Wednesday, May 08, 2024




Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

Also present: Marc Emral, Register Publications and Tamara Taylor Beacon plus 2  citizens.

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Lifetime Resources Grant Application Requirements- Erin Thomas Executive Director- Michelle Guidice presenting for Erin- Authorizing a County resolution 2024-003 and 5311/5339 Funded Rural Transportation Memorandum of Understanding- this is about Catch-a-ride. This recognizes it and does not  require any more from the county. OKI notified them that they no longer qualify for their funding due to census data. Resolution was approved and signed. The Memorandum of Understanding is the attestation for the commissioner, signed by either Rick or Alan. Approved and Rick signed. After others - Historic Hoosier Hills are signed on- they will return copy of MOMU to county.   

Letter of Intent for Rental Property- Dr Stephen Eliason Health Officer - pursuing a rental property - a second location. Baudendistel- Jim involved but Rick and Alan have not- It’s about 272 Bielby- upper level of Dr Swansons old office. When Lease agreement is finalized then there will be a public hearing. This will be paid out of the Health One money. It’s state money- not teh county funds. Nursing services vaccines STD bp HA1C Hepatitis and HIV rapid test sessions of court ordered sessions for youth , vital record access etc. Hours can be extended and it’s better access for the public. The company that owns it has committed close to $500,000 for the build it.’$117,000/year is the rental. We have. Aback up plan should this fall through. They have created a sustainability budget beyond this time. The letter of intent is non-binding per Baudendistel. This has not gone to Board of Health yet. Approved the letter of intent.

Ordinance 2024-006 to Amend Chapter 51 Sewage Disposal- Doug Baer, Environmental Specialist- In last legislature all county ordinances have been subject to review. TRP ( tech review panel) has been finalized hit the state and Andy Baudendistel. Jim and I worked with      Doug and  Dearborn County Home Builders Ass’n. If the ordinance is approved- they can forward to state by Friday and be on agenda with state on May 24 for TRP. 

Section 54-04- connections to a sanitary sewer. They don’t want the distances and wanted people to have option to repair septic if less that 150% or sewer hook-up. Seemed too be. A bog sticking point with some of the builders. Operating permits for secondary systems required so can keep track of them - about 25-26 in the county. Trying to narrow down what is in our ordinance that repeats state codes. ( but this would make it harder for locals to follow all the rules if she are in another code.) Option of having holding tanks and have operating permits. TRP wanted to have this in the chapter. On site sewage to provide certification from IOPA section is acronym for Ind Onsite Wastewater Professional Association. Cheaper to hook to sewer. The price now for septic is $20-25,000. Approved 

County Engineer, Todd Listerman- two contracts

Inspection Contract with HWC Engineering for Bridge #33 North Hogan Rd - to be let in October  80/20 at cost of $209,527.20- 1960s is a steel bridge- rusting through with holes in steel. Replacing with concrete. This is at end of Union Ridge. ROWs have been acquired. Approved and signed.

Inspection Contract with DLZ for Bridge #64 Sneakville Road- $174,787 letting in November- still working with REMC and the amount of other utilities attached to the poles as they have to come in one after the other. Approved and signed. Thatcher asked Todd if he’d be around after the meeting. Agreed.

Wendy Beatty- Clerk- Elections Summary report. 1% turnout in early voting and 13% for day of voting for total of 14%. No issues with voting yesterday. This is just a warmup for the main election. She was short poll workers and even with raised pay shortage there  was shortage in the Democratic party poll workers. 2 in Bright were busy but the Tanner Valley Church was least used - perhaps due to Route1 closure. She is considering closing that vote center. Thatcher mentioned they have the one in Greendale and also in Bright that are not very far from it. (Some of the people going to that one are coming from Lawrenceburg Township too.- It does have a large open parking lot and if there is better turnout in elections this would capture some of that. There were people who still had the old card when these polling centers were started that went to Agner Hall on election day yesterday and had to figure out another spot) Probst wants her to work for poll workers to be paid in a more timely manner. She was thanked by commissioners for all her work. 

911 Dispatch Interlocal with Moores Hill-  $4501.80 Baudendistel said they need to do this as they paid already.  St Leon and Dillsboro are stragglers too.These are just one year agreements.  Concerns are they have no say in 911 budget. Costs have gotten higher. Jim has talked to them so they can sit down and talk to Jared about his. There is a 911 Board that recommends the hiring and firing of the director. Still has not heard from John Watson on St Leo either. 

Thatcher  said we’ve tried  to engage state to increase tax on everyone’s phone bill.Was90 cents - then 1.00 and not changed in 12 years.  Thatcher said he had discussed this with Randy Lyness to discuss this with Daniel Elliot state treasurer on this to try to get some movement on this.  Baudendistel said we have discussed that with Sen. Maxwell and lobbyists as well.

Approved the Interlocal  with Moores Hill.

Ratify Signature on Letter of Support for Lawrenceburg Conservancy District- they regulates the levee system.  Approved for ratification of Thatcher’s signature. 

Grant Application- Highway Dept.- Tim Grieve- $865,913 75/25 split for funding for slip repair on JOHNSON FORK . This is 3rd and final part of that repair. Will have to go to Council too. Needs signature from Thatcher. $203,000 from county approx. for the 25% Thatcher and Probst said Grieve does a lot of good work. 

Grieve said- Lot of flooding last night- Trackville , Kaiser,  Pribble  flooded and now just a lot of debris to clean up. Put snow plows on the trucks to clear. The crew was out all last night. Proud of his crew 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold - Declared COVID Emergency Fund remaining $36,767.60 to roll back into county general- she is going to Council to get that approved.Approved from Commissioners

Claims/Payroll and April 16th Minutes-Approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing more




Probst- Looking at building sewer plant in Guilford and IDEM has approved the plan. May 17th the Vet Center is having a 1.4 miles walk to raise money for pauper vets. Needs some press. AND Thanks to voters- the few who did turn out. Many people did not come out to vote. It was underpublicized- not much info in the local paper or radio station like we have had in the past. He went on to talk about the lack of candidates profiles in the paper and no radio coverage of a candidate night. I think that may have influenced the low turnout.  [NOTE: The paper did put out questionnaires and then posted the answers ONLINE ONLY last week. There were no candidate ads in the Register. The only candidate night open got the public was at HVL. The only local coverage was by video taken by a citizen ( Sam Mortenson) who posted it on his website for the public. It was also in an April 18th post with link to it on this blog]

Goodman- Thanked HWY workers for all their work last night. I thank all my supporters in my bid for re-election- came up a little short  unfortunately.  I enjoyed my time and support from family and friends who have reached out to me. And  because of my love of the county and the citizens in it,  I wish Mr Bischoff much luck and success in his term. 

Probst- He has to win in November first. 

Goodman- Well, I look forward to the rest of my term this year. 


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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