Tuesday, June 04, 2024



Present: Jim Thatcher, President, Alan Goodman, and Rick Probst

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Rick Probst- Correction of approval of Bright Parade Date from June 26 to July 27th - Approved.

Unsafe Building Bids- Nicole Daily-  Bid opening for 23342 Stateline Rd demolition. 2 bids. Howard Excavating- $16,548 and Alpha Demolition and Excavating - $ 8,500. She and Bill Shelton will check through the documents. They will meet with bidders to be sure they are comparing apple to apples- with that wide variance in cost. Will bring back to commissioners.  

Cemetery Commission / Manwarring Graveyard Discussion – Tony Reid - Graveyards are historic. Bazewell and Manwaring deeds exist for this in 1880. Solomon Manwaring was here since 1801. Surveyed New Trenton and in Brookville. He was a delegate in 1816. This was abandoned at some time in last 100 years and Harrison township is in charge. Here today to inform commissioners there is no fence around it and 95 graves in need of repair. Some notable ones. He has found other ways to repair these. The duties are outlines in the county code of ordinances. Estimated cost of $110,000 to bring this back for Veterans and Pioneers. Must be a 501c3 or entity of county govt. Ideally to be 501c3 and entity of county govt. The property surveyed in next 45 days If all put up 10-15,000 they could get invasive trees and encroachment removed. Then fence and then restore gravestones. 

Dennis Kraus, Jr-  $500/year is the cemetery commission budget. No problem working with him to the extent we can. Our commission is made up of volunteers. It is mowed and the township pays someone to mow it. There is some boundary around it of sorts. There is a 10 ft drop from road to the cemetery. The fireworks company there HP Fireworks and the trucking company allow parking for it. Maybe try to get a written permission for parking. Cemetery commission could request budget at Council’s  August hearings. Reid is also on that agenda. 

First burial Hannah Case in 1818, Wildridges, and one other family  There are 1986 Case burials in there as most recent. Commissioners asked Kraus to pursue a 501c3 for the Century Commission. Approved. 

Soil & Water Conservation District – Vickie Riggs, Environmental Technician and 

Matthew Johnson, Vice Chair of Board- 

Vickie Riggs reported- Did a crop survey in the county and tree giveaway producing 7 boxes of non perishable goods for the food banks at that event.

26 - 50-lb bags of Roundup ready corn seed and  also Sorghum available for county residents.  

DUST = Dearborn Urban Soils - done at Bright Park- Killed grass, tilled it up and seeding and doing a pioneer wildflower crop with a fire break around it. Working group will want to work with other parks in the county to put these flowers in. 

Another open meeting with the public to get resource concerns in the county to send to NRCS. She said it was a pleasure working there for 21 years. She retires July 5. Accepting applications for her position. Commissioners congratulated her. 

Probst asked her about bringing in butterfly larvae. She will check it. 

2024 Line Striping Bid Award – Todd Listerman, County Engineer- every 1000 vehicles per day gets striped center and sides.  

Lowest bid was $167,706.40- Ogilvy Construction  - same company as last year.  The other 2 bids were higher but relatively close in price to this. Approved.

First bridge on North Hogan Rd 80/20 project- get signature for sending to INDOT to let this fall. Approved.

Probst asked about Short Ridge. Listerman said it is being paved starting last week. Should be done before the SR 350  closures.  

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden-  Need to make a motion on Probst replacing  Goodman on SEIRPC. Approved.

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Payroll and May 21st Minutes Approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- said that Commissioner Thatcher took lead on this- met with Derek Walker, Dillsboro Town Mgr, John Watson Town Attorney and Andy Baudendistel and Doug Baker from Town Council to work on Dillsboro- Representatives  from Dillsboro came up with a proposed contract. Kevin Turner got the letter and proposed to Steve Gemmer on Saturday. They heard Dillsboro EMS had revised by laws to allow Gemmer to be member/President.

Commissioners - Ratified the contract - Approved. 

Baudendistel- Said he does not do Facebook. Wanted to have people know how much Thatcher has worked on this issue. Didn’t think the appreciated all he has done.  

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Probst- Memorial services he attended were well done- thanked Veterans. 


PUBLIC COMMENT - Tony Reid- If the Cemetery Commission is an entity of the County- why do they not get a budget? Baudendistel said this is the first time and they will be bringing into the budget hearings.  


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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