Thursday, June 20, 2024

20 June 2024 DC Regional Sewer District Board Meeting Notes

 20 June 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Brett Fehrman - Acting chairman- Vice President, Bill Shelton, Jeff Stenger, and Steward Cline 

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

ABSENT: Steve Renihan, Doug Baer, and Russell Beiersdorfer. 

Also present: Bob Hrezo of Hrezo Engineering, Commissioners Thatcher and Probst, and Tamara Taylor, the Beacon.

Stenger read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: June 6, 2024 Minutes were approved. 

Public Comment: none

Project Updates: Bob Hrezo reported

Guilford-making good progress-has been to IDEM and they wouldn’t schedule face to face meetings so he went and surprised them. He took a large complete binder as they keep acting like they don’t have material. He showed them teh materials they needed in the binder too. Apparently this one person is not reading his emails regularly. 

Cline summarized the situation that he sees happening. Hrezo agreed. But they are stuck in the tech stage- and even though they said they had reviewed it all before. It seemed thatchy had NOT reviewed it all. 

They apparently wanted them to completely reapply?!?

They just want us to reapply for the plant itself. The plant design is something new to them?

They will withdraw the application and resubmit as long as he agrees to approve the permit right away. They had let it get away from them at IDEM and now they need this to be done to stay within the 90 day rule. They will not withdraw until they get affirmation on the permit right away. Mr Kerstinovski is the official at IDEM. Approved for Hrezo to do this. 

High Ridge WWTP -

High Ridge West Expansion - New pumps are available with thermal shutoff now. Old pumps will have a better float that is not mercury will be put in and a 4th float will be provided also. Hrezo is going to cover the reinstall. Impeller failures- they are not sure if that will shut off for them. They want to get the pumps to the installer (Roth) out of Robert Lischke’s place. Bill Shelton offered to get that done. Approved.   

Wilson Creek Project

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane

Harrison TIF/Stone Project

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive

Stateline Rd

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court- 

Moores Hill

Dillsboro- Lake Dildear- need to stay connected to see if any issues with them per Cline. Hrezo will cover. 

New Business: none

Office Update: none

Claims: $19,295.50 - Cline noted- $11,000 plus is SBOA and $5810 Hrezo for Lake Dildear and rest is standard office costs. Approved.  

Treasurer Report- Tabled  due to questions for April and May treasurers reports.  

Discretion of the Board: none

Adjourn: 6:45 PM

Interesting info- After the meeting adjourned- Nick from  Crossroads advised DCRSD Board  that June 28 is his last day managing at Crossroads (previously LMH)— moving to Brownsburg. Saw a lot of capital plans, but nothing has happened over that. Promises made but not kept. He told Envirolink in February or March about his issues and in May gave them an ultimatum at Envirolink which is the parent company. Envirolink is also managing SDRSD down in Lawrenceburg and is the company originally interested in buying the DCRSD.

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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