Thursday, July 18, 2024

18 July 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

 18 July 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, and Steward Cline 

ABSENT: Jeff Stenger

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Christy and Bob from Hrezo Engineering, Liz Morris, Council President, Commissioners Thatcher and Probst, and Tamara Taylor from The Beacon (who left just a few minutes in).

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: June 20th Minutes Approval -Tabled until next meeting

Treasurers Report- May and June Financial Reports were Approved. Total assets are showing up on the financials starting in June per Renihan. Cline questioned the moving of money around without a board approval. $146,000 for High Ridge is the actual checking account that the bills are paid from. $2,800,000 is the infrastructure - plants and pipes.That is the net amount they paid for it per Renihan. The money that the county put in is OK to move around for the bills etc. per Cline.Baer said there will be separate accounts for all the projects.We haven’t let the project yet so thats why we left some in the checking account to get interest until it is needed.    

Public Comment:Richard Boyd sp?- Our sewer still isn’t working- hasn’t worked for more than 3 weeks since Day 1. Have bled air, have cleaned probe, pressure gauge over 40 it would go into alarm mode. Had a larger pump put in.  An Aurora utility break happened and that was also fixed. Has 3,184 hours. ( They had not reset the hour meter when new pump put in.) Neighbor has 158 hours.Has Aurora water and a meter for outside water usage. Reimbursements needed. High head pump. Doug (who does maintenance) said it was at 47 lbs and 27 lbs at top.

Renihan said that at some point the pumps become homeowner’s responsibilty. Hrezo said the pumps should last 5 year. Expected run time is 3-4 times a day.

Action: Board said to order a high head pump with a thermal shutdown. Installed at DCRSD expense to check the performance. If it’s not sewer district issue but something else they will revisit who pays the cost. They will revisit at 6 weeks from installation with data. CH& M will do the installation with Doug. Hold on to the old pump until settled. Approved.  They thanked the Board.   

Project Updates: Bob and Christy presented for these.

Guilford- reported on communications with IDEM and the underground plant pictures. Permit is in for plant and collections. Putting it out to bid- and they sent it to the newspaper and it will be there for 2 weeks starting Friday. They also send to potential bidders. They will put it on the county website per Baer. This also shows people the project is moving forward. Cline said he wants it broadly advertised to get more bids. The Plant is $190,000 over budgeted and Hrezo fees- per Cline- we have to watch these amounts. Cline wants the ARPA money accounted for separately. They will be going there in late Aug - Sept to request ARPA funds. This is going to take contingency down to $400,000 plus. The Earth Tech price is good for 15 days. Fiberglas tank issues - should order now per Hrezo. 

Jim Thatcher said they cannot do this piecemeal. 

Cline wants an extension to Sept 1 not 15 days.

 Liz Morris said that it will take longer because ARPA meets, then Commissioners, then Council. 

That timeline should lead to Sept 30 per Baer.

Bids will be here to open at Aug 15 meeting. Get to ARPA soon after that. Commissioners meet 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. The Council meeting has to be advertised with the exact dollar amount they are requesting. 

Jim Thatcher - Commissioner and Chairman of ARPA- The money goes back if not ready by end of October, then that money will go to Highway. Otherwise they lose the $8 million. That is the deadline. 

Renihan- Lake Dildear may get done in time, but that will depend on the costs of Guilford and ARPA committee decision.

Renihan - get this out to bid for Friday of next week. August 15 is bid opening.

Frank Kramer- terms of agreement need to be finalized in writing- need an occupancy permit (undated) and several fees totaling $3410. Contractor has 1750 fee to RR for Right of Entry. Insurance costs $1150 for 60 days if they cannot find their own. This is part of the contractors bid. Approved to do all this.      

High Ridge WWTP -Doug had a pump at the plant break and gave them the cost for it. Indiana Pump Works. Approved.  

High Ridge west Expansion - 

Wilson Creek Project

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane

Harrison TIF/Stone Project

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive

Stateline Rd- Fehrman-having a lot of difficulty with Crossroads Utility. This is the one that is in Crossroads territory. Nick Bailey left and they need a contact to call. Chris Legally (sp?) at SDRSD might be able to contact. Baer will also check with Chris Madden who negotiated in Bright also a while ago. 

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court- 

Moores Hill

Dillsboro- Lake Dildear- Christy said drawings sent to IDEM for review. Dillsboro can offer 30,600 gal per day- 80 single family homes church gas station and SEI. Application signed by Dillsboro so Christy could make application. Cost of service study had all them data that we need from Dillsboro. $2434.90 per connection. Rates $11.66-12.17 per 1000 gal of water treated. Looking to seek standard for penalties section. By next board meeting should have draft contract. More discussion on the costs not being bulk rate. Steve Brock was contacted regarding what this would do to our rate schedule. Cline noted Stenger was not in favor of that fee.  

New Business: none

Office Update: billing adjustments made- so board had to approve per SBOA if they allow. 

Claims: Approved

Discretion of the Board: Renihan- Emphasize we have to move forward with Guilford. Asked line what to do to move that forward. It depends on the 2 numbers and understand the rate effect. There are no options.Maybe use. Flowmeter for each customer maybe? Fehrman- They can inspect inside if needed. Water meter readings? Penalty issues? Renihan Getting a sewer out there would be great for the county out there. Still question for the rate consultant. 6800 gal per day treated at HighRidge for example per Doug. Beiersdorfer-Maybe play hardball - too high and we don’t do it. Still negotiate more with them per Renihan.  

Adjourn: 7:10 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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