Tuesday, August 02, 2022



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Jennifer Scully, Adm Assistant in Sue Hayden’s absence

ABSENT: Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



2022 Jack’s Forever 3 Still Running 5K Run/Walk- Brooke Carpenter, Family Member- already checked with sheriff dept for road closure- Approved - Sat Sept 10th - 8:45 road closure 

Dr Steve Eiason, Health Officer: 

Updates- mobile evening wed nite max clinic from 5-7:30 PM out in front of the building here. Posted on website and email info to the papers. Covid vax plus their regular ones. 

MOU- Memorandum of Understanding-  between Health Dept and Commissioners- John Blackwell- from health dept- it’s from Indiana code- the commissioners agree to allow use of their facilities and equipment. These are required by EMS Fire Dept and the schools in Ind. It’s for their use in the building here. Approved.

BA5 Potential Impact on Dearborn County- increased from 40-130  casesper week with zero deaths so far. This is not an accurate reflection of cases - as many are home testing. Barometer is really how many are swing up at hospital. Hoxworth going back to full masking anther blood drives now- per Rick Probst. Becoming less of a health issue now per Eliason. There is supposed to be a new vaccine in next 3-4 months. It’s supposed to be a better vaccine for the current virus. Masking probably not required yet unless a more virulent form shows up. 

Information on MonkeyPox Impact to Dearborn County- no cases here yet- a few in Cincinnati. No vax here yet. No one asking for it yet at health dept. Worldwide-a handful of deaths. Probably going to be considered like an STD thing. Most in gay men. Very few have had hospital care. NYCity has an emergency with it per Thatcher. Eliason says not here. Thinking about changing the name of monkeypox- are we offending someone? - monkeys? Little quipped- chickenpox- are we offending chickens?Laughter 

Signature for COVID Clinic- per month $1,000- for next 6 months at the shopping center on Wilson Creek and US 50.- decided to keep this open a couple hours in morning per day as schools use it. They can increase hours. Approved. 

Eliason said he does not discard the use of masks for individuals- that’s an individual decision. They are needed in some cases etc. Just not wanting to do a mandate unless really necessary. 

2022 Line Striping Award- Todd Listerman- County Engineer- recovering from surgery on his eye Friday night  The Lowest  bid was by A and A Safety out of Amelia OH for $99,066.40 this is for roads with $1,000 vehicles or more. - approved. This is 8 cents a linear ft. It was 6 cents a ft last year. Approved. State will be having 6 in lines instead of 4 in lines on interstates and highways to help as the population ages with visibility. 

Lower Dillsboro Rd Slide Correction- Title Sheet- need the signature on this with the official set of plans to submit to INDOT. Approved. There are other slides there and Tim Grieve is trying to get Council money for those.

Last meeting Listerman did award letter for small structures and he needs form 96 signed for that contract for  small structures 111 and 112 - approved.

Listerman going to Council on the 8th for Weisberg Rd in the area where old tavern was torn down. He’s seeking funds to fix that culvert. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Jennifer Scully for Sue Hayden- nothing. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and July 19th Minutes- approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Right of Entry Agreement small structures on Lower Dillsboro Rd 211 and 213 which is not temporary. The one for 213 is approved with Gayle Fantetti. 211 is an estate and they are still working on that. Baudendistel is recording it. 

Baudendistel is doing an MS4 webinar from 2-3:30 today and shared with other officials. 

Hospital Transaction Fund Update- this is for potential fund to receive that money from etc. hospital and he’s modifying the purpose pf that fund to meet state requirements. He will present that next meeting. Fromhold is monitoring that to pay all the bills and it will roll back into county general after the hospital business is finished. None of the property has transferred yet. There is a condo survey out on the CMHC property. Pension plan is being paid by an annuity now. Much discussion about the property being St Elizabeth’s and the county does NOT want to own the hospital. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst-school open- busses tomorrow- watch out for the kids. 

Little- reiterated Probst- and the mental health clinic will still be out there at the hospital. Keep people in KY in the flooding.City of Lawbg and 4 speed doing a collection for the KY flood victims.

Thatcher- local food banks- need more help now. Food banks put Friday backpacks up for the weekends for children in need per Listerman. Food and money donations.




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township