Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Commissioner Shane McHenry called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5 p.m.

Commissioners Kevin Lynch, Art Little, Auditor Gayle Pennington, and Attorney Andrew Baudendistel were also in attendance.


Old Business:  None.

New Business:

1.        Assessor Gary Hensley stated we needed to have a cyclical review of the contract between Tyler Technology and Dearborn County.  The State law previously assessed the contract on March 1, but a new State law changed the assessment to January 1.   Commissioner Art Little motioned the change be made to meet the State law, all ayes.


2.       Highway Supervisor, Tim Greive, asked the Commissioners to determine awards for three items, a truck, a pole barn, and the completion of paving North Dearborn Road.  The bids for the truck were Lischkge Machinery $119,711.60, and Shirks International $118,234.56.  Mr. McHenry asked if the service of the truck will take place in Greensburg, and Mr. Greive replied yes.  After discussion, Commissioner Lynch motioned Lischkge Machinery be awarded the bid for $119,711.60, Art Little seconded the motion, all ayes.  Mr. Greive then stated it was a disadvantage to leave equipment outside in the winter and he proposed they build a 40 x 120 building with electricity to house the equipment.  Mr. Lynch asked if the building will have a gravel floor, and Mr. Greive replied yes.  The bids were $46,500 – Redwine, $36,485 Comer, Mike White – no bid.  The bid was awarded to Comer for $36,485, all ayes.  The paving bids for North Dearborn Road going down Jameson were Paul Rohe $109,662, and Dave O’Mora $105,800.  Mr. Lynch motioned the bid be given to Dave O’Mora for $105,800, Art Little seconded the motion, all ayes. Mr. Greive said West Laughery Rd. will be done next week.


3.       Mr. Lynch said the OKI Contract is a standard agreement which is signed by the Commissioners and will run until June 30, 2015.  The amount paid is $16,468 on a per capita basis of $.33.  This is the same amount that was paid last year.  Mr. Little motioned to pay for the OKI contract from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, and Mr. McHenry seconded the motion.


4.       The Automobile License Agreement renewal with the Hidden Valley Lake Property Association is for three separate vehicles, and is leased for $1 each from June 14, 2014 to June 15, 2015.  Mr. Lynch motioned to renew, and Art Little seconded the motion, all ayes.


Administrator – Terri Randall stated Judge Humphrey, under Rule 19 enacted a Court house security process, and has written a security guide, which is on order.  There was an online notice for public review for 30 days.  The Judges worked with Judge Humphrey, and all three Judges have signed off on the security guide. They are forming a security committee.  Judge Humphrey is ready to accept a letter from this Board, and Ms. Randall presented the letter she composed to the Commissioners to approve and sign, which she read.  Mr. Little said he is concerned if a farmer goes into the Courthouse and has a pocket knife in his pocket, there will be an overreaction, because now if that happens, they just ask him to leave the pocket knife at the desk until he leaves. Ms. Randall said she is sure that will be addressed. Mr. Little that they should make sure that is addressed.  Ms. Randall said she can represent them, she is on the Board.  Mr. Baudendistel then addressed the issue of the security committee, and said it is to review CR15, and then he named 15-25 people, i.e., the Dearborn County Sheriff, the three Judges, the representative from the Dearborn County Board, the representative from the Dearborn County Council, etc.  Ms. Randall is on the list as the Dearborn County Administrator.  Mr. Baudendistel said they needed to appoint a representative from the Board.  Mr. Lynch and Mr. Little chose Commissioner McHenry as their representative.  Mr. Bill Black, Emergency Center, said he and the sheriff have reviewed the plans in place, so they are already rolling.


Ms. Randall said the second item she wanted to discuss was EMS and the $100,000 given by Council to recruit volunteers.  She met with Kevin Lynch and they want to keep $10,000 of the money for a massive recruiting program for volunteers.  The two of them have also met with the EMS units from each region, there are two regions, and it has been decided that $22,500 will be distributed each quarter based on the percentage of runs for each region.  They will send out to each of the units’ numbers which they want them to validate, and if they are not correct they will make corrections.  Ms. Randall said the EMS units were part of this decision, and they said they are very grateful to the Board for their interaction with them.  Also, both Mr. Lynch and Ms. Randall feel the EMS units are beginning to realize they are part of a larger region.  Ms. Randall said one discussion that keeps coming up is St. Leon and the fact that they do not transport.  They struggle so much, the people who volunteer run businesses and leave their businesses to respond to calls.  Mr. Lynch said it is tough to penalize them because they don’t transfer.


Auditor – Gayle Pennington requested approval of the Minutes for June 17, 2014, and July 1, 2014, all ayes.  Accounts payable claims for Commissioners signatures, all ayes.  Commissioner docket – Mr. Little motioned to approve, Mr. Lynch seconded, all ayes.  Payroll claims, Mr. Lynch motioned to approve, Mr. Little seconded, all ayes.


Attorney – Andrew Baudendistel asked the Commissioners to approve an agreement for a Route of Entry for Steve Duncan to move items at the Animal Shelter.  There are three copies for Mr. McHenry to sign, and Bill Shelton is to get the SD signature.  Art Little motioned to sign the documents, and Kevin Lynch seconded.  Mr. Baudendistel then said regarding Public Records, drafts of Minutes cannot be withheld, they are public records.


Terri Randall said the website is soon to be in place in August.


Commissioners – Mr. Lynch said this website is a big deal, and he commends Ms. Randall for her work.  He also recognized Gayle Pennington and her service, and the attorney, Mr. Baudendistel.  Mr. McHenry said we have a great team, which can be seen with the results accomplished, and he asked Bill Black what he thought.  Mr. Black said there is more information flowing, and good preparation.  Kevin Lynch wanted to remind everyone of the Job Fair on August 7th, the employer seminar will be from 10 am to 1 pm; from 1-2 pm Veterans; 2-4 pm open to the public.  Also, Mr. Lynch wanted to remind everyone of the Bright Community Festival and the St. Leon Festival to support the EMS and volunteers.


Mr. Little motion to adjourn meeting, Mr. Lynch seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.


Helen Kremer, Logan Township
Many thanks to Helen Kremer who graciously agreed to take meeting notes during my absence. Christine Brauer Mueller

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess he will have to use his own truck instead of county to see his girlfriend Greensburg...