23 September 2014
Dearborn County Council Meeting Notes
Present: Dennis Kraus. Sr., President, Dan Lansing, Liz
Morris, Randy Lyness, Charlie Keyes, Ryan Brandt, and Bill Ullrich.
Also present: Gayle Pennington, Auditor and Teresa Randall,
County Administrator
Circuit Court- Judge
Humphrey- copier purchase- as discussed at budget hearings the 8 year old
copier needs replacing. The amount $8,500 and it has been reduced to $6,500
including a year’s maintenance due to one of his secretary’s negotiations.
Superior Court II-
Judge Blankenship- public defender fees- as discussed at budget time each
year. This year we had more $$s spent than last year. She needs $60,000 more.
Public defenders are required by law, Council noted. Approved.
Corrections- Steve Kelly- budget modification- they have made a lot of
changed in Community Corrections last year. This is paid for out of grant $$s
($493,000) and Community Corrections fees- not county general. $450,000/year in
community corrections fees. Previously they mixed payroll etc out of both
grants and user fees. Now salaries and pay are out grants. Operations are out
of user fees. This necessitated changing some budget items. They are on a
fiscal year and the county is on a calendar year. So there are a few items they
needed to fix to get these two budgets in line. $160,000 is the least they have
ever spent on monitoring equipment for home detention. The new equipment has
24/7 coverage now. The board agreed that this was necessary. In the future they
will be spending close to $200,000 on this monitoring. The bracelets are
leased- the county does not own them. Because we are in a pilot program we are
getting a discount on the bracelets. He projects 250 offenders on home
detention in the future due to the new bill that keeps more felony defenders in
the county jail rather than state. Everyone on home detention has to call in
every morning and see if their random number comes up they come in for a drug
screen. They are now doing more drug screens. They are going to collect $100
fee for each home incarceration to pay for their drug screens. Their rate of
fee collection is now about 65%. He hopes to get it to 75%. They have about
$700,000 in past due fees that were never collected. Even if they get 10% would
be $70,000.He asked for additional line items to be created such as vehicle
maintenance and fuel so they can see what was spent on each item. They have
looked at doing more community service work and they want more liability
insurance on their workers as suggested by the DOC ( Dept of Corrections)
$150,000 additional grant plus match of $150,000 for IN Criminal Justice
Institute for their pilot program this year. This grant has to have an separate
account set up for this grant for the pilot program’s $300,000 total. Lansing
asked- you can monitor someone for $15 a day. $55.68 /day is cost to house them
in DOC. All accounts approved.
Health Dept- Mary
Calhoun- $74,914.05 possible grant from IN dept of Health and the old
Tobacco Settlement Fund given and will be used
for promoting vaccinations, evening food inspections, septic pool vector
inspections, etc. Council approved the account.
Prosecutor- Aaron
Negangard- depositions-not to handle till November meeting as Negangard was
not present.
Prosecutor- Aaron
Negangard- Children’s Advocacy Center- Liz Morris spoke for Negangard who
was not present. $25,000 requested. Approved.
Ryan Brandt ABSTAINED as his company holds the contract for the CAC.
Commissioners- Terri-
Randall- Final Draw down for jail addition and renovation- this is just
moving funds from one account to another. She reviewed the bills with Auditor’s
office. We advertised for $20,000 more than we needed due to an error on the
spreadsheet. $3,106,449 is the last amount requested. She answered Ryan
Brandt’s questions: The project is within budget. The project will go into
January – February 2015. Before the payments get paid they do a punchlist.
There is a contractor’s reserve. It is looking good. Unless something crazy
happens, this should be good. Maxwell has done a good amount of cost savings
items to make this work. Approved with Lansing voting Nay. The total cost of the
jail building is $11,795,449.
Charlie Ashley- Overtime funding – typically they spend about $5000 a year
on this. This year they have spent $2458 so far and he asked for $3000 to
finish out the year and reimburse the holiday pay fund that they were borrowing
for overtime. With their new person- they should be needing less overtime.
Planning and Zoning-
Mark McCormack- Attorney and legal fees- some burned through as a change in
attorneys when McGill- the long time attorney retired. There is $285 left in
the account. $6000. Attorney fees have been low in recent years. There are some
litigation issues this year. The enforcement is primarily complaint based. They
don’t go out looking for infractions. Approved.
McCormack answered Morris regarding the blighted properties-
and stated that they will be applying for more. The last application for 9
houses is about 400 pages long. They will have a rescheduled webinar so that
they will know what to do for phase 2. He is frustrated at this point with not
having more info yet.
Emergency Management-
Bill Black Jr- Radio equipment account- $2610 to come out of County General
to reprogram. This was put in there previously when Sprint-Nextel went out.
These are EMA radios only. There are 54 radios or so. These are used at fall
fest, for vehicles etc. Cost is about $54 per radio to reprogram. Approved.
Black also requested
- Repair and replace equipment- $5,000. For water rescue there has been more
training and some boats breakdown. Somew drysuits had to be repaired, masks,
boat motors. Approved. He will also get out and fix leaning siren by South
Sparta Church on West County Line Road.
Sheriff- Mike
Kreinhop ( who did not show for this)- Gasoline- represented by Jo Wesley and Terry Van Winkel. 8,500 gal
every five weeks ordered. Paid $2.83 a gallon plus tax to get $3.01 from
Laughery Valley in Dillsboro. $45,000 is
needed to finish the year. $64,104 reimbursed from other departments this year
so far. The sheriff’s dept uses about 46% of the gas in the county budget. Approved.
Jail- Mike Kreinhop-(
also represented by Jo Wesley as Kreinhop did not come for this) requested $38973.73 using$25,000 out of
commissary for 100 sheets, towels, pillows, mattresses, laundry baskets, carts,
200 blankets, 12 tables, 116 chairs, garbage cabs and 12 TVs for jail addition leaving
$13,971.73 which was approved with Lansing Nay. [NOTE: They must be planning on filling up the jail.]
902 inmate meals today as an average day. They use about
$400,000 a year. Requesting $100,000 as they have used the $300,000
appropriated. Approved.
Park Board- Jim Red
Elk- Bright Meadows Park security- Trying to see if Cincinnati Bell would
help create wi-fi for the park. If this gets installed- there will be a monthly
fee that will be charged against utilities. There has been more than $4000
repaired from vandalism at the park. They are installing cameras at the park in
Bright. If you had a wi-fi router they will store the recording for a week. If
there is an incident Red Elk will have to view the footage at this point. They
will put the cameras in shielded places. They can also be moved as they
communicate wirelessly. All the equipment would belong to the Park Board.
They also got IRS approval for the 501c3 statusas a charity
for the Dearborn County Parks Foundation. He also got a $5000 check for it from
Celeste Calvitto of Bright Beacon with the stipulation that it go for the
security system. So they do not need to approve the money for the security
system. Applause for Celeste!
Auditor- Gayle
Pennington- Minutes approved
Resolution 2014-009
for signatures- for the fine schedule for Animal Control Ordinance-
Commissioners already approved. Hold till they can read the entire ordinance.
Tabled till Nov meeting.
Budget Review Forms-
non-binding budgets- reviewed and signature obtained for DLGF. Approved for the
schools etc. Dennis Kraus Sr signed all.
Proposed salary
ordinance- updated showing the changes made since the last time we updated
it for name changes and movement in highway
and other departments, retiring,
etc for 2014. Approved for submittal.
Randall – said that
the landscaping around the jail building is in need of repair. $10,000
quote from Caseys Outdoor Solutions to put in low maintenance plants and the
mowing could be easily done. It is an embarrassment to the county the way it
looks now. She will email the existing shrubbery and facility pics and the quote and design proposed.
Randall also wanted the board to stay to get their picture
for the website.
Art Wenzel addressed the Council warning then of information
he had just received regarding the building site for the SCU building approved
by Lawrenceburg. He was shown where it was planned on the site area by the Lawrenceburg
garage ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LEVEE WALL- so it is apparently in the flood
plain. He wanted Council to know that. Some discussion was held and Randall
weighed in on what she had read from the paper’s account of the funding for the
SCU building at Lawrenceburg’s meeting. Forensics is in the jail building she
said. [NOTE: There is a fair amount of
technology in the current SCU building. If that moves to the new one- locating
in the flood plain could be problematic as far as insurance is concerned.]
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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