Thursday, July 09, 2015

9 July 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

9 July 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Acting Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe, and Randy Lyness.
ABSENT:Dave Deddens (had water main break issue)
ABSENT AS USUAL: Dusty Burress (non- voting school board member)

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker, Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- June 11 minutes approved.


Update on Randall Avenue Industrial Park Sign- Kevin Ford of Signarama was contacted by Terri Randall. She passed out photos of the existing sign. The widow is still interested in selling or working with us in some fashion. She doesn't want the headache of the sign. Craig Distributing there is very interested in getting the sign done. The other businesses down there are thrilled that DCRC is getting involved. Estimated $10,000 (about $9600 or so) is the sign For an addition $1400 can be spotlighted,etc. For about $20,000 total you can internally light each sign. She wants to get all parties to the table and have the realtor- Brett Fehrman there- and the widow on the phone. The lot is 1.077 acres. Deaton said we should explore making an offer on that. Then we can do whatever we want with a sign and Rahe said market the rest of that land.$57,889 is the current price. Terri Randall- The old Randall Farm Property (interestingly enough, my husband’s family is back there too) Deaton said we can talk to the Randall Ave business owners too. They will shoot for a Thursday evening meeting sometime this month. Lyness said we’d hate to let an opportunity get away. They are looking at their TIF money in that district too. 


Approval of Claims from ED Research Grant-Oren Turner’s pay thru Sept meeting is in this. Approved.

Approval of Regular Claims- web hosting, Randall and Hayden salary in there, and OKI luncheon preparation.Approved. [NOTE: Why is DCRC paying for OKI luncheon prep? Is that legal?]

Review of Financials- Approved.


Resolution 2015-DCRC-001: Determination to Capture TIF Revenues- This is done annually to determine if any money goes back to the taxing entities. This legislation was put in place in the state for TIFs that were amassing huge sums of money.DCRC decided they wanted dot keep the TIF money as there is not that much in it yet. Deaton said he still is thinking about Terri ’s comment last meeting about building a spec building. That money could go for that. Rahe said there is not enough for that except maybe in the Washington Township TIF. Approved the resolution.  
Letter Notifying Intent to Capture TIF Revenues. Approved to keep the TIF revenues in each district. The auditor distributes the letters to the taxing districts and schools and other taxing entities in the district. Dave Deddens as President is approved to sign the letter.  

Umbaugh Agreement- Randall said that London Witte was notified that we are changing to Umbaugh and she and Gayle talked with Jason Semler about this. Randall said that she and Gayle told them they would do some things internally and rely on Umbaugh for others. They have a NTE set of fees. These are similar to London Witte fees.Randall said we will be using them more than in the past because of all the regulations and we need them to help us stay on top of things. Andrea Ewan reviewed the agreement. Approved this and have Dave Deddens sign it.

Pennington said a lot of Auditors in state were upset when they were put on DCRC board - but there are a lot of things we can provide to keep costs low and not have to use outside contractors to get that. Auditor is the official contact with Council too.     


Draft of budget estimate - same as last year - was sent to auditor’s office on time. No one saw need to change anything. Approved. 

Randall is going to VIP at REDI Cincinnati at Horse and Barrel in downtown Cinti on Monday evening. They have brought in site selectors in NKY and using All Star event to get them all in. It’s an opportunity to make some very important connections. I’m a little nervous because I’m going in but we’ll be marketing our whole area. Janelle Lee is the new rep assigned to SE Indiana from REDI. She is looking to grow their client base in Indiana. Maybe we’ll have her come to lunch and show her around. [NOTE: Now Dearborn County has to share the limelight?]

A program called Much in Common going on quarterly in Cinti area. They invite all the govt. officials in every community. Lynch and I have gone to all of them and they have given us a tool box that I have in my office. First speaker was Castellini. Other too. The next event in Sept or Oct is taking into the next level to grow our region. I have been invited to be on the panel to represent SE Indiana. That’s the first time we’ve done that. It plays into Economic Development as well as the commissioners. 

I need some direction on where you want to go with the Stone Property. Especially with a spec building. Could do a lot of stuff there. You may want those spec buildings and  “someone to craft a plan for that” so I have something to work with. Spec buildings need to be in a good area. Lyness said- the ones we (who are we?) have been building in Scott County- have those been filled. You have to find the right size Randall said- and I have no leads to respond to because I have no spec building. Lyness said the Stone Property is special and maybe we should build one there across the road. Randall can’t talk about it as it is a private property. [NOTE: Tootles Trust?] There is a business that has bought it and they will bring it and maybe work with DCRC on that. [NOTE: Wonder what connections are involved? Is this why Randy Maxwell was at last month’s executive session?] 

OKI Luncheon- trying to get others invited who may not be able to afford a seat at the table- there are some seats available at one vendors table for some needy entities who need to send people. She thought maybe Moore’s Hill, Dillsboro, Aurora, and St Leon. 
Deaton said the Dillsboro DCRC looked at Winchester to see fish farming as an option for the old lagoons from their sewage treatment plant. They have to make them clean up for this.




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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