18 December 2007 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes
Present: Hughes, Chairman, Thompson, and Fox.
Also present: Pickens, Auditor, Messmore, Administrator, and Ewbank, Attorney.
A uniformed police officer was present.
This meeting took a little over 4 hours and there are 9 typed pages- so get yourself some refreshment if you plan to read it all.
The agenda that was put out was also revised sat the meeting to remove two items, as those two citizens cancelled for various reasons. The next commissioner’s meeting will be for signing claims in December. The first meeting of 2008 will be on WEDNESDAY- January 2.
Jenny Lynn Drive and Old Orchard- Citizens of the Jenny Lynn area presented a petition to Commissioners. Hughes did not read it aloud. Listerman outlined the county actions to post Emergency Vehicles Only signs- Tucker will be billed- and Tucker (working with Hwy dept) will have grass over the stone base for this emergency exit by springtime.
Chamber of Commerce – Rozow had revisions worked into the contract so that the CVTB $50,000 contribution is for recreational and tourism activities only per Thompson’s request. Others concurred and signed the contract for annual services with the Chamber of Commerce.
Gary Collins of Collier Ridge- told Commissioners they have had no lines painted on their road in several years. Most of his neighbors want the slip fixed and not a full re-route of the road. They like the historic old red iron bridge and would like to reinforce it rather than scrap it altogether. They think it fits the rural character of their area. He thinks the money to re route and the aesthetics should be main considerations. He also asked for a guardrail at the bridge for safety reasons.
Fox said they will cheat the road to the right and look at the bridge IF FEASIBLE.
Listerman recommended Alternative 3 in phases and asked permission to go to Council for $500,000. He described that as covering engineering, geotech , and the caissons to shore up the road. He plans to seek federal funding, now that they are more tuned in to failing bridges on the federal level, for the bridge to be replaced. They may get the money before the 6-8 years the bridge might last. Listerman was given the OK to go to Council for $500,000 for Alternative 3 and to apply for the federal grant for a bridge in January.
Emergency Management- Commissioners signed the Level One Snow Emergency from last weekend- for Bill Black.
John Zeidan- Starlight Reception Hall – gave an impassioned speech on moving Dearborn County forward. ( Zeidan owns the reception hall, which has an unapproved septic treatment and is currently on a pump and haul for his sewage. He has been actively working with DCRSD since its inception to get sewage to his business.)
Zeidan said: he has a business in the county and owned land here for 22 years, He has lived here for 16 years. He has 4 kids who graduated from high school and college. He said 500 or more graduate from high school here and in his personal poll of his kids friends he thinks maybe zero stay here after graduation. Soon we will be a county of senior citizens. There are too many taxes- enough is enough. Dearborn County has been sleeping and is going backward. We have gained one or two companies- and Argosy. When I look around I feel like I am in a senior citizen community as in Florida, except the weather is different. All I see are gas stations, restaurants, and a few small businesses. There are only 3 families with kids at my Lutheran church. We need young blood and jobs here. We need to get companies here, even if we give them tax abatements.
I don’t want to watch turkey and deer from my porch- I want to watch my grandchildren from my porch. [NOTE: But grandchildren might want to play in the woods and climb trees. Kids and young people are more than just our entertainment and a way to pay for our social security.]
The county is good at studying things- we spend lots of money on studies, get different answers, and don’t do anything. We can’t agree on anything. People can’t build, they don’t want sewers and we are turning away builders.
When I took over the property on US 50 it was a junkyard- I fixed it and my taxes went from $20/mo to $1000 per month. People don’t want to be in N KY or Cinti. Times change and we lose our kids- who will take care of us? Plan A,Z, or B – it makes no difference if we don’t have the infrastructure and utilities.
I would like the idea that the media- radio and paper- tell the citizens what you do each month. We want to see what you DO. I want to see sewage out Aurora to High Ridge. There’s lots of land left out this way to build.
Fox- interjected:- We hear from the same people month after month and until we hear from people like you and church groups… Inflationary costs on basic infrastructure are going to kill you. The small group that is most vocal is running around here like heroes. You should go to a sewer meeting and see who is stopping things. Study study study- and delay until it dies. People on fixed incomes- you will get murdered on taxes. People don’t respond to those editorials- you got to respond!
Zeidan: People don’t care about the environment- sewers are needed. You can’t eat fish from the river. [NOTE: And what is dumping into the river and our tributaries? Industrial waste and sewer plant overflows.] I am paying too many taxes and seeing no improvement. This is America- do whatever you want- but do we want to be back 20 years in time?
Thom Hammond- CASE- That’s a hard act to follow (referring to Zeidan’s speech). John has the right to want this- he’s lived here 16 years. We’ve seen some positive changes- we brought on Mr., Thompson- and change comes slowly. Commissioners reminded Hammond to address then and not the audience.
Hammond continued: I represent CASE- Citizens Against Sewer Enforcement. We formed to defeat the imposition of enforced sewer connection in Dearborn County. We’ve been together 2.5 years. Hammond asked about the letter that commissioners referenced in their April 17, 2007 meeting.
Fox: Bob (Ewbank) and I did a lot of research on that this week. [NOTE: Ewbank is county attorney. His partner Kramer is the DCRSD attorney. The attorney representing the CASE group and those families sued by St. Leon to hook-up is Leininger- a former associate of Ewbank and Kramer. Should Ewbank recuse himself from this?]
Ewbank: First- you are fighting a municipal law- not a county law.
Second- The regional sewer district has a 300 ft provision with an exception for a NEW system and a unique way to spread the payments over 20 years. [NOTE: Payments last longer than the grinder pumps!]
Hammond: The commissioners made a statement that they are NOT wanting forced sewer hookups. I want you to sign this letter that you talk about. You said a precedent would be set…
Ewbank: You are asking them to do something they don’t have the jurisdiction to do. [NOTE: There are several points here where Ewbank answers for commissioners. He and Hammond also went back and forth about who should be listening to who as Ewbank tried to explain it all so that Hammond wouldn’t need to present.]
Fox: Thompson had a letter- I don’t have a problem signing it.
Ewbank: Individually- they can sign an opinion letter.
Hammond: I asked about the commissioner’s letter and you juggernauted into legal issues. This is a public meeting.
Hughes: I don’t like forced hook-ups.
Fox: Me either. You can use the public minutes to show our opinion on this.
Ewbank: I don’t like forced hook-ups- but you have to go to the state legislature to get it fixed. [NOTE: So why do our 3 commissioners and the attorney not offer to represent their citizens and help with that? Talk is cheap.]
Hammond: This resistance to sewers is causing a lot of the non-growth feeling.
Ewbank: Who’s your attorney? [NOTE: As if he doesn’t know?- Ewbank has provided him with info already.]
Hammond: Leininger
Ewbank: He was a former associate of mine.
Hammond: (answering Ewbank’s comment about being argumentative). I’m not being argumentative- I’m being passionate. $2.3 million was turned down for DCRSD because of lawsuits.
Ewbank: Because of High Ridge Estates DCRSD was formed. The downside is the state legislature has this law. If there was a county sewer district where you live we could affect this. But the municipal sewer law covers this.
Hammond: The eyes of the world will come down on you.
Ewbank: The judge will only listen to relevant issues.
Hammond: Are you aware of HB 1671?
Ewbank: No
Hammond: HB 1671 talks about regional….
Ewbank: But this is municipal- and you need to get the 10-mile radius on municipals fixed. Commissioners can testify on their OPINION.
Hammond: If I were in Bright I wouldn’t have to hook-up.
Ewbank: Bright is not a municipality.
Hammond: St, Leon with a little over 500 people is a municipality…
Hammond: the second issue is John Maxwell.
Ewbank: This is an “ad hominem” issue- you are attacking the character of John Maxwell.
Hammond: What about the fact that he’s not hooked up.
Ewbank: This is almost slander- then he accused Hammond if accusing Maxwell of “moral turpitude” and Hammond never used those words at all. [NOTE: Ewbank is throwing around a lot of Latin and legalese at this point and took charge of answering for commissioners. The issue here appears to be conflict of interest and what the code calls pecuniary (financial) interests- NOT moral turpitude.]
Hammond: I am saying that John Maxwell asked Council for a favorable letter for a $2.3 million expansion of St. Leon’s sewer plant. He’s not hooked up either.
Ewbank: Slandering…
Hammond: I am not slandering.
Ewbank: Now you are politicking.
Hughes: I will go on record. I don’t like forced hook-ups. I don’t know why municipalities are allowed to force hook-ups and have a 10-mile radius. [NOTE: Allowed to- but not required to by law.] The DCRSD helps now. In High Ridge Estates the county let people down
Hammond: Do you know what they are doing about it?
More interchange with Ewbank and Hammond says: This does not pass the smell test. Any person will agree, except maybe Bob (Ewbank). In one sewer district we have to hook-up and we can’t even sit on the board. We have a hook in us- we’re not going anywhere as we are being sued. So we are going to bring as much attention to the legal issues and corruption involved. And if we sully the reputation of Dearborn County…
Hughes: I think we’ve answered your questions.
Ewbank: Do you mean corruption?
Hammond: Keep in mind the First Amendment.
Ewbank: I’m trying to help you here. Anything you say can be held against you.
[NOTE: This is starting to sound like Ewbank was reading Hammond his rights.]
Messmore- presented HiTech and Midwest Data bids- for 3 years each. Midwest was $44,700 and HiTech was $39,780. Hitech was accepted and apparently is about $30,000 less than their previous contract. Hughes said- If you keep doing this we won’t have to increase taxes. Thompson asked if all the parameters bid were equal and was told yes. Fox said that everyone in Admin building is content with HiTech’s services, Pickens ALREADY signed with HiTech and his contracts included in the bid price.
Commissioners signed off on inspections for Triple Whipple Bridge #95. Not to exceed $157,164.17.
GIS bids were opened and no decision was made on award yet.
Mark McCormack- Planning and Zoning presented the White Farm Zone change background and slides as in the PC hearing.
Fox asked what the 4 nays were concerned with. McCormack said mainly density was too high. The vote for Favorable was 5-4 on this.
Tucker reiterated his comments from the PC hearing where her went through the 5 criteria for a zone change. He said his development met these as it keeps development where development exists, there is adequate infrastructure, it is comparable to the density and price range of homes in Harley Springs directly to the south, has homes in the same or better range than those along Short Road, is close to I-74and that the land is suitable for R or maybe B-1 in that area. He said the homes will pay for themselves in taxes as they are in the $240 range and up. The lots will sell for $50,000 each. They will buffer around the 3 county roads.
Fox asked about the $1/4 million house paying for itself and was satisfied that this would be a good thing.
Shana Keller- lives in Harley Springs and bought into Harley Springs Estates- which is now a SUBDIVISION. She was unhappy with the increased phase added to her original investment. She said she was speaking because she lives here and works in Cinti and had to show her father that if you want things to change you have to speak up. (Her father had attempted to get her to not talk by holding her back and covering her mouth at first.) Keller said that her oldest in high school had 21 -23 kids in her elementary classes. The youngest kids now have 33.. She didn’t like the congestion on the roads trying to pull out of Harley Springs onto North Dearborn in the AM. She said they have restrictions on their homes and wondered if Tucker would. She said we need you to protect us! I voted for Mr. Thompson because he’s out to protect us. I bought into an estate at Harley Springs- Now it’s a subdivision. Even the sign changed.
Tom Gaynor: discussed his sons and he operating a cattle farm and that they live here for the rural atmosphere. Are the developers or taxpayers going to pay for these increased services? New homeowners want these amenities now- not after they’ve paid enough taxes to cover them. Just because the sewer is there doesn’t mean we have to have increased density. There have been no major improvements in 50 years on these roads- (the infrastructure isn’t all there. )Gaynor Ridge has 4 right angle turns and only one car can safely pass at a time. Hard to move farm equipment on it now. Cars drive into our fields. School is overloaded and traffic safety are big issues. 2.5 kids per home in this part of the county and subdivision is a more realistic estimate than the .6 they say in the plan. Remember not all zoning members agreed with this density.
Diana Hays- lots of concerns, but feel like we are ignored. For school issues we get told to go see the school board. I have 3 kids. She said EC’s good numbers on tests etc. reflect those earlier years when kids had smaller classes years ago and wonders what the test numbers will be by the time her youngest graduates. This will only continue and the trickle down effect will eat away at all the greenspace. This subdivision has density only on ONE SIDE now.
Steve Kuhn- This has dragged on- and when it is all done we have to live with it. Harley Springs has lower density than this. It does not fit with the comprehensive plan. There are school issues, traffic issues, noise, increased crime, increased taxes. If we don’t increase our needs maybe we won’t need to increase our taxes so much. This change will affect the rural farm area we know and love. The Short Road intersection should be fixed FIRST before the subdivision is built. Gaynor Ridge has areas where cars have to stop to let others pass. Passed out road pictures and fields damaged. North Dearborn Rd. project is cancelled- these people have to drive that road and there is no money for roads per Mr. Fox at the last meeting.
Bob Gaynor- There are 7 livestock and 3 horse farms here. (Character issues) Road issues. On the Comp Plan map this sticks out like a sore thumb. All other houses are set back . He performed calculations showing the lot sizes average less than ¾ acre and that’s way too many.
Glenn Crocker- Dearborn County resident for many years. Was disappointed in the 5-4 vote- it took a long time- 10 minutes for the presider to vote to break the tie. Always look at the net- not the gross- and these lots NET 2/3 acre after ROW taken out. All the amenities were reduced. This is a nice beautiful parcel- we all have different perspectives on its potential use. The comp plan is ongoing and we are not in a race to get somewhere fast. Why jump at 75 homes- high density it sticks out like a sore thumb as Gaynor said. I spoke to Hughes about why they can sell their land (property rights) Why not leave it at Ag and develop it as estates on 1 or more acres each? We can have rural elbow room.
Crocker passed out illustrations showing the densities in the surrounding area. Farmland- 18 houses- 1+ acres. FalconWay 65-70 acres and 45 + homes. Harley Springs- football field size frontage as buffer and set back from road. Was estate sized. Now a subdivision. Look to the east to Bright and all that development. Passed out another illustration. Now look to the west. He went further and further out with large lots and farms to get to Stonegate in Dover and Valley Vista- both with 1+ acres. THIS PARCEL IS THE TRANSITION ZONE! It shouldn’t be high density. He wrote PC members and asked them to go out and look at this. We feel this should develop as a Ag rural homes. Mr. Hughes- they still have the ability to develop. We want to keep a rural neighborhood. Any questions- I’m ready! (No one had any)
Mike Kuhn- Traffic and schools issues. This property was bought at a private auction. We’re here for the long haul- in 4-5 years this will be developed and they are done. We’re left with the problems.
Tucker- we’re not going to slap something up – probably 6-7 years. We have a good reputation for homes and so does Schmidt.
Fox- we’ve been through this before at a long meeting. We’re never going to make everyone happy. We did a poll and suggested ¾ acre and the value of a home to pay its way. I’ll be the bad guy he read each of the 5 criteria for a zone change and motioned to approve. Thompson wouldn’t second. Hughes seconded. – 2 ayes. Thompson Nay as he said it still exceeds the density for the area and the school issues.
RECESS to 9:25PM
McCormack presented articles for ordinance changes. Commissioners approved 305B on private streets but the articles on bond maintenance were sent back to the PC and ROW dedication was tabled to talk to McGill.
McCormack gave 4 names for reappointment or appointment to the PC ( Sparks, Ohlmansiek, Pope and DeMaynadier. Fox has more. BZA has one appointment- Patty Baker. McCormack doesn’t know if she wants to be reappointed as they have had trouble getting her to attend lately.
McCormack said one can be R and the other can be either party. Nelson and Hall go to BZA also. McCormack to meet with Ewbank this week on ordinance changes.
Listerman- Highway Dept- gave 30 minute presentation.
He sent certified letters to property owners- received responses from most. As a result:
Chapin and Darling Road waiting to get response- no action to remove maintenance.
Disbro, Fly Run and Happy Hollow N end will cease to be maintained- though county ROW remains. Lower Probst Road- removed from maintenance.
Carrie Lane and Happy Hollow South end remain on maintenance and already have 50 ft ROW dedicated.
Brady Anderson, Depot and Wesling are gaining the 50 ft ROW dedication and will be maintained.
Falcon’s Nest Subdivision roads were accepted- Viking Dr, Blair Dr, and Falcon’s Way after asphalt was added after core samples done.
Listerman was approved to get a part time seasonal worker instead of filling the full time driver vacant position. Fox know people he’s sending to apply for this. He also talked about moving the ass’t bridge engineer with surveyor license to help with in-house projects and get him certified for INDOT inspections.
Lastly he wanted to increase the salary of the Highway Supervisor to be comparable to the LOW side of the Northern KY area. Cinti and N KY run form $49-58,000.
Listerman asked for $48,000 from $40,374. Said they are still saving $9,202. Fox can’t justify giving him $8,000- workers won’t see it as Ok or increased responsibility. Denied.
Listerman was given permission to go to Council to convert full time to seasonal help and to get Wallace’s position at $16,100 for a HWY worker special rate.
Ewbank reviewed the appraisals and contract offer for Randall Avenue property 2.3 acres N and 14 acres S of existing HWY property. They will have sewer and become EPA compliant. Listerman wants to move entire dept. there. Trucks will be covered and stay there also instead of being sent home with workers.
Thompson motioned to allow Listerman to make the offer on the 2 parcels on Randall Ave. Fox says he wants to do it- but no money for it, He wants to use the money for roads now. [NOTE: So why did they let Listerman get this far with appraisals etc?]Listerman estimated a 15-20 year payback and savings of $100,000 per year.
Hughes voted against it initially and won’t second. Motion dies.
Claims and minutes signed. Employee handbooks in 3 parts for courthouse, jail, and adm bldg were passed out for review. NACO has saved $125,000 in prescriptions so far. Hughes wants it advertised. Pickens said he’ll do better – he’ll put it on the radio.
Ewbank described how they were going to stutter step to get the employee payroll fixed by going 3-4 weeks out and then paying back. They still have to absorb a week at some point. All were confused on how this would work. Ewbank wasn’t describing it well.
Ewbank said the illegal search suit at the jail was settled. The HVL light installer suit is still out there from the Macke contract. ($80,000)
Pickens reminded commissioners they may have to sign claims before year end, 2008 first meeting is WED Jan 2.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»Legally speaking the Commissioners MAY need to get a second opinion on Ewbanks interpetation of St Leon's forced hook up agenda. Dearborn County citizens deserve commiseration from their elected officials.
If lawyers were clairvoyant,we wouldn't need Judges.
Ewbank: Slandering…
Ewbank, on the cuffs of losing all of HIS power over county matters, is losing his mind as the anger takes over his soul.
Ewbank, showed in this meeting, that HE runs things.
Rick and Jeff are just necessary evils to permit Ewbank's complete control of this county.
Next year, Ewbank, will just be on more citizen asking to get on the Commissioners' agenda.
And HE hates that!
Since when does the County Attorney take over a Commissioners' Meeting?
I know John Zeidan and he is a nice, warm-hearted guy.
But his need for sewers, for a property he bought for a song, is not my problem, nor should it be.
Eventually, sewers will get out to his property.
But he wants them now, no matter the expense to the rest of us!
I own well over a hundred acres of land.
If I was able to force my neighbors onto sewers, I could realize a small fortune developing it.
But it is not up to my neighbors to take loans out to pay for my sewers!
Mr. Zeidan spoke and because he was for these sewers, he was neither interrupted or treated like a hostile witness by Bob Ewbank.
Mr. Hammond, on the other hand, tried to speak and development's mouthpiece and attack dog, Bob Ebank, would not let Hammond get a word out.
Mind you, Bob Ewbank's salary, is in part paid by Mr. Hammond.
Ewbank needs to be fired.
Then he can officially be retained by development interests to represent and defend development interests, just not on OUR dime!
Does Bob have a "Don't Blame Me, I voted for Linkmeyer" bumper sticker on his car?
What do you know, Bob and his two hired hands, Rick and Jeff, don't like "forced" hookups!
They can vote to defund the dcrsd, was that an option they debated last night?
Of course not!
They could publicly state that they would not reappoint their two members to the board, or appoint two new members to the board if they were for "forced" hookups!
Was that option debated last night?
Of course not!
And the scam and flim-flam "forced" on this County's Citizens continues on...at Bob's demand, I guess!
He does seem to own his two Commissioners!
Mr. Ewbank is in for a shock next year.
Oh to be a fly on Bob's wall, come election night.
Did John Maxwell pay for Ewbank's represenation last night or did the taxpayer?
The DCRSD is like a fire that Bob's two kids, Rick and Jeff, started and Bob won't allow anybody to pour any water on it, until it burns down the county!!!
This is comedy sketch in the making!!!
I see Bob and the DCRSD Board are subject to the same type of temper tantrums!
Someone please get them a couple of boxes of juice and some sugar free cookies to shut them up!
Since when does the County Attorney take over a Commissioners' Meeting?
He was just excercising his "rights of ownership!"
"...and Bob won't allow anybody to pour any water on it, until it burns down the county!!!"
An accessory after the fact...
Freedom of speech in Dearborn County depends upon whether you are for Fox and Hughes and their handlers' agenda or against it. Woe to those who are against it, you will be shut down before you can start. If you are for their agenda you can continue and say just about anything you want.
"Freedom of speech Dearborn county style!"
Finally, last night, Bob cast off his two sock puppets and did his speaking first person!
"Fox says he wants to do it- but no money for it, He wants to use the money for roads now."
Could that be Fox Road that Council refused to fund?
Thank you Bob Ewbank, for removing all doubt whose hands are shoved up Rick and Jeff's tushes, working their jaw strings.
"Freedom of speech Dearborn county style!"
When these hacks are finally thrown out of office next year, they will be afforded more "speech" in one meeting by their political opponents than any "speech" provided by these self-same hacks, to their political opponents, during their entire term of office!
Poor Bob, backwater, back office politics is sounding its "death rattle!"
I agree with the comment about the rest of us SHOULD NOT have to pay for John Zeidan to have sewers run to his property. He will be the one making the profit----he can pay for them himself.
Now our Dearborn County "King Makers" can only offer up "Court Jesters" such as Rick and Jeff!!!
Zeidan is a good guy.
But, I don't think he has really thought through how much HIS sewers will cost the rest of US.
We can't permit Dearborn County to turn into a welfare state for anyone and everyone who thinks he or she is not making enough money in the present climate and/or environment.
John purchased his land at a price for land without sewers.
The costs of hauling sewage should have been a consideration in the price for that land.
John entered into his purchase of the Old Drive-In, as an adult, both eyes open, and he could of walked away from the "deal" at any time.
There were no surprises, involving the lack of sewers for this property.
That, said, may I repeat, I like John!!!!!!!
Just like the price paid for the gabbard property, brett paid purchased.
It is not the province of the taxpayer to artificially enhance the value of a person’s property by mere governmental fiat.
It is unfortunate that Mr. Ewbank, a man of high professional education, got into it with Thom Hammond. We don't need this kind of thing.
We don't have to change state law to relieve my friends and neighbors in the St. Leon area of the burden of enforced sewer hookups and the costs of defending themselves in court.
Again and again I have suggested that our politicians ( Johnnnnny Nugent is a great friend of the Governor, just ask him) go to the state and get the few million dollars necessary to buy back the St. Leon Sewer Revenue bonds. Then with the destruction of those bonds the St. Leon Town Council could easily repeal their ordinance that mandates sewer hookups. The mandate was nesessary to be certain that the bondholders were guaranteed their interest payments and the eventual return of their original investment in the bonds.
The state has plenty of money for this, just look at what the state is spending on the roads and that bridge at the Honda plant, all for the mythical highpaying jobs. According to the Wall Street Journal those high paying jobs are 31,000 dollars a year for preferably non union members.
My question is who does not want this to happen? Why not! Why don't we try it.
No one ever answers this simple propopsition.
Judging by Bob's temperment, things must be looking awfully bad for his inner circle of power grabbers!
No one ever answers this simple propopsition.
It is painfully obvious, that these people are acting like "deer in a spot light, surprised wide eyed criminals" caught in the act of theft by a police officer's patrol car's headlights.
If last night's deplorable behavior of this "County's" attorney, did not prove, once and for all, that our Commissioners are owned by crooked development interests, nothing will!
So, what Republicans, or Democrats, for that matter, should we not vote for?
Those Republicans and Democrats endorsed by Ewbank's controlled Republican Leadership!!!
"John purchased his land at a price for land without sewers.
The costs of hauling sewage should have been a consideration in the price for that land."
My farm without sewers is worth what a farm without sewers is worth.
That is not fair.
Those people living around my farm should be "FORCED" to subsidize the sewers that I need to increase the value of my farm.
Does no one care about about my "PERSONAL" financial "GROWTH?"
Anyone, who lets someone like Ewbank browbeat them into decisions they would not otherwise make, are wussie/pussies, personified!
Maxwell and his cast of misfits should be sent a bill from the county for attorney services provided by Bob last night.
Ewbank, now, can only scare potential candidates into dancing to HIS tune, who have no chance whatsoever of winning BECAUSE of their association with Ewbank!
Talk about an ironic twist!
The "endorsement" by the Dearborn County Republican Party Leadership will be the "Kiss of Death" for any Republican candidate unfortunate enough to be leveled with such "endorsement!"
That goes for the "endorsement" by the Dearborn County Republican Party Leadership of whomever third party, development stroked candidate, is propped up to run in the General Election!
Ewbank, good job!!!
Liz, you may want to discuss with Gary the dire straits he is sailing your reputations head-long into!
I don't think financial losses, due to the association of Bob Ewbank and his brand of politics, are tax deductible!
You may need to “grow” your financial interests elsewhere!
I heard “Smart Growth” politics has a strong and ever-growing and appreciative following!
The "Intellectual Powerhouse Wall" of Ewbank's Leadership hallway, has crayon portraits of Vera, Rick and Jeff!
I heard it is damn near impossible to get an interview with Bob's Republicans, if you have more than a middle school level education and/or are self-supporting.
Does Bob have an autographed picture from Baron Hill, with "Thanks for everything Bob" written on it in crisp, flowing "Sharpie," on his Leadership Wall?
He said 500 or more graduate from high school here and in his personal poll of his kids friends he thinks maybe zero stay here after graduation.
Goodness, more personal polling by those who want the rest of us to subsidize their business interests!
Mr. Zeiden, may I suggest that such a poll, may not be all that relevant?
Further, most communities' children move on to other interests and places after graduation.
It is nothing unique to our community.
Those who do want to stay in this community, that they so love, do not wish to see it bulldozed under!
Mr. Zeiden, our County's residents are blessed with having our deer and turkey and are yet only a mere close border and bridge away for the type of over-development you seem to pine for!
Concrete and blacktop, as far as the eye can see, is just a twenty minute drive away!
I guess if John Zeiden had us pay for his sewers, our graduates will be living in his reception hall?
I know when all my kids graduated their first bitch was that dearborn county did not look enough like and as inviting as colerain avenue.
I still see that there is no discussion by ewbank and friends as to the potential and probable health issues involved with entire regions on grider pumps during times of power outages!!!
Why is that???
Does John Zeiden really want to be responsible and held accountable in forcing his neighbors to have to rent motel rooms or rush around to find family or friends to house their families everytime the power goes out and they can't flush away their waste, or even run water down their drains because their grinder pumps don't work without electricity?
Does John really wish that on his neighbors?
I'm thinking that would not generate good feelings or press towards his business!
Ewbank is nothing more than hired help.
His outbursts last night, should taint all his future associations with this County's governance from here forward.
He should be, on the outside looking in, starting after next year's elections, for time in memoriam.
The time and place for such backwoods, bullying politics has long since past, but no one sent Bob the memo informing him of such.
The pressure seems to be getting to Bob!
It is hard to be an iron-fisted controller of County Politics with all this public exposure!
He needs a nice rest, away, from our politics!
Mr. Zeiden"
"I don’t want to watch turkey and deer from my porch- I want to watch my grandchildren from my porch."
I do both!
Which is why I love this rural living!
Maybe Ewbank can make John the poster child of those supporting development over our rural heritage and all our pesky wildlife?
"The pressure seems to be getting to Bob!"
Imagine a republican party that does not demand that those seeking office, come hat in hand, begging masta ewbank to let them run.
They claim they don't approve of "forced" hook-ups but won't do a thing to shut down the dcrsd!
Ewbank provided the dcrsd with the rope he permits them to tie his and rick and jeff's hands with, then bemoans the fact that "our hands our tied" and we are powerless against the dcrsd!
How does that man sleep at night!
I didn't think it possible, but ewbank is giving lawyers an even bigger ethical black eye!
John Zeiden seems to be upset their is no place for his children in this County, but we are experiencing a housing "glut" in this County and will be for sometime to come because of the sub-prime mess.
John, you need to look at your local realtor's MLS book.
That "housing glut" is hurting some of our crooked realtors/developers/bankers/title attorneys, which is why they are willing to stoop so low to force the rest of us to subsidize their need for more development!
Better the rest of us be forced to get second or third jobs than these crooked realtors/developers/bankers/title attorneys, to support the lifestyles they have grown so accustomed and entitled to!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm telling everyone I know to boycott the Starlight Reception Hall. With no customers, he shouldn't have to bitch about his sewage.
Those democrats who are considering runs in next year's primaries...what do they stand for?
Anyone know?
Since Zeiden thinks there are only senior citizens in the county, I guess we can close some of the schools and save some tax payer money.
You should go to a sewer meeting and see who is stopping things."
Ok, Rick, explain to us all how you would handle massive power outages, like during last year's ice storm, for those on YOUR pressurized sewers?
Or won't Bob let you off his leash long enough for you to answer?
You better get some practice answering these questions, they will be asked of you up and until next year's election!
If John Zeiden thinks we are experiencing some sort of a "people" shortage in this County, why does he have so much sewage to pump and haul?
Or, is he just looking for some way to force others to reduce this cost of his doing business?
Did someone hoodwink John when he purchased his property and claimed it was on sewers?
Did John pay a premium for his property because the County told him his property was on sewers?
Did John even shop around at the time he purchased his property to see how much more expensive sewered property was relative to unsewered property?
John, sewers will be heading your way, as they expand naturally from already existing infrastructure!
If you cannot wait, I'm sure there are a boat load of realtors ready and willing to show you properties already sewered!
But bring your checkbook, not ours!
"Ok, Rick, explain to us all..."
Never has one been so arrogant as Rick, while having not, the natural or earned reasons to merit such arrogance...
Since Zeiden thinks there are only senior citizens in the county, I guess we can close some of the schools and save some tax payer money.
John is just grasping at straws in order to rationalize forcing his friends and neighbors onto sewers they do not need, that do not work when the electricity goes out, to better HIS return on HIS business investment.
Entire regions on sewers that do not function during power losses...
...but these sewers forced on us are for reasons of public health?
Ewbank, have you given any consideration whatsoever to this one LITTLE detail?
Or has financial need and greed blinded you?
I think the group from the Gaynor Road area handled themselves remarkably well. They systematically made their arguments and addressed several of the zoning criteria that they felt weren't met yet. They fought a long battle to reduce density in the transition zone that is to be White Pines. They have been to many meetings and they stuck it out to protect their community interests.
Tucker also addressed the issues for a zone change. He stuck to pertinent issues at the meetings.
No matter which side of the argument you were on- this was a civilized public discussion.
Sewers, as they are offered by Bob and his buddies, is all about profit, not public health.
Will Bob and his development buddies campaign for a moratorium on new development on septic systems?
Money from sewers...money from septic systems...is the only "green" they care about as far as their environmental concerns go!
No matter which side of the argument you were on- this was a civilized public discussion.
Yes it was.
Maybe after the changes that will occur after next year's elections, all matters will be equally handled, up and outfront, as civilly!
"Ewbank, have you given any consideration whatsoever to this one LITTLE detail?"
...right bob?
Let Mr. Zeiden go door to door and explain to all his neighbors why he needs sewers, the cost of these sewers to his neighbors and the fact that these sewers won't work when his neighbors lose power.
I'm sure they will be very supportive of HIS quest for HIS sewers.
"Let Mr. Zeiden go door to door..."
If that does not work the first time, Mr. Zeiden could come back with Bob Ewbank leashed on a logging chain and Bob could snarl, spit and make veins pop out in his forehead, as he "reasonably" and "intellectually" explains to Mr. Zeiden's neighbors why they will so love Mr. Zeiden's sewers...
But between spits and snarls bob will explain, he and his posse, jeff and rick, aren't for "forced' hook-ups.
I heard Bob took down his favorite picture of Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf when he lifted the 6-week-old state of emergency and restored the constitution.
Bob felt Pervez and he were somehow kindred spirits until he had to go and restore the constitution and certain freedoms of the press.
I don’t want to watch turkey and deer from my porch- I want to watch my grandchildren from my porch. [NOTE: But grandchildren might want to play in the woods and climb trees. Kids and young people are more than just our entertainment and a way to pay for our social security.]
Chris, what in the hell are you saying here?
I don’t want to watch turkey and deer from my porch- I want to watch my grandchildren from my porch. [NOTE: But grandchildren might want to play in the woods and climb trees. Kids and young people are more than just our entertainment and a way to pay for our social security.]
Chris, what in the hell are you saying here?
Bob, Rick and Jeff, for a trio who say the don't like "FORCED" hook-ups, they certainly seem to dislike Thom Hammond who also does not like "FORCED" hook-ups!
While, on the other hand, John Zeiden, who seems OK with "FORCING" his neighbors on to sewers to subsidize his business expenses, Bob, Rick and Jeff, the same trio, seemed to be unusually attracted to John, fawned over John and kind of creeped everybody out as to how this trio almost "flirted" with John!
It just seems odd, you know, with this trio not liking "FORCED" sewer hook-ups and all!
I don't know anyone that has even used the "Starlight Reception Hall". The place looks like a dump. When you buy a piece of property you take into consideration if it has sewers, septic, a well...Why does this guy think the county owes him anything AFTER he goes into business. Get your ducks in a row before you open for business, not afterwards. What do you think this is and where do you think you are? We, Dearborn County taxpayers, don't "owe" you a damn thing. Close shop and move the hell out. How many do you employ? Jim West talked about how many jobs that were lost from a business that wanted to locate here. He mentioned 30 jobs, what the hell? Our property taxes will go down when our State makes reform to this corrupt system. The County can't control our property taxes. If Jeff or Rick think they can they are complete and utter fools.
It just seems odd, you know, with this trio not liking "FORCED" sewer hook-ups and all!
Yeah, we all kinda noticed that...funny behavior for these three not liking forced hookups, wasn't it.
It is almost like their not liking forced hookups is one, big, bastard sized lie, is it not?
There is a fellow litterally a few driveways down from Zeiden's home and business, because of the distance of his home from the road and a few hills in between, it would cost him close to $30,000.00 to hook up to Zeiden's sewers!
Why do we owe Zeiden so much, and owe this guy who may have to spend $30,000.00., so little?
"Why do we owe Zeiden so much, and owe this guy who may have to spend $30,000.00., so little?"
Because that is just how this scam is structured!
Now mind you, Bob, Rick and Jeff don't like the way this scam is structured...but...well...wait a minute...John Maxwell is the biggest scammer...in this scam...and...Bob...tripped all over himself...defending...Maxwell...I'm...so...confused??????????
It is almost like their not liking forced hookups is one, big, SUPERSIZED bastard sized lie, is it not?
There, I fixed that for you!
When you buy a piece of property you take into consideration if it has sewers, septic, a well...
I'm thinking Zeiden and Fehrman have been drinking from the same well.
Bob Ewbank does not like how the equally thieving old guard, developer driven VRUC Board permitted HVL' sewers to crumble because they pretty much shared the same attributes as those of the DCRSD Board...
...and only cared about catering to realtor/developer/banker/shysters...
...but Bob continues to flush his commode...
...spoiling my waterways!
The record was building, but still rather thin, when Vera was booted from office.
Jeff and Rick seem to be working overtime to make sure their "booting" record is quite a bit more complete and almost in library form and volume, insuring a more colorful, in a landslide-loss sort of way, "mega-booting!"
Thom Hammond, last night, was both respectful and deferential.
While Bob Ewbank, combative and belligerent.
Of these two, who do you think may have the most skeletons hanging in their closet, relative to any shenanigans, that may be involved and caught up, in this “forced” sewer mess and moral and ethical lunacy?
Just a question…to pick at…like a scab.
"It just seems odd, you know, with this trio not liking "FORCED" sewer hook-ups and all!"
Didn't though, seem odd?
Odd, for those who had such a distain for forcing hook ups?
It was almost like a planned "politicking" moment, as that "politicking" was happening during a "politicking" train wreck!
Did you get the impression that John Zeiden was immediately placed in Bob, Rick and Jeff's "Favorite Five" phone lists later that evening and/or on their "must send" Christmas Card lists?
Ha Ha
Bob Ewbank, at least for me, is one of those guys, that I judge the righteousness and rectitude of my positions as they are inversely related to Bob’s positions.
But I stress, that is just my view.
John Zeiden needs to work with his caterers on concocting more dishes that are both constipating and somehow aid in fluid retention.
Maybe an assortment of very salty cheese dishes?
Sodium rich or laced opioid peptides should do the trick!
Oh, you guys are so funny. But let us see how funny you are after Bob Ewbank gets your GPS coordinates and sicks Doug Baer on you, condemning everything, including your computers!
That Doug Baer, what a team player he is!
If you don't like the job, that Rick and Jeff are doing, next May is an opportunity to "fire" them. The Primary is in May. We need some good people to sign up between January 23, 2008 and Noon on February 22, 2008 to run against these guys!
The same goes for some Council members, like the "Tax Dollar Fairy".
We also need to support the "good guys" who are willing to put themselves on the line for the citizens of Dearborn County.
Rick Fox: "You should go to a sewer meeting and see who is stopping things."
Rick, you can't even keep your lies straight in the same meeting!
You dislike "forced" hook-ups, then bitch about people showing up at sewer meetings fighting "forced" hook-ups!
Does Ewbank have your brain so ethically twisted in knots you are not sure what script you should stick to at any given time?
Rick, did you forget you formed the DCRSD?
Using the ruse of High Ridge estates?
That still is not fixed?
Because Brett wants to "force" us on to sewers so he can also attach his subdivision to the High Ridge fix?
But those attending sewer board meetings bringing the DCRSD's wretched behavior to the public's attention are the bad guys!
Rick, for you, pathetic, has no lower limits!
May this coming year give us many more public melt-downs of Bob Ewbank taking over "HIS" Commissioners' Meetings...
...it so reinforces why Bob and his two development pawns need to go!!!
The pawns closed down "public comment" at meetings and came up with this "agenda" nonsense because the comments were making Bob and friends uneasy...
...now that people are still getting on the "agenda" to "speak publically, I'm sure Bob will have his pawns revisit "agendas" to make sure only those with "glowing" views of "forced" sewer hookups are placed on the "agenda," to better match Bob's "agenda!"
Bob, Rick and Jeff so dislike "forced" sewer hook-ups that they welcomed with a warm embrace John Zeiden who supports "forced" sewer hook-ups and then Bob, Rick and Jeff did their best to shout down Thom Hammond, who is against "forced" hook-ups!
Bob, you and the boys are looking rather foolish!
Make up your mind what lies you want to spread at any given Commissioners' Meeting, then stick with them!
By the way Bob, what are yours and Gary's plans for after the May Primaries?
Bob should be thrilled after next year's election, with two more commissioners who really, really, really share his dislike for forced sewer hookups.
With three commissioners really, really, really against forced hookups, maybe they can help "untie his hands?"
Mr. Zeiden, put me down for a new car, computer, tractor a better retirement package...
...you were in the process of putting together Christmas wish lists for gifts YOU want from the taxpayer and your neighbors to pay for...right?
Good people of Dearborn county,please get out and vote.It is our only way to get rid of all these crooks once and for all.I travel and see a lot of people and tell them about the corrupt government we have in Dearborn county.SPREAD THE WORD.
May this coming year give us many more public melt-downs of Bob Ewbank taking over "HIS" Commissioners' Meetings
Bob is just hired help!
He is like the cleaning lady of a large corporation, who thinks just because she has taken enough trash out to the dumpster, she now, somehow owns the company!
With three commissioners really, really, really against forced hookups, maybe they can help "untie his hands?"
The "DON" and his two "PAWNS" have become so self-important and delusional as to the degree of their power, that they don't even feel the need to lie with any gusto...we are just "expected" to believe just any ole lie they throw out, no matter how little effort they make in trying to make the lie the least bit believable!
"By the way Bob, what are yours and Gary's plans for after the May Primaries?"
Who will they have Rick and Jeff endorse in the commissioners' race for the general election?
Will the National Guard need to be called to remove Bob, Rick and Jeff from the Commissioners' Chamber next year?
The dcrsd has become a rogue board, refusing to fix high ridge, the reason rick and jeff formed the dcrsd, in order to focus on the personal profits of its board members, but those doing their best to put the dcrsd back on track are the trouble makers.
Development Corruption of the Process...is so blatant now…no longer can it even be veiled nor disguised.
I bet Charlie Fehrman is against "FORCED" hook-ups also, as he cheerleads for more money to better enable the DCRSD to "FORCE" hook-ups!
Do these people kiss their loved ones with those lying mouths?
Last year the talking "spinning" points were "anti-everythings" and "do-nothings."
This year it will be, "we are on record being against forced hookups, but our hands are tied."
Leaving out that their hands were tied willingly, eagerly and enthusiastically with the rope happily, blissfully and joyfully supplied by those having their hands tied and bound!!!
Ewbank, Fox and Hughes, SHOULD be furious with the dcrsd board for not fixing high ridge and trying to force hookups...
...Ewbank, Fox and Hughes ARE furious at those citizens bringing the dcrsd board's malfeasance to the public's attention.
Tell me how that fits in with these three being against the dcrsd board's lack of action on high ridge and these three being against forced hookups?
Tell me how that fits in with these three being against the dcrsd board's lack of action on high ridge and these three being against forced hookups?
Don't be upset with two of these actors, they are just reading their scripts and playing their parts written, produced and directed by the third lead actor performing in this troupe’s development theatrical production!
There is a fellow litterally a few driveways down from Zeiden's home and business, because of the distance of his home from the road and a few hills in between, it would cost him close to $30,000.00 to hook up to Zeiden's sewers!
I think I know the same guy. He is just a working smuck like the rest of us. He would have to sell off most of his property to afford to connect to these Zeiden wants to lower his overhead. Not fair. Not fair at all. But Hughes and the rest of these crooks could give a crap.
That fellow living just down the road from Zeiden should ask John if he would like to contribute to his hourly wage and pay into his retirement plan.
That is pretty much what John is asking of him.
"That is pretty much what John is asking of him."
That is pretty much of what all of Ewbank's development buddies are asking of the rest of us!
But they prefer not to ASK...but to FORCE us to contribute!
"But they prefer not to ASK...but to FORCE us to contribute!"
If only Bob, Rick and Jeff's hands were not tied...
They must feel ever so frustrated...
...as they lick, stamp and address each individual "forced" hook-up letter...
Bob knows his and the two twins days are numbered in power.
There is going to be a lot of "hand tying" and false "sighs" of frustration, as they hand over as much of our money and rights as possible to Bob's development buddies.
Maybe Bob and his minions can take over some other County's Government?
He certainly has the capacity and ambition!
"John Zeiden seems to be upset their is no place for his children in this County, but we are experiencing a housing "glut" in this County and will be for sometime to come because of the sub-prime mess."
I don't think the housing was an issue to try to keep his children in the area, I think it was about the lack of jobs for college educated children for this area.
I would also like to know what Chris meant by her bold text about the children playing in the woods. It didn't seem to make any sense.
So is everyone going to attack every business person who wants to see more for this county. Even those who have lived here for a long time and own a business can't give their opinions. Everything stated on this blog supports the fact that "If someone doesn't believe the same exact way you do they must be evil."
Zeiden buys land not sewered.
Zeiden builds on land not sewered.
Zeiden starts up a business on land not sewered.
Zeiden is then perturbed that he has to haul sewage from his land and business not sewered.
And Zeiden says WE are guilty of NOT being "FORWARD LOOKING"?
Mr. Zeiden may need to take a better inventory of his own "FORWARD LOOKING" skills before he denigrates ours!
If those deer and turkey ever quit distracting him!
Everything stated on this blog supports the fact that "If someone doesn't believe the same exact way you do they must be evil."
No, just quit calling it "growth" when you are forcing people to artificially subsidize the "growth" of others.
But of course you know that, Mr. or Mrs. Strawman.
And how does it make sense, as far as the lack of jobs, to force someone to get second and third jobs to pay for sewers they do not need, that do not work when the electricity fails, how does that enhance the availability of “jobs” in this County?
And since we seem to be in agreement about the housing glut, why should we subsidize Brett Fehrman's sewers for his proposed subdivision?
And all these people so focused on growth through sewers...
...keep avoiding, like the plague, the issue of sewers that do not work during power outages and the potential health crisis that will present itself the very first major power outage!
Why is that?
Developer driven sewer districts care not about the public health, just the dollars derived by forcing others to subsidize their sewers?
How many households lost power for more than a day during last year's ice storm?
Why are the DCRSD Board, Ewbank, Fox, Hughes, Morris, Barrott and Fehrman loathe to address this serious public health question "publicly?"
Could that question get in the way of rushing sewers for a few politically connected development interests?
I live in Clay Twp where Mr. Zeiden has his reception hall and I have had dealings with him. He wants everything handed to him on a silver platter and not pay anything for it. I am surprised he has not wanted to be appointed to the sewer board so we all have to pay to increase the value of all of his property. He owns several acres across US 50 from his hall that he also has plans for but he needs sewers so he can make our American dollars and hopefully take back to his home land where he came from.
The expense of these sewers will just keep growing and growing for the individuals forced on these pressurized sewers.
Be ready to have Doug Baer, after the first power outage, to force generators on those already forced on to these sewers they did not ask for or need.
so he can make our American dollars and hopefully take back to his home land where he came from.
What John is trying to do is wrong, but he is an american first, as are you, so lets not talk about "home lands," thank you!
And always remember, never poke fun at those who speak with accent..
...because most probably those with accents have mastered at least two more langauges than yourself!!!
Hell, not even counting snow and ice storms, I've lost power for almost a day due to lightning strikes a number of times a year!
So Liz and friends, since you support the dcrsd and its pressurized sewers, what do you suggest my family do during these times?
With out mumbling some nonsense about growth and expanding the tax base!
What should my family do?
Mr. Zeiden has been used as a pawn. I feel confident thinking he was told, by someone, "sewers to your property are on the way". Also told that the Commissioners meeting was a very opportune time to address the Commissioners meeting to offset Mr. Hammond's appearance.
IMO, the appearance of Mr.Zeiden was contrived. Now, we need a spokesperson from High Ridge Estates to address the Commissioners and ask " With $5,000,000 earmarked for High Ridge Estates sewage pollution repair and being under an IDEM, Notice of Violation and possible condemnation, Why haven't the Commissioners expediated the repairs?"
"So is everyone going to attack every business person who wants to see more for this county.
Did you see any protests or hear any complaints when John Zeiden purchased and built upon his land?
He wasn't, at that time, trying to force the rest of us to "chip in" for his home and business!
Now, what has changed in the mean time, that might leaves folks a little miffed at John today?
Wrap your brain around that question for a while and then get back with us!
the appearance of Mr.Zeiden was contrived
How long after Ewbank found out that Hammond wanted on the agenda was then Zeiden added to the agenda?
Always dirty little machinations when dealing with our development "friends" in this county.
Why haven't the Commissioners expediated the repairs?"
Are you accusing the Commissioners of moral turpitude?
…Bob’s face goes all flushed…
…tax base…
…meeting adjourned!
Maybe you will get an answer to your question next week after you get back on the agenda…
…after someone goes through their rolodex to find someone to counter what you have to say!!!
And our local development con artists are still trying to force sewers on us that don't flush during power outages...
When Bob loses the commissioners' office next year, will we have to pay him support payments until his two kids, Rick and Jeff, finish their educations and get real jobs?
Up front and to the point!
Moral turpitude is a legal concept in the USA, which refers to "conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals".
Zeiden's remedy for all those pesky deer and turkeys spoiling our view...
...pave over their habitat.
contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals".
Sounds like the qualifications posted for those who wish to have the Dearborn County Republican Party Leadership's endorsement for next year's elections.
Now, we need a spokesperson from High Ridge Estates to address the Commissioners and ask " With $5,000,000 earmarked for High Ridge Estates sewage pollution repair and being under an IDEM, Notice of Violation and possible condemnation, Why haven't the Commissioners expediated the repairs?"
Ad Hominem
Jeff Hughes, you can check the record, I am for High Ridge and against forced hookups! You can check the record! Right Bob? He can check, right? Dang it if are hands ain't tied!
Next on the agenda: Someone from High Ridge who thinks the dcrsd is doing a great job for High Ridge's almost immeasurable sewage problem.
Bob has a pretty lackluster posse shilling for him, does he not?
Pretty soon, all those SDRSD customers on gravity sewers are going to be forced on Ewbank's pressurized sewers, because, well, his hands are just tied!
Someone pass the popcorn!
Bob is offering this county twice what the sdrsd is offering...
...twice the rates along with a duplication of services...
But Jeff Hughes is on record against it!
Jeff Hughes and Rick Fox:
Jeff whispers to Ric, what does Bob mean by Milans' turpentine?
At what point during the formation of the dcrsd, did those awful, awful, awful people involved with the dcrsd, start to bind Bob, Rick and Jeff's hands?
Boy, if we could only go back in time, right Bob?
Because, if you knew the dcrsd board had every intention to bind your hands, you would of nipped it, nipped in bud!
Right Bob?
Maybe if Thom Hammond could have gotten to you sooner, he could of told you that the dcrsd was going to do what those crooks up and St. Leon were already doing!
I don't why the newspapers, tv and radio news were saying nothing about those shady goings ons with St. Leon's sewers!
Oh well!
Live and learn!
Right Bob?
Bob must be really pissed off not only about forced hookups, but the very fact that those forced on such sewers cannot flush the toilets during electrical outages.
That must really burn Bob.
He must feel like a real chump, having his hands tied like he did and letting this county down so?
I bet whatever friendships he had with dcrsd board members, are now forever sullied.
To treat Bob the way they did, tying his up hs hands an all!
Well, I guess we should give Bob some credit.
Before he stood up to our county sewer thugs in our defense, these sewer thugs were spreading untruths that the State was forcing them to force us to hook on to their sewers.
Bob, being the legal beagle that he is, sniffed out that "MAY" in the statutory language.
Thank you Bob!!!!!!!!
Oh well!
Live and learn!
Right Bob?
If only jeff would had phone surveyed the citizens of this county before obligating them to subsidize any each and every politically connected developer associated with the DCRSD!
Milans' turpentine?
I guess Jeff is wondering if the free clinic offers shots for such.
"And how does it make sense, as far as the lack of jobs, to force someone to get second and third jobs to pay for sewers they do not need, that do not work when the electricity fails, how does that enhance the availability of “jobs” in this County?"
You won't get any answer.
The only jobs these people care about are their own.
They want the greatest return on their investments as possible, no matter what it costs the rest of us.
So many parasites after our savings...
We need two new commissioners and one new attorney. Only then will the public gain back control of the public process to once again work in the public's interests not just the interests of a handful of power hungry development turds.
"We need two new commissioners and one new attorney."
I'm thinking that Bob will do his damn best to try to "tie our hands" next year to complicate voting him out!
And remember, a vote against the twins, is a vote against Bob!
There is a special offer for next year's voters, send two packing and you get one bonus packer!
This year it will be, "we are on record being against forced hookups, but our hands are tied."
This is precisely what they are trying to do now.
They put on record that they are all against forced hookups last meeting, after they did all the paper shuffling and leg work for over a year to put the dcrsd in motion knowing full well of the plans for forced hookups.
Rather a smarmy showing on their part that will lose them even more votes next year.
Bob, Rick and Jeff really seam to be striving to leave office exhibiting the worst aspects of their collective character.
Yep, Ewbank showed just how much he was against forced hook-ups when he tore into Hammond, who is also against forced hook-ups, while humping Zeiden's leg, who wants forced hook-ups to get sewers out to his reception hall!
Is Bob ethically bi-polar or what?
It was getting close to having to throw water on Fox as he was practically romancing Zeiden during Zeiden's appeal for rest of us to subsidize his Reception Center!
Did they get a room afterwards?
Bob and the boys thought they were undermining Thom, but in fact, they just further undermined their position and came off looking like little punks smirking about their latest dirty trick on one of the smart boys in class!
That same smart boy punks like these usually end up working for someday!
They did their opposition a great favor by reminding all just how slimy they are!
The icing on the cake would have been having Rick and Jeff publicly naming their endorsement choices for next year's general election to run against the republican rank and files’ choice of commisssioner candidates!
I thought the very same thing, Ewbank did us all a favor.
I may be wrong, but I just don't see Ewbank being a gracious loser next year.
I think he will burn every bridge possible on the way out of power.
Ewbank ought to take that albatross, the republican party leadership with him. I don't think you can wash the taint and stink off that dead and useless beast.
Yeah, the leadership went from a power house to a laughing stock, due largely to this new, digital information age.
The Leadership's most recent choice of sock puppets certainly did not help their image either.
But that is what bob wanted.
Those he could have absolute and complete control over.
The best and the brightest usually do not stand in line for a job with such intellectual and ethical restrictions.
The sorry state of the leadership and their development bought and paid for ethics has energized enough voters to finally kick out the likes of Ewbank, Lehner and all their sycophants willing to screw over the taxpayer in favor of a few of this County’s “Connected” Development Cronies
The Leadership’s cause of death will be cataloged as a non-principled suicide.
May our next generation of Commissoners be those who tell their hired-help attorney what they expect of him or her and not the other way around!!!
"Wrap your brain around that question for a while and then get back with us!"
May I ask, have you prepared your exposition as of yet?
Or are you still trying to find some manner of rationalizing away what is in fact at its center a very creepy and devious grab for the hard-earned savings of others to bankroll the welfare of a few very selfish, avaricious, greedy and covetous people in this County?
Take your time…
listerman wants to give a 8.000 for what turning chip and seal roads back to gravel....
Fox: Me either. You can use the public minutes to show our opinion on this.
Boy, there does seem to be some orchestration taking place in pointing to the “record” how Rick and Jeff are somehow on record of being against forced hookups…
…Bob should learn not to give the twins talking points…
…they always sound like parrots as they rattle them off!
Um, Rick, you set up the dcrsd with full knowledge they had no infrastructure in place, not a line, nor pump, nor easement.
It was no secret that the dcrsd was going to pattern itself after the St. Leon strategy of forcing hook-ups.
You just lost next year’s election because you were afraid to go up against Bob Ewbank.
And that is how your loss will always be remembered.
As you go back to your tenuous position at whatever yet next year’s incarnation of what Seagram’s will be.
Fox and Hughes could have used the last meeting to tell THEIR appointees they would not be re-appointed to the DCRSD Board, because they support FORCED hookups.
Nor would they appoint future Board Members that supported FORCED hookups.
I guess their talking points would not let them stray that far.
Bob is a taskmaster, don't you know.
Someone, somehow, involved with the Dearborn County Commissioners, at least two of them, strikes me as being a complete and anal control freak...
...a socio-pathological analysis of the inner-workings of Dearborn County Republican Politics would be worthy of many volumes of intense study and a possible TV movie of the week starring some of those actors who have not worked since Alan Alda’s God awful and maudlin direction ruined M*A*S*H*!
Why don't we all just give Bob a great big group hug!
Thank him for making these last few years so "colorful" as he utilized and artfully dabbed his broad coarse brush into his most unique ethical palette.
And wish him his superlative best while suing the next generation and creation of County Commissioners shortly after they are sworn and confirmed into office!
Then we all, together, can celebrate and rejoice in our most beloved Dearborn County rendition of the "Circle Of Life!"
Thom Hammond - your message was correct - against forced sewer hookups and Mr. Maxwell's conflict of interest being on the DCRSD board and trying to sewer his developments with taxpayers' money. Thanks!
Mr. Ewbank - your actions were not becoming to you - your arrogance and threats of 'slander' were a defense against the peoples' presentation of 'common sense'. You're running scared!
Mr. Ewbank asked concerning the peoples' lawyer. Lawyers have a hard time arguing against a multitude of people. People power can and has won in this county. If you can, keep your lawyer for only guidance.
After months of the people asking for the promised letter concerning not forcing sewer hookups, why could Bob Ewbank not have produced this 'state law' sooner???? Did your law partner Frank Kramer (DCRSD lawyer) have to dig this up for you? ---- speaking of conflict of interests!!!!!
As John Maxwell repeatedly smashes the "Esc" key, thinking it will finally and at last put him back on that magnificent and melodious track to forcing every damn soul he so pleases onto his sewers because he has a payroll to meet this coming year, thank you very much!!!
This dcrsd apparatus and contrivance is really far too complicated and convoluted for John to control...
...he screeches at it, he insults it, he bullies it...
...and still this dcrsd contraption won't even begin to purloin enough money from others to meet his many development interrelated and interconnected needs!!!
And that just is not fair!!!
For Christ Sakes people, all John wants is a way to force the rest of us to pay for his sewers!!!
How hard is that???
Damn it!!!
Just how many people in this county are on Maxwell's payroll?
You're running scared!
Bob's red face and numerous veins popping up from his neck and forehead were fairly good indications that Bob is running scared!
And who could blame him?
He is just one election away from losing the power he has so toiled for, all these many years!
Next year, when "Public Comment" is reinstated for the Commissioners' Meetings, will be but one of the very few opportunities alotted to Bob to try to "FORCE" his will on the rest of this County!
He will be just be like the rest of us!
And that really burns his chaps!
Just how many people in this county are on Maxwell's payroll?
Beginning with next year's elections, there will be far fewer elected officials on his payroll!
John and Bob and Brett and Charlie and their entire supporting cast of lowly characters…
…could have strung this scam out for years…
…but their greed overwhelmed them…
…as well as that ever-present inkling that others with similar ethical underpinnings could have figured it out and tried to use the very same scam…
…at John and Bob and Brett and Charlie’s expense…
…and loss…
…of ill-gotten gains…
…so they rushed it…
…got extremely reckless…
…add a generous sprinkling of arrogance…
…and the scam…
…fall to pieces…
…which is why societies…
…will never have enough jail space…
…cause crooks are greedy and dumb and plentiful.
Our silly-ass political hacks willing to throw their lot in with our few, foul and powerful people of this county willing to brutalize our neighbors to extract their savings as these powerful’s bounty, need to recognize, that these hacks’ iniquitous collaboration merely positioned them a few treads lower on the very same list of those to be in like manner and fashion brutalized.
And remember all:
"the mastas hav don tyd litle ricerds and jaffries hans thays is jut paworless too heps uss peeples"
That was one pathetic showing, with Bob and Jeff and Rick all stating and restating for the "record" that they are against "forced" hookups, when they laid the entire groundwork and course for the dcrsd, triple dotted all the "I's" and triple crossed all the "T's" in order for the dcrsd to "force" sewers on the rest of us.
Let us hope that these three are more faithful to their wives and children than they are to the Citizens of this County.
"Eventually, Socialists run out of other peoples’ money.....”
Margaret Thatcher
What will our County Country Club Socialists do when the rest of us run out of money subsidizing their Development?
Ewbank, using his best Maggie Thatcher impression after next year's primary election losses of both Fox and Hughes:
“Don’t go wobbly on me, Ricky and Jeff. Suck up your losses and support Linkmeyer and his cousin or sister or brother or whatever the hell he showed up with to bring us ALL victory in the general election."
why did the commissioners let Listerman spend time and money for appraisals and Ewbank's legal work for the highway dept to consolidate at Randall Avenue and then just cut it off?
Fox said he wanted to spend the money on roads instead. What roads have suddenly come up that changed everything?
"This meeting took a little over 4 hours and there are 9 typed pages- so get yourself some refreshment if you plan to read it all."
This needs Prozac and Popcorn
This needs Prozac and Popcorn
Don't please!!!
The combination makes the killer cocktail: POPZAC
Which leads to lackadaisical lethargy with a tendency towards suicide, mass murder or just locking yourself in your bedroom for weeks on end and little corn kernel thingy-a-bobs stuck between your teeth and gums.
Believe me, if given a choice of the above or ghost writing Hughes’ next editorial…well you would be torn as to the emotional pain involved between both, but might, slightly, pick ghost writing Hughes’ editorial…but it may be a close call…considering all matters involved in the decision making process…say…would you happen to have any more Prozac and Popcorn?
Now...offer some Viagra and popcorn...well...I think...we would all be up for that...
...because we all...
...all of us...
What roads have suddenly come up that changed everything?
Maybe those roads if they don't get forced, I mean fixed, by the next primary and certainly by the next general election, may never be forced, I mean fixed?
Maybe those roads if they don't get forced
A good sign, even Fox knows he as little time to cater to his own needs...
So Fox has completely slipped to the Ewbank darkside and sees "public service" as nothing more than positioning yourself to be "serviced" by the "public!"
Well Fox better get all he can...because that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that Ewbank promised him does not exist and was just a ploy to get Fox to help fill Ewbank's pot full of county gold.
Prozac...popcorn...it...matters not...I cannot partake of either...because...my...hands...are...tied...
...it sucks to be me...and my two delinquents...
Bob Ewbank
"With out mumbling some nonsense about growth and expanding the tax base!
What should my family do?"
You won't see or hear any of development's foot soldiers trying to effort an answer to you question, especially Liz.
They are going leave the LITTLE question of public health CRISIS when whole neighborhoods can't flush their waste during power outages for someone later to contend with.
Liz's job, today, is to get these "CHEAP" sewers on line as fast as possible and profits flowing to the likes of Maxwell.
Because, the profits will flow to Maxwell and friends, even if the power goes out.
And profits are the number one concern of the "CHEAP" sewers.
Liz and her kind, just want to "self-tie their hands" as fast possible, for they can say later, "well now there is nothing we can do to fix YOUR problems, other than mandating generators" for each home on these "CHEAP" sewers.
Because Doug Baer is being forced by the State to mandate generators.
I hope Liz and friends have no trouble sleeping at nights.
Anonymous said...
Mr. Zeiden has been used as a pawn. I feel confident thinking he was told, by someone, "sewers to your property are on the way". Also told that the Commissioners meeting was a very opportune time to address the Commissioners meeting to offset Mr. Hammond's appearance.
Conspiracy! The boogeyman is coming to get you.
Conspiracy! The boogeyman is coming to get you.
Who needs fictional boogeymen, when we have real, first class thieving bastards who don't live under our beds, but do try to hide in our savings accounts and cause all kinds of financial terror.
And the bank guard is an Ewbank devotee, which means he can do nothing to stop the financial terror because his "hands are tied!"
Zeiden and Brett Fehrman, want to force others to increase the return on their respective investments by forcing pressurized sewers 15-20 years ahead of the time gravity sewers would naturally be made available.
For John and Brett, no expense or inconvience is to great for the rest of us in order to cover their grab for fast profits.
As High Ridge continues to dump raw sewage into Hogan's Creek.
Apparently, "tied hands" are the number one factor in the creation and transmission of E-coli.
During Brett's Hostage take over of High Ridge Estates, not only did he tie Bob, Rick, Jeff, Liz and Maynard's hands, he sewn their lips shut!
Think what Liz could do with her INK, to get High Ridge fixed!
But orders are orders I guess!
Morris was willing to give Maxwell and Fehrman another 2.3 million dollars for sewers further North, to service more development, with nothing even planned for High Ridge as of yet, which was the ruse of forming the dcrsd in the first place.
I least the smell emanating from the dcrsd is covering the stink of High Ridge's raw sewage as it flows lazily down Hogan's Creek.
It's Chistmas time and you people are still just pissed off at the world. You are showing your true colors.
You would think with Bob Ewbank having such a close and personal working relationship with the DCRSD' attorney, Bob could plead on ours and High Ridge's behalf?
Ha Ha!
Got ya!
Everything is going as planned from the very inception the DCRSD!
And it has nothing to do with the public health.
It's Chistmas time and you people are still just pissed off at the world. You are showing your true colors.
And let us not forget the "Holiday Cheer and Christian Spirit" showed Thom Hammond By Good Ole St. BOB!!!
You really need help.
"Everything is going as planned from the very inception the DCRSD!"
No. No. No. You must be mistaken. Bob, Rick and Jeff are on RECORD being against FORCED hook-ups.
Come on folks! It is Christmas time...wish your pick-pockets and waterway spoilers a very "Merry Christmas!"
No. No. No. You must be mistaken. Bob, Rick and Jeff are on RECORD being against FORCED hook-ups.
I know.
I know.
I know.
Something must have went so terribly wrong.
You are showing your true colors.
I wonder what colors High Ridge Residents are seeing slip, slid and cascade down their hill towards Hogan's Creek!
A very Merry Christmas from all our friends at the dcrsd and their enablers!!!
You really need help.
And the thug, as he holds his gun against our heads, demanding our wallets, is suggesting we need counseling for our poor attitudes shown the thug.
We need help? A crook says we need help? How rich is that! Next: It will be frowned upon to yell "stop thief" as a thief runs off with our money!
And let us not forget the "Holiday Cheer and Christian Spirit" showed Thom Hammond By Good Ole St. BOB!!!
The rules are different for those on RECORD against FORCED hook-ups!
Next Commissioners' Meeting, Bob Rick and Jeff, will restate for the record that they are against forced hookups, then will nominate John Watson, Esq, of St. Leon, as their choice for Dearborn County Citizen of the Year...
If John Maxwell is successful in his scam to force sewer hookups to subsidize his development, Mike Rozow of the Chamber of Commerce, will nominate him as the Chamber's choice for Dearborn County Citizen of the Year...
The residents of High Ridge Estates have yet to nominate anyone...
still just pissed off at the world.
If YOUR world is made up of shamelessly shilling for the thieving DCRSD and the Corrupt Crooks up in St. Leon...
...then yes...
...we are pissed off at YOUR world.
Let us all just be thankful that this Christmas finds us with Jeff Hughes, Rick Fox and Bob Ewbank standing tall in our corners and fighting the good fight in our favor, against forced hook-ups.
If only Vera Benning was still in office, we then could have all three commissioners, standing tall in our corners, fighting for us, against forced hook-ups.
I wonder why Jeff and Rick and Bob won't let Thom Hammond join their "against forced hookup" club?
Although, I did appreciate Jeff and Rick and Bob’s attempt to “evangelize” John Zeiden over to our “against forced hookups” side.
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