Tuesday, October 08, 2024

8 October 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

 8 October 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

See notes in red below for Bright TIF public involvement opportunity

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, Jim Mansfield, Mark Dole.

ABSENT: Daryl Cutter (non- voting school board member)

Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker,  Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer, Mike Perleberg One Dearborn was present via telephone.

Attorney Anthony Smart was not present.

Title VI statement read as legally required.


IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties;

IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4) (A) to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision

Memorandum  stating that no other matters were discussed except those advertised was certified by board.

Action on Executive Session- Both items below were approved 

1.Have attorney Anthony Smart draw up agreement for  Moore Lane Improvement in  West Harrison TIF-  Approved

2.Have Mark Rosenberger from Bayer Becker work on billboard permits and landscape/tree clearing. Approved

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Sept 10th approved with minor corrections.


Claims: $840.00 to Drake Lawn for mowing Aurora 3 times, Bright 3 times, W. Harrison 3 times and W. Harrison ditch area 3 times.   One Dearborn 3rd quarter billing $12,500 and CherryRoad Media $132.29 Legal Ad running twice for public hearing   Total: $13,472.29  Approved to pay all.

Financials- none passed out.

OLD BUSINESS: Mike Perleberg and Anthony Smart were to be working on this for November meeting to have done by end of the year per Hayden. Perleberg via telephone affirmed this. Also approved Sue Hayden’s pay increase. 

Cushman Wakefield Listing Contract- present for the meeting and gave short update on market conditions. Tom McCormack and Lindsey Hartman presented for Cushman Wakefield. 2021 was the peak of the demand for space. It has continued to slide since then. Economy slowed down a bit too. They are in a low supply on the demand side of space. 8% vacancy rates now. It’s balanced. But Manufacturing and industrial is at 2-3% vacancy though and this is low. Mid size and large manufacturing companies need space. We think this will bode well for industrial landowners like DCRC. Lindsey- continuing to keep the press on with direct marketing. They get over 20% of opening of their emails when marketing DCRC properties. 

Deddens asked about Hillwood out of Texas - McCormick said Hillwood had the building for 6 months now and it is not full yet. Cushman Wakefield is under contract with them out there. 

Contract will be settled at 2nd meeting in October for Cushman Wakefield. 

Billboard Management- covered for Rosenberger to handle see above notes from Executive Session.

Potential Donation for Stellar Pathway Projects- Deaton said this is a big item and Greendale and Bright are going to be requiring a match. Every dollar is matched by Stellar Pathways. We will have to make our decision by the next meeting- so this gives you time to consider this. Bright Meadows  50/50 for $2 million with IDNR and Infill housing Greendale Indiana Development Corp. is $3 plus million.  80/20 match and OCRA and Community Block grants. This is not decided yet as to the types of housing. These will be decided at the November meeting so think about it until then.

Perleberg said that they are particularly interested in getting the match on the Bright Meadows Park. They need to get a number that the DCRC would be comfortable with. DNR land Water Conservation funds. Even if they do not win Stellar they could still get this funding with a 50/50 match. If you have the matching why not contribute what you have? (Perleberg asked- even is Stellar does not go thru) Also school property is not eligible for that DNR funding. 

Deaton said they got approval for the Bright TIF from Commissioners. 

Perleberg- DCRC got this approval from PC Sept 23 and Oct 1 Commissioners passed it. Now they are to advertise this in paper this week and next. And notifying taxing units. November 12 meeting is the public hearing and then they can consider the confirming resolution. 

And here is where something that HAS NOT BEEN DONE WITH BRIGHT TIF PROCESS gets brought up by Deaton.

Jim Deaton said that if they have this TIF meeting on Nov 12th at 9AM then the public in Bright cannot be there. They need an evening meeting. The public needs to know about the TIF plans. Sue Hayden suggested possibly 2 meetings- the open house and the regular morning meeting  Mansfield said they could get Bright Christian Church and have it in paper etc. He’s a member of the church. [NOTE: After the meeting but before I left the room Jim Mansfield called Deaton as he found out Bright Christian has services on Wed nights so Nov 6 is out. Deaton noted they have option 2 which is Bright Elementary.]

Plan is to have 2 meetings- Evening open house in Bright at Bright Christian Church or Bright Elementary at 7 PM on Wednesday Nov 6 and will check both locations. Then the DCRC will decide the TIF at 9 AM meeting after that on November 12.

RFP for Bright TIF Master Plan- Deaton said already done. 



OTHER BUSINESS- Helms said that their support people for DCRC who help them do a good job- applause. 


Jim Mansfield announced he had gotten married last week at the end after adjournment. 

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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