Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jail Expansion Cost Depends Upon Council’s Choice of Financing

Jail Expansion Cost Depends Upon Council’s Choice of Financing
Assuming Interest at 4.75% per Colette Irwin-Knott of Umbaugh and Associates
Riverboat savings Balance is $19,015,443
The County Certified Net Assets Valuation is $2,337,154,108 for 2012. The debt limit is this number divided by 3 then times 2% which equals $15,581,027. This is the maximum the county can borrow- so if we use $9 million of this we have about $6.5 million left. The county report did not list our other current debts.  
Four scenarios were presented to Council. They vote on this at the June 19th Council meeting.

Bond Issue   RBoat Savings   Interest 19 yrs   Total Cost

$0                   $9 million            $0                        $9 million

$3 million      $6 million             $1,300,800        $10,300,800

$6 million      $3 million              $2,599,600        $11,599,600

$9 million      $0                            $3,903.300        $12,903,300

Does a referendum apply to the total cost including interest payments?

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