uses. This requires a trip to BZA should the rezone be granted. No significant concerns from the public. Jeff Stenger of JDJ Surveying was present to answer questions for the applicant. He detailed the plans for the front lot and potential user for the other lot. The will fit in with the adjoining area. There are also B-2 uses in the area there. No public spoke. (none present) Commissioners approved the zone change in accordance with the five principles and in accordance with the draft ordinance from Planning and Zoning.

Burn Ban Ordinance- Jack Gay presented the ordinance but it won’t be effective until two weeks have passed from publishing date. They can also put into effect a burn ban via proclamation- with no real teeth until this is in effect. Commissioners adopted the Burn Ban proclamation because of ongoing drought and fire dangers using their emergency authority and then adopted the ordinance. Charcoal grills are OK- if they keep the charcoal in the grill until completely extinguished. Outdoor fireplaces are OK- not an open burn.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT- Todd Listerman gave a 20-minute report:

Agreement signed with Howard Barth Associates for inspection of construction work on George Street Bridge.

Change order signed for Yorkridge Road for $0 – just transfer wede money to patching on that stimulus project.

Pictures for memorial plaque on Thurs Oct 28th 10 AM to dedicate it to John Graf who had worked pro bono often to get the Triple Whipple rehabbed.

Kaiser Road vehicle restrictions for semi- trucks due to the angle and narrowness of the bridge (#61) Jack Gay will write the appropriate ordinance for this for next meeting.

Had a request for deaf child sign on county road. They set a deaf child area sign policy. This establishes a process for putting signs of that nature up. Commissioners approved this policy.

Design replacement of Bridge #102 on N Dearborn road east of Happy Hollow. Howard Barth agreement to do all engineering and design and prep of bid documents, etc for $37,400, which is under 10% of proposed contract construction which is a good price. There will hopefully be limited ROW to acquire. Hope to start in summer of 2011. One other was near 15%. Hughes wants documentation that others are higher- tabled until that occurs.

Listerman is working to install school warning flashers on county roads. Should hear something by end of Oct. INDOT did look at Manchester school on SR 48 and did approve those. INDOT will pay for and install those probably by December.

Collier Ridge has been reclassified as a major collector. That means Pribble and Collier Ridge to connect SR1 and SR48. This helps secure additional funding for the bridge etc on that road. Trying to get the additional $2 million to realign the road for that bridge.

Submitted the paperwork for the design consultant for the work on Collier ridge.

Holt Road and wage rate hearing are set and hope to get contract soon
Waiting on one last appraisal for Shortridge road and will acquire last ROW to finish that up so it can be let soon too.

Working to get flashing speed sign to let people know their speed. This will help educate the public to appropriate speed.

AUDITOR- Connie Fromhold covering for Gayle got the minutes and claims approved.

ATTORNEY- Jack Gay- nothing to add.

COUNTY COORDINATOR- Bill Ewbank- Jail security cameras- proposal from sheriff’s dept to upgrade the campus security recording system. They need to get additional memory and storage for up to 2 years. Cost $78,000 for 2010. The memory storage was $70,000. Too costly- so they got a new proposal. They dropped the 2 years of storage as it has not been mandated by IN. Total cost is $68,000 on the newer proposal. Commissioners approved this. This will cover all existing cameras and will cover additional cameras for the system.

Tom Orschell-
wanted to know if 2 weeks after publication required to get animal control ordinances in effect. He wanted to get these published. Commissioners decided to publish the Animal Control Ordinance now.

Asked about Hoosier Square negotiations. They are about $1000 apart per Jack Gay.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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