Thursday, October 25, 2018

25 October 2018 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

25 October 2018 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Alan Goodman, Diane Bender
ABSENT: Jim Helms and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member) and Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Andrea Ewan, attorney
Title VI statement read as legally required.
EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 8:00 a.m. IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4): to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision. AND ALSO, IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties.  

ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION- Board certified that they only discussed items as advertised above. 
APPROVAL OF MINUTES-Sept 13th minutes approved
CLAIMS AND FINANCIALS- TIF Claim - Barnes and Thornburg- 2 payments- for incentives near Whitewater Mill and looking at new project going in there and conference call. Approved payment. 
The Financials were passed out to review.
Cushman Wakefield final contract- Randall said Ewan had reviewed the contract. Changes made. Agreement includes that the adjoining landowner work currently being done is not included for any commission. Updating the layout on some of the properties with Bayer Becker to get some new concepts to put into marketing materials for about $750. This would come out of the $10,000 from Duke Energy at One Dearborn on file for this purpose. Board motioned to use no more than $1000 for this purpose.
The Cushman contract will be effective October 1st and authorized Deaton to sign the Cushman Wakefield contract. 
Randall will talk to Cushman Wakefield to see about tearing down the residence on the Stone Property. Have to do something about checking for asbestos.
US 50 Business Park Sign Update- Randall said letter sent to every business and Matt Zimmerman went around to each business. County Highway doesn’t need a sign and Craig Distributing hasn’t gotten back to them. Batesville Products and Soil and Water signed on. Discussion about waiting to hear from Craig or not. Tabled until their next meeting in the next couple weeks. Deddens has been trying to contact him across last 2 weeks. He will go out to see him today. Tabled.
Hirlinger Chevrolet Update- Deddens said the will be back in a couple weeks about what they are moving.   
H. Nagel and Sons- Brighton Mills Update-Randall- Approved up to $10,000 on capital equipment. They have a $20,000 piece of equipment that will do testing of their product. they will get 3 quotes to qualify for the  $10,000 form DCRC. They want the economic development agreement to be sure they agree to a certain number of jobs etc. They signed on to try to hire as many Indiana employees as they can. They will be bringing some Cincinnati employees that they already have.  
School Update- Deaton- need some sort of decision from the school situation. 2 letters from Sunman Dearborn and South Dearborn. They have attended some workshops on this relationship. We are able to provide them help beyond that which is specifically in legislation. They can spend the money on quality of place items. 
Goodman- struggled with this as $42mil budget and county has $33mil to run entire county. Likes what they are asking for though. Spending money on education items would be more in line with what they are charged to do. Even though he loves HS sports, there are more important things. 
Randall cited what Greendale does with their TIF money for Lawrenceburg schools.
Goodman wanted to spend the money more on work force training. 
Ewan- letters said they want it for tuition reimbursement for the SE IN Career Center and also IVY Tech. They were asking for 15%- the max they could request. You can look at balances from auditor to see what this would be. Connie Fromhold also provided that info to them in their packets. Goodman said they cannot do that due to a bond payment that they owe also. 
Deddens will talk to Dr. Jackson at Sunman Dearborn and see how many go to voc ed and number in each career. Discussion about the trades education available and travel times etc to it. They will respond to the letter from lawyers and will try to get the numbers first at end of year. It’s an annual decision that they would go thru each year if they did it. 
OTHER BUSINESS- Next meeting November 8th. 
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

AGENDA- Oct 25th DC Redevelopment Commission Meeting

October 25, 2018
9:00 a.m., 1st Floor Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 8:00 a.m. IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (4): to discuss interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by the Indiana economic development corporation, the office of tourism development, the Indiana finance authority, an economic development commission, a local economic development organization (as defined in IC 5-28-11-2(3)), or a governing body of a political subdivision. AND ALSO, IC §5-14-1.5-6.1(b) (2) (D) which pertains to discussing strategy with the respect to the purchase or lease of real property by the governing body up to the time a contract or option to purchase or lease is executed by the parties.  

  1. Call to order

  1. Title VI Statement for Compliance

  1. Action from Executive Session

  1. Approval of Minutes
September 12, 2018 Meeting

  1. Claims & Financials
    1. TIF Claim – Barnes & Thornburg
    2. Financials 

  1. Unfinished Business 
1.  Cushman Wakefield Final Contract
2.  US 50 Business Park Sign Update
3.  Hirlinger Chevrolet Update
4.  H. Nagel & Sons / Brighton Mills Update
5.  School Update

  1. New Business
1.  Letter from Sunman-Dearborn School Attorney, Frank Kramer

  1. One Dearborn Report 
  1. Attorney’s Report

  1. Other Business

  1. Adjournment

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Health Board Meeting October 25th

October 18, 2018

To: Whom it may concern-

The Health Board Meeting will be held on:

Thursday, October 25, 2018
7:30 PM
Henry Dearborn Room, on left after entering security entrance


G. E. Scudder, M.D., Health Officer/Administrator

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Candidate Night at HVL Golf Course

 I would appreciate your letting everyone know we are having a candidate night at the HVL Golf Course tomorrow night at 6.  Everyone is invited.

Kind regards,
Robert Starks 



Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Jim Thatcher

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.



Annex Update - Maxwell Construction - Chris Grabosky- Columns completely done by end of next week. Final punch list aper that. Parking lot scheduled for Sat if it doesn’t rain. Back rails and front rails by end of this month. Being powder coated in Indy currently. Appreciate everyone working thru this frustrating end of the project. Trying to hand sand the columns to get the markings off them. Trying to get a product to patch and a stain or coating to be compatible with that. Caulking and sealing to be done on those caps by next week. 

Grant Application Approval- Life time Resources- Dana Hildebrand- Guardianship program for about 20 years- and it was supported by Judge Humphrey. No match needed form county. Have 23 people who they are guardians for in Dearborn. Also have less in Ripley and Ohio County. County is just the pass thru for this.  Grant forms not available yet and Nov 9th is due date. Will get it to Connie Fromhold as soon as they get it. Commissioners approved the grant request.

911 Director- Jared Teaney:
Spillman- Ohio County Coming on as Shared Agency for the Spillman server. They have an agreement for this - same as with Aurora and Greendale. Ohio County 911, Rising Sun and Ohio County police coming on the shared server. Commissioners approved and gave permission for sheriff to sign it. Advantage is to share data and we share a judge and prosecutor’s office also already. No additional cost to the county. Ohio County is on the hook for any connection fees for the server.  

911 Board Member Nomination- Jason Eckoff- resigned and has another job elsewhere. Nominated Kevin Redelman runs on St Leon and Bright EMS. Approved. 

NG911 Federal Grant Letter of Intent- This is a 60/40 grant match for the county. Updating some GIS data will be something they can use this for. $1.9 million available for the country. The 911 funds will cover the 40%. This is just an intent to apply. They will come back after they decide what they will apply for. This would help with locating 911 runs. Approved. 

Installed 2 new workstations in 911 from previous grant. Maintenance waxed their floors. 

Dearborn County Regional Sewer District- Steve Renihan, President:

Texas Gas Road Project- Request to Approach Council- County fund 4917 to cover this to extend sewer to Texas Gas Road. They have 2 estimates. One to get it out Texas Gas and help 49 homes. Going out half the distance and do 18 homes. It would be better to do it all at one time. It allows the sewer board to get into the black along with the operations of their sewer plant. This will cover day to day bills and operating cost of sewer plant. Total cost estimate $496,803.45 plus. Grinder pumps at $5000. Some will pay it at once - some will do it over 5 years. Fund 4917 has $1,156,364.06 in it. They will send letters out to people. 12-14 people have expressed interest at their sewer board meeting. Mike Hrezo- said the 49 homes are depicted in red and have direct access to the sewer line. Some are sitting off the road pretty far and they could get another septic or they could sign on. Commissioners gave permission to approach Council for this project. 49 cost $10K er property and if only 18 it would be $16K each. 

Guilford Update- to of interest in this. Uptick of interest from residents at their meeting. Looking at how to get grants to get put there. They need an updated study of this. They need to update a 2015 study. There is only a 2 year time frame to get that federal money for the county. They need an interlock agreement with SDRSD thru Greendale or Lawrenceburg. They have one with Lawrenceburg for Wilson Creek Road - worked on for 2 years and now almost done. LMU didn’t want to do another till they saw how this worked out with Wilson Creek. For Guilford to get fed money they need to fix the problem in the most cost efficient manner. And maybe add a little more capacity- nothing like a big gravity fed sewer. Force main to L-bg or Greendale or a treatment plant right there. (Due to the flood plain area there, going thru lines already in existence with Lawrenceburg at Perfect North Slopes may be most efficient process)   

Grant Application Approval- Superior Court II- Approved.

Resolution Establishing Employee Contribution and Copay Rates for Health Insurance- Baudendistel read the resolution- to address the rising costs of health benefits. For 2019- $35/mo for single for $100 for family.
2020 - $212/month ad $595/mo for family.If employee takes part in well living program rates stay they same as in 2019. Last rate raise was in 2007. 
They also increased other copays for ER visits etc. Open enrollment in October 2018. Rates effective 2019. Commissioners approved and signed the resolution. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing Thatcher said they have a series of data on supplier for all depts with help form Sue. Working on getting some efficiencies there. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/October 2nd Minutes- approved. From Gayle Pennington- the voting locations are same as spring.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- none

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Thatcher- Get everyone out to vote.

McHenry- sits on SE IN Port Authority. SEIRPA He asked if Thatcher would sit on that board and he will resign as of this Friday. Only get quarterly meetings. Approved Thatcher and accepted McHenry’s resignation. 

McHenry- Attended a funeral for his Uncle Tom Largent- with military honors. People pulled over and showed respect as they went to the cemetery. County workers took off hardhats and put them ver their hearts. Very well deserved.

Little- Vietnam wall out at Baylor trucking. They were very cordial to his brother a WW II vet.  




Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Saturday, October 13, 2018

AGENDA- Oct 16th Commissioners Meeting

 October 16, 2018 
5:00 p.m., Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana




1.  Annex Update – Maxwell Construction, Chris Grabosky

2.  Grant Application Approval – LifeTime Resources, Dana Hildebrand

3.  911 Director, Jared Teaney
1.  Spillman (Ohio County Coming on as a Shared Agency)
2.  911 Board Member Nomination
3.  NG911 Federal Grant Letter of Intent

4.  Dearborn County Regional Sewer District – President, Steve Renihan
1.  Texas Gas Road Project – Request to Approach Council
2.  Guilford Update
5.  Grant Application Approval – Superior Court II
6.  Resolution Establishing Employee Contribution and Copay Rates for Health Insurance

VII. AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold
1.  Claims/Payroll/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel