19 June 2007 Dearborn County Commissioner Meeting Notes
Present: Hughes, Chairman, Fox, and Thompson
Also present: Pickens, Auditor, Ewbank, Attorney, and Messmore, Administrator
No uniformed police officer was present – until several items were covered.
Several county activists were present in the audience.
[NOTE: At the opening pledge of allegiance, I overheard a citizen say- this is the only time the citizens are ALLOWED TO SPEAK.]
1. Jim West- DCEDI- requested approval to seek funding from Council for Development Study. West asked Messmore if he had distributed this. - Messmore said no. West then distributed folders of his proposal to the commissioners. He said there has been discussion from the community wanting a comprehensive strategic economic development plan. He said we haven’t had a true plan and we need to “put a face on economic development.” We have put together a program and talked to Purdue and private consultants for “a two- pronged attack.”
Purdue will do the work to get the public information and they want to incorporate the surrounding counties. We think that’s OK as long as Dearborn gets what it wants. Purdue’s cost is not to exceed $20,000.
The private consultant will be selected by RFP- for someone outside the county to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the county- someone who knows the market side of all this and who will give an unbiased opinion . Estimated cost is $60,000 max. If further costs are incurred the DCEDI Board will pay for that. [NOTE: How generous of them- they pay $5,000 each year to join and now they want the county to pay for studies so that they can bring in development. Maybe their investment money should be paying for these studies- after all, they stand to profit from them.]
West ended, saying: “Dearborn County is ripe for development - a real jewel needing to be developed.” Any questions?
Thompson asked how this ties into the Master Plan. West: The RFPs include directions towards land use.
Thompson: Timing? West: If we start Aug 1, we will be finished by Dec 31 of this year.
Thompson: You plan to develop this ahead of the comprehensive plan and dictate to them what will happen? West: The comp plan can use our findings.
Thompson: What about UC’s study that you had done? West: UC did demographic collection that is on our DCEDI website.
(http://www.dearborncountyedi.com/index.html Check it out- lots of land sites etc.)
[NOTE: That’s not all UC did- but the results weren’t widely accepted.]
West went on that this is different- that it’s an economic development analysis to see what it could look like.
Hughes: I’ve been involved in RISE 2020 and they are looking at this- we just went through Vieste and everybody wanted to keep it rural and said we need the family farms. But for farms to work the farmers need another occupation also. I don’t know many rich carpenters or farmers. Hughes wondered if there was a disconnect or people were not informed. He likes Purdue- as RISE 2020 uses them. Hughes went on- Is rural character just farming? Maybe. He acknowledged that West had sent him something showing a missed opportunity in the county for a 35- person business at $18-20 per hour jobs. (See Register Publications editorials about a week ago for a copy of West’s letter)
Hughes thought that maybe we should try this proposal.
Thompson: This is short notice. I’d like to see more info- your RFPs, and your goals. West: I can give you the RFPs- he then passed them out. [NOTE: Why weren’t those in the packet?]
Thompson: The bulk of business is small business in the US- Honda is an elephant- no one is going after the mice- the small businesses. Maybe we should focus on the mice-there is less competition for each of them.
Thompson- DCEDI has been around for 2 ½ years- what are your successes? West: Some small retail, Urban Wild Design, Pernod Ricard… [NOTE: West is claiming these as HIS successes?]
Fox: Asked Thompson to clarify- you want all small – no big business? He’d rather see both.
Thompson: There is not as much competition for the mice- we should FOCUS on the smaller business.
Hughes: You use elephants and mice- I talked to West about a year ago using the analogy of blue gills and carp….
Fox: Bryan (Messmore) what is your opinion?
Messmore: You are really saying the same thing in both analogies. The question is WHERE CAN WE PUT THEM? Find the place. [NOTE:Look at DCEDI’s website- there are lots of properties available.]
Hughes: Round table discussions of Ag business recently- and then he went on about farmers needing jobs too. Some sell land to put kids through college or for retirement. To him it just makes good economic sense- I see shovel ready sites in other counties. I agree with Thompson- I would like more time to look this over.
Fox: Some people disconnect land as a monetary asset- they don’t see it like we do, Jeff- growing up and working on it with our parents and their extra jobs.
[NOTE: Now we are getting to the heart of understanding how and why Fox and Hughes – former farm boys- think about land use. Not everyone who grows up on a farm loves it. Some remember mostly the hard work: the hot, sweaty, itchy work of putting up hay, bush hogging, chopping the ice from the water troughs in winter, chasing down missing animals and offspring, electric fence and line fence repair, post hole digging, continual repair of old machinery, etc. They also see the vagaries of nature, when drought wipes out crops or rain or wind damage. When they long for a different life, it may be hard for them to understand why some others want to continue to farm- or why it is worth it to them to have two jobs or why they combine resources with neighbors or family so they can continue to farm.
Yes- land is an asset in three ways- economical, environmental, and social. Commissioners are supposed to be looking at all three aspects of this asset. The dollar signs are only one third of the equation.
This issue will not be resolved until and unless the county utilizes its citizens as part of the decision-making process. We need an economic development advisory board- and NOT one that is selected the way the current board selects plan commission members.]
Thompson motioned and Fox 2nd to TABLE this until the July 3rd meeting. All ayes. The Council meets the 4rd Tues in July- July 24, so West will have his answer in time.
Thompson added that he agrees that land is an asset, but that people have a right to keep it also. He also said agendas needed to be better- to have time to review.
Mark Hall stood up at this point and asked to be recognized. Hughes said he would allow him to speak at the end of the meeting. Hall asked if West was on the agenda a week ahead. Hughes repeated that Hall could speak at the end of the meeting. Hall sat down to wait.
[NOTE: Questions regarding an agenda item would be more understandable if answered at that time. Waiting until the end is just a means of putting off the public.]
2. Pennie Cohen Pre-paid legal services- gave a presentation of five kinds of identity theft- license, criminal, character, Social Security, and Financial. The cost to each employee is $25.90 per month from paychecks. It is completely voluntary. Argosy, Lawrenceburg, Hamilton Co., and the state of KY all use their services. They offer life events legal plans, wills, monitoring services, restoration services etc. The company is a 35-year old NYSE company. They pay $250,000/month to IN attorneys to have coverage in this state for those who sign up. Messmore is to take charge of this and see if there is enough interest among employees. [NOTE: This sounds like a legal version of an HMO- i.e. an LMO]
3. Lawrenceburg Bridge Information- the flyover and simulation of the new bridge over Tanners Creek was presented to commissioners by a copy obtained by Thompson and Listerman. Cost over $20 million- close to 26 million per Cunningham at that meeting last week. Construction per Thompson was to start in early 2008 to be completed by late 2009 with only 30 days of down time for the connections to the current US 50.
4. Chris McHenry presented along with Chuck Whiting the new Historical Society President. Whiting was affiliated with Cinti Museum Center previously. They requested their annual $10,000 to be part of the commissioners budget as it was in previous years. Commissioners agreed. Historical Society provides services free of charge and is volunteer run. Thompson motioned Fox 2nd to add to Commissioners budget. All ayes.
5. A police officer appeared sometime during the middle of the meeting.
6. Messmore- presented FYI to commissioners regarding brick exchanges from back to front of jail to get matching façade to repair the wreck damage to the building earlier this year.
The insurance company will go after the driver for the $5,000 deductible also.
7. Todd Listerman – Transportation Director took nearly 30 minutes to get contracts signed for the bids approved for trucks, striping, bed liners, salt boxes, etc.
2 vehicles plus extra 3 years on warranties to 5 years for $136,048 awarded to Freightliner.
Kaffenberger Trucking awarded for bedliners, stainless salt boxes and spreaders for $67.540
Three bridges to prepare designs and contract bids to Structurepoint (formerly ACE) for $50,000- this includes Sagamaw, Salt Fork, and Johnson Fork Bridges.
Listerman will seek Council approval to use the cum bridge fund as back-up money for the Tripple Whipple construction until INDOT and state reimburse our 80%. They have $700,000 and $1.2 million in funds- and it won’t go nearly far enough for the county’s needs per Listerman.
Listerman noted that cost of construction went up 10-15,000 in the last 2 years.
8. Pickens – tax sales contracts signed with SRI- same as last year. Minutes and claims approved with one question from Thompson regarding per diems.
He asked about DCRSD Chairman Hankins getting per diems to attend meetings for Commissioners, Council, Conservancy District, and Lawrenceburg to request sewer funding.
Pickens said he doesn’t think others have ever used the per diems for that but that their boards allow it. Even commissioners can get per diems and mileage for trips to Indy etc. Hughes said it’s nice to know it’s available though he hasn’t used it. [NOTE: Fehrman attended some of those meetings with Hankins- did he charge a per diem also?]
9. Ewbank- No new lawsuits.
10. Fox- Animal Control Board asked for Det. Dave Schneider- worked with canine unit, loves animals, hunts, etc- to fill the unexpired term of Teresa Voltz. Commissioners approved. Thompson said he’d like to see more information on appointees as they are “hiring” them essentially for a time. Fox agreed- and said this board isn’t used to providing that yet.
11. Hughes said that a member of the Advisory Board to the Master Plan wanted to speak earlier and as chair, he would like to hear him now. He asked Mark Hall to speak. Mark said to Pickens: Cary, now that you have a cop here, is it safe for me to go to the podium?
[NOTE: Hall had gone to the hallway after the first item on the agenda and Pickens was in Messmore’s office calling the sheriff’s dept to get a cop over to the meeting. Hall told him it wasn’t really necessary to call the police and Pickens had replied that they are supposed to be there anyway. The question is why are cops supposed to be there?
The commissioners (I’m assuming Pickens was acting on their behalf again) must feel threatened by activists who have only demonstrated their resolve to settle issues and no behavior has ever occurred to justify the need for physical force. OR perhaps commissioners wish to intimidate the citizens. The cops have to comply with commissioner’s requests- this is not their doing. I sometimes feel like I have to check my calendar when I come home to remind myself that this is Lawrenceburg 2007 and not Berlin 1938.]
Mark Hall asked when West had signed up to be on the agenda. Hughes said he thought Friday- but asked Messmore- and Messmore said it was yesterday. (Monday) Hall asked that if citizens have to get on a week in advance, how can they get on agenda when this is allowed. Fox said it was a forgone conclusion that we were going to table it. [NOTE: Now how would ANYONE know that? He’s only one commissioner- and when items get added a day ahead or even on the meeting itself citizens have no way of finding these last minute changes out. The county website never seems to be working right- when this happens. You’d think the county would have better control over their technology in this day and age.]
Ewbank chimed in at this point and said the chair has the prerogative to recognize citizens.
Hall said- but we can’t be assured we’ll be recognized. He asked again if it can be finalized a week before- the system as it’s working now is not cut and dried. Some people are getting on the agenda late. Was this urgent with DCEDI?
Hughes- not really.
Hall- we need to be fair to the citizens- when the cows are all out it’s too late to ask to fix the fence. He ended by asking the commissioners to re-evaluate this process.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township
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Well from what I see the commissioners will give the public a chance to speak even if you are not on the agenda. I don't remember seeing Mark Hall's name on the agenda and they let him speak.
Who cares if DCEDI was put on the agenda the day before. The Commissioners didn't make a decision because they wanted to review the information. Just as they have stated in the past..the week notice is to be able to hopefully have an answer for someone that would like to speak at the meeting. If they did not have an agenda you would never be able to get through the meeting.
TGIF---I will let this be my blog name. And just to let you know before the question is asked, I am not a member of DCEDI, I am not a realtor, I am not a politican, but I am a citizen of Dearborn County who is concerned about the future of this County.
“Dearborn County is ripe for development - a real jewel needing to be developed.”
Or does he mean ripe for the 'taking'.
Who wants Dearborn County to look like Hamilton County or Northern KY?
"who will give an unbiased opinion"
Or does he mean will give the opinion DCEDI is seeking to further it's goals.
By the way, who is the WE West keeps refering to? The development community? The Chamber Members? It certainly is not the Citizens of Dearborn County, who are prohibited access to the DCEDI private meetings. Why should the County trust West abd DCEDI after their unflagging support of the Vieste and their secret plan to plunder the northwest quadrant.
- what are your successes? West: Some small retail, Urban Wild Design, Pernod Ricard…
406 jobs being lost in the County is a success? God help us if he fails!!
Fox: "Some people disconnect land as a monetary asset-"
Some see it only as a monetary asset!! What happens when all our food comes from overseas and starts being tainted, like recently occurred with pet food or if foreign countries decide to cut off our food?
Regarding the comment from Hughes "for farms to work the farmers need another occupation also". Is he trying to convince us that he really cares about the farmers. I know many farmers who have other jobs to subsidize their income. I have never heard of any of them having a hard time finding another job if they want one--becuase they are hard working people with good work ethics. I am not convinced. Of course if the development takes some of the land the farmer farms, he might have to work 2 other jobs to make up the difference. Way to help the farmers!!!!!
"Who cares if DCEDI was put on the agenda the day before. The Commissioners didn't make a decision because they wanted to review the information."
In the past decision's have been made to the detriment of the County on items that were on the agenda late or not even on the agenda and citizens were not permitted to speak. Benning even used the deputy to silence a citizen.
If DCEDI or anyone else is put on the agenda without sufficient notice, the citizens should accorded the right to speak to those issues.
Mark Hall should have been allowed to speak, because of the lack of sufficient notice to the public and at the time the issue was being discussed, not later. What if Thompson had not moved to table or if Hughes and Fox voted to proceed? Mr. Hall's comments at the end would be as he said "after the cows got out".
"I don’t know many rich carpenters"
Most of the good carpenters I know make a very nice income. Maybe that's why Hughes became county commissioner - he didn't do so well as a carpenter.
It may be that Jim West is just trying to save his well paid job with a desperate last minute move to make some progress by using taxpayer monies.
2 1/2 years of failure may be getting old for those who put West in charge of DCEDI.
Commissioner Hughes demonstrated a lapse in judgement by deferring to Mr. West's late request to be put on the agenda. The matter should have been put on the agenda for the July 3rd meeting. Thanks to Commissioners Fox and Thompson for their action in tabling this matter.
For TGIF's comment "Who cares if DCEDI was put on the agenda the day before. The Commissioners didn't make a decision because they wanted to review the information. Just as they have stated in the past..the week notice is to be able to hopefully have an answer for someone that would like to speak at the meeting."
Hall sounded like he was trying to get a policy that works for both the attendees and for the applicant on the agenda. How can citizens be assured that an ad on in less than a week won't be given a decision?
Wait till you have someting happen in your neighborhood and YOU want equal treatment to the elite...
I too am not a member of DCEDI, I am not a realtor, I am not a politican, but I am a citizen of Dearborn County who is concerned about the future of this County.
My blog name is JB
"My blog name is JB"
Thanks JB. Having a handle other than anonymous gives you much more credibility.
Fox-"foregone conclusion it will be tabled". That's funny.
History is repeating itself just like the way Vieste was handled in the beginning.
Jeff Hughes on the Vieste project/debacle-- "It's just a study."
...Over $300,000 later with nothing to show for it except disgruntled taxpayers.
Good job Chris. Without your input on the blog site I am 99% sure DCEDI would have been given approval. No doubt in my mind. Fox is a pure politician and don't forget that during the next election.
"pure politician"
An oxymoron.
Fox is a pure politician and don't forget that during the next election.
Notice, Fox is not shouting down citizens as the election looms closer?
Jelly filled backbone?
RE the first comment above:
"Well from what I see the commissioners will give the public a chance to speak even if you are not on the agenda. I don't remember seeing Mark Hall's name on the agenda and they let him speak."
You will notice when Hughes recognized him to speak he introduced him as an Advisory Board member from the master plan.
Did Hall ask to speak in that capacity? His questions seemed aimed more at getting the policy either changed or made consistent.
Also- why are there going to be TWO studies? Can't Purdue and the citizens get it done? I suspect that the plan that can be finished by Decemebr may have already been "started."
How is DCEDI going to choose that second consultant?
Who cares if DCEDI was put on the agenda the day before.
Well then, do away with the time requirement for being placed on the agenda!
Face it, the real reason for the time requirement is clear to all!
Stop half-heartedly defending it, do away with it, or shut up.
Shut up in the same sense as the DCEDI requires the rest of us to shup up.
As the DCEDI picks our pockets and rapes our landscape.
The DCEDI seems to have bought a pass to be placed on the agenda, anytime at its choosing.
The citizens, have to rely on the particular mood of the commissioners to speak and be heard.
Where is the balance, Mr. Hughes?
"Good job Chris. Without your input on the blog site I am 99% sure DCEDI would have been given approval."
When the corrupt bring in their cops to corral the non-realtor/developers in the audience...
...thank the Good Lord, we have Cris, the "Citizens' Police Officer," to protect the "Citizens'" interests!
Did Hughes, the now silent Fox or the DCEDI use the term last evening:
If so, the term has already been defined by a previous "Pro-Development" poster:
Fox: "Some people disconnect land as a monetary asset-"
There is also a monetary asset aspect to your kids' pet dog...
...does that me you should sell their pet dog to the first laboratory for research or to the first Korean Restaurant responding to the DCEDI website selling options on your kids' dog?
Talk about a "Perfect Storm!"
With the citizens becoming more aware of the shady way some in County Government conduct the "Peoples'" business and the eye-opener of how the VRUC is treating its members up at Hidden Valley...
...How do you think these citizens will be inclined to vote in the upcoming elections?
...How do you think these citizens will be inclined to vote in the upcoming elections?
I heard, after last night's Commissioners' meeting, that DCEDI operatives were already placing "THINK LINK" bumper stickers on Fox and Hughes' cars!
I heard there is a citizens' effort to deport Jeff Hughes.
Bob Ewbank, acting as Hughes' Counsel, stated:
"Good job Chris. Without your input on the blog site I am 99% sure DCEDI would have been given approval."
Imagine Fox and Hughes with a blog similar to Chrissy’s blog?
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We love you Rick and Jeff!!!!
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The DCEDI does not get any credit for its charity work!!!
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He Jeff and Rick, looks like no one has the guts to post anything negative about you!!!
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[NOTE: At the opening pledge of allegiance, I overheard a citizen say- this is the only time the citizens are ALLOWED TO SPEAK.]
Being downwind from this comment, Jim West, imediately text messaged Little Dickens Pickens on his official DCEDI phone, to summon the police.
Pickens text messaged back:
"just lett me finnish warshing and whaxing your kar ferst."
Who is more corrupt?
The politician who permits the circumvention of rules in favor of the elite?
The elite who demand circumvention of the rules in their favor?
Whatever the answer, God help us if the two can interbreed!
Whatever the answer, God help us if the two can interbreed!
As a farmer, I know if I was raising both elites and politicians, if the two "intermingled" so to speak, I would have to have good old Doc Moore put them down, by order of the County Extension Agent!
County Extension Agents, as a rule, dispise unGodly, freakish hybrids!
The DCEDI loves fertile fields and pastures...
...they make excellent underlayment for asphalt and concrete.
And are also a very stable support structure for generic "Kwikee-Marts" and grey slab "Industrial Parks."
The DCEDI never saw a "Taxpayer's" dollar that would not fit perfectly into their genuine leather wallets and pocket books.
Well, at least Hughes has a job to fall back on, when he loses his re-election attempt.
Can you imaging how cheap Hughes could be bought by the DCEDI if being a Commissioner was his only job?
Sadly, Hughes back-up job, after he loses re-election, is to be the assitant secretary to the secretary of the DCRSD.
That is where all used up Dearborn County Political Flunkies go to die.
We got Fox marching when will Hughes learn to fall in line?
We got Fox marching when will Hughes learn to fall in line?
Fox ain't marching...
...that is full blown pandering!
Fox and Hughes dance to the same beat. oompa oompa oompity dupe.
Fox and Hughes and the "Willie Wonka" chocolate corruption factory.
Oompa, Oompa lickity split, our DCEDI masters scream and our pants we do _ _ _ _!
Good night all, you all have been great!
I will be here all week!
TGIF your first post is something else. Do you seriously believe everything you wrote? Come on, seriously? The problem with the board is arrogance and incompetence. 2 Commishes have both traits and 1 has the arrogance but can at least back it up with facts/knowledge. I'm ok with that. The other 2 Commishes seem to have both traits and have to be voted off or resign as soon as possible.
West and Rozow... Do either of these people live and pay property tax in this County?
"TGIF your first post is something else. Do you seriously believe everything you wrote?"
Picture a Commission made up entirely of "Smart Growth" people.
Picture this Commission pushing the week in advance agenda rule.
Picture this Commission giving all those of like minds exceptions to the rules.
Then, Picture TGIF going ballistic as to the patent unfairness of the current arrangement.
TGIF is a hypocrite!
Hughes went on- Is rural character just farming? Maybe. He acknowledged that West had sent him something showing a missed opportunity in the county for a 35- person business at $18-20 per hour jobs.
Sent it to him? They wrote it for him!
Then they gave him his marching orders to place them on the agenda a day before the meeting.
When Jim West removes his hand from beneath the back of Jeff’s shirt…
…does Jeff just fall to the floor in a lifeless heap?
Can Jeff speak at the same time Jim West drinks from a glass of water?
TGIF seems to be the only thinking person on this blog. The others all seem to be like the redneck hunters that will shoot at anything that makes a noise. I will read TGIF with respect. He/She has the guts to take on a blog identity. btw, Anonymous: (3)lacking individuality, unique character, or distinction: an endless row of drab, anonymous houses/bloggers.
TGIF is just another DCEDI shill.
And since you, NTB, are in to listing definitions, define "corruption in government?"
Defend DCEDI's privileged position among two of the Commissioners?
Explain the need for police officers at the meetings?
Defend the Dearborn County Republicans support of a Democrat last election?
What was Linkmeyer's qualification, other than his willingness to shill for the DCEDI?
The Ball is in your Court, NTB.
TGIF and NTB never met a non-realtor/developer at a County meeting they did try to silence!
Hypocrits, both.
"ball seem to be like the redneck hunters..."
This so-called redneck would compare curriculum vitaes any day with you!
And I actually paid my own way through undergrad and grad schools.
Not like the many of the petty legacy members of the DCEDI who are still living off their daddies' trust funds!
Gee, I'm a college graduate and I hunt.
I always preferred hunting over tartan pants, silly caps and golf.
You don’t find many self-absorbed social climbers in the woods.
The same cannot be said for the links!
I won't defend politicians just TGIF.
As for police officers at the meetings; I'm sure if some of of you were there screaming as you do here, I would want the police there too. What have you done for the county lately?
Rednecks, as a voting block, were probably more attracted to the Linkmeyer candidacy last election.
His big redneck henchman, I believe his name was Barrett, actually showed up a candidates' meeting in Linkmeyer's stead.
Linkmeyers henchman was more than willing to show-off his rednecked bullying skills!
I see West using words like TWO PRONGED ATTACK in this entry. That sounds like war to me.
As for police officers at the meetings; I'm sure if some of of you were there screaming as you do here...
You might want to check the speakers on your computer, I don't hear any shouting.
What have you done for the county lately?
Gee, well I have not bribed a public official.
I have not closed down public meetings to all but realtors, developers, bankers and lawyers.
I have not forced my neighbors to go into debt to connect up to a sewer line because my daddy bought me a farm and I want to divide it up into 1/4 acre lots.
I have not signed a contract, so onesided, that screwed the taxpayers out of thousands and thousands of dollars.
I have not had to utilize political stooges to get the taxpayers to subsidize my business interests.
I can go on.
What have you done for the County that did not involve taxpayer funds and taxpayer funded attorneys to coerce the taxpayers into giving you carte blanc with their tax dollars?
I see West using words like TWO PRONGED ATTACK in this entry. That sounds like war to me.
With West, it should be FORKED TONGUE ATTACK!
I can go on.
Further, DCEDI shill, I not only served my County, I served my Country in the United States Navy.
And you, daddy’s boy?
Serial meeting between DCEDI hack and politcal hack Hughes:
DCEDI hack: Jeffrey, here is "your" next editorial. Read it if you like...but don't forget to sign it!
Political hack Hughes: Where do I sign???
What have I done for the County lately....well let's see. I PAY TAXES, I VOTE, AND I LIVE HERE. THAT's 3 things 2 power hungry snakes can't say about what they have done for Dearborn County.
1. I PAY TAXES: The DCEDI thanks you for contributions!
2. I VOTE: The DCEDI would like to relieve you of such burden!
3. I LIVE HERE: According to the DCEDI, you are only a squatter on land they have yet to earmark!
Have any of you checked the dcedi site mentioned in the meeting notes? There is a section called Buildings and Sites. Click on it and see the difference between the marketing done for the Andres property and several at the top- big aerials- full color- 3 pages for each. Then look at the TIF districts- one page of an outline on a plat map essentially. No property owners, no utilities listed, nothing. No fancy aerial to market those.
And West wonders why he's not successful?
Look at his website- here's clue.
JB - wow - you are right- it seems the DCEDI is not doing it's job- there is an inventory of a sort on industrial/commercial sites- but even if we were passively waiting to be found- that site doesn't get the job done.
If the DCEDI would spend more of its time marketing properties currently available and less time trying "game" the local political process, they might be able to trumpet a few "real" successes!
Clearly DCEDI is trying to justify their position. That's it. Sites and buildings are for sale and they can't make it happen. Get rid of these nits. Or, stop funding this "investor" organization with tax payer dollars.
Give me a mix of local professionals, businessmen, contractors and laborers...
...and I could do a study costing the County around $20.00.
Probable finding:
The local elite formed the DCEDI for no other reason than to provide a basis to allow the elite to do anything they want, anywhere they want and any time they want.
Regulations, rules and time restraints are only for the "little people." As an example, look at the week time requirements for getting on the Commissioners' agenda.
That rule is obviously only suited for the "little people."
The DCEDI crowd and their fellow travelers, have a very odd sense of consensus.
To the DCEDI crowd and their fellow travelers, eradicating any and all opposing opinion, then polling the remnants of those in complete agreement with DCEDI’s manifestos, is considered consensus.
I don’t’ think the DCEDI crowd and their fellow travelers have an accurate or concise handle on the term “consensus!”
But, hey, I’m just a taxpayer whose taxes are fueling the DCEDI.
I would not suppose, subsequent to the next election, that Jim West will be placing his Dearborn County experience on his resume, relative to his future endeavors!
The DCEDI web site showcases the high dollar per acre lots of our bigger development companies at $55,000 to $68,000 per acre; but, doesn't even list a property for the TIF districts. It just shows the area of the TIF. This marketing? And all the lists are so short.
The information sheets are incomplete and not likely to attract a business to the County. And the inventory is so small. No wonder DCEDI needs more of the Citizens money.
We need more complete, accurate dat to help and lure business to the area.
DCEDI and Mr. West are not doing much of a job! Maybe instead of another study, it's time for a change in management.
It also appears Mr. West lacks the courage of his convictions. H has been here 2 1/2 years and his family live in South Carolina? When will he move up to Dearborn County to sell the place he lives??
So, those of us who have lived in the County all our lives, and others who have chosen to move here, with the intent of remaining in the County the remainder of their lives...
...don't have a handle on what would be best for "OUR" County...
...but this guy West, who was not raised here, who does not seem to have any intention of putting down roots here...
...this guy West has all the answers concerning "OUR" County???
Am I reading this situation accurately???
Jim West, can list as one of his successes, being the catalyst for Vera Benning’s ouster from County Office.
Soon, Jim West, can further add to his list of accomplishments, being the catalyst for the ouster of both Rick Fox and Jeff Hughes from their respective Offices.
Thank you, Mr. West!
Maybe, as Jim West, leaves Dearborn County for the last time, he will retire his Christine Brauer Mueller voodoo doll and dart board?
May there be many Christine Brauer Muellers in Mr. West's future endeavors!
To get Chrissy on West's side, maybe he should do a nice animation. We know from previous posts that pretty pictures can sway her mind!!! (Remember the lawrence bridge presentation??????)
West's family lives in South Carolina?
Do you think their “Southern” homestead is adjacent to an Industrial Park?
(Remember the lawrence bridge presentation??????)
"First class presentations" cannot compete with your sides' attraction to "first-class-bribes!"
We know from previous posts that pretty pictures can sway her mind!!!
The Dearborn County Cockroaches are still perturbed at Chrissy for bringing a flashlight to their midnight infestations of County politics!
Shedding light on all their roach droppings!
(Remember the lawrence bridge presentation??????)
You just hate to see any project going forward that does not involve a court order to force your neighbors onto sewers to subsidize yours or your masters' next subdivision?
Maybe if West was able to present a nice slide-show/presentation or powerpoint he could get some people to sway his direction. Asking for money and not getting anything has gone on way to long. How many studies do we need paid for by taxpayers? West just came up with $80,000 because "his people" are tired of paying him for nothing. He wants in Mr.Comparato's Club of $300 an hour but he's sneaking in asking for it in one lump sum. Does anyone else see the writing on the wall? The County has money and the County sees a need. AND there are snakes trying to cash in. Please see this and know what is happening!
How about this?
Get the Purdue Study which incorporates the citizens. Have the county be in charge- not DCEDI.
Scrap the outside so-called unbiased consultant.
Gather citizen reps of each township -perhaps some of the advisory board to the master plan and have them meet with local developers, realtors, the chamber, and the town managers to locate all the available commercial/ properties. Add in the zoned Business or Manufacturing or Industrial areas. Add in any large parcels and TIF districts from the DCEDI site.
County GIS services may be helpful here.
I bet with volunteers and our planning/GIS/Surveyors depts we can go a long way toward finding what is available.
Then design a better website- take a look at other counties that are SUCCESSFULLY using their websites.
The smaller businesses will be able to see more accurately what's available here. The larger ones may already know.
Then find someone who LIKES the county- who understands the wishes of the communities he or she will be marketing and see what develops. Maybe utilize the Chamber of Commerce as the marketing device- it's one of the first places new people check out in town to get info.
It can be a home grown plan.
Ok listen up everyone. It's corrupt with the DCEDI involved in anyway. Look at the "investor" list on their site. It's a mixure of who's who in the County. Don't even think in your wildest dreams a "homegrown" idea will work. You must not be from around here. Incompetence and money hungry sleaze bags are at work trying their best to "take" your money. Nice thought and "should work" but don't hold your breath.
You people are absolute freaks.
I am from around here- have been for a very long time.
I said that we should NOT use DCEDI- but the county as the group in charge- they are our ELECTED representatives- not DCEDI.
What are you afraid will happen?
"You people are absolute freaks."
A "you" people are absolute political scoundrels and crooks!
And "you" people are absolute political scoundrels and crooks!
There, fixed.
By the way, do you DCEDI shills have your full complement of Dearborn County Republicans endorsed “THINK (Democrat) LINK” bumper stickers and tree trash?
You know, I can almost understand Hughes idiocy concerning placing the DCEDI on the “fast tract agenda” for the Commissioners’ meeting. He is feverishly frantic in his desperation to curry favor with these scoundrels.
But, West, who is supposedly both educated and somewhat sophisticated, how could he be so deaf, dumb and blind?
Did West not think that the favoritism, demanded by West and shown him by his number one flunky, would not cause the uproar that it has?
Or is West desperate to keep his job? Where are the supporters? I heard they didn't come to the meeting.
"Or is West desperate to keep his job? Where are the supporters? I heard they didn't come to the meeting.
West's "invester-supporters" only wanted to pony up their original $5,000.00 membership fee...
...they had thought, that by now, the ever-abused taxpayer would be footing his salary and subsidizing all their financial dreams!
You just hate to see any project going forward that does not involve a court order to force your neighbors onto sewers to subsidize yours or your masters' next subdivision?
Notice, that Messmore and Ewbanks are in a quandary as to scribing language regarding “NO ENFORCED SEWER HOOK-UPS” in a manner that would allow them to “ “ENFORCE SEWER HOOK-UPS” at a later date!!!
What a comical gig they are performing!!!
”in a manner that would allow them to “ “ENFORCE SEWER HOOK-UPS” at a later date!!!”
As Ewbank an Messmore drag their feet on finalizing the “letter,” they must be in constant contact with Ralph Thompson’s Cardiologist!
...they had thought, that by now, the ever-abused taxpayer would be footing his salary and subsidizing all their financial dreams!
The ever-consistent pandering by Vera Benning must really be missed by the DCEDI!
Dearborn County Realtors,
Dearborn County Developers,
Dearborn County Bankers, and
Dearborn County Title Attorneys!
Just imagine, you would still, even now, be in charge of your little fiefdom if you had not let your collective and combined greed and gluttony overwhelm and overpower your senses!!!
There needs to be a sea-change in County politics.
Politicians, beholden and in the debt of a powerful and influential few...need to go!
Attorneys, parlaying their "service" on public commissions and boards for their own, or their clients' self-serving needs...need to go!
Ihave a joke somebody told me what happens if we thru developers, bankers, politicians, lawyers, doctors, real estate developers up in the air guess what? by the time they all would get down to the ground they would have their hands in each others pockets getting all the money?
How about that for the record.
Since we are telling jokes"
My definition of redundancy:
"Air-bags" in the cars of Jeff Hughes, Rick Fox, Rodney Dennerline, Vera Benning and of course, little Brett Fehrman!
"My definition of redundancy:"
That sums it up. Nothing else further needs said on this blog site. This County is a joke with the people in office. Public service is one thing. Doing public service for one's own pocket is another. That's currently the problem.
I think I've come to the conclusion that Todd Listermsn who is charge of highway issues for the county of Dearborn is not in favor of putting up stop lights. For example they put a light up at us 50 going into Greendale temporiareily and later they took the light down. Here at stateline road they don't have a stop and go light . My question to Mr. Listerman why not a stop and go light ?Please take this issue of stop and go lightsinto consideration before more innocent driversget killed on county roads in DEARBORN COUNTY!!
Before a vote on the light, officials will ask each other..."does this benefit us in any way shape or form? If not, lets not worry about this nit. We have better things to worry about."
[NOTE: Hall had gone to the hallway after the first item on the agenda and Pickens was in Messmore’s office calling the sheriff’s dept to get a cop over to the meeting.
How ironic!
Pickens calling the sheriff is like the "shop-lifter" calling store security for advice regarding the Store's “Five-Fingered-Discount!!!
"Doing public service for one's own pocket is another."
Forgive me, but I would be interested in someone posting the current, active resume of Brett Fehrman?
5. A police officer appeared sometime during the middle of the meeting.
Call me an optimist!
But I look forward to the day when the Police arrive at a Commissioners' meeting, to safeguard the "pocket-books" of the tax-payers!
"...How do you think these citizens will be inclined to vote in the upcoming elections?"
Some of our local realtors and developers cannot restrain their appetites for the taxpayers' dollars to finance their investments!
As the citizens of Dearborn County become more and more aware of the realtors/developers pilfering their tax-dollars, the good citizens of Dearborn County will kick to the curb more realtor/developer "enablers" in political office, and out on their ears they will find themselves.
Vera Benning will be their "Poster Child."
No uniformed police officer was present – until several items were covered.
Several county activists were present in the audience.
Once, it was determinded, that the audience was made up entirely of a pro-development crowd...
...ice cream was served to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once, it was determined, that the audience was made up entirely of a pro-development crowd...
A film tribute to the "Late Great Vera Benning” was premiered, titled:
How does the DCEDI membership refer to a "Vera Benning?"
Well if all of you think that the Politicans are a JOKE. Reading this blog you would realize that there are many citizens that are jokes and now I realize the connections. The entire county is a joke.
I just don't understand why there can't be a middle ground in the fight for economic development and the anti's.
"...How do you think these citizens will be inclined to vote in the upcoming elections?"
"THINK LINK" (what's that stink)
Are your schools already over-crowed?
Are your roads already congested?
Are your police force, fire and emt, already stretched to the limit?
Vote for the Dearborn County Republicans choice of candidate:
And all your problems will multiply, ten-fold!
I just don't understand why there can't be a middle ground in the fight for economic development and the anti's.
Who defines middle ground?
Is the total takeover of County politics by the realtor/developers, middle ground?
Is forcing common, everyday citizens into great debt, to subsidize the sewer requirements of a “politically connected” realtor/developer, middle ground?
Is demanding, zoning changes for a particular region of this County, for no other reason, than a “politically connect” realtor/developer, demands such, middle ground?
Is establishing and then expecting the common tax-payer to fund, a secret, behind the scenes, closed door group, such as the DCEDI, middle ground?
Please, don’t insult our intelligence!
"The entire county is a joke."
I would wager, that when the likes of a Vera Benning, were running this County into the ground, you were not making observations about what a joke this County is?
Were you, Francis?
The County is a joke....and not a funny one. Conflicts of interest within officeholders. That's the joke on the taxpayers.
"Who defines middle ground?"
"Middle Ground" is when the realtors and developers control everything.
Are empowered to do anything.
And there is no one left to keep them from stealing our tax-dollars.
To keep them from coercing us and our neighbors onto sub-standard sewer lines to subsidize their below standard development!!!!!!
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