These notes were taken from an audio version of the. meeting as I was unable to attend in person this morning, Christine Brauer Mueller
Present: Jim Thatcher, President, and Art Little.
ABSENT:Rick Probst
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator
TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.
PUBLIC HEARING ON UNSAFE BUILDING ORDER- Baudendistel- sent notice to Anthony Stroud in FL - unclaimed and returned Whiskey City Development LLC and M and M Investment Group- Mike Ellis- Mortgage group - had certified mailing. The Property Owner was not served at Whiskey City address. Property at 23342 Stateline Rd. Approved Unsafe Building Order. They cannot proceed until they can serve the owner. Hearing is continued until July 5th at 9AM. The Building Commissioner will issue the order with the July 5th date. Approved. Tech findings and action of the hearing authority.
Sewer Disposal Ordinance- HB 1402 -Baudendistel - Legislature looked to change the June 30 deadline to have a more restrictive ordinance than the state. They can adopt it after June 30th and send to the state’s tech review committee. Either way you have to go thru the state’s review committee. Just incorporating in our county ordinance the items in the stateTABLED this again.
Road Closure for Bright Parade- Tamara Taylor For Bright Business Ass’n - Hosting Bright Parade again this year. Closed for July 29th 10:55 -noon. No festival- just the parade,Sheriff is OK with it- Approved.
Resolution Authorizing and Approving Entry into Interlocal with DCRSD
Interlocal Agreement with DCRSD for outside Counsel- Baudendistel- this authorizes the County to pay for professional services for DCRSD as they explore ALL of their options. This could mean a number of different things per Thatcher. APPROVED.both the resolution and Interlocal Agreement. This goes to DCRSD and Council for approval. DCRSD meets May 18 and Council meets May 23. It is not on Council’s Agenda- but Connie will put it there- early on the agenda per Thatchers request. Baudendistel is not available for the DCRSD meeting. Thatcher wanted him to be there to answer questions.
CDL Training Reimbursement Agreement- Sue Hayden- Council set aside money for Hwy Dept to get employees. This money was set aside for prospective employees top obtain their CDL training. $5,610 at IVY Tech started classes May 1. One new employee - Jeremy Herbert, started this so far. Another application came in and already has CDL per Sue Hayden, Approved.
ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Tonight is ACI District Meeting at Belterra at 5:30.
AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold -Claims/Payroll and May 3rd Minutes- Approved.
ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more
Little - Don’t want to forget our Veterans- this Memorial Day.
Thatcher- recognizing the officers in sheriff dept for the job they do every day- National Police week.
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township