Tuesday, June 11, 2024

11 June 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

 11 June 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, Jim Mansfield, Mark Dole, and Daryl Cutter (non- voting school board member)

Also present: Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, and  Anthony Smart, attorney. 

ABSENT: Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

Title VI statement referred to as legally required and not read as only one other person was present who declined needing it read to save time.

Executive session preceded this meeting and ran overtime till 9:25 AM.

The purposes for the Executive Session are to:

(1)  Discuss strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties, classified confidential by state and federal statute:  IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D)

(2)  Discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision, classified confidential by state and federal statute: IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4).

Board read a memorandum of the executive session and stated that they only discussed what was advertised.

Action of the Executive Session-  NO action.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- May 14 Minutes approved.


$800 Jeffrey D Thomas for Campus Dr appraisal, $ 10,230 Baker Tilley for TIF related professional services, $1800 to Pillar Valuation for Campus Dr Appraisal and $7877 to Bayer Becker for portions of Task 4 and 6. TOTAL- $20,707.50 Approved. 

NEW BUSINESS: Mark Banschbach- for Lighthouse Yacht Club. Passed out his plans to board. Currently in front of P/Z for rezoning from M3 to R3. He showed them the concepts they are running and the plans. They were tabled at last Planning Commission meeting. The electric comes from Rising Sun with enough for 16 units and they will have enough for the expansion. Aurora says the same thing regarding utilities.

One concern was a car running off SR56 and hits buildings. The other is a gravel pit owned by Jurgenson endnote operated for 24 years now. It’s a viable project and I know it as he owns rentals and there is a need. Looking for questions that you might have. There might be something DCRC can be involved in with a TIF for utilities. But he is not chasing needs he doesn’t have at this time. They have done a HECRES study to show what the buildings will have on the river. The results meet FEMA and DNR regs at 0.002 HECRES number. 

Deaton asked about other support.

Banschbach is getting Ohio County and Aurora letters of support. Needs letter of support from DCRC.

If Aurora annexes them then county is not involved. Banschbach said that he doesn’t think they will be annexed in time- could be 2-3 years. There is a half million dollar utility extension that needs to occur. If the county could TIF this that would help pay for this type of thing. He thinks the county is more timely than the city at this. He wants to get a shovel in the ground - what is the fasted way to get this project done. DNR takes 3-6 months to reply to anything. 

Deaton asked the board if they were willing to provide a letter of support. Mark Dole said he needs to abstain as he works for Jurgenson. Banschbach indicated he had talked to Mike Jurgenson. Dole said it must have been a while ago as Mike was no longer working there. Mansfield motioned and Helms seconded for a letter of support. We should be saying that the concept is a good use. Deddens said- whoever buys in will know that the gravel pit is there. They can see each other? Banschbach said yes. Board approved with Dole abstaining. Mike Perleberg (One Dearborn) will compose the letter of support for a rezone and send to Plan Commission. Approved.

OLD BUSINESS: Mark Rosenberger- Bayer Becker Update- They are looking for letter to INDOT for up to 20% commitment on their share of the ramp project on SR 52. Unfortunately it takes 6-7 years to get things done. With the number of trucks entering the highway. INDOT email noted $50 million for local safety projects- which is not a lot of money. Deaton asked if they could state a 10% match not 20%. Perhaps need to call this a safety issue.There is excavation that will go on Farmer and Hirlinger properties. Board decided to send the letter to INDOT with a 10% match.

Dole asked about The Railroad estimate- Indiana Ohio RR- their opinion of cost in the  letter. Rosenberger said he doesn’t think it needs all of this. You don’t need arms and signals for an intersection like this- Dole - especially for a “dead RR” It isn’t needed when it is not a live RR. They are suggesting to get a hard bid maybe. 

ONE DEARBORN REPORT: Perleberg- the 3 acre site on Campus Dr that you own. This is next to St E’s Hospital on SR48 and Wilson Creek. Is this something that you want - you want to mow it a couple times a year.

Stone’s farming lease agreement done. Monthly marketing calls with Cushman Wakefield. Also reiterated the news about both READI organizations funding available.  




Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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