Thursday, September 05, 2024

5 September 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

 5 September 2024 DCRSD Board Meeting Notes

Steve Renihan - President, Brett Fehrman - Vice President, Russell Beiersdorfer, Bill Shelton, and Steward Cline 

ABSENT: Jeff Stenger and Doug Baer

Board Attorney - Frank Kramer

Also present: Bob Hrezo, Mike Hrezo, and Christy of Hrezo Engineering, Commissioners Probst and Thatcher, Council President., Liz Morris, Tamara Taylor (Beacon), and two attorneys from Barnes and Thornburg 

Renihan read the Public Access Statement as legally required.

Minutes: August 15th Minutes Approved.( Renihan abstained) Special Meeting on August 22nd Minutes with included bid tabulation from Hrezo and engineering recommendation letter from Hrezo were added to this set of minutes - Approved.

Treasurers July report from Boggs and Race, CPA- Approved. Boggs and Race CPA will be at the October meeting. 

Barnes and Thornburg RFP- Chris and Jake presenting. Fruitful comments about RFP and the timeline. Multiple options not just for acquisition but also for operation.  The final document is here. This backs not November. No matter what we do here we will still have an IURC process to back it up. This RFP does not commit you to anything. I know you have asked about this several times. 

How are we going to send this out and communicate with you all. They have access to some utility groups regionally and are trying to garner some interest for you there. 

Cline - there is in the timeline a pre-proposal meeting so they can seek info prior to the RFP deadline.  The significance of IURC approval- is that they will have to approve any costs that go back to the consumers. There is an advocate at IURC for consumers in these cases. IURC approval takes 4-6 months not 4-6 weeks.  

We also decided the deadline is 60 days as 30 days is too short. 

Jake - If and when the time comes we have started the conversation in the water industry. 

Chris- We can also issue amendments during the process. 

Cline- So this is ready to be issued now. YES.

Fehrman - asked about the mission of the Board continuing. This is in a couple different spots in the FFP per Chris.

Cline - hopes to see numerous responses. 

Renihan- thought this was well done and documents how we got to this point. 

Renihan called for. Vote to release the RFP to the public. Approved.

Cline said if board members know of anyone interested to send their names to Chris and Jake. 

Public Comment: Richard Lloyd ???- sewage still leaking in his backyard.PSI is up to 50 and should be 35.5 Renihan said they are waiting on a pump. Will ask engineer later in meeting. Would like to get it to 40 PSI at least.This is why they flush once a year. Mike Hrezo says it has NOT been flushed. Cline motioned - Purchase the LIBERTY pump at $4000 etc. Mike Hrezo said he would flush every 6 months if they authorize him to do this. Renihan- thinks it has been about 2 years since they flushed the lines. It’s on us to get this done. That should lower pressure and get pumps to not burn up. Cline wants Hrezo to bring in a maintenance agreement by November meeting. If this doesn’t work we will need an independent investigation of the issues. Renihan- wants some readings to see what it is happening. 

Board motioned to have Hrezo flush lines-  Approved. 

Project Updates:Mike Hrezo 

Guilford- Mike Hrezo-attended ARPA meeting and will go to Council Sept 27th at 9 AM and Lake Dildear is at that same meeting. 

Wanted to know when they want to meet with Earth Tek- before the final contract. Board suggested at next meeting on Sept 19th. 

Prebid meeting 10 AM Sept 10th for Lake Dildear upstairs in conference room at county bldg. 2 good contractors interested. Bids due by 10AM and opened 11 AM on Sept 19th. 

They will present both Lake Dildear and Guilford to Council on Sept 27th at 9 AM.

Cline agreed with Watson from Dillsboro to have a meeting to hammer out the contract at 1 PM September 12th and be signed before Sept 27th meeting. We will need a probationary period of 6-7 months to understand the efficiency of our system. There are times when they will do some flushing in the beginning. Fehrman has trouble with the rates he is seeing on this now. Cline going to share the numbers from Christy that had the I and I in it too as compared to High Ridge numbers. A pure for meter cost won’t be in this as we are getting a bulk rate. Renihan- This is then best opportunity to get the sewer out to Lake Dildear. Renihan would like to see the penalties reduced. We could have a holding tank got hold it back to not hit their limit at Dillsboro. Fehrman- It’s a 4 inch line at Lake Dildear.     

High Ridge WWTP -

High Ridge west Expansion - 

Wilson Creek Project

Huesman Rd and Cole Lane

West Harrison TIF/Stone Project- Christy said Pair Tree is working now.  There are 7 commercial  lots out there. 

Scenic Ridge/148 Sewers /Outer Drive

Stateline Rd- Fehrman- People out on Stateline rd want to be connected. Communication issues with the Crossroads Group. Homeowners want to pay for it. Mike Myers is involved now from Crossroads parent company. We are not financially involved - LMH/Crossroads thinks it IS our territory. Doug Baer had thought not. Either way it has to go to them for treatment. We are not standing in their way to get treated per Renihan. They can just hook on- as long as Crossroads agrees to treat it. Board agreed they need to hook on at their expense and Crossroads will treat because we cannot treat.  

Serenity Ridge Tranquility Court- 

Moores Hill

Dillsboro- Lake Dildear- see above under Hrezo and Guilford. 

New Business: none

Office Update: CDs need to renew by Sept 18th. Kelly and Renihan can go to bank to take care of this. Only using 3 month CDs.Cline thinks to stagger them out on 3,6,9, and 12 month CDs. Renihan will look into that at bank. Townsend made deposit and it was deposited but he did not buy the lot. Board voted to write a refund check back to Townsends. Approved. 

Ashcraft- bought last pump with no warranty. This is his 3rd pump.Had a low, then a high, then high head used. Renihan wants to suspend the bill on both Ashcraft and Lloyd and to flush it and see if that works. There is also air in lines where the amps run continuously. People need to maintain their pumps - especially with the floats. Want Mikę and Christy go out and see if these need to be reset if they are pumping air into the lines. The probe (not the float) is the item that has to be cleaned off per Mr Lloyd as he learned that from Doug Price. Perhaps we send a letter to the users regarding maintenance procedures with a user agreement. Pumps last 8-10 years so they should know what to expect. Maybe send these with bills annually. Maybe a list of certain plumbers to call too. Lloyd and Ashcraft will only charged $15 per month when pumps not working. 

Claims: Approved.

Discretion of the Board: List of those who owe over $200 - 13 people- so Frank Kramer can file liens. 

Renihan- SBOA State Board of Accounts- has 25 minute video that every board member has to watch to finish off their action plan. Then sign the form stating they have done that. Then they submit it to compliance officer at IDEM.    

Adjourn: 6:30 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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