Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

Also present- Marc Emral, Register and Tamara Taylor, Beacon

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Proposed Zone Map Amendment- Business - B-1 to High Density Residential R3 (Bright)- Nicole Daily- gave an overview with pictures of the lots and the plans for 12 townhomes. Professional Park Drive is a private drive. They have 2 written commitments. Includes that there has to be an agreement with DCRC. Anthony Smart (DCRC Atty)said that Redevelopment had proposed terms and Joseph Henry Construction (Joe Perleberg) had a counter proposal. Now they are close to an agreement. Ordinance 2024-013 to rezone 3 parcels from B-1 to R3 and the maxis 12 townhouses and there is a sixty day window to finalize the agreement with DCRC- If that agreement does not happen in sixty day- then there is no rezone.Approved. 


Proposed Zone Map Amendment- Heavy Industrial I-3 to Planned Unit Development Mixed Used- PUD- Nicole Daily- There are special conditions for this PUD. It’s density, open space, plus commercial. This is the existing Lighthouse Marina area between 56 Laughery Creek and the Ohio River. It is wholly within the floodway. There are state permitting processes that have to be done before the local permitting processes. 64 townhomes, marina, RV park close to Laughery Creek, and  open space of 45.35 acres. The two streets are to be privately maintained as they are in the floodway.these plans have to go before INDOT that may require turn lanes. Utilities are supplied by Aurora and Rising Sun for electric and sewer. Only 16 units at first as that is total capacity until the sewer service lines have been improved. On July 6th Favorable recommendation. Daily noted that Jurgenson- Rohe’s area next to them is I-3. There will be some notations on the plat to show I-3 adjoining. Plans have to be submitted in 2 years or is goes back to original zoning. It has to be the exact same plans for the PUD. There is landscape buffering. They want to sold also from cars on SR 56. May have a ditch system if INDOT allows. There are alternatives to this is INDOT does not allow. There is a letter from Jurgenson- strongly objecting to this rezone. 

Thatcher said that this letter is probably a CYA  letter in case someone begins to reuse that Jurgenson piece as I-3 and neighbors complain. Jurgenson was there first. .

Russell Beiersdorfer did vote NAY at Plan Commission - against a favorable recommendation. 

Probst asked about the homes and floodway. There is garage under each townhome to raise it out of floodway in addition to the parking areas outside. 

Nicole Daily- The Ohio River has different reg than IDNR that have to do with tourism. If the Creeks off it were involved - this would not have tourism regs. 

There are 6 conditions in the rezone that are included in the rezone ordinance- Approved.    

Jack’s Forever 3 Foundation Run/Walk- Linda Fox This is for Sept 7th in Bright - doing it for 13 years. Sheriff’s dept OK with road closures for this. Approved

Bridge #64 Sneakville Rd REMC Utility Reimbursable Agreement- Sue Hayden presented for Todd Listerman. 80/20 match We pay $103,826.50 and get back  $83000 plus, (80 % reimbursed) Approved

Hayden presented Bridge #215 Brush Fork Rd- Signature Block sheet for this was approved and signed for Listerman. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- Title VI 2025 Implementation Plan Update- resolution- Approved. 

 And send INDOT the 2025 Title VI assurances that every one of our federally funded programs will include this. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and August 6th Minutes- Approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Thatcher- acknowledged 5 star rating for St Elizabeth Dearborn. Only 3 got it in the tristate. 




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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