Tuesday, September 10, 2024

10 Sept 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes


10 Sept 2024 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, Jim Mansfield, Mark Dole, and Daryl Cutter (non- voting school board member)

Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

Title VI statement read by Deaton as legally required.


IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties;

IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4) (A) to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision

Memorandum for Executive Session- Board affirmed they only discussed what was advertised 

Action from Executive Session- Draft RFP for Bright TIF area approved. Accept the one acre proposal in Bright for $60,000 for the 12 townhomes to be built in next 24 months.- Approved. Also selected a committee to send out the RFP for the Bright TIF - Approved. Also Smart asked the board to allow Jim Deaton to sign the agreement for the one acre townhomes- Approved. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- August 13 minutes- Approved


Claims: $980.00 to Drake Lawn for mowing Aurora 5 times, Bright 3 times, W. Harrison 3 times and W. Harrison ditch area 3 times.     Total: $980.00- Approved

Financials – Review- passed out



ONE DEARBORN REPORT: Perleberg said Stellar Pathways public open house at Greendale Middle School to show the proposals and October 3 in evening- hours not set yet.

At Sept 23rd Plan Commission giving Bright TIF and SR 1 Corridor Study.

Would you like One Dearborn to follow up on the lessees on Billboards and see if they are up to date? They agreed he will bring summary to bring them up to date. 

ATTORNEY’S REPORT- continuing the work on Bright TIF 

OTHER BUSINESS- Helms suggested 8:30 for Executive sessions as to avoid school bus traffics. 


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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