Tuesday, April 26, 2022

25 April 2022 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes


25 April 2022 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Notes

Present: Dennis Kraus, Jr., Chairman, Russell Beiersdorfer, Jeff Hermesch, Mark Lehman, Joe Vogel, Jake Hoog, Dan Lansing, Jim Thatcher, and Eric Lang

Also Present: Mark McCormack, Plan Director,  Nicole Daily, Zoning Administrator, and Andy Baudendistel, Attorney.

Baudendistel read the Title VI statement as legally required.




To review and discuss proposed ordinance amendments and updates to the Dearborn County Zoning Ordinance, specifically with respect to the text(s) of: Articles 9 and 10, regarding Agricultural and Residential Zoning Districts; Article 25, regarding General Standards; Article 27, regarding Definitions.


The most recent, DRAFT Zoning Ordinance text amendment proposals involving the above-referenced codes / items are online on our homepage (www.dearborncounty.org/planning) under the “News” tab and / or are online at:



Again, the purpose of the meeting on April 25th is to ONLY discuss the DRAFT text changes…once the text is finalized we will move forward with creating an updated, DRAFT Zoning Map (based on the final text and the criteria that are prioritized, etc.).

McCormack noted that he had expected a bigger crowd. There are 3 people in the audience - Mike Kluesener Jackson Township, Jeff Lyness Bright, Chris Mueller Lawrenceburg Township.

He gave a history of the workshops in 2020 and in 2021- total 7 public workshops. He elaborated on all the attempts to get the word out so the public would know what they are doing. Summary in July 2021 he highlighted feedback from people. Revisions have been made to reflect some of those comments. Septic acreages were revised based on some input from Ripley County also. Comments came in from Maxwell on Ag and Ag Homestead areas. The other comments were pertinent to individuals and their properties as classified on the maps. He stressed that the maps were not being discussed tonight. 

McCormack - Summarizing:

The purposes of Ag are similar to what we had. The list of uses are smaller than we had before. If any uses are missing and not covered elsewhere, then they will address it via the director and/or the PC or BZA. Minor divisions of land are not permitted in the Ag land now. Special event facilities are in Ag. Minimum lots are 2 acres as driven by Health Dept and septic rules. Discussion on the 2 acre minimum. 

Mike Kluesener- Jackson Township- Developer comes in and buys cheaper land in the rural area. Two neighbors in 2006 and 07 had to have 2 sites for their septic. Current ordinance required that.

Jeff Lyness - Logan Township- Thinking about the septic soil approval - a land split has to come thru the planning office to get a permit - and it makes sense to have the 2 septic sites marked up front so they know the options. Mound systems are expensive but smaller in area and can serve as 2nd site. I think that needs to happen on Ag zoning. The frontage increase to 200 ft could be affecting existing farms. He wanted that frontage number lower. If you had Ag places in the county that can support 2 septic sites, is the total acreage or frontage the real issue. Stormwater and impervious areas - he commented that it may stay the same for drainage depending on cultivated fields versus lawns etc. This depends on slope and also intensity of rainfall. Beiersdorfer pointed out no till farming does better on erosion prevention. 

Ag Homestead is the name for the less intensive Ag district. Minor land subdivisions are allowed here. Minimum lot is 1 acre. It still has to comply with septic site rules though, in answer to my question on whether Ag Homestead would require sewers or not with a 1 acre lot minimum size. 

R1 - Low density residential. Required to have sewer and water. Lots size minimum is 1/2 acre.Indiana law allows municipalities to go 2 miles outside their boundaries with utilities. 

R-2 - Medium density residential. Minimum lot size is 7500sq ft for single family. 2500 sq ft per unit for 2 family unit. An acre is 43,560 sq ft- so 7500 sq ft per lot means 5.8 lots per acre maximum density.

R-3 High density residential. Minimum lot size is 4400 sq ft for single family. 2200 sq ft per unit for 2 family. An acre is 43,560 sq ft so 4400 sq ft per lot means 9.9 lots per acre maximum density.

Use development standards and definitions will be added to the current ones in the code. 

The next meeting will be on THE NEW ZONING MAPS at the May 23rd meeting but the date will be changed to May 31st Tuesday at 7 PM. 

Meeting adjourned at 9 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township