Thursday, August 22, 2024

22 AUGUST 2024 DCRSD Special Board Meeting Notes

 22 AUGUST 2024 DCRSD Special Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger, and Steward Cline 

ABSENT: Bill Shelton

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Hrezo Engineering- Bob, Mike and Christy, Commissioners Thatcher and Probst, Marc Emral, Register and Tamara Taylor, Beacon. 

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Guilford Project:

Mike Hrezo presented materials for the board. Current cost estimate versus one from a year ago. Actual cost thru July from contingency plus Earth Tek equipment plus, Meinders CH&M bid. The land acquisition cost is off this list as it is NOT in the construction bid. It is a construction hard cost. That comes up with the $5,576,000 and includes the $627,000 contingency. Eng and design, legal advertising and permitting is thru July- $291,967.92.

He also added in costs prior to 2021 as they spent that money chasing grants etc. Board remembers looking at start of ARPA application work. Some of the other money was looking toward the Greendale option. That cannot be included as it is a different project. 

Projected costs sheet changes after July adding just the soft costs. Construction and administration of the contract as job progresses. Sometimes there are a lot of questions and that is why it is done hourly. This will depend on how much you want us out there and in the office. His goal is 4 hrs/day. RFI ( Request for info) can be lengthy at times. $200,000 is budgeted for that for a year. That is 8% of the budget.

They are a little under budget- which is good so far. 

Contingencies needed- underground work and satellite from project and railroad. Thinks INDOT will be done before the project work on SR 1. ( by mid December) Work with less traffic can be easier. 

$191,996- reconcile that after more info in on rate consultant etc. 

Christy can change numbers as needed on her screen. 

Board discussed options.

Original ARPA was 4 million- before expansion of the plant was decided. 

$5,590,000 is now $5,576.000- so $14,000 less. 

Mike Hrezo said both great contractors - low bidder was CH&M and we have used them several times on these type of projects.

More discussion of the separate Earth Tek contract. They are a material supplier per Frank Kramer. We are their customer. Proposal only good for 60 days. Updated contract as of August 21 reflecting this. This is good to Oct 15th. Then $330,000 is due. The deposit of 30% is because of this being an equipment heavy project and they have to pay these people. Copies of this went to Andy Baudendistel as well as Frank Kramer. This is a unique system- not as many people doing it with the underground tanks. We needed someone who could do this kind of work.

Is the price of the equipment including the material and design for Earth Tek. Kevin Chaffee is known in the area for these kinds of situations. They are out of Batesville. They have done other systems in the county.

Commissioner Thatcher left

There is no bond for Earth Tek. 

Brett Fehrman left at 6:25 PM

The other bidder was similar to CH&M except for the pump costs. 

61 customers on this project for pumps.

Probst said they HAVE to go to ARPA next week so they can go to Commissioners meeting first Tuesday in Sept. Council then will schedule an emergency meeting. Thatcher is the contact for ARPA. Get with Sue Hayden to schedule. Need to forward a positive recommendation on the contract. 

Cline still wants to meet with Earth Tek to be sure of the down payment time. 

Stenger said- no we meet with Connie Fromhold and see how we can get the payment done.

Present for Hrezo and DCRSD the contracts to ARPA $5,576,000.47 with the low bidder’s numbers presented also. (This will allow the low bidder to be prepared.) Approved.

Cline and Renihan will come down and get with Jim Thatcher and Connie Fromhold. 

Cline- On Dillsboro ( Lake Dildear) the discussion was regarding the numbers. He redid numbers and got to about $11 on HighRidge for examples. Trying to see what the bulk costs could be. $15,000 margin on operation out there at High Ridge. 

Renihan- Bottom line is Dillsboro is the only game out there.

Cline- We need to get a rate that applies to all. Talk to Brock about this. Renihan- Rate is same since 2009. Others have taken a couple since then. Look at Cost of Living. Brock is recommending a 50% rate increase. 

Cline- If board spends $50,000 to add a supt. This would be $39 each to their fee. And if we want to engage SRF for a grant for Moores Hill, We’d have to work on that by Dec 1 to hit March 1 deadline. Board agrees this would be good to do that. 

Mike Hrezo- Dillsboro Lake Dildear - Advertise for bids tomorrow  at paper for 2 weeks from Thursday Aug 29th they can open bids Sept 17th in a public place at Commissioners administrators office. They will email the bids out to DCRSD board and spreadsheet will be before the meeting also. BOARD will essentially decide bidder Aug 19.  Hrezo will have to have the spreadsheets ready that night too.  

Cline and Board working on one or other with bulk rate and remove penalties perhaps. Talking to Brett and Bill about that to get special meeting on Dillsboro.

Renihan - RFP sent out and Barnes and Thornburg should be at Sept 5th meeting. Cline wants to get that RFP from Chris at B&T. Doug Baer will be gone and Stenger maybe too. Worried about quorum. Accountant will be there maybe too.  

Cline still wants to understand cash flow. 

Renihan noted that 2 signatures on all checks and all claims have to be approved at meeting before checks go out. SBOA rules. Health related emergencies could have a check authorized later at a meeting. 

Adjourn: 7:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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