Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January 2013 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

15 January 2013 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.



EMA Director –Baudendistel researched state statute and said that the advisory council chooses and then the commissioners approve if they see fit. He did a new Ch 36 section for our code derived from Jefferson county’s ordinance.  President of commissioner and president of council, each mayor, and one from each town board and sheriff or his designee and director of 911 communications are on the advisory council. This also updates the additions since 1987. Lynch thanked Baudendistel for getting this done in a timely manner. Commissioners passed the civil defense and emergency management ordinance today. Then the board meets and sends a recommendation to the commissioners for EMA Director. Tabled EMA Director appointment until board meets.

Community Corrections Advisory Board- Judges have not reviewed the new ordinance on this board yet, Tabled at Baudendistel’s request.

Convention Visitors Board- Debbie Walter had replaced Ian Abdon. Amy Smith (new appointment), Dave Lorey and Charlotte Hastings were re-appointed to the board.

PTABOA- Property Tax Assessment Board- Hensley commended the 5 members serving. Mark Neff and Art Hardebeck certified appraiser were the 2 he recommended he appoint. The 3rd member is appointed by Council. Commissioners appointed Neff and Hardebeck. Commissioners also asked for a letter to be drafted thanking the previous members for their service.

911 Communications Board- Charlie Ashley said that Ed Op and Glenn Brandt were his recommendations. Approved.

Hospital Board- Robert Hoffmeier is retiring from the board. Chip Perfect was put up to replace Hoffmeier on March 31st. Ronald Denning was re-appointed to the Hospital Board.

Bright Annual EMS Squad Funding- this was for 2012 funds and so they approved the funding. It does not affect 2013 funding. They also gave their financial statement to commissioners per Lynch $40,000 approved.


Plan Commission- Mark McCormack- Correct Legal Description of Rookwood Estates Zone Map- in 2003 the legal description included about 3 acres that shouldn’t have been in the description. Baudendistel prepared an ordinance with the correct legal description. This was discovered reviewing acreage for an enforcement issue. 2313-003 amends 2003-13 ordinance. Commissioners approved the new ordinance correcting the errors in survey description. This had a unanimous favorable recommendation from Plan Commission.

Region 15 Child Advocacy Center- Sarah Brichto- sub-recipient semi-annual report-from a 2009 grant. She gave more statistics and they have added more counties that they cover. 295 kids last year and biggest group is 4-5 year olds. McHenry said the numbers show the need and commended the staff. 1038 since 2009. Their territory served is pretty huge per Brichto. Commissioners approved signing the report by McHenry.

CASA-Citizens Against Substance Abuse- Donna Thacker- Grant Recommendations – $100,000 operating costs from Lawrenceburg and they got $60,000 from L-bg for local grants also last year. Thacker outlined grants uses such as substance abuse education and kids planting red tulips to bloom during alcohol awareness month. They partner with other counties to get more from the state. Recovery event done for 65 people who came at the Community Center. One of the recovery people is now serving on their board. Drug free coalition in Cinti helping them with an evaluation system.  They have over 3 million ads and media last year on CASA and their activities. Alcohol is dropping in grade school but marijuana is going up unfortunately. Heroin use dropped in 12th graders etc. Seeing more hard core drugs. Prevention takes a variety of forms like working with the character council. McHenry said heroin is becoming more county-wide. It is plateauing and dropping off a bit. He thanked her for all their work and how much CASA does for the community. Commissioners approved their 2013 report and grants.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Todd Listerman, Highway Engineer- Stateline Road project supplement amendments for INDOT and consultant- federal aid funding for Stateline slip and new DES numbers. Original agreement and separation into 2 projects. Approved. Original contract with United Consulting engineers had to supplement their contract to reflect the 2 new DES numbers on the project. This is just between the county and United Consulting and was approved.

Tm Grieve, Highway Superintendent- not present.

Laptop of former commissioner Jeff Hughes- Terri Randall was issued to Hughes many years ago and is pretty much outdated. They asked for public comment and I said it would take care of the toxic materials – they wouldn’t have to recycle it. They approved selling it to him for $1.00. It is 6-8 years old.

ADMINISTRATOR: Teresa Randall- will do a letter to Hoffmeier thanking him and a letter to Perfect welcoming him to the hospital board.

Fire/EMS Study updates/Input- At the end of last year a committee was to be formed and would report to the commissioners. Randall did not form that committee until the new commissioners came in. They have  a grant from County Foundation for $58,500 which is 1.5 years old. They have analyzed the existing conditions for $12,000. Then they did a report on the options for organization. They are to do an opinion survey on issues from a sampling of local residents. They should have work sessions with local officials and a fiscal analysis. There would still be another $36,500 and she recommended that they hire a consultant in the area not the one we have from outside the area. She wants to send the money back to DC Foundation. In the future they can go back to foundation for funding when they have a clearer idea of what they want. Duncan and Associates agreement was ended and $36,500 is to be returned to the DCFoundation. Approved.

Randall said Lynch had suggested getting together with Rep Randy Frye who is big with Fire and EMS. They had a good meeting with locals and white-boarded an number of ideas and solutions. She thinks this was a big break thru on this. They had ideas on cross training etc with fire and ems. Lynch will be point person on this with her. They will have to go out into the rural areas also to get ideas. There was a lot of discussion about giving money to Harrison instead of getting it to Bright at their meetings.

Hrezo Agreement – needed to be redone to cover construction observation for the Votaw/Shumway demolition project. It’s already in the budget. It’s an hourly fee and not to exceed $1,650.00 Commissioners approved McHenry’s signature on this agreement that Baudendistel had reviewed. 

AUDITOR: Gayle Pennington- claims signed except for the one McHenry asked them not to pay Health dept $234.52 claim from Comcast Cable TV, High speed internet for Dr Scudder’s office and home until they can get scudder in to explain what this was for. This is from a grant supposedly.  Scudder had not had an office until just now in the county per Randall. They will hold payment on this for now.

Minutes approved for Jan 3rd as amended.

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel- none

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch said it had been a whirlwind and thanked staff for efforts and stumbling over issues with updating ordinances for appointments. McHenry agreed.

Commissioners agreed to revise the SIRPC Board to be Art Little instead of Kevin Lynch.

Randall attended OKI meeting and complimented Lynch on being elected 2nd VP of OKI Executive Committee. There were major powerful people from the tristate there Randall said. Todd Portune is the President. Lynch views this as a great networking opportunity for us. We had 6 reps from Dearborn County there. McHenry said as long as we don’t get pulled in to pay for the stadium- he’s all for it.



Meeting adjourned at 10:25 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no show for work could get you looking for a new job?your on the clock 24-7days a week?