Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator
Marc Emral - Register Publications was present.
TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.
Road Closure Request for Jack’s Forever 3 Run- Sept 9- Brooke Carpenter- presented a map of the route- Approved.
Vicki Riggs, Environmental Tech - Dearborn County Solid Waste District- Ag Days September 267 and rain date is 28th — at the Fairgrounds. Different educational stations with groups of 3rd graders per station. Purdue Extension is the lead on this. 650 kids to attend.
Rocky Schroeder’s Echo Hills Farm - his wife passed recently so this Forestry Field Day a=t the farm is in her honor- Aug 18th 9-2. OKI Farm tour this fall - for gov’t entities to see local farms. Also Kyla and Dick had a stormwater workshop with 18 rain barrels donated from Kaiser pickle plant. River Friendly Farmer Awards- August 9th at IN state Fair
Todd Listerman, Highway Engineer- On-call Engineering Services Contract- This is for small contracts. Thus company has good track record for us. He brings items for approval if they are excess of NTE. This helps with issues that need to be addressed quickly. Approved.
IV-D Cost Allocation Plans- Malcon Contract for 2023-25- They get a percentage of the fees that they get for the county. It’s about $5,940/year. Approved.
ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing this morning.
AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold -Claims/Payroll and July Minutes - Approved.
ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- Complaint for Appropriation of Real Estate- State of IN and Schwiers who own Whiskey’s land - 797 square ft triangle needed by the state for trucks to turn at corner of Front and US 50. State took exception and asked for a large jury trial. $50.800.- Baudendistel is going to file standard answer to being named in this as County receives taxes on this. The county does not object. Approved for Baudendistel to file that reply.
Probst- School starting this week- Watch out for the kids and buses.
Little- Agreed- wants no accidents with children.
LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Todd Listerman- County Engineer- REMINDER -Meetings Wed eve South Dearborn and another in Switzerland County with LINKed proposals being presented for the SR1-101 extension. They have less than 2% of County responded so far. They will have mobile outreach in Dillsboro too. Go to Link-101 on Google to get more info. We want the best proposal.They have 10 preliminaries and will little this down to 3-5 to do more research on. Trying to ties it in tighter and then another meeting to have. Final selection will be in 2024.
Also Listerman- Harrison Brookville Rd has 2 small structures and they will eventually replace all 4 structures $45,200 each for the structure- FPBH was lowest bid. 2 north of Whitewater Mill and 2 south of it. This will be out to 2026-27 2 contracts for this - Approved.
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township