Tuesday, November 19, 2013

19 November 2013 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

 19 November 2013 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Teresa Randall, County Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.

Executive session preceded this meeting. Motion to sign agreement with professional property tax services with the Nexus Group. Passed.



Karry Hollan– executive Director of Clearinghouse was added to the agenda by McHenry. They have over 2,000 clients. More keep coming in. They need help with purchasing food. She had passed out their financials and numbers. Pennington said she needs their blessing to approach Council. And it would have to be advertised in advance, so the council meeting tonight won’t work. The holidays will deplete everything they have so getting money in January would still be helpful. Commissioners approved her speaking to Council. Gayle said she could ask Kraus if she could be on the Late Arrival section of council. Then they could at least have her tell them their needs. Approved to go to Council.

GIS- Wade Kimmon- Signatures for OKI TE funds to pay County share of ortho photography flyover- up to $20,000 at 100%. OKI will pay half and this contract is to get funds released from OKI. Council has paid our half. Lynch abstained as he was on OKI Board. Commissioners agreed to sign the agreement.

Kimmon also has 8x20 ft maps of the county for the wall of the commissioners meeting room. They are just trying  to find acrylic sheets to protect it.

EMA Director- Bill Black- ALICE training – he talked to judges and date is Jan 31st and courthouse will close for half day ( morning). He is asking permission to close administration building in the afternoon of the same day.  Hoosier Square staff will go to Courthouse and train in the morning. The others like highway will join administration training in afternoon. It’s hands on- intense training and so they don’t want the public present.

Black also presented severe weather proclamation week which is Nov 17-23 per the governor. Commissioners signed the proclamation. Black also said that news was camped out here during the weekend storms.

Signatures on Vendor form for IEDC Grant- Terri Randall said that Whitewater Mills needs to build a RR spur to the Gennessee and Wyoming RR. INDOT can get up to $300,000 grants for this. IEDC will match with $100,000 but it has to go thru to a sponsoring entity and not to a private business. The county is the grant administrator for this. McHenry has the forms and Commissioners agreed to sign both items for IEDC and for INDOT , with Lynch abstaining as he is a board member of the Redevelopment Commission.

Barnes and Thornburg Engagement- State Legislature Relations Counsel- lobbyist- McHenry wanted to research more- so TABLED

Board Appointments for DCH- Betty Bischoff and Carl Petty will be reappointed effective Jan 31 and March 31 respectively.

 DCRSD- Dennis Folke and Robert Lischge reappointed effective Jan 1, 2014.

 OKI – reappointed Kevin Lynch effective Jan 1

ADMINISTRATOR: Teresa Randall – Doesn’t have too much tonight. Cincinnati Bell is trying to bring in fiberoptics to Dearborn County. Charlie Ashley has had discussions with them. Randall says that they can save money on 911 by looking at them doing a cost benefit analysis for us. Commissioners approved Randall to get this cost analysis and notify Centurylink that they have permission to look at our records. No urgency- but they could get started getting the analysis. Baudendistel was given the agreement to look over. Commissioners signed the letter at the end of the meeting.

Generator housing has to be replaced as an emergency but state law requires 2 bids per Baudendistel. They do not have to have a resolution. It has to be in the minutes. Ohio CAT quote $46,520 (tank and labor) and $2,231.68 housing and temporary generator backup. Cummins Bridgeway quote was $55,458 total ($49,900 and $5,558). Ohio CAT was low bid and commissioners declared an emergency with the emergency generator and signed the quote. It will take about 8 weeks.  IC 36-1-12-9 is the law governing this per Baudendistel.

Randall said she will go to Council tonight for Commissioners.

AUDITOR: Gayle Pennington- claims paid. Minutes form Nov 5th approved. Minutes from regional strategic plan for community visioning from Nov 6th were approved.

 Item for discussion- a fireman from St Leon wants $250 toward his training that he is midway into. This is the training we always have paid for. It is NOT the training we discussed last month for the EMTs. Lynch said that he wanted to see if they have clarified the rules on this. They have a 2 year minimum of service post paying for the training. Commissioners TABLED to check on this. Randall will research and get back to commissioners.

ATTORNEY: Andy Baudendistel- something for discussion- IC 36-7-9 the unsafe building law. Bill Shelton said they have issues with this at times in the county. Building director is usually the executive authority on this. The hearing authority is the Commissioners should a building need to be demolished. There have been some concerns about abandoned buildings in the county. He thinks they should think about this until Bill Shelton can be present. The ordinance would be extensive. No decision yet.

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Lynch thanked McHenry for leading the Visioning Meeting last week. He thinks this hasn’t occurred before in the county. Wished Happy Thanksgiving to all and threw down the gauntlet that he would write a check to Clearinghouse for $50. McHenry said he had to go home and check with the boss to get a check.

Contributions can be mailed to:

Clearinghouse- PO Box 478, Aurora, IN 47001. Email is clearinghousedearborn@yahoo.com

McHenry also commented on the positive possibilities with the Visioning Meetings. Wants to invite more to share their ideas. Little concurred and also wished everyone a Happy thanksgiving.



Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township


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