Wednesday, July 02, 2008

1 July 2008 Dearborn County Commissioners Meeting Notes

Present: Hughes, Fox, and Thompson

Also present: Pickens, Auditor, Messmore, Administrator, and Ewbank, Attorney

Democrat Candidates for Commissioner and Council present: Tom Orschel, Doug Taylor, and Phil Darling

Old Business:
1. Exempt vs. non-exempt personnel was tabled again for Pickens to get information.

2. Mt. Tabor Road No Burning Zone signs was tabled until Listerman cold identify the actual parameters of the area to be in that no burn order.

New Business:
1. Kelso Township trustee resigned May 16. The Democrats didn’t appoint anyone within 30 days so the commissioners have until July 15 to appoint someone. Pickens wasn’t sure who appoints after that. The township board is handling the paperwork for that position until it is filled.

2. SEIRPC Public Hearing for the Region 15 CAC (Child Advocacy Center) received approval to proceed with the grant application with the county as sponsor. It will cover 6 counties ( Dearborn, Decatur, Jefferson, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland)Julie Berry presented for SEIRPC (SE Ind Reg Planning Commission) They are requesting $500,000 from OCRA ( Office of Community and Rural Affairs) and will raise $100,000 from local community foundations to match it. The facility is planned to be in a renovated lawyer’s office in Dillsboro. Sarah Brichto, the project director, said that by pulling the 6 counties together – they could afford to do this. Aaron Negangard- Cty Prosecutor- explained the non- threatening facilities that were necessary to get to the truth with children who allege abuse, etc. The pamphlet they distributed claims a savings of about $1000 per case and shows significantly higher charges filed, guilty pleas, and convictions when child advocacy is used. Berry thanked Messmore for going to Indy with them to help plead their case to get the grant. They hope to complete the process in Aug- Sept.

3. OKI contract signed for 2009 for $16,419- the annual fee based on population. This fee is nearly- if not identical to 2008’s.

4. Commissioners signed the grant revisions required by Homeland security for Bill Black- EMA (presented by Messmore in Black’s absence) It reallocates money from 2006 terms. Ewbank noted it was not a negotiable contract.

5. Listerman- Highway Dept-brought in Maxwell’s proposal and preliminary plan for a minor subdivision at the end of Chappelow Ridge. Maxwell will build a full ROW cul de sac and dedicate it to the county – IF he gets approval for his minor subdivision on a private street attached to this.

Fox- stated he had made the original motion that the subdivision would not e built unless the connector to Barber Road occurred. He wanted to be sure there is no way he can do anything more than 8 lots. He reiterated that again later and added that he didn’t want it sold off for lots later. Fox motioned and Thompson 2nd to approve the cul de sac under the provision that it is for 8 lots or less that are subject to tech review. Approved.[NOTE: Can commissioners put conditions on a Plan Commission decision? Is Chappelow Ridge a dead end? How long is it already? If there is a variance required, does this have to go to PC and/or BZA? Or if it’s a waiver just to PC for the additional homes on a dead end?]

Listerman wants to upgrade sections of unimproved roads with money left over from paving . He planned on James Lake and Ester Ridge to Graf Road sections. Pickens said he had to get Council approval on additional projects. Fox motioned to approve and Thompson 2nd if Council can OK it with a special meeting.

Listerman also submitted the request with INDOT to get funding for the Dover to McCann section of N Dearborn Road. They will hear later if they are selected.

6. Claims and Minutes signed.

7. Messmore presented a joint resolution of all the municipalities (Except Greendale- they have their own inspector) and the county for building inspections. This is a technical way to get back to their proper relationships since the ban on commercial permits. The paperwork lists Carl Fryman as the point of contact for the state inspectors. The state wants the codes interpreted the way the state expects them to be done.

Messmore also asked for permission to put an UNOFFICIAL summary of the commissioner meetings on the county website, so that people can get information on what is going on. He thinks Fehrman will also want to do it for Council. Fox also wanted to have the radio station informed of this. [NOTE: Getting official minutes on that site would be helpful also.]

8. Ewbank- presented the conclusion of the mediation over the stoplight at Stateline and Stephens. Bottom line is that the light can stay at the COUNTY’S expense of $65,000 and that this will be recorded as a debt against the Villages of Sugar Ridge ( Mike Macke). Commissioners signed to settle for the $65,000.

The Public Access claim was dropped by Mary Malesky (sp?) as they did respond in a timely fashion, per Ewbank. No details of this were given.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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