Monday, December 19, 2011

County Council Meets Dec 20th for Expansion of Jail Funding Vote

County Council meets at 6:30 PM Tuesday Dec 20th in the Commissioners Room of the County Administration Building.

The discussion of how to fund the jail expansion project is planned. There will also be discussion and a probable decision on whether to keep the unanimous vote required for spending any of the Riverboat Savings account. The Council in the late 1990s set this up as a unanimous vote to force consensus before this account money could be spent on any county project. This was done to make sure it was a project that nearly all the citizens wanted.

Like the general public, Council has not reached consensus on this issue. The Riverboat Savings account could be reduced by more than 50% if Council decides to use only the savings account for this purpose. They can also decide to use a portion of it and bonds and/or increased taxes. The current plans for expansion are not the entire project. Council and Commissioners reduced the plan to under the $12 million limit that would have required a referendum and a vote by the citizenry.

Tuesday night is when your voice can be heard on this issue.

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