Thursday, June 06, 2024

6 June 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

 6 June 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes 

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, Doug Baer, Jeff Stenger, and Steward Cline 

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Christy and Bob Hrezo of Hrezo Engineering, Commissioners Rick Probst and Jim Thatcher

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: May 16th Minutes re-presented with corrections regarding the financials. Approved.

Public Comment: Brian Roth - was installing a bunch of grinder tanks from Lischkge. Mr Hensley said his oil seal light was on. He went to change it out and found out there was an issue with 2 pumps. Found float issues. The mercury switched get beat up in shipping at times. Doug Price told him the warranty starts when installed. They have been stored for a while.The board decided to contact Strafer rep to see if they are covered under warranty. There is a kit per Hrezo that will cover for the thermal shut off that did not exist on some of the pumps.They are not available yet. Hrezo will find out when those will be available. Six tanks and 5 pumps there still at Lischkge. Still need to find the 5 people who are missing pumps. New pumps ordered after this will have thermal shutdowns. They will need another pump for the one that was replaced.    

Project Updates: Christy from Hrezo said that she thinks she gave the lawyers all the info they need. 

Guilford- ARPA projects info was given to Chris from Barnes and Thornburg for the RFP. Per Renihan communication from Chris. They will be coming to one of the next couple meetings. Board wants that info before the meeting- not the day of. They want it by the 17th of June. Collection system has been approved by IDEM, but not the plant yet.The technology that Chaffee designed in the underground plant is perhaps not as familiar to them. The oldest one is for 1991. He has 78 plants. The underground fiberglas tank is NOT in the floodplain. There are weights on them so they will not float. Because the underground part might be in flood plane technically. There are 7 states that have approved these so far and they are installed there. Renihan wants to push them for a decision for this plant. Kevin Chaffee has some state people that he is working with on this. Need to move foreword.

Frank Kramer has not received anything on the complaint. The guy still has to bring more info to show that he is affected negatively. Or how he is losing value. June 14th is the deadline to submit info to show this. His complaint is on the placement of the lines per Christy. He has not been ordered on to the system because there is no system yet.   

High Ridge WWTP -

High Ridge west Expansion - 

Wilson Creek Project

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane

Harrison TIF/Stone Project

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive

Stateline Rd- Fehrman- Been an effort to connect Tradewinds up on Stateline Rd- It’s in Crossroads territory. Consensus is that this is not DCRSD issue. It belongs to Crossroads. It’s taken 2 years to get the other one hooked up there. 

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court- 

Moores Hill

Dillsboro- - Lake Killdeer design is about a week out to be submitted to IDEM. Cline reported- Derek Walker and he emailed each other. Getting the town to accept it. They have to get to. Their various perspectives on the map. They want the flexibility that if they annexed out to SEI Data area, then they can revise the contract. The board thinks that is pretty simple to agree to that. This won’t hold things up. Watson is updating the draft to work together on this. Want to commit to getting it done in early July. The rates will be shared with this board per Cline. Need a line item to pay for part of the capacity there. Hey are not expecting payment for all 60 up front- maybe start with 20. Stenger was discussing the difference in EDUs versus bulk rate. Cline- want a favorable rate and a capacity charge. Stenger wants capacity and not per house. Fehrman- find out out treatment cost at High Ridge. Then have a reasonable way to assess it. 

New Business: Renihan- Did they discuss SBOA - State Board of Account- came in while he was out last month. Cost - $960/day for an audit It will cost $11,000 to do this. The Gateway site- wants it to be put in quarterly. Going over that with Lisa and the folks at Boggs and Race. The average audit is 5 days per Renihan. This last one was over 5 years instead of 3 years. All board members have to go to a link on Gateway and they have about 15 minutes to take the test and they get a certificate that they have taken a course. All organizations go thru this same process. Any organizations that get state money get audited by SBOAThey DCRSD had no major violations.  

Office Update: County Treasurer sent a report- collections  received during tax tiem-  you will receive a check for liens to some of the properties. About 4 paid off their liens. They need to check the lien list to see where they stand now. Threshold was $250-300 for lien collection. The lien people also pay for Frank Kramer’s fee to file the lien too. The Wilks will be contacting Hrezo about 2 replacement pumps.  

Claims: Cline- asked about parts of the Hrezo bill- and there were items that were under general services and not part of Guilford project. He was not questioning the response. But this is itemized and separate from the projects. Part is to support the Barnes and Thornburg project. Cline wants to be sure they stay in the bounds of that Guilford budget. Cline wants to have the $$ amount of 4th claims approved  and separate $$s for them projects to be noted in the minutes. Approved to do that starting next meeting and approved the claims for payment. 

Discretion of the Board: Renihan thanked members for all the help while he was out. 

Adjourn: 6:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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