Thursday, October 03, 2024

3 October 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

 3 October 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger.

ABSENT: Steward Cline and Russell Beiersdorfer 

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Bob and Mike Hrezo and Christy of Hrezo Engineering, Jim Thatcher, Commissioner and Sue Hayden, County Administrator, Tamara Taylor, The Beacon.

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: September 19th minutes- Approved

Public Comment: none

Project Updates: Christy from Hrezo reported:

Guilford and Lake Dilldear have been approved by all parties and the contract needs to be signed. After that the checks will be processed and can be picked up. The numbers are the same as were submitted to ARPA. IDEM has filed for summary judgement on the one complaint of Guilford project per Kramer. Kramer has reviewed the contracts and they are acceptable. Board approved and signed the 2 ARPA contracts. (Board members are listed as trustees on the contracts)

Board approved moving forward with the projects. The Guilford Project will get an invoice from Chaffee on the tanks in October. 

Hrezo gave Renihan contract to sign in triplicate with Earth Tek for Guilford and Kramer has reviewed them. Approved and signed by Renihan. 

Hrezo gave Board the contracts and form 96 for C/H &M excavator to sign for Guilford and also for Lake Dilldear. Reviewed by Kramer already. Approved by Board and signed in triplicate.

They have the Earth Tek pump for Mr Lloyd and will install it and keep the Liberty pump for Mr Ashcraft. If Ashcraft wants the pump, he will get a letter from Kramer to sign to pay for the pump and labor after the 90 day time period. The DCRSD wants to be able to assess the pump to see if it is working within 90 days of install. If it works, he will then have to pay for it and labor. Approved by board. The board will pay for a run time meter on the pump to see how it is operating.

Pear Tree Lane has passed and replaced the line. The son is taking care of the estate management now, as his father has passed. Paperwork at next meeting.  

New Business: Fehrman asked about Moores Hill issues. Stenger said when we did the West Harrison project it was his understanding that the money would be reimbursed when they had TIF money there. Citizens are losing their houses in Moores Hill- and we could fix this with that TIF money being paid back. Baer said that this is being researched by someone and he cannot say anything more yet as he doesn’t know what the answer is. 

Office Update: none

Claims: Approved billing adjustment for Mr Lloyd and Mr Ashcraft. Claims approved. Claims will have to be separated by project and approved separately. They will be paid out of separate accounts for Connie Fromhold per Doug Baer. 

Discretion of the Board: Renihan said his term ends 12/31/2024. They are going to get Sue Hayden to check on each board member’s term. He does not want to take on new project till they get the RFP, etc. There are quite a few things on the plate now. Fehrman wants to keep this Moores Hill in mind. 

Insurance has a proposal that is less than the current one. Cincinnati Insurance and Great American Insurance are the new proposal. They have higher limits of liability. There’s a $2,500 Railroad ROW insurance required annually for utilities. Current insurer does not provide this. Board approved the change to Cincinnati and Great American Insurance Companies.

Renihan thanked the commissioners and Sue Hayden for all their help with ARPA and projects. Thanked engineers, the board and Frank Kramer too.      

Adjourn: 6:05 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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