Tuesday, August 06, 2024



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

Also present: Liz Morris, Tim Doll, and Glenn Wright-  County Council 

Marc Emral - Register Publications covered meeting. 

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.

EXECUTIVE SESSION 8:30 Indiana Code § 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(2)(B) For discussion of strategy with respect to…Initiation of litigation or litigation that is either pending or has been threatened specifically in writing.  As used in this clause, “litigation” includes any judicial action or administrative law proceeding under federal or state law.

MEMORANDUM OF EXECUTIVE SESSION- Baudendistel announced what the executive session was called for and Board certified they only discussed what was advertised. 

ACTION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION- Board approved Filing of Declaratory Judgement Action as discussed in Executive session.


Proposed Zone Map Amendment from Local Business to Big Density Residential  R3- on Bright Business Park Dr.- TABLED AGAIN- A representative from Joseph Henry Construction will be at DCRC and then at next meeting in August for Commissioners. 

PUBLIC HEARING OWNER OCCUPIED REHAB PROGRAM- Patty Jackson SIRPC $150,000 awarded to partner with OCRA. CBDG grant.  Lawrenceburg is pursuing a grant separately from the county.

$500,000 to OCRA for total of $650,000 to serve 24 low income homes. They can address many issues with the homes. If Radon is detected that will be mitigated before they do any work. Bids will be open at Commissioner meeting. The have 18 months to administer it. 

Opened to PUBLIC for Comments.

Probst- Lawrenceburg is going for what will total $350,000.

Public Comment closed. 

Baudendistel - Had the  Resolution and Commissioners approved.  

Patty Jackson said they should have an answer by end of September,


Lawrenceburg Conservancy District- Paul Seymour- Supt of Conservancy. They have 2 levee systems - Lawrenceburg and Greendale. They have hired a grant chasing system that they are pursuing. They have been advised that the more community involvement - they better it is to get grants. He invited and encouraged them to participate in the meetings- NOT just a letter of support. They previously received a letter from the county supporting this. He is going to other entities in the county also. 

Lawrenceburg - pursuing $26million project for relief wells

Greendale- $36million for more work on the levee 

These numbers are CURRENT estimates.

Have to have it in front of FEMA by the end of the year. 

Probst- asked him to keep Sue Hayden informed of ether meetings and times to get to them. There’s that line on the other side of the Courthouse showing 1937 food. Don’t want that to happen. 

Paul SeymourThis system is 89 years old. He’s 67 and he’s feeling his age so he knows the levees need attention. No action required.

City of Harrison Ohio EMS Contract- Chief Rob Horsing - Harrison FD- had to leave - but left contract with Sue Hayden  $160,337- up 7% from last year - for 2025.  Approved

Soil and Water District Updates- Kyla Potter Stormwater Coordinator and Ken Gunkel Chairman - 

Kyla Potter- Bright Pollinator plot-field funday next Friday funded by grants. It’s in bloom now and signs are there and at the NDPLibrary. 

Ken Gunkel - staffing since last meeting  Kyla Dick is now Kyla Potter- married last month. 

Vicki Riggs retired and they are interviewing for her spot now. Budget is Sept 19 and asking for 2.5% increase. Gellert and Salatin had awards for farm and orchards.  

EMS Consultant- Randy Hanifen- started in Jan 2024. Local EMS tax passed in 2023. Study to figure out best use of that money. There are issues with some EMS that cannot get out the door to answer many times. You could have. City type or rural type system could be designed. You are in Cincinnati area. Have to design it as EMS and as Rural in west side. People within the community- as you age more uses for EMS. Demographics affect what the EMS should look like. Fire and EMS systems are integrated fire and EMS systems in the Cincinnati and Northern KY region. Typically Fire and EMS needs are not at the same times. In rural areas there are not enough tax dollars to meet needs. He had to look at protocols and standards from teh area and nation. 

Had a mix of qualitative and quantitative data. Has to design a system and see what is possible to design a reachable plan. Right sized system EMS system. This lead to a strategic and business plan. There is a transitional period to get to this. 

2 pots of money for EMS- Municipal or Gov’t funding and EMS billing.Taxing everyone at same rate. So they deserve the same standard of service. 

They are all private not for profit corporation and they need an accountability  standard. 

Staffing is where we are low. Have to have a minimum of 99 people here, So there will be a wage war, as each unit tries to get staff where there is a low supply of staff. 

Components of EMS system -  Paramedics- highest level of staff. EMT next level down and can do less than Paramedic. You are working under a doctors medical license, So there are protocols.

Ambulance- need a driver. 

Paramedic Chase cars - can get first responders there and transport arrives later.

Paramedic goes on a fire truck. 

All had trucks, ambulance and some chase cars. They are missing STAFFING.

Cannot violate fair labor standards act. 40 hours for EMS and 53 hours for fire fighter paramedics.

Small business exemptions get some of them able to put in more hours- but tis is changing. 

We need 150 really- not just the 99 staff members. 

Cincinnati does about half of Hamilton Co and 40 other fire/ems depts.

Starting salaries up to $70,000 some at $99,000.

County based/county wide system  is what is needed. 

Map shows 7 proposed stations:

Medic units 4- Lawrencburg ,Aurora, Bright, and Manchester

Chase cars -3 Dillsboro, Greendale and St, Leon

Bright and Lawrenceburg need money to get chase cars and agree to run outside their areas with them

Transition looks like- EMS chiefs have to find a way to consolidate and collaborate- get a county EMS director. 

*****BUDGET for this - shows Revenue and Expenses- 


LIT EMS Revenue- $3,000,000

Local per capita $10 per resident- $500,000

EMS Transport revenue@ $225 /call- $1,722,375

Grants- $15,000

Total Revenue- $5,237,375


Personnel Salaries and Benefits- $4,176,342.53

Employee support uniforms etc - $7200 ( 150/yr per 48 employees)

First Responder program $5000

Apparatus capital expenses 5%- $261,868.75

Supplies EMS- $90,000

Supplies non-EMS- $15,000 station supplies

Equipment Capital 3%- $157.121.75

Facility capital expenses/rent/utilities 5%- $261,868.75

Harrison Contract- $100,000- cover NE townships and 5th Medic

Moores Hill First Responder Contract- $10,000

Start up Debt payments - $100,000

Total Expenses- $5,184,401.38

Deficit or Reserve- $2,973.62

 LIT money etc to be given out monthly- and they have to provide payroll records to show they have spent it- or it goes onto the next month…

Have to get logistics of how to work the equipment for the areas. 

LONG TERM- Both systems are failing or on the verge.  So this needs to be studied and put the Fire and EMS together for 2025 and BEYOND.

Contact Randall Hanifen


Probst- Salary and benefits?- Hanifen -are included in his figures at 75%. Also Let Harrison cover West Harrison as no one will be faster than their response there. 

Thatcher- We should do the fire study too- Haifen- you should do this as you are hiring for EMS.You would study it similarly to this study- but then integrate them together. 

No further questions- no action. 

Bid Award- Demolition Contract  (Stateline Road house)- Nicole Daily -  Director, Planning and Zoning - Orschell Excavating- $8,200  lowest bid. They will also clean up and mow to the street. Approved and Signed. 

Todd Listerman- Highway Engineer:

Bid Award Bridge #87 Johnson Fork Rd- Beatty Construction- $936,524.45 lowest bid - Approved and signed.

Bid Award Bridge #50 Geiger Road- scour and guardrail repair- Paul Rohe Co  $146,542 Approved and signed. 

INDOT  Contract for Bridge #108- Harrison Brookville Rd- project complete IC 639 report is showing the contract is complete. INDOT is going to cover most of tech over-runs. All overruns come to county- but in this case INDOT is covering some as they had more in their budget -  $129,000 to help.Signed form. 

Thatcher asked for Counter on Stout Rd- Wants to know if it qualifies for striping and is getting questions on that.

Some roads are not wide enough for a center line- so they are getting edge lines only. When it is dark or rainy this improves safety.  

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold :

 Handbook update letter of engagement- NTE $10,000 Authorized to proceed. Approved. 

-Claims/Payroll and July 16th  Minutes- Approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- School busses and farmers out there- be safe 


PUBLIC COMMENT- Gage Pace- getting a photo for Stellar Banner with Commissioner after meeting, 


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township 

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