Thursday, December 08, 2016

8 December 2016 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

8 December 2016 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Jim Helms, John Rahe, Alan Goodman, and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member)
ABSENT: Dave Deddens

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker, Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
Jim Deaton read the Title VI statement as required by law.
Verification of Information Discussed in Executive Session- The board verified that no other matters other than those listed in the public notice were discussed. 
Action of Executive Session- Rahe moved and Helms 2nd to authorize Ewan and Randall to proceed with offer on real estate and proceed with discussions with private investors- Approved.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Oct 27th meeting minutes were approved. Goodman abstained as he was absent in Oct. 
CLAIMS AND FINANCIALS- Claims paid from General Fund, Visioning Fund, and TIF Fund
Dues from I-74 Marketing group and Randall said they are really getting active.Ripley, Shelby, Rush, Dearborn, Decatur all in the group. Duke Energy and some more energy providers getting involved. 
Website hosting and conference from older invoice from a conference- All paid.
TIF Fund-  Barnes and Thornburg old huge bill from West Harrison TIF from the bonds and TIF up there. Umbaugh and the items for Skally’s in this bill too. Maintenance and mowing for West Harrison by Lonnie Steele. Approved to pay. 
Visioning Fund- KMK Consulting- for new EDI and this has to do with the development for a county wide development organization.Still meeting with mayors at times.  Paid. 
Financials- they went over the $63.90 to L-bg to close out the grant. Whitewater Mills - payments made to bond bank that Auditor took care of already.
Randall- Skally’s is at point where she was getting nervous. They got a new partner and had to start the loan business over. They have two banks in the final stages. They hired someone to do projections of the income. $40 million project. Appraisal couldn’t happen until they had the final drawings done. KZF Design just sent the 100% final drawings to Randall this week. The bank thinks that by next Friday they can get contingent approval hind=ging on the final appraisal. They should have loan done in January. No title on the land until closing. They are further down the road as the drawings are already done. They anticipate construction in March. This is one year late. they will be using some local lending and local construction per Randall. 

Kaiser Pickles- We can get them some money but only if we amend the TIF. You have all toured all the properties. She will type up the amendments for the parcel changes and get with McCormack in Planning Office. There are 6 parcels to add. These are properties where development may go in the future. She had to talk with Tom Pittman on this. They are going to give them a match on the infrastructure. She plans to rewrite what Pittman did before and save some money on redrafting documents. Then he will review it legally.    
Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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