Thursday, December 10, 2015

10 December 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

10 December 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Dave Deddens, Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe, Jim Deaton, Alan Goodman (replacing Lyness)
ABSENT AS USUAL: Dusty Burress (non- voting school board member) [NOTE: Burress has only been present once when he was appointed. This member needs to be replaced with someone who can represent the schools interest.]

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Sue Hayden, minute taker, Leah Bailey, covering for Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
ABSENT: Andrea Ewan, Attorney

Meeting started at 10:10 AM

Deadens welcomed Alan Goodman

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- October 19 and November 12 meeting minutes were approved. DCRC board needed a quorum of members who had been at those meetings to approve.


CLAIMS AND FINANCIALS:Randall said they needed to approve these claims to close out the years end. $8495.99 and appraisals were to be paid out of the West Harrison TIF money. These claims will be paid by the end of the year even though they haven’t got all the appraisals in yet. They are due before years end.


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT:Terri Randall commented on Hayden’s music box with wonderful Christmas music. Randall said it had been a great year esp for her. Lots of learning and stress especially with her health respiratory problems at the end of the fall. She thinks we are under-resourced in economic development in a big way. The board has been sort of burdened as we are not looking at just the county but also the cities and towns DCRC. 
She said the REDI $10,000 is the best money they have ever spent. There is a confidential lead coming into the Aurora Industrial Park due to REDI. That will be announced soon. They have improved the way they can respond to leads. 
They had a major lead from Cincinnati, and she knew it would be better in Greendale than in West Harrison. And she has done an incredible amount of work on that with Al Abdon. It will also bring many high paying jobs- and they will need homes in the county. This is the first round- and we may not get the deal- it’s very competitive. She said it has been extremely gratifying to work for you this year. 
Skally’s has been a bit challenging- ordinances on the bonds - she felt she wasn’t able to give it the attention it deserved until she was over her illness- but it is moving forward.The bakery hopes to break ground in the spring- March. 
Back on the Aurora Industrial Park soon.
Rahe asked if the Aurora Industrial Project was pubic yet. As it was already being discussed among the public in the area. Randall said they asked for no public announcement yet. They may need to build more than they thought and more employees. The state has talked about sourcing their project out of Indiana too. The state incentives aren’t all in yet. 
Jim Helms said he had donated the bagels to the food pantry and they were well received. (Skally’s bagels) The bond issue on that project will be at council.
Helms said he appreciated all that Randall has done- Rahe concurred- you get all the work done and we just come here and vote- that’s all we do. Randall said - they can get as engaged as much as they want.
Randall said she will have Janelle here from REDI to take about their information before we resign the contract. They will also get the meeting schedule set up.
Randall said Gayle Pennington has been an incredible help to her. There are reports due in January and in March. 
Umbaugh has worked on the Aurora TIF- it is in good shape. One or two little minor things fixed. May have to have Jason Semler from Umbaugh out for Council on Skally’s. They may need to get some parcels out of the TIF and others into the TIF. Just lay it on the table and investigate a couple parcels etc. 
She said if anyone wants to call the realtor out there on Aurora let me know. Rahe said maybe he can help with some. Make some calls. 
Terri said she can give Alan an orientation. And he needs to get bonded. New statute requirement and we need to create ordinances about that. Maybe get a blanket bond for all. They need to get clerk or Gayle to swear Goodman in. (They are behaving as if he’s permanent, though Council has to vote on the appointment in January first.)
She also invited them to County Christmas party tomorrow.



ADJOURNMENT - Meeting ended at 10:45PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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