Tuesday, February 07, 2017

7 February 2017 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

7 February 2017 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Kevin Lynch

Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Terri Randall, Administrator

Baudendistel read the Title VI statements legally required.

Interlocal agreement with Lawrenceburg EMS Baudendistel presented it with Lawrenceburg’s signatures. This is a special agreement required by Lawrenceburg’s attorney. Signed and approved for 2 units- $40,000.

Cyclical Review- Gary Hensley, Assessor- Requesting permission to go through a bid process for 2018-2022. This includes new construction. $ 202,847 was previous cost for 2014-2017 and so he expects the cost will be no less than that. They want to look at 24% of the properties each year to get a more real time image of the tax assessments. The county multipliers are decreasing. He thinks we may get a lower AV than previous years. Permission to seek bids granted. 

CASA Updates- Donna Thacker- documentation sent and also had copies. This is done for their grant approvals so the Commissioners can see what they are doing. Program for the younger grades called What is My Spark? They have a youth summit - have had 11 of them. Projects at different schools. Art shows - ultimately became a comic book that illustrates a positive and a negative choice for a girl at a party. Working with counseling services for overdose victims. Church groups, speakers, etc- always looking for ways to educate the community. Resource guide put out. They are asking permission to get the grant money released. Quick response team has gone out 3-4 times in Lawrenceburg since October in response to McHenry’s question. Permission granted. McHenry said getting to them in the elementary school is the best opportunity to head drug abuse off. Thacker also noted that they have to give kids the feeling that they can rise above it- if they are already living in the situation. 
McHenry cited example of kids extracurriculars being something as a motivator like in the Sparks program. This can also improve their school grades at times. Discussion of the options available in the community. Thanks expressed to Donna for all she does for the community. 

HIGHWAY DEPT. Todd, Listerman, County Engineer:

Plan Sheets for Bridges #43 Platt Road and #77 Woliung Road- Commissioners signed the cover sheets. #43 is out to bid on the 23rd of Feb. This is all local funds. Hope to start on April 1. Platt will be closed till Aug 1. local detour uses Ama and N Manchester. On #77 waiting on final permit for DNR, then go out to bid on the Community Crossing Grant project.

INDOT Contract for ROW services- Stateline at Georgetown Road- Straightening the S curve there- the highest accident location on Stateline. Federal Aid thru OKI- 80/20 % $131,525 is the contract and we pay 20%. Baudendistel reviewed and Commissioners approved. Passing blister will be there for Georgetown access also per Listerman. 

Update Blight Elimination Program and Funding- P/Z Administrator- Nicole Daily- 2014-2015 they were awarded 2 different funds. $215K  with $84K left and $150K and $15K left were awarded. The 9th one will be demolished in round 1. In round 2 they had 6 to do and 3 were accomplished. They will do 5 structures this spring and another demolition this fall. There is one removed from 5 Points Corner. There was a lot of vandalism on that structure. Neighbors in these areas are happy about the demolitions. Lynch thanked her- he thinks it’s a tremendous project. Helps with pride of ownership for the neighborhoods. Little agreed. 

Services Contract with IN Office of Technology- GIS- Andrea Shuter- updated to a 6 inch instead of 1 ft imagery. State will pay for the one ft- but we pay difference  $18,416  and we have some help from OKI grant for 80% of our 20% and we pay 20% out of county general of about $3,000. The state pays $10,000. Commissioners agreed to the upgrade as it benefits many departments.  

Park Board Membership- Jim Red Elk- Park board had sent in  2 resignations for Red Elk and Burger. The park board recommended Commissioners appoint Red Elk to Burger’s spot. Commissioners appointed Red Elk. [NOTE:This is due to the park board having all republican members and the law stating they have to have a politically balanced board. The board has known about this imbalance for several years. This has become a game of musical chairs for appointments. This board needs to become an actual board and not be serving as employees of the parks. They also need to get some new younger people involved so as to have a succession plan. The Council and the Circuit Court Judge (Humphrey) are looking for 2 democrats to balance this board.]] 

Signatures for Health Dept Memo of Understanding Agreement- disaster preparedness for use of the equipment and facilities during that exercise. Signed. Annual financial report to DLGF passed out also. Just needed them to be able to review it and contact her with any questions. 
ADMINISTRATOR- Terri Randall- none

AUDITOR- Gayle Pennington- Claims and Minutes from January 18 approved. Annual financial report to DLGF passed out also. Just needed them to be able to review it and contact her with any questions. 

ATTORNEY- Andy Baudendistel- none

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Lynch exciting to see the annex now and appreciates the county administrator’s help with it. Going to Washington DC with OKI for the annual visit. Meeting on infrastructure and see Todd Young on the Port project.
Little- exciting times in the county- need a lot of help with they infrastructure to handle the truck traffic if a port comes. 
McHenry- nice to look at the positive aspects. Appreciates all the media we have at every meeting. He especially noted Denise’s editorial on the South Dearborn project- very fair- minded. Asked Eric Krantz why he was here- said his servers were down so he thought he’d take a walk.



Meeting Adjourned at 9:27 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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