Tuesday, August 21, 2018



Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Jim Thatcher

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

Rick Probst- Commissioner candidate also present.

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.


Wilker Property- Baudendistel- Agreed entry was provided by Wilker and attorney. The had exhibits showing work to be done and contractors and that Wilker will ONLY be doing electric as he is an electrician. Photos from property show the growth had been cleaned with a trackhoe etc. Shelton- the Bldg Inspector- said he couldn’t be sure they could complete this on time. It’s realistic IF they get it together and DO it. Thatcher asked if there were $s on the info- NO. 
The attorney said that dollars were paid to several contractors and there are funds held by Betting ( sp?) and Associates to finish it. The county’s interest are protected by the agreed entry we have proposed for  Dec 1 deadline. And more for the April 1, 2019 deadline. They are secured by a promissory note. It will be sent to Baudendistel for the county’s records. She thinks the agreed entry provides the county with more protection than the court option would. She thinks it is a mutually beneficial solution.  


Info regarding Wilker Property- Denise Klump and Trisha Harris- direct neighbor to the property. She went over the things that they would like to see done. They want the lien for the erosion issues resolved. They think the estimates were extremely low. They want to see the security provided for the note. She went over the dates that work happened and the that weren’t and also permit stop dates etc. She showed pictures of erosion damage and it is still unprepared and the house progress pictures from the outside. two years of work resulted in 17% work completed. Several deadlines and extensions still not completed. She showed that they worked about the same amount of time regardless of good weather or bad. 12 stop work days and 236 expired work permit. Lien for $6000 not done yet and so how can he complete a $300,000 house. She said the completion prices listed before were very unrealistic. 
Workers urinating in the col de sac in front of her 6 year old daughter. Lumber exposed for 2 years rotted. Kids on the site and is dangerous. They have installed a camera to keep an eye on things there. She’s a homeowner, mother, and working parent. This has been there for 3 years. This has spilled over to her property for concern. 
Attorney- response to this- understands as a mother and homeowner. All of the problems will be remedied by the agreed order. They will take care of the safety issues first. These are all very valid considerations. But we believe they will be taken care of by the agreed order deadlines. He also disputes the lien on his property. He also gets lower prices due to his relationships with other contractors. Our firm specializes in construction law- so we believe this will be done. 
Art Little said- he does not believe he will have it done. 
Attorney- You are adequately protected if he doesn’t get this done. 
Thatcher- Have the contractors been lined up? Yes
Shelton gets to make the call if the exterior has been completed. 
Attorney- we will have 30 day progress reports to Baudendistel. They require 5 days notice if anything needs to stop progress. 
Discussion about basement floor being pea gravel and the concrete pour occurs after IF AT ALL. 
Erosion bags there for erosion will be gone after the driveway is done. 
Klumps have a $6000 judgement on the books in the courts. Garnishment order has been in force. 
McHenry- Common sense has not been applied to this case yet! I feel like I’m in “Groundhog Day” and its the same thing over and over. 

McHnery said- we have heard enough for now. Baudendistel- We don’t know if the judge will agree with us. But with the agreed entry we do know what happens if they don’t complete it. I like the idea of know what is going to happen. This attorney’s firm is well versed in this type of law. The court wouldn’t get it done any earlier anyway. Thatcher agrees with Baudendistel. Baudendistel told Amy- the attorney- that erosion needs to be factored in- as it will affect the driveway too etc. Framing needs to be inspected. Amy- a pre-inspection is something we are comfortable with if it occurs prior to Sept 1. Bill Shelton and another local inspector will go out and look at it and send the list to the commissioners and Wilker and attorney. Attorney wants to be present with Wilker for the site visits. Approved for that. Promissory note in 7 days. 
Approved the agreed entry provided all the changes we agreed to tonight. 

Commissioners approved the agreed entry even though McHenry is reluctant given the past history. Little was also reluctant but agreed.  

Purdue Extension Lease Agreement- $18,000 per year. There is a 5 year agreement but there are termination clauses. Other areas for them are not feasible at this time. Commissioners approved and signed. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- nothing

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Minutes from August 7 approved. 

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing further 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- Little - Summer over- watch out for kids and school busses.
Thatcher- attended budget and thought that Council all got along respectfully. 




Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Monday, August 20, 2018

AGENDA- 21 August Commissioners Meeting

 August 21, 2018 
5:00 p.m., Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana




1.  Wilker Property

1.  Info Regarding Wilker Property - Denise Klump 

1.  Purdue Extension Lease Agreement

VII. AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold
1.  Claims/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel




Thursday, August 16, 2018

AGENDA- August 27, 2018 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting

AGENDA- August 27, 2018 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting




D. NEW BUSINESS Request: Vacation of an Alley and Part of Reardon (Main) & Elm Street (Original Plat) in Hardinsburgh Applicant: D.A. Kraus Land Survey Co. Owner: Barry Nanz / Nanz Properties, LLC Location : Hardinsburgh Legal: Sec. 2, T5, R1 Township: Lawrenceburg Zoning: Heavy Industrial (I-3) 


  Financial Guarantee Update 

 To review and discuss proposed changes to the Dearborn County Subdivision Control Ordinance 

 Comprehensive Plan Update 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

15 August 2018 Dearborn County Council Budget Hearing Notes

15 August 2018 Dearborn County Council Budget Hearing Notes
Present: Liz Morris, President, Dennis Kraus. Sr., Dan Lansing, Alan Goodman, Ryan Brandt, and Bill Ullrich. 
ABSENT: Charlie Keyes (who has been absent from the hearings all week)
Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor 
Register Publications and WSCH also covered this meeting
Eric Hartman- Maintenance- Requesting $10 to $12 per hour for apart time employee without available funds. It was approved- but to get the funds he needs to advertise and get Council approval.
Sheriff Mike Kreinhop-  introduced Stan Brown- from company who did the study for 2 years on police pension plan. Also John Lee- IT person- and Dave Hall- jail commander- and sheriff elect- Shane McHenry.
Council went over items in the sheriff budget for vehicles to lower back to $27,500.
Reduced sheriff vehicles in 2018 to 5 vehicles from 7 for $150,000 It lowers some installation costs as well to about $21,000. 
Pension was a big issue. Morris is not in favor of changing yet. Kreinhop- Serving beyond 20 years gets no extra benefit. Also trying to retain individuals for longer times. Also to keep up with the local city departments. Lawrenceburg has two pensions but he can’t give particulars on it. Can get up to about 24% increase in pension if work to 32 years. This would mean they would retire at about 74% of current salary. 
Morris asked about the jail being over 80% of the jail population as recommended by the state. They are now taking Decatur and Ohio county inmates. Kreinhop thinks this outside population fee can cover the pension increases. Morris said that might not be a way to do this- like building a house of cards. They might increase per diem to $50 from $35. Average 329 inmates- including 42 Level 6 inmates from the state and 8 sentenced misdemeanors.
McHenry said that in the future they will work out something with Ohio county to pay for bed space at $35 even if they don’t always use it. Kreinhop - There may be a way to redo space to house more inmates- maybe using the work release space. 60 beds in work release and we only have 5 in there. Lansing asked- how come many more are not on work release. That depends on the judges sentencing. McHenry plans to meet on that with judges to take more advantage of that program.
Hall- 424 beds including the 60 work release beds.Morris tried to pin them down on what number can we use to be compliant. Presently they have a memo of understanding with Ohio county. She does not call that a long term financially stable way to budget the jail. Morris is NOT COMFORTABLE with using this as a reliable revenue stream. 
Goodman- we are required to cut $2 million and we will have to underfund medical benefits. What exactly does it cost to house prisoners per day. 
Brandt- not sure how to get those costs. It would include staff etc. Kraus Sr- Its $54.78 per day of the internet search. Goodman- So at $35 a day we are LOSING $20 a day. Goodman reiterated about revenue is not the same as net income. Ohio County paid in $228,000 since Oct last year for inmates. State revenue for housing- $249,020 this year. 
Stan Brown- the 32 year plan would be 31.7% of pay. Right now you have a 22.3% of pay. 
Shane McHenry- getting tougher to get qualified people to want this job. Wants the county to have the best police force we can have. One said they wanted a pension. We cannot compare to Lawrenceburg- they have way more money. Some will stay their whole career if we have better benefits. 
$322,596- 20 year plan- this was advertised. Can consider this- Cannot consider the 32 year plan. Commissioners do not have to sign off on this. The merit board and council does. Stan Browns firm works on 91 of 92 county plans.
$442,396- 32 year plan- this goes to 6% You can phase it in to go to 32 years.- not to consider this till 2019.
McHenry- since you are all in favor of the 32 year plan- we need to come back in 2019 and re-present this. Morris and have more data and the impacts. Stan Brown- you have 8 year vesting in this plan. A lot of people have 10 year vesting. Many other communities are considering these options. 
Kraus Sr- Before we fund this- want to be sure we have medical insurance for the rest of the employees. Morris- we can only consider the 20 year plan- as advertised. 
Morris - said that at this time we are unable to afford the 4 additional jail officers. Zero it out Lansing agrees as does Kraus Sr and Ullrich.
They went on to drop a portion of the various costs in the sheriff budget. 
Cum Courthouse budget- patrol car hardware per John Lee and maintenance contracts. $70,000 and was $55,000 last year. $5k for computer hardware and $10k for the patrol car hardware. 
Highway Dept- Todd Listerman- $1.480.000 in MvHA acct. Just under $2.3mil by year end. Cash balance $684,000 by Jan 1 in that account. 
$2,966,000- is revenue. 
Should have $3,650,000 to spend 2019. We would spend $4,657,354 in 2019. He needs to cut $1,100,000 from his budget. Cannot use MVHA for this. Maintenance, safety supplies, bituminous, gas, hardware section. $621,000. Take equipment out- and that brings it to $1million to cut. The equipment repair and rental out for $60,000. Take out insurance and it will be $120,000 out. This leaves $300,000 in MVHA substitute. Cannot allocate for match money. So no applications in the beginning of 2019. This gives him  a cut of $1,120,000. Lansing said- you have done this before. Fuel and repair sometimes comes out of casino revenue. Leah Bailey thinks this will be enough to cut for Highway. They are trying to keep the match funds intact for roads. 
Wheel tax- dedicated tax for highway roads and their repairs- Cum Bridge is dedicated to bridges and culverts. Wheel tax is for roads- cannot be diverted to other depts. 
$19,487,062 is the budget number now.
Cash reserves at $1.1 million, if kept proposed budget at $22million. 
Riverboat funds- maybe take $145,000 out of capital improvement long term fund.
Morris wanted a number that reflected all the cuts made. $3,725,728 was what Leah could estimate. Gov’t operations is $4.7 million of the total. They have officially cut $2.5 million. 

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Environmental Groups Urge IDEM To Deny Revised Fly Ash Pond Closure Plan

Environmental Groups Urge IDEM To Deny Revised Fly Ash Pond Closure Plan

Click link to Eagle Radio 99.3 below to see story and letter sent to IDEM


August 15 Council Budget Hearings Finish Up

Council meets today Wednesday August 15  at 1 PM to finalize the budget hearings and consider tax increases.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Approved Minutes for 13 August 2018 County Council Meeting prior to the Budget Hearings

County Council approved minutes form August 13, 2018 morning meeting prior to the Budget hearings. Click link below.


Dearborn County Council Budget Hearings

Dearborn County Council Budget Hearings started Monday morning August 13 and continue until finished. Council is considering increasing current taxation or enacting new taxes.
Citizens interested in watching the process can drop in at the County Annex Building thoughout the day.

Thursday, August 09, 2018

9 AUGUST 2018 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

9 AUGUST 2018 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Jim Deaton, Chairman, Dave Deddens, Jim Helms, and Alan Goodman
ABSENT: John Rahe (who has resigned) and Jamie Graf (non- voting school board member)

Also present:Sue Hayden, county administrator and minute taker, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Connie Fromhold, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.
Title VI statement read as legally required.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES- July 12th Minutes approved
CLAIMS AND FINANCIALS- No Claims- Financials for the TIFs passed out.
Cushman Wakefield- Tom McCormack- was introduced by Terri Randall. She wanted to get the Redevelopment into the hands of some people who could get us to people interested in properties besides the Stone property.
McCormack is said they are commercial real estate brokers - and they are the 5 member team in their local industrial real estate department in this region. They have a lot of experience - been around since the 80s or 90s on their team. 
Deddens asked about Hirlinger. Terri Randall said Hirlinger hadn’t been getting emails and he wants 5 acres. They are keeping this out of the contract so Cushman Wakefield won’t be getting that commission.
Ewan said asked about contracts to get the legal cover doing Indiana work- getting it out of the company’s Indianapolis office. Tom sees this as a Cincinnati market area though.
They do mid size market too- 3-5 acre needs. Cushman only gets paid when a deal happens. Randall said they could get build to suit where people only want to lease- not own the building. They could then get developers involved for that. Tom said the beauty of our site is that they are uncontrolled- so their clients could even bring their own builders in. Sometimes construction industry has a potential buyer. They bring that in too. The DCRC owns the land- they are NOT obligated to accept a buyer unless they want to. Some contractors have a good knowledge of the site- we can recommend them - but if we REQUIRE them to be able to bid that changes the dynamic of the offering. Tom said you have to be careful of too many bid requirements- maybe just suggest they try different bidders. 
Industrial projects tend to buy buildings and then look for site to put it on. Generally of you look at any property you work outward- usually find prospects west Hamilton County. Businesses like to stay near where they are and their decision makers are. The DCRC has a leg up on the typical farmer or landowner.  
Randall asked where they could value the land if they donate the land- so that they can get their commission. It depends on what your process requires for appraisal. 
Tom- take the mystery out of the process. They try to make all fees transparent up front. Cushman Wakefield- became interested because we are positioned for it and the topography of Western Hamilton County is not suited for it- we are. Lack of available land in the traditional corridors is what is driving the to come here. SE Indiana is ripe for the picking right now. 
Tom- answering Goodman- we are going to start this project in the fall- if we could get 50 acres and get one or two parcels in the spring/summer with building. Getting thru winter into spring will be a test of this. 
Tom expects a warehouse component to the building- the building will look like a concrete box. Industrial users are building utilitarian buildings. What happens inside that can be vastly different. 
Next step is the development of an appropriate contract. Ewan said real estate contracts are her forte. Action is to work on contract and meet next month in September to decide to accept. 
Tom said- they are excited about this opportunity.    
Randall Avenue Business (Industrial) Park Sign- Terri- Deaton and Randall met with Lynn Weber Batesville Products. He (Weber) was opposed to the LED feature. wants a sign- and wants a lump sum. One time investment. And if it changes then another sum later. 
Using the US 50 Business Park name for this sign. Try to stay out of sign business. They will have an adjoining sign with spaces for the individual businesses who want to pay to have their name out there. Less than $1500 for each slot for a business. About 18inches wide slot to see from US 50. Wanting to know if there is any problem with park name change. (Rahe is absent today)- but Randall said they had researched that when they demolished dates old worn out one. It should be OK to change it. 
They will probably position on the half acre site. Save the one acre for potential use later. They will go back to Signarama and get the info emailed to the board. Also have to check with Planning Dept as they are moving and changing the sign.    
One Dearborn Contract- John Browner and EG McLaughlin were present from One Dearborn. Same contract and price - $40,000- and termination clause 60 days out -per Randall. Appreciate the opportunity to work together again. Board approved and signed the contract as did John Browner.
Deddens left at 9:30 AM
Hirlinger- still need something in writing from them. Tabled. 
Schools- asked the schools to present what they are interested in with regard to the TIF. They are working on this. Randall said she talked to others about this in the state and they are meeting to try to elevate the conversation to get this resolved for best practices that do not give them a share of TIF but work thru another way. They don’t want to open it up that they get a share- because then every one else is entitled to the share. The school are still working on theirs.
Board Appointment- There is a vacancy on this board and the Commissioners need some recommendations. 
Pricing and Recommendation for Duke $10,000 (tabled from last meeting) - Randall said- because of what they are looking at with Cushman Wakefield- they noted there is a stream on the west end of the Stone property that needs to be dealt with. The stream was taken out when 74 was constructed. Soil surveys. Phase One environmental site assessment- might need to be refreshed. EPA endangered species review. Banning Engineering could run these for them to get the site shovel ready. Randall went on with a bunch of items she has previously discussed regarding costs to demo house, flood plain on the corner of a piece, utility locations, etc etc etc. She said she hasn’t pushed any of these things yet as they aren’t causing problems with any projects. 
Wait till what Cushman Wakefield recommends per Goodman. Randall agrees. 
Ewan said the flood are is NOT owned by the county. That eliminates a lot of the problem. 
Randall- visiting OKI to see what is going on there and a conduit around the Highway 50 problem. Port Authority looking at some of those things also. 
Building an economic plan for all the cities towns and county. Using all of them to sort out what is important to do. First Ever Economic Development Plan for all of Dearborn County.
Leads have slowed down. Only some long shots remain to hear on right now. 
Company building on Whitewater Mills property to lease and will be operational by years end. There is an existing TIF bond. The real estate is owned by Whitewater Mill but the building is owned by another company. This is part of the plan that Whitewater Mill had when they came in. This will help pay off the bond earlier per Connie Fromhold- treasurer. 
Randall wants to have some financial analysis from Umbaugh and Tom Pittman from Barnes and Thornburg on these bonds to see what they have coming. Unless you want to wait to see what Connie gets back on this. She wants to know how she can use the money in that TIF area. If you get another user of that product then she can bring them in maybe.  Board decided to have Deaton and Terri and maybe Ewan talk to Pittman from Barnes and Thornburg and Umbaugh for about half hour to get info. 
ATTORNEY’S REPORT- finished all the leases and sent to Deddens and corrected for the lighting bill on all but Kenny Wingate’s. Will have that done. 
Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Madison Rahschulte -First to Run Races in all 92 Indiana Counties

Madison Rahschulte, 8th grader at St. Lawrence School, receiving Commendation from Dearborn County Commissioners August 7, 2018 for being the first person to run in races in all 92 counties in Indiana.



Present: Shane McHenry, President, Art Little, and Jim Thatcher

Also present: Connie Fromhold, Auditor, Andy Baudendistel, Attorney, and Sue Hayden, Administrator

TITLE VI STATEMENT FOR COMPLIANCE was read by Baudendistel as legally required.

Executive Session - 8:30 a.m. IC § 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(2)(B) 
For discussion of strategy with respect to...Initiation of litigation or litigation that is either pending or has been threatened specifically in writing.  As used in this clause, "litigation" includes any judicial action or administrative law proceeding under federal or state law.
ACTION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION:Board certified that they only discussed what was advertised. Action will be taken later in the meeting. 



Amanda Sampson of One Voice (drug awareness) to use the parking lot across the street from the Courthouse. Approved the request for August 31. She will coordinate with Sue Hatden on Tues or Wed of that week to get the lot free for that time in evening.

Grant application - Health Dept. Leader- Mary Calhoun- Picture of the Bus that will be mobile unit donated from library was shown to Commissioners. Committee decided to use some for Volunteers in Medicine located in Aurora. They can partner with them to get easier access to Hepatitis C data. They can put mobile bus down there to give vaccines. $4,221.00 will be used to help them. The state has already approved this project for them. This grant is ongoing as long as the federal funds are available. They are looking for non-profits to help out when they have money available.

Grant Application- JCAP- Tisha Linzy- Need to get better data. the database is very expensive so requesting $100,000 to get this access. It has to interface with many different programs. They want to take relapse and recidivism rates. they also want to be able improve the program too. The attorney general’s office ( where Aaron Negangard former prosecutor is employed currently( has encouraged them o get a grant to do this. This is being applied for thru the Lawrenceburg Grant program. Approved to seek this. Spillman is the only one that does this work so far and they have another contract with the county.

Property Discussion Richard Rees- He is being sued because of a septic tank that is in the floodway and afraid he will be put out of his home. He presented the idea that he can access the sewer in Aurora by getting a ROW across some county owned land. He has a guy who can bore this. Renihan from DCRSD spoke in support of this method of solving Rees’s problem. Hero will prepare easements from multiple property owners. Richard Probst’s property is the only one he hasn’t gotten an easement from yet. The county agreed to give him access to their parcel for an easement for his sewer line. It is contingent on him getting proper access from the other neighbors. Approved. 


HWC Engineering Agreement- this is an update to the road assessment plan that they have to get access to Community Crossings grants. $7500 cost for projects submitted in Sept 2018. The project gets let and bid awarded. Approved. Have till middle of Sept to get Community Crossings application in. Maximum allowable grant is $1million. More counties are using this now so we may get less so that everyone gets a piece of the pie.

2018 Line Striping Awards- lowest bid was $ 68,391.01 from Oglesby Construction from Norwalk Ohio. They did the job last year also. The other two bidders were $82,000 plus to $88,000 plus. Striping every road with 1000 vehicles per day. Approved Oglesby Construction. 

Pineridge Subdivision paving with concrete patch and milling and geotech fabric overlay etc 
Rohe - $ 178,691 and O’Mara $188,897.50  Approved Paul Rohe company as lowest bid. 

Proclamation for Madison Rahschulte- 8th grader at St. Lawrence has run in an organized race in all of the 92 counties in the state of Indiana. She is honored and recognized as the first person to accomplish this. Approved by Commissioners. Award presented and pictures taken. 

ADMINISTRATOR – Sue Hayden- went to grant writing course and has a whole new appreciation of the process. 

AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold  -Claims/Minutes from July 17 approved.

ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- from executive session- the Ramsey and Martha M Wilker case. Bill Shelton Building Commissioner- met July 25th on the site with Shelton and Baudendistel. The list of numbers needed to complete the jobs is inadequate in his opinion. He gave examples of the list and some real costs. The attorney for the Wilkers- said that document was proof of money that had been put into the project so far. They also show that money is read to be paid for the project. Bedding and Associates is associated with this. They had 90 days. The contractors were paid these amounts- per the attorney- and some had not been paid. By Dec 1st if not done the county gets to finish the property. the county has an agreed entry order that can be invoked and they will get a receiver appointed. This project has been going on since 2015. The lawyer keeps trying to get the project going forward. There is a contractor who will do all the exterior and interior work- no longer self work on this. Wilker cannot complete the tasks on his own. PJR Construction will complete this per the attorney. JP is doing the electrical work only now. There is a worry that he won’t get that done in time and the other work cannot be completed. Commissioners have been reticent to keep going on this as deadlines keep passing and things aren’t done. HAVE 2 WEEKS. Get all cleaned up and this will be a test of whether or not they will proceed with court. 

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS- McHenry commended Madison Rahshulte and how many races she’s won and how her dad ran the races with her. She’s on to a future of great things. Other commissioners agreed. 

LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION- Gayle Pennington- Clerk- secretary of state grant for election security improvement. She is requesting approval to apply for federal funds to have election equipment physically and electronically secured by the November election. She will reimburse for this expense. They are moving forward with the cameras to be on the equipment and tapes held for 2 years. Voting machines are secured behind a locked cage and then cameras will secure. Log book as to who can go in and out. $3081.24 for the grant. Approved.



Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

Monday, August 06, 2018

AGENDA Aug 9th DC Redevelopment Meeting

August 9, 2018
8:30 a.m., 1st Floor Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

  1. Call to order

  1. Title VI Statement for Compliance

  1. Approval of Minutes
July 12, 2018 Meeting

  1. Claims & Financials
    1. No Claims
    2. Financials 

  1. Unfinished Business 
1.  Cushman Wakefield 
2.  Randall Ave. Business Park Sign
3.  One Dearborn Contract
4.  Hirlinger
5.  Schools

  1. New Business
1.  Board Appointment

  1. One Dearborn Report  
1.  Pricing & Recommendation for Duke $10,000 (tabled from last mtg)

  1. Attorney’s Report

  1. Other Business

  1. Adjournment

DC Redevelopment Meeting August 9th

Public Notice

The Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission will hold a meeting on Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.

The meeting will take place at the Dearborn County Government Center, 165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 
in the Henry Dearborn Meeting Room located on the first floor.

Saturday, August 04, 2018

AGENDA August 7th MORNING Commissioners Meeting

 August 7, 2018 
9:00 a.m., Henry Dearborn Room
Dearborn County Government Center
165 Mary Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

Executive Session - 8:30 a.m. IC § 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(2)(B) 
For discussion of strategy with respect to...Initiation of litigation or litigation that is either pending or has been threatened specifically in writing.  As used in this clause, "litigation" includes any judicial action or administrative law proceeding under federal or state law.





1.  Grant Application – Health Department Leader, Mary Calhoun
2.  Grant Application – JCAP, Tisha Linzy

3.  Property Discussion – Richard Rees

4.  Highway Engineer, Todd Listerman
1. HWC Engineering Agreement 
2.  2018 Line Striping Bid Awards 

5.  Proclamation for Madison Rahschulte

VII. AUDITOR – Connie Fromhold
1.  Claims/Minutes

VIII. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel