7 October 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes
Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Jeff Stenger, and Steward Cline
Board Attorney - Frank Kramer
Also present: Bob and Mike Hrezo and Christy of Hrezo Engineering and Commissioners Thatcher and Probst, and Tamara Taylor, the Beacon.
ABSENT: Doug Baer
Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.
Minutes: October 17th Minutes- Approved
Treasurers report: none
Public Comment: James Pressler - Guilford -wanting to know what his responsibility is for the costs etc. and if there are laterals for the vacant lateral to the grinder pump etc. Mike Hrezo said they only need to provide the electrical disconnect to the grinder and the pipe to the grinder from the house, and there will be laterals stubbed out to the vacant lots too. Also anything longer than 150ft is the homeowners cost. He also asked about storm water drains and flood plain issues. They directed him to Nicole Daily Planning and Flood Plain and Sandy Whitehead for MS4
Project Updates:
Guilford- Christy said she got items ready fr invoicing on Guilford. Got a call from lady on SR1 - She is 400 ft further from the end of the line and is planning an Air B&B down there on property across from Pribble. There is no house there now- old one was torn down. The upshot is that the bids were all done, but the lady could pay to extend that line the 400 feet if she wanted it. They know the unit costs and they could pay in advance and then DCRSD would do a change order with the contractor. DCRSD is not going to pay for that as it is beyond the bid work.
Mike Hrezo- there is a strong possibility that Perfects might want to connect to this plant. It might be prudent to put in a casing so that we don’t have to worry about the gas line then. Stenger said that if Perfects signed on that would be a game changer for the plant. Stenger said that he had conversed with Tim Doll about that a year or so ago and Perfects would definitely want to look at that. Mike Hrezo said that the change order would be required like they did with the Taylor property - Perfects would contribute up front. The board was pretty sure DCRSD would not be able to be their sole provider at peak times at the slopes. They would need to have both the current system via Lawrenceburg and Guilford. They will talk to Perfects and Tim Doll.
High Ridge WWTP - Doug said they had replaced both Ashcraft and Lloyd’s pump. Both running well. The Hensley10812 Texas Gas Rd pump has a 2nd replacement now. Selling the property. DCRSD board said he needs to get 2 new pumps back so they have spares. And also for 2 people who hadn’t picked up their pumps yet. Per Renihan- Karen Rothan- 9050 address- needs her pump fixed. She will pay for the line that was broken out there. Doug will see to that and get paid.
High Ridge West Expansion
Wilson Creek Project
Huesman Rd and Cole Lane
Harrison TIF/Stone Project- Paperwork to have Harrison and DCRSD accept the sewer main extension line at Pear Tree Lane now that it is done. DCRSD motioned to accept it per Kramer’s advice. Approved.
Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive
Stateline Rd
Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court-
Moores Hill
New Business: Renihan brought up the ARPA issue on the contingency funding with an email from Andy Baudendistel. This money returned after the end of this year it will go back to the Feds. Since they cannot know about the contingency need until after than that. Same idea as discussed at this week’s Commissioner’s meeting. Board agreed that we will lose no ARPA funds and he county gets to use them for Highway dept needs. The Highway dept agrees to refund DCRSD out of their funds for this money. Commie Fromhold - Auditor found this out. Kramer is OK with the contract with the county and the board Approved that. They will get the ARPA to county highway when the county approves all this and then they will get the money from the highway at that time also.
Stenger noted that SR1 was reopened and so Jeff Meinders was surprised that the traffic was starting up again as he is excavating. His window of opportunity just closed to get as much work when it was closed done.
Office Update: Mike Hrezo will put up a one page bullet list for each project so Kelly the office to give to residents who agree calling in about the things they need to know. They also need a letter to advise people about how to treat a grinder pump and not flush certain items.
Claims: There was an adjustment to billing for a new client who assumed the payment plan for an old resident. They agreed to refund her the 2 months, that the deceased owner’s estate paid for. Approved
Corrections for administrative error that needs a lien to be removed now. Kramer will handle this as it is in his file from Kelly. They will research to see what property this is and revisit it next meeting. There are $1000 credits on the billing over the years. This is the Raymond property.
Other issues on a duplex where the tenants aren’t paying and the lien went onto the property owner. DCRSD does not bill the tenants.
Adjustments on the rate study bill from operating account to get to the proper accounts. Approved
Normal bills are resuming for Ashcraft (has new pump) and Lloyd (free pump from Chaffee) now that pumps are installed. Approved.
DCRSD said they need to keep records on these pump situations by name and by address. Maybe a spreadsheet that Kelly can do for this.
Also want a word search in the minutes on Raymond on Mt Tabor to see what actions were taken in the past per Fehrman.
James Pressler’s info given to Christy to follow up on that from earlier this evening.
Mike Hrezo - had to explain different items adding to $391,000 and they were trying to track the billing and what was done. [NOTE: Without seeing the sheet trying to describe this for the notes is not clear.] Cline- trying to get all the numbers in the right categories for the records. He thanked Mike for sending the invoices ahead of the evening. Approval of the payment can be tonight and Mike will send the corrections to Kelly. Similar issues with Lake Dilldear. There had been a problem when they changed their billing system with their software supplier.
Mike and board wished Renihan Happy Birthday.
Chris from Barnes and Thornburg called - someone else made an inquiry and he is asking for a 30 day extension to get that in. No proposals have been officially submitted yet. He wants to advertise more. And there may be 2 total ones to send RFP. They want to push it to Dec 6th. Cline and Beiersdorfer motioned to extend it to Dec 6. Approved.
Claims all approved and signed from operations exenses.Two of these were approved separately for the 2 ARPA funds claims. $6332 Lake Dilldear to Hrezo Engineering and $9231 Guilford to Hrezo Engineering.
$86.50 Billing adjustment for Ashcrafty and Lloyd and Adjustment $96.50 for Summer meter program
Adjourn: After 6:55 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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