Tuesday, March 07, 2023



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Art Little, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue 

Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Gold Star Rating by Indiana Geographic Information Office- Nicole Daily, Director of Planning and Zoning- announced that the county has been recognized by this office. He said that 911 under Jared Teaney has been working hard on this also. 14 counties received the Gold Star rating for this data. 22 had a Silver star. There are 92 counties in the state. The Amin importance of this data is for emergency response. The amount of info in each of these layers helps EMS get their faster. Thatcher noted that is also why some folks addresses have been changed to fit into the data. He congratulated them on the rating.  

Overview of Life Time Resources and Catch a Ride- Erin Thomas, Director- pone of 16 Area Councils on Aging in the state. They have a number of federal and state levels of funding. Some require a local match. They focus on trying to help older adults and those with disabilities to stay in their homes. It’s also more cost effective than a nursing home which is about $8,000 a month versus $365 or so a month. Lifetime services can help them for free to find services. Sometimes they find them having trouble with ADLs- ( Activities if Daily Living). They do assessments if they are having issues. They make a plan that is individualized for that individual. They try to make sure they do what the individual wants. They offer transportation, congregate meal sites etc.They fund the nursing facility ombudsman. That was used more during COVID also. They also offer Catch-a-ride. This is for the public. Most of the users are older and those with disabilities. If people have insurance that covers medical transportation- they will get that for free. COVID affected Catch-a-ride. And the costs have gone from $56k to $115k for each 8 passenger bus. They surveyed and found that many people were scared to get out of their homes. Catch a ride is their most expensive service to fund. They raised their fares by $1. Standard fare is $3  for the first 25 miles. People can schedule up to 30 days in advance. They do have limited Wednesday trips to the larger area. They also got funding for dispatcher and for cameras in their vehicles. Commissioners thanked her for the update.

Building Dept- Bill Shelton, Director-  120- 2020 127- 2021 99- 2022 new homes.Talks to local suppliers- there is a slow down but still building, Average about 110 homes over the years. Using iPads and online permitting and invoicing. It’s online for payment of fees too, This also ties them together with Planning and Zoning and the Health Dept. They have hired electrician, plumber etc. as inspectors.He will have 2 full time inspectors after one retires and a part time transitions full. Heir vehicles are holding up. Ohio county’s been needing their assistance as their staffing changed out. They may do more in the future together. They have worked with Planning and Zoning to get rid of unsafe buildings.Union Ridge is still on the list. Baudendistel said they can end up with the property- if there are back taxes for example, If they take Union Ridge down thru the court system and put a lien on the property. It’s a long process. The Blight elimination program has not been started up yet. It’s like one property gets done and 2 more show up. Commissioners noted it was like Todd’s (Listerman) bridges. <Laughter> Average cost of new home is $180-$200 per sq ft. Many are $350-$400,000 homes.   

Sewer Disposal Ordinance- Doug Baer, Senior Environmental Health Specialist -TABLED for more information. 

Thatcher asked Lisa Cox - pres of DC Home Builders Association to speak now in relation to the Ordinance that is tabled above.  Lisa Cox said they want to be part of the conversation about the Sewer Disposal Ordinance. She thinks the issues are with old systems that are failing. She thinks that there are whole subdivisions on septic tanks that are coming to the end of their life with no space for new system. They are worried about further restrictions that will increase the prices of new homes.   

Grant Approval for Tobacco Prevention and Cessation- Health Dept- $152,471.02 requested in match. Country match required. Approved, 

Engagement Letters with Blue and Co for Audit to “Close out the books” on Highpoint Health- County sticking wit this company as it is who the hospital used. Approved. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Dillsboro EMA 2023 Contract- Still reaching out to Sunman for their paperwork.They are the only one left to approve after this.  Approved the Dillsboro EMA contract.

Commissioners have John Lee set up recording their meetings for You Tube. It’s being tested today. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and February 21st Minutes- approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- House Bill 1005 establishes the residential housing assistance program and revolving fund for municipalities with less than 50,000 population get 70% of the fund. - passed from house and referred to senate now. This was for the issues with housing costs. 

Baudendistel- Almost there with getting some of the property around the hospital transferred. Looks like LMU occupies some of the land and they want to make sure LMU will own the. 

INDOT has an encroachment on it with a sign 

He has a resolution for the County Commissioners - We acquired 4 properties in Bright -from Jamison to Megrue. DCRC has flexibility to do this. If DCRC accepts transfer from the county. March 14 is when the DCRC can do their resolution. He will bring that back on the 21st. Approved the resolution for the resolution . 


Probst thanked Jared Teaney for his help saving a life with first responder event they put on. A lot off trees down in the storm and the crew responded  efficiently. OKI seeking public runout on a survey for many transportation options including bikes sidewalks etc. Quick easy and 25 questions, oki.org. 

Little- 4 more fish fries!- try them all. Probst said St. Mary’s fish fry is fabulous.

Thatcher- Recognizing all the first responders saving a gentleman’s life- he said he could hardly talk it was so emotional. 911 gets 179 calls a day. He also mentioned that Tim Grieve had a death in the family. His brother Tom Grieve passed away. Tom went to High School with Thatcher and Probst.  Thatcher played football with him, in high school.He noted that considering his size he didn’t do any blocking and when he got the ball he heard Tom’s voice behind him saying , “ I’ll block for you little fellow.” So he followed Tom down the field that day and a great friendship followed.  


Todd Listerman- County Engineer- This is for unofficial detour in summer 2024- Closing Mount Pleasant for slip along SR1. Approved. 

Listerman also presented the performance payment bonds for small structure 575- Weisburg Road for signature. Approved and signed. 

Lower Dillsboro Rd closure for 180 days as well as the Weisburg Rd structure for 45 days - hoping for 30 days if weather cooperates. 

Bridges are checked after big rains like last week. No problems noted. He will be in West Lafayette T,W, Th for road school. 


ADJOURN- Approximately 9:50 AM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township