Monday, February 01, 2021

Dearborn County Health Dept opens Vaccines to IN residents 65 and older

Dearborn County Health Department Email update from Feb 1st, 2021


Please note the new vaccine eligibility as of 9 AM this morning:


·         Indiana residents 65 years of age or older (starting Feb. 1)

·         Healthcare workers who live in Indiana, or who can show proof they work in Indiana, and have face-to-face interactions with patients or contact with infectious material in a healthcare setting

·         First responders who are firefighters, police officers or sheriff’s deputies, Emergency Medical Services, reservists, or correctional officers who live in Indiana, or show proof that they work in Indiana, and who are regularly called to the scene of an emergency to give medical aid.



If any of you know any of our volunteers or health department workers please thank them, they have made it possible for the vaccine distribution to take place.  The state told me last week because of our success so far they are increasing our doses to 1300 per week.  Based on our population size, from what I have seen, this is more than most counties get so I take this as an indication that things are going well.




S Eliason

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