Thursday, May 16, 2024

16 May 2024 Dearborn County Regional Sewer District Board Meeting Notes


16 May 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Brett Fehrman - Vice President ( Acting Chairman), Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger (arrived 5:15), and Steward Cline 

ABSENT: Steve Renihan - President.

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Bob Hrezo and Christy Harlan of Hrezo Engineering,Nick Bailey, Crossroads, Rick Probst and Jim Thatcher, Commissioners, Tamara Taylor, Beacon.

Beiersdorfer read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: Approved April Minutes

Treasurers Reports - were reviewed from their email packets. Discussion about having Accountant, Katrina, to one of their meetings. Board is to email questions to her or Doug that they are wanting answers on. Some of their requests were fulfilled and asset allocations. Shelton noted that Katrina works for Lee Ann Boggs of Boggs and Race.

Public Comment:Chris and Mrs. Statt ( sp?) 20343 SR 1- Asked about the new sewer system by there at Guilford. Cline answered by giving an overview. Wife said they got a letter- been here 14 years and this is first we have heard about it. They heard it was for 60 houses along SR 1. They wanted to be sure they were on the mailing list for future info. 

Project Updates: Christy presented

Guilford- Service area - Main , Church, Washington, Bonnell, Fire house, and park, east side of SR 1and cross back over right before Pribble Rd. They have a  3-in and 4-in line. Start has a state of the art septic system about 17 years old. Do we have to connect? Baer said that they can ask for an exception to hooking on. You will have to provide this board and health dept that your system has been evaluated and is working. He encourages them to consider the grant funding that gives the grinders at cost. You would have to pump out tank  and properly abandon it. Statt is retired and on fixed income. About $10,000- $15,000 is what you would be giving up if you kept septic. Make sure you have a working system. 

The Homeowners Costs: Connection from house to grinder pump, electric disconnect switch, maintenance of grinder pump.

They did not have rates for this yet - so cannot say what the monthly bill will be.

Permits are there and just waiting on fine-tuning Kevin Chaffee’s design. This project is in the $5.5 million range.      

High Ridge WWTP -nothing

High Ridge west Expansion - nothing

Wilson Creek Project- nothing

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane-nothing

Harrison TIF/Stone Project- DCRC is looking at extending the line out there- further west to Sheltons. There is a manhole at the Farmer property. The TIF goes beyond SR46 there per Beiersdorfer.

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive- nothing

Stateline Rd- Kings have started digging their grinder pump per Baer and Nick Bailey

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court- nothing

Moores Hill- nothing

Dillsboro- Fehrman said Dillsboro didn’t really have a cost for treatment figured yet. They want the DCRSD to propose some language on us having say in future rates. Brett said they want DCRSD to help by participating with an 8 inch line to SEI Data. Cline thought maybe there may be a negotiated trade on doing his in lieu of some extra connections. Surprised they are asking something this large with Link 101 not going to proceed. Proposed lift station before was by SEI. Christy is designing it as a 4 in to their plant. This is in the  $2.5 million range. 

New Business: -none

Office Update: Texas Gas -3 new pumps hooking on. Exit interview with SBOA next week. 

Claims: Approved paying April and May claims. Made a $5 billing adjustment. They are keeping the project costs separated from other items.  

Discretion of the Board: Baer- An individual filed concerns with the Guilford project with IDEM and an administrative judge gave them till mid June for more info. There were other people along the line that might go along with this- Board was unclear on how much this will slow process down. They can still go out for bids. Construction might delay???

Fehrman said they should consider moving forward with a superintendent. Cline- get a list of processes so they know what do. Stenger- The attorneys were to get us to a way to hire this type of person. We don’t want 50 plus 30 people calling the board to see how they hook up. Cline- Maybe compile a list via email and then bring it to open meeting to discuss and decide.

Adjourn: 6:15 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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