Tuesday, June 16, 2020



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst (via telephone)

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

meeting available VIA Bridge Conference Calls 

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Interim Health Officer- Dr Steven Eliason- Thatcher welcomed Dr Eliason. Eliason said the Covid numbers seem to stable now. Only 15-16 more positive cases. Only 15-20  testing a day. 2500 tests available. 22 deaths and one possible covid death. Almost all occurred in May to early June. All were 80 or older and many in one nursing home. Working with school superintendents who called him and they are trying to start school for Fall. They are pretty much following state requirements. They are looking to open back up in August. They are using classrooms with some e-learning options. Working on how to do class sizes for distancing and mask issues. State recommends all students and teachers wear a mask. But they don’t require it. The guidance from state is 38 pages long. Hoping that we don’t see more cases so they can ease out of this. 
He asked about using the basement door again for deliveries and being able for health dept employees to go out into the community again. Commissioners and administrator discussed that option. Sheriff wants to keep it close permanently. Thatcher wants to  have that discussion later with sheriff etc. 
Eliason also asked about the free Covid testing that is being done at the Community Center. It has to stop July 3rd. Thatcher will check around for space. Needs to have central air and bathrooms. Fire Dept and the Library Depot room suggested by Probst.
No decisions. 

Brush Fork Rd Hold Harmless Agreement- Gellert’s - Highway Engineer, Todd Listerman- Sawdon Ridge to past their house 1080 ft about to be paved at Gellert’s expense. They want to pave with 3 inches  of HMA hot mix asphalt. Commissioners approved. 

Listerman also got DNR notice on stream and wetland mitigation program. $65,120 bill received today for the total mitigation for that project. DNR and IDEM required certain amounts. 0.814 wetland acres had to be mitigated. This was less than they thought they had to do. Approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Update to Proclamation to Extend Local Emergency and Issue Directives Regarding Governmental Operations- changes include the changes in Back on Track Indiana plan. Thursday June 18 opened to public with no appointment required. Masks required to enter building. They will be screened at the door. Travel emergency is terminated. Commissioners approved and signed. 

Adrienne Flannery contacted him for CVTB because state is requiring contracts and he is working on 

Also note Supreme Court decision that the word sex ncludes sexual orientation and gender identity. Probst asked if the personnel policy to clarify that. They will check that. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- getting email out to dept heads tomorrow that public will show up on the 18th and take down signage on front door. Screening and mask sign will stay up and symptomatic people may be denied entrance. Door will be locked to control the flow to the security screening area to observe distance. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and June 3rd Minutes-approved.

Covered Bridge certification which allows for money to be received for it from state ( $1,850) for Guilford was signed by Commissioners. 

Probst- Regarding Covid- we should not become complacent that its better in Dearborn County and noted there were 89 deaths in Indiana in the last week. People need to be attentive and wear masks and observe distancing. 
Census is hiring and min wage in Dearborn County $21.50 per hour in Indiana 855-JOB-  2020

Little- Glad that we have Dr Eliason on board and glad that school will be starting this year again. 

Thatcher- recognized that Dr Eliason has provided leadership to the Health Dept on an interim basis and he has submitted his resume to be considered for the job. 




Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township